Anti-Trump Official Kerner Previously Urged IRS to Financially Ruin Conservative Non-Profits

Truly Fascist like tactics from a leading DemonRAT operative

Sure they did, that was proven months ago. The IRS was not the only one that was doing the same thing. FCC had several incidents and fired a emplolyee and she got a job with the Soros foundation
McCabe used FBI resources for his wife’s campaign. These Judicial Watch finds spurred irresistible public pressure for accountability for McCabe.

Unfortunately, the FBI and DOJ are still withholding McCabe’s text messages. The McCabe firing further shows the need for a full investigation of the numerous anti-Trump and other outrageous FBI abuses under Obama and McCabe’s mentor, James Comey.The FBI is not above the law. Mr. McCabe’s dishonesty taints both the Clinton email inquiry and Russia collusion investigation targeting President Trump, including the Mueller operation.

Oh my, another subversive, commie free thread...I am getting better at this!;)
Division B, Title 4 of this Act amended the Social Security Act to include foster children in the groups exempt from the requirement to present documentary evidence of citizenship or nationality in order to qualify for Medicaid benefits.

Amends title IV-E of the Social Security Act to provide for the making of foster care maintenance payments to private for-profit agencies.

Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to confer United States citizenship automatically and retroactively to certain foreign-born children adopted by citizens of the United States.

Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to exempt from specified vaccination requirements a child, ten years old or younger, who is seeking U.S. admission as an orphan being adopted (or already adopted) by U.S. parents, subject to the parents' affidavit that the child will be vaccinated within 30 days after admission or at the earliest medically appropriate time.

Provides grants to improve the quality and availability of care for individuals and families with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).Library Search - Child Welfare Information Gateway

Want more abuses go to the link.

Truly Fascist like tactics from a leading DemonRAT operative

According to who? Judicial watch? Deemed and unreliable source due to pushing Conspiracy theories and poor fact checking?

Find a real source then I'll consider thinking about it.
Big government unelected bureaucrats have been bastardizing and weaponizing our government since Clinton was really intensified under Obama and now we must fight back....a second term win for Trump would really put a dent in their corrupted unconstitutional desires and evil intentions.....
Just found another use for the wall.......
It ties in with Obama using the IRS to punish political enemies and then using executive privilege to keep the IRS head from testifying. If Hussein was a republican the nursing home might have released Woodward and Bernstein to plant a fake informant.

Truly Fascist like tactics from a leading DemonRAT operative

According to who? Judicial watch? Deemed and unreliable source due to pushing Conspiracy theories and poor fact checking?

Find a real source then I'll consider thinking about it.

Sure, let's rely on the likes of CNN, MSNBC, etc....the ones that do zero fact checking....dumbass.

Truly Fascist like tactics from a leading DemonRAT operative

According to who? Judicial watch? Deemed and unreliable source due to pushing Conspiracy theories and poor fact checking?

Find a real source then I'll consider thinking about it.

Sure, let's rely on the likes of CNN, MSNBC, etc....the ones that do zero fact checking....dumbass.


Lol @ Zero fact checking.

Oops, minor mistake, sometimes they make up their own facts...dumbass.

Truly Fascist like tactics from a leading DemonRAT operative

According to who? Judicial watch? Deemed and unreliable source due to pushing Conspiracy theories and poor fact checking?

Find a real source then I'll consider thinking about it.

Sure, let's rely on the likes of CNN, MSNBC, etc....the ones that do zero fact checking....dumbass.


Lol @ Zero fact checking.

Oops, minor mistake, sometimes they make up their own facts...dumbass.

Lol again! This time a some bloody tRumpkin accusing anyone else of "making up their own facts".

Irony so thick you could cut it.

It ties in with Obama using the IRS to punish political enemies and then using executive privilege to keep the IRS head from testifying. If Hussein was a republican the nursing home might have released Woodward and Bernstein to plant a fake informant.
I don't know about you but why should my tax dollars be used to subsidize the lifestyle of multi millionaires like Franklin Graham, Pat Robertson & Joel Osteen who live high on the hog off the suckers?

Truly Fascist like tactics from a leading DemonRAT operative

According to who? Judicial watch? Deemed and unreliable source due to pushing Conspiracy theories and poor fact checking?

Find a real source then I'll consider thinking about it.

Sure, let's rely on the likes of CNN, MSNBC, etc....the ones that do zero fact checking....dumbass.


Lol @ Zero fact checking.

Oops, minor mistake, sometimes they make up their own facts...dumbass.

Lol again! This time a some bloody tRumpkin accusing anyