Anti Sharia rally in Austin spotlights brain dead left

thing is that the lefties , dopers , college students and other dregs are just attending a party protest looking for drugs and illicit sex which is found in abundance wherever lefties congregate . Afterall , austin is a college town isn't it ??

Thant brings back memories of when I was stationed in Austin in 68, yep just looking for a protest for free marijuana and down and dirty sex. No one but a few cared what the protests were about, we knew something to do with Vietnam. Austin probably hasn't changed much since then and yes University of Texas is located there. Most of them probably don't know what they're protesting today or yesterday.

Sharia law is not practiced in the U.S., except maybe for a few groups of them, so I don't know why they other side is protesting either. I guess maybe they wanted some free marijuana and down a dirty sex too.

It is practiced in many states.

You really want to show the difference?
You have to be a special kind of stupid to side with a bunch of unemployed twenty year olds and burnt out hippies.

I would venture to guess that those unemployed 20 year olds are college students going to UT on mommy and daddys dime and parents are republicans.

Wouldnt surprise me in the least.
I spent many years partying in Austin in my youth.
Back in those days the liberals weren't so bold because they knew they'd get an ass whipping.

Austin is a hell of a town, well back then and I hear now. I always said I was going to move back there, but after a trip overseas and then back to stateside just simply forgot about it until it became too expensive. Austin is where I first saw steppenwolf perform in one of the biggest bars I'd ever been in.

Austin is a liberal shithole now.

Back in the 70's it was about weird country music.
That devolved into weird country music with a liberal twist.

You really want to show the difference?
You have to be a special kind of stupid to side with a bunch of unemployed twenty year olds and burnt out hippies.

I would venture to guess that those unemployed 20 year olds are college students going to UT on mommy and daddys dime and parents are republicans.

Wouldnt surprise me in the least.
I spent many years partying in Austin in my youth.
Back in those days the liberals weren't so bold because they knew they'd get an ass whipping.

Austin is a hell of a town, well back then and I hear now. I always said I was going to move back there, but after a trip overseas and then back to stateside just simply forgot about it until it became too expensive. Austin is where I first saw steppenwolf perform in one of the biggest bars I'd ever been in.

6th street was my second home in those days.

What year? I believe 6th st is where I saw steppenwolf. Was it one or two over from the main street leading up to the capitol?
thing is that the lefties , dopers , college students and other dregs are just attending a party protest looking for drugs and illicit sex which is found in abundance wherever lefties congregate . Afterall , austin is a college town isn't it ??

Thant brings back memories of when I was stationed in Austin in 68, yep just looking for a protest for free marijuana and down and dirty sex. No one but a few cared what the protests were about, we knew something to do with Vietnam. Austin probably hasn't changed much since then and yes University of Texas is located there. Most of them probably don't know what they're protesting today or yesterday.

Sharia law is not practiced in the U.S., except maybe for a few groups of them, so I don't know why they other side is protesting either. I guess maybe they wanted some free marijuana and down a dirty sex too.

It is practiced in many states.

By state courts or just groups of muslims?
thing is that the lefties , dopers , college students and other dregs are just attending a party protest looking for drugs and illicit sex which is found in abundance wherever lefties congregate . Afterall , austin is a college town isn't it ??

Thant brings back memories of when I was stationed in Austin in 68, yep just looking for a protest for free marijuana and down and dirty sex. No one but a few cared what the protests were about, we knew something to do with Vietnam. Austin probably hasn't changed much since then and yes University of Texas is located there. Most of them probably don't know what they're protesting today or yesterday.

Sharia law is not practiced in the U.S., except maybe for a few groups of them, so I don't know why they other side is protesting either. I guess maybe they wanted some free marijuana and down a dirty sex too.

It is practiced in many states.

By state courts or just groups of muslims?

I think they practice it, but at the same time many states are moving to Ban it. So I have to back up on the " many states" where it's an out right law to allow it. I might have it backwards where as mentioned many states they're trying to ban it not implement it. Florida tried to pass the allowance of it not long ago.

( – Iranian American Lisa Daftari, an investigative journalist and contributor to Fox News, said on Friday that Sharia law is being followed by practitioners of radical Islam right here in the United States, even if many Americans think of the human rights abuses towards women by these practitioners as something that only takes place in the Middle East and Africa.

Iranian American: ‘Sharia Law Is Here in the U.S.'

Iranian American: ‘Sharia Law Is Here in the U.S.'
You really want to show the difference?
You have to be a special kind of stupid to side with a bunch of unemployed twenty year olds and burnt out hippies.

I would venture to guess that those unemployed 20 year olds are college students going to UT on mommy and daddys dime and parents are republicans.

Wouldnt surprise me in the least.
I spent many years partying in Austin in my youth.
Back in those days the liberals weren't so bold because they knew they'd get an ass whipping.

Austin is a hell of a town, well back then and I hear now. I always said I was going to move back there, but after a trip overseas and then back to stateside just simply forgot about it until it became too expensive. Austin is where I first saw steppenwolf perform in one of the biggest bars I'd ever been in.

6th street was my second home in those days.

What year? I believe 6th st is where I saw steppenwolf. Was it one or two over from the main street leading up to the capitol?

That was around 83.
The capital is on 11th street.
Those who want Sharia Law do not want to abide by the US Constitution.

You are being redirected...


Really, what did you expect? A considerable portion of U.S. domestic and foreign policy is based on the assumption that Islam in the U.S. will be different: that Muslims here believe differently from those elsewhere, and do not accept the doctrines of violence against and subjugation of unbelievers that have characterized Islam throughout its history. But on what is that assumption based? Nothing but wishful thinking. And future generations of non-Muslims will pay the price.

This is actually what I was thinking of.
I would venture to guess that those unemployed 20 year olds are college students going to UT on mommy and daddys dime and parents are republicans.

Wouldnt surprise me in the least.
I spent many years partying in Austin in my youth.
Back in those days the liberals weren't so bold because they knew they'd get an ass whipping.

Austin is a hell of a town, well back then and I hear now. I always said I was going to move back there, but after a trip overseas and then back to stateside just simply forgot about it until it became too expensive. Austin is where I first saw steppenwolf perform in one of the biggest bars I'd ever been in.

6th street was my second home in those days.

What year? I believe 6th st is where I saw steppenwolf. Was it one or two over from the main street leading up to the capitol?

That was around 83.
The capital is on 11th street.

Thanks, remember i haven't been there since 68. I was trying to remember the other day of the big park by the river we all use to go to on the weekends. You remember?
Wouldnt surprise me in the least.
I spent many years partying in Austin in my youth.
Back in those days the liberals weren't so bold because they knew they'd get an ass whipping.

Austin is a hell of a town, well back then and I hear now. I always said I was going to move back there, but after a trip overseas and then back to stateside just simply forgot about it until it became too expensive. Austin is where I first saw steppenwolf perform in one of the biggest bars I'd ever been in.

6th street was my second home in those days.

What year? I believe 6th st is where I saw steppenwolf. Was it one or two over from the main street leading up to the capitol?

That was around 83.
The capital is on 11th street.

Thanks, remember i haven't been there since 68. I was trying to remember the other day of the big park by the river we all use to go to on the weekends. You remember?

The alt-right inbreds are all working on a Sunday?

I realize you are far too stupid and ignorant to know anything at all, but is actually Arabs, Afghans and Pakistanis who are thoroughly inbred. First cousin or Uncle/Niece marriages are extremely common there.

The positive thing about the Leftist Maniacs is that the majority of them are Dead DNA because so many of them don't have even one child, a tiny percentage might have two children, but the majority of them have zero children because of The Environment, Militant Feminism and Faggotry.

As opposed to people on the Right who breed and have an average four children per family.

So after the old Commies are dead, which will be between 5-10 years, the younger Commies will be the last generation of the mentally ill filth, their deliberate choice of childlessness means they'll have self-Genocided themselves and for this Right-Winger's all over the world thank them very, very much.

There will be many, many more generations of Right-Winger's because we breed like normal people are supposed to do.
The alt-right inbreds are all working on a Sunday?

