Anti-Trump actor fights global warming, but won’t give up 14 homes and private jet

All you have to do is develop "renewable energy" which is cheaper than fossil fuels and produces the same or more energy as fossil fuels.

And that's being done. Given you say it's what you want, why are you trying to block it?

I can only conclude your butthurt is what drives you to leave humanity shivering in the dark. You'd rather see human civilization collapse than admit the dirty liberals were right, again.
All you have to do is develop "renewable energy" which is cheaper than fossil fuels and produces the same or more energy as fossil fuels.

And that's being done. Given you say it's what you want, why are you trying to block it?

I can only conclude your butthurt is what drives you to leave humanity shivering in the dark. You'd rather see human civilization collapse than admit the dirty liberals were right, again.

lol........except world governments haven't gotten the memo yet s0n!! So renewable energy is this huge thing in your bubble-world but nowhere else. Liberals who THINK their idea's are changing human civilization are a dime a dozen but its not conforming to reality in the real world........its called "legends in their own minds". because the rest of the world looks at it and see's there isn't dick evidence to back it up. This idea of renewables being cheaper than fossil fuels is a typical statement made by progressive zombies who read articles in Newsweek and the Washington Post and buy the crap hook, line and stinker........suckers.......:deal:

Fossil fuels will be dominating the energy landscape well past 2050...........and renewables will remain at far less than 20%. Conjecture and theory are ghey....................:spinner::spinner:. Every world government doing the opposite, especially India and China of course.

But keep the Disney thinking going around here s0n............this forum would suck ass without it!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
All you have to do is develop "renewable energy" which is cheaper than fossil fuels and produces the same or more energy as fossil fuels.
And that's being done.
Not by you - you freaking parasite. It's being illegally because of parasites like you who force other people to fund what you are too lazy or too incompetent to do yourself.

If you want - you do it.
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All you have to do is develop "renewable energy" which is cheaper than fossil fuels and produces the same or more energy as fossil fuels.

And that's being done. Given you say it's what you want, why are you trying to block it?

I can only conclude your butthurt is what drives you to leave humanity shivering in the dark. You'd rather see human civilization collapse than admit the dirty liberals were right, again.

lol........except world governments haven't gotten the memo yet s0n!! So renewable energy is this huge thing in your bubble-world but nowhere else. Liberals who THINK their idea's are changing human civilization are a dime a dozen but its not conforming to reality in the real world........its called "legends in their own minds". because the rest of the world looks at it and see's there isn't dick evidence to back it up. This idea of renewables being cheaper than fossil fuels is a typical statement made by progressive zombies who read articles in Newsweek and the Washington Post and buy the crap hook, line and stinker........suckers.......:deal:

Fossil fuels will be dominating the energy landscape well past 2050...........and renewables will remain at far less than 20%. Conjecture and theory are ghey....................:spinner::spinner:. Every world government doing the opposite, especially India and China of course.

But keep the Disney thinking going around here s0n............this forum would suck ass without it!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Don't hit mammaries with facts - she doesn't respond well to them.
I can only conclude your butthurt is what drives you to leave humanity shivering in the dark. You'd rather see human civilization collapse than admit the dirty liberals were right, again.
You can only "conclude" what you want to conclude - which is any narrative that supports your parasite lifestyle.

The bottom line is that you are selfish, greedy, and lazy. And you expect all of society to pay the price for your sins.
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[The bottom line is that you are selfish, greedy, and lazy. And you expect all of society to pay the price for your sins.

I can't stop you from living in cave and humping trees all day.

I can't stop you from screaming that people are evil if they don't go along with the "leave humanity shivering in the dark forever!" future that you're striving so hard to create.

I can just point out how immoral you are, and then laugh at your impotent meltdown that will follow.
The bottom line is that you are selfish, greedy, and lazy. And you expect all of society to pay the price for your sins.
I can just point out how immoral you are, and then laugh at your impotent meltdown that will follow.
Wait...your opinion is that I am the one who is "immoral" because I don't support your selfishness, laziness, and greed? :uhh:
Wait...your opinion is that I am the one who is "immoral" because I don't support your selfishness, laziness, and greed? :uhh:

My opinion is that your butthurt routine is making me sleepy.

Sheesh, go get a new stupid talking point. Nobody likes a lazy parrot.
I can't stop you from screaming that people are evil if they don't go along with the "leave humanity shivering in the dark forever!" future that you're striving so hard to create.
Do you think you have anyone convinced when you attempt to accuse other people of your own faults and bat-shit crazy ideology? You're the one trying to ban all energy and return people to the stone ages.

I can't tell if you're a troll or if you believe you can really convince others that the people who support affordable energy (and the wealth, jobs, and advancement of society that it creates) are actually the one's who want to "leave humanity shivering in the dark forever".

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