Anti-Semite left wing radical murders one in San Diego Synagogue shooting

Radical lefties have been drumming up hatred for the Jewish community for the last couple of years and it came to a head in the shooting by a 19 year old anti Trump maniac in a Synagogue in San Diego today. You can depend the left wing media to spin the story to an anti-gun rhetoric even though the maniac probably violated half a dozen gun laws in the most restrictive state in the union.
The kid's a white supremacist. He ain't one of "ours."
Can't you read? This guy's "manifesto" indicates that he is white of European ancestry who claims to be of the Christian faith and hates women, Jews, Muslims, and just about everyone else
The party of LBJ, FDR (those damn Japs), and the KKK
Radical lefties have been drumming up hatred for the Jewish community for the last couple of years and it came to a head in the shooting by a 19 year old anti Trump maniac in a Synagogue in San Diego today. You can depend the left wing media to spin the story to an anti-gun rhetoric even though the maniac probably violated half a dozen gun laws in the most restrictive state in the union.
The kid's a white supremacist. He ain't one of "ours."

Duh. whitehall is just another self hating white surprise here.

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