Anti-Semitism and Zionism

As a Zionist Synthetic you are Anti-Semitic...Your Mantra decrees the ELIMINATION of REAL JEWS,which you are Systematically doing,it is Zionists that have diminished the role of real original Jewish people and your BOLLOCKS claim that Judaism is Entwined with Zionism is the most disgusting thing of all,AS IS ATTESTED BY THE ULTRA JEWS,WHO DETEST YOU ZIONISTS WITH A DEEP PASSION...THEY TOO LIKE ME,DISECT JUST HOW JEWISH YOU REALLY ARE,AND YOU FAIL THAT TEST COMPLETELY.




Does it look like Israel is winning or losing, kangaroo breath? Here, let me give you the first clue...

Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital and Orders U.S. Embassy to Move

Trump threatens to cut off US aid to Palestinian Authority

Trump as we all know is a total moron,but not to some Americans,some,you are the laughing stock of the world...the UN should no longer allow the US the power of VETO.....PERIOD,you should be put clearly in your place,anyhow no one listens to America anymore because you have no Credibility...steve
The UN without the US paying the bills?
You’re funny.
that would be no problem if they got no veto...then china and Russia would be happy to great would that be and funny...GOOD NIGHT AMERICA no matter what Indie,still love you man
China will be thrilled when we cancel our debt.
Netanyahu and Putin are far chummier than most people realize.
That would be right,you don't think you have to pay back you debt,after begging for it...without Chinese Money/Loans Americans would all be living in MUD HUTS IN A BANANA REPUBLIC,well you are half way ps Bum Buddies don't live forever
Does it look like Israel is winning or losing, kangaroo breath? Here, let me give you the first clue...

Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital and Orders U.S. Embassy to Move

Trump threatens to cut off US aid to Palestinian Authority

Trump as we all know is a total moron,but not to some Americans,some,you are the laughing stock of the world...the UN should no longer allow the US the power of VETO.....PERIOD,you should be put clearly in your place,anyhow no one listens to America anymore because you have no Credibility...steve
The UN without the US paying the bills?
You’re funny.
that would be no problem if they got no veto...then china and Russia would be happy to great would that be and funny...GOOD NIGHT AMERICA no matter what Indie,still love you man
China will be thrilled when we cancel our debt.
Netanyahu and Putin are far chummier than most people realize.
That would be right,you don't think you have to pay back you debt,after begging for it...without Chinese Money/Loans Americans would all be living in MUD HUTS IN A BANANA REPUBLIC,well you are half way
Not only took your mullah 10 hours to come up with weak tidbit.
By the way, China loves Jews because we do tons of business with them; they hate Muslims.
Is pointing out Israeli crimes against humanity antisemitism or not?

There is no reasonable argument for Israel committing "crimes against humanity" if judged in an objective and way and applying it fairly and equally to all countries. So, the answer to your question is that anyone pointing out Israel's "crimes against humanity" is unable to view the argument objectively and fairly. So yes, it is antisemitism.
Trump as we all know is a total moron,but not to some Americans,some,you are the laughing stock of the world...the UN should no longer allow the US the power of VETO.....PERIOD,you should be put clearly in your place,anyhow no one listens to America anymore because you have no Credibility...steve
The UN without the US paying the bills?
You’re funny.
that would be no problem if they got no veto...then china and Russia would be happy to great would that be and funny...GOOD NIGHT AMERICA no matter what Indie,still love you man
China will be thrilled when we cancel our debt.
Netanyahu and Putin are far chummier than most people realize.
That would be right,you don't think you have to pay back you debt,after begging for it...without Chinese Money/Loans Americans would all be living in MUD HUTS IN A BANANA REPUBLIC,well you are half way
Not only took your mullah 10 hours to come up with weak tidbit.
By the way, China loves Jews because we do tons of business with them; they hate Muslims.
I have just woken up indie.we are many hours ahead of you...China are very wary of Israel and the US,,,,stop kidding yourself,as your grasp of the modern world is so limited indie,I see I may have to help you here a
Is pointing out Israeli crimes against humanity antisemitism or not?