I realize you are far too stupid and ignorant to know anything at all, but is actually Arabs, Afghans and Pakistanis who are thoroughly inbred. First cousin or Uncle/Niece marriages are extremely common there.

The positive thing about the Leftist Maniacs is that the majority of them are Dead DNA because so many of them don't have even one child, a tiny percentage might have two children, but the majority of them have zero children because of The Environment, Militant Feminism and Faggotry.

As opposed to people on the Right who breed and have an average four children per family.

So after the old Commies are dead, which will be between 5-10 years, the younger Commies will be the last generation of the mentally ill filth, their deliberate choice of childlessness means they'll have self-Genocided themselves and for this Right-Winger's all over the world thank them very, very much.

There will be many, many more generations of Right-Winger's because we breed like normal people are supposed to do.

Natural selection can't happen soon enough.
The alt-right inbreds are all working on a Sunday?

I realize you are far too stupid and ignorant to know anything at all, but is actually Arabs, Afghans and Pakistanis who are thoroughly inbred. First cousin or Uncle/Niece marriages are extremely common there.

The positive thing about the Leftist Maniacs is that the majority of them are Dead DNA because so many of them don't have even one child, a tiny percentage might have two children, but the majority of them have zero children because of The Environment, Militant Feminism and Faggotry.

As opposed to people on the Right who breed and have an average four children per family.

So after the old Commies are dead, which will be between 5-10 years, the younger Commies will be the last generation of the mentally ill filth, their deliberate choice of childlessness means they'll have self-Genocided themselves and for this Right-Winger's all over the world thank them very, very much.

There will be many, many more generations of Right-Winger's because we breed like normal people are supposed to do.

Natural selection can't happen soon enough.

Yes and everytime I see Leftist Maniacs screaming their heads off I laugh at them, I think you childless freaks, people like me in 40 years our children will have had their own children creating a third generation and the childless Leftist Maniacs will be either already dead from sort of horrible sexual disease considering so many of them sleep around with Jungle Bunnies or if not already dead on their last legs.

It should warm every Right-Winger's heart the thought of the self-Genocide of Leftist Maniacs.
The alt-right inbreds are all working on a Sunday?

I realize you are far too stupid and ignorant to know anything at all, but is actually Arabs, Afghans and Pakistanis who are thoroughly inbred. First cousin or Uncle/Niece marriages are extremely common there.

The positive thing about the Leftist Maniacs is that the majority of them are Dead DNA because so many of them don't have even one child, a tiny percentage might have two children, but the majority of them have zero children because of The Environment, Militant Feminism and Faggotry.

As opposed to people on the Right who breed and have an average four children per family.

So after the old Commies are dead, which will be between 5-10 years, the younger Commies will be the last generation of the mentally ill filth, their deliberate choice of childlessness means they'll have self-Genocided themselves and for this Right-Winger's all over the world thank them very, very much.

There will be many, many more generations of Right-Winger's because we breed like normal people are supposed to do.

Natural selection can't happen soon enough.

Yes and everytime I see Leftist Maniacs screaming their heads off I laugh at them, I think you childless freaks, people like me in 40 years our children will have had their own children creating a third generation and the childless Leftist Maniacs will be either already dead from sort of horrible sexual disease considering so many of them sleep around with Jungle Bunnies or if not already dead on their last legs.

It should warm every Right-Winger's heart the thought of the self-Genocide of Leftist Maniacs.

Agree, they do sleep around and screw anything that walks today, today they make the sixties hippies look like Choir boys and nuns .

Yet they are the same rejects of society who raised and created the parents of today millennial of morons. Not all of course we do thank God have parents left who taught their kids about well everything we are fighting for today.

These jackasses will do themselves in without a doubt. The population is lowering , as an added bonus no babies to easy to abort
Gays with gays can't have a kid normally oh the list doesn't go on and on all the while destroying the normal human to human creation of a human baby............

Uuuugh this planet will be a genetic mess like we've never seen, although most of us probably won't be here by it's full impact of it all.

These scientist are retarded , so smart they're stupid, then start pulling away the ethics and the almighty word of Christian morals and values and it's Nutjobs gone wild creating fake DNA, fake babies, omg forgive the rant. LOL

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