There is no reasonable argument for Israel committing "crimes against humanity" if judged in an objective and way and applying it fairly and equally to all countries. So, the answer to your question is that anyone pointing out Israel's "crimes against humanity" is unable to view the argument objectively and fairly. So yes, it is antisemitism.
They HAVE and DO you is that anti-semitism you total Idiot
The UN without the US paying the bills?
You’re funny.
that would be no problem if they got no veto...then china and Russia would be happy to great would that be and funny...GOOD NIGHT AMERICA no matter what Indie,still love you man
China will be thrilled when we cancel our debt.
Netanyahu and Putin are far chummier than most people realize.
That would be right,you don't think you have to pay back you debt,after begging for it...without Chinese Money/Loans Americans would all be living in MUD HUTS IN A BANANA REPUBLIC,well you are half way
Not only took your mullah 10 hours to come up with weak tidbit.
By the way, China loves Jews because we do tons of business with them; they hate Muslims.
I have just woken up indie.we are many hours ahead of you...China are very wary of Israel and the US,,,,stop kidding yourself,as your grasp of the modern world is so limited indie,I see I may have to help you here a
Hilarious...try reading something other than UN Votes.
I know dozens of people who travel constantly to China and the Muslims sections of China are under very tight scrutiny.
China doesn't take crap from your DNA pool.
that would be no problem if they got no veto...then china and Russia would be happy to great would that be and funny...GOOD NIGHT AMERICA no matter what Indie,still love you man
China will be thrilled when we cancel our debt.
Netanyahu and Putin are far chummier than most people realize.
That would be right,you don't think you have to pay back you debt,after begging for it...without Chinese Money/Loans Americans would all be living in MUD HUTS IN A BANANA REPUBLIC,well you are half way
Not only took your mullah 10 hours to come up with weak tidbit.
By the way, China loves Jews because we do tons of business with them; they hate Muslims.
I have just woken up indie.we are many hours ahead of you...China are very wary of Israel and the US,,,,stop kidding yourself,as your grasp of the modern world is so limited indie,I see I may have to help you here a
Hilarious...try reading something other than UN Votes.
I know dozens of people who travel constantly to China and the Muslims sections of China are under very tight scrutiny.
China doesn't take crap from your DNA pool.
LOL,could do maybe if I was what you think I am....By the way my DNA would be as Pure as the Driven Snow much like yours I hope...have a Gooday Indie...steve
Trump as we all know is a total moron,but not to some Americans,some,you are the laughing stock of the world...the UN should no longer allow the US the power of VETO.....PERIOD,you should be put clearly in your place,anyhow no one listens to America anymore because you have no Credibility...steve
The UN without the US paying the bills?
You’re funny.
that would be no problem if they got no veto...then china and Russia would be happy to great would that be and funny...GOOD NIGHT AMERICA no matter what Indie,still love you man
China will be thrilled when we cancel our debt.
Netanyahu and Putin are far chummier than most people realize.
That would be right,you don't think you have to pay back you debt,after begging for it...without Chinese Money/Loans Americans would all be living in MUD HUTS IN A BANANA REPUBLIC,well you are half way
Not only took your mullah 10 hours to come up with weak tidbit.
By the way, China loves Jews because we do tons of business with them; they hate Muslims.
By the way "WE" is that you are Jewish living in Israel??? no problem to me by the way...steve
China will be thrilled when we cancel our debt.
Netanyahu and Putin are far chummier than most people realize.
That would be right,you don't think you have to pay back you debt,after begging for it...without Chinese Money/Loans Americans would all be living in MUD HUTS IN A BANANA REPUBLIC,well you are half way
Not only took your mullah 10 hours to come up with weak tidbit.
By the way, China loves Jews because we do tons of business with them; they hate Muslims.
I have just woken up indie.we are many hours ahead of you...China are very wary of Israel and the US,,,,stop kidding yourself,as your grasp of the modern world is so limited indie,I see I may have to help you here a
Hilarious...try reading something other than UN Votes.
I know dozens of people who travel constantly to China and the Muslims sections of China are under very tight scrutiny.
China doesn't take crap from your DNA pool.
LOL,could do maybe if I was what you think I am....By the way my DNA would be as Pure as the Driven Snow much like yours I hope...have a Gooday Indie...steve
More like the flying feces hitting the fan.
That would be right,you don't think you have to pay back you debt,after begging for it...without Chinese Money/Loans Americans would all be living in MUD HUTS IN A BANANA REPUBLIC,well you are half way
Not only took your mullah 10 hours to come up with weak tidbit.
By the way, China loves Jews because we do tons of business with them; they hate Muslims.
I have just woken up indie.we are many hours ahead of you...China are very wary of Israel and the US,,,,stop kidding yourself,as your grasp of the modern world is so limited indie,I see I may have to help you here a
Hilarious...try reading something other than UN Votes.
I know dozens of people who travel constantly to China and the Muslims sections of China are under very tight scrutiny.
China doesn't take crap from your DNA pool.
LOL,could do maybe if I was what you think I am....By the way my DNA would be as Pure as the Driven Snow much like yours I hope...have a Gooday Indie...steve
More like the flying feces hitting the fan.
Let's see here. Anti-Zionists seek to deny Jews any sense of self determination.

Are they also advocating for the destruction of Japan, France, Russia, or any other nation state? If yes, and if they seek to destroy all nation states, they are following a principle and are not operating from an antisemitic position. . If no, and if Israel is the sole focus of their campaign to deny self determination, then they are an antisemite despite all the self-serving sophistry they might offer to the contrary

Got that kids?
Last edited:
Let's see here. Anti-Zionists seek to deny Jews any sense of self determination.

Are they also advocating for the destruction of Japan, France, Russia, or any other nation state? If yes, and if they seek to destroy all nation states, they are following a principle and are not operating from an antisemitic position. . If no, and if Israel is the sole focus of their campaign to deny self determination, then they are an antisemite despite all the self-serving sophistry they might offer to the contrary

Got that kids?
You described antizionists, not antisemites. You can hate the zionist regime and love Jews. You can hate the settlers and love Jews. You can criticize Israel for her war criminality and love Jews. You can deplore Hitler and love Jews.

I know for I am a Jew. And there are many more Jews who are not zionists. Less than half have made aliyah. There are 50 million Christian zionists in America alone which is several times more than all Jews on earth. The zionists are the true antisemites. We have a thread on this very topic.
Let's see here. Anti-Zionists seek to deny Jews any sense of self determination.

Are they also advocating for the destruction of Japan, France, Russia, or any other nation state? If yes, and if they seek to destroy all nation states, they are following a principle and are not operating from an antisemitic position. . If no, and if Israel is the sole focus of their campaign to deny self determination, then they are an antisemite despite all the self-serving sophistry they might offer to the contrary

Got that kids?
You described antizionists, not antisemites. You can hate the zionist regime and love Jews. You can hate the settlers and love Jews. You can criticize Israel for her war criminality and love Jews. You can deplore Hitler and love Jews.

I know for I am a Jew. And there are many more Jews who are not zionists. Less than half have made aliyah. There are 50 million Christian zionists in America alone which is several times more than all Jews on earth. The zionists are the true antisemites. We have a thread on this very topic.

You are missing the point. Deliberately?

Either peoples have the right of self-determination or they don't.

If they do, then the Jewish people have the right of self-determination. Period. That would be a pro-Zionist stance. You are a Zionist.

If they don't then none do. Including the Palestinians. The Catalans. The Koreans. The Spanish. The Egyptians. The Americans. None of them have a right to self-determination.

You can be either pro-self-determination, which makes you a Zionist.

Or you can be anti-self-determination.

But if you are pro-self-determination and anti-Zionist then you are also antisemitic.

Got it?
Let's see here. Anti-Zionists seek to deny Jews any sense of self determination.

Are they also advocating for the destruction of Japan, France, Russia, or any other nation state? If yes, and if they seek to destroy all nation states, they are following a principle and are not operating from an antisemitic position. . If no, and if Israel is the sole focus of their campaign to deny self determination, then they are an antisemite despite all the self-serving sophistry they might offer to the contrary

Got that kids?
You described antizionists, not antisemites. You can hate the zionist regime and love Jews. You can hate the settlers and love Jews. You can criticize Israel for her war criminality and love Jews. You can deplore Hitler and love Jews.

I know for I am a Jew. And there are many more Jews who are not zionists. Less than half have made aliyah. There are 50 million Christian zionists in America alone which is several times more than all Jews on earth. The zionists are the true antisemites. We have a thread on this very topic.

You are missing the point. Deliberately?

Either peoples have the right of self-determination or they don't.

If they do, then the Jewish people have the right of self-determination. Period. That would be a pro-Zionist stance. You are a Zionist.

If they don't then none do. Including the Palestinians. The Catalans. The Koreans. The Spanish. The Egyptians. The Americans. None of them have a right to self-determination.

You can be either pro-self-determination, which makes you a Zionist.

Or you can be anti-self-determination.

But if you are pro-self-determination and anti-Zionist then you are also antisemitic.

Got it?
Off topic and seal-determination doesn't mean removing another's, especially behind war criminality.

And thanks for agreeing with all my points.
I will also add that, in all my years of discussion on this topic, I have never met anyone who rejected self-determination for all peoples (including the Palestinians).
Off topic and seal-determination doesn't mean removing another's, especially behind war criminality.

And thanks for agreeing with all my points.

Um, no. Exactly the topic.

But let's talk about whether or not self-determination means removing other people's self-determination. When Czechoslovakia or Yugoslavia was divided, did any peoples lose their self-determination?
Off topic and seal-determination doesn't mean removing another's, especially behind war criminality.

And thanks for agreeing with all my points.

Um, no. Exactly the topic.

But let's talk about whether or not self-determination means removing other people's self-determination. When Czechoslovakia or Yugoslavia was divided, did any peoples lose their self-determination?
If you were on topic, you would tell me what is wrong here:

You described antizionists, not antisemites. You can hate the zionist regime and love Jews. You can hate the settlers and love Jews. You can criticize Israel for her war criminality and love Jews. You can deplore Hitler and love Jews.

I know for I am a Jew. And there are many more Jews who are not zionists. Less than half have made aliyah. There are 50 million Christian zionists in America alone which is several times more than all Jews on earth. The zionists are the true antisemites. We have a thread on this very topic.
Off topic and seal-determination doesn't mean removing another's, especially behind war criminality.

And thanks for agreeing with all my points.

Um, no. Exactly the topic.

But let's talk about whether or not self-determination means removing other people's self-determination. When Czechoslovakia or Yugoslavia was divided, did any peoples lose their self-determination?
If you were on topic, you would tell me what is wrong here:

You described antizionists, not antisemites. You can hate the zionist regime and love Jews. You can hate the settlers and love Jews. You can criticize Israel for her war criminality and love Jews. You can deplore Hitler and love Jews.

I know for I am a Jew. And there are many more Jews who are not zionists. Less than half have made aliyah. There are 50 million Christian zionists in America alone which is several times more than all Jews on earth. The zionists are the true antisemites. We have a thread on this very topic.

If you believe in the fair and equal practice of self-determination for ALL peoples then you are a Zionist. And there is no reason to differentiate between the Jewish people and the Zionist Jewish people. There is no need for language such as "Zionist regime" or "hating the settlers".

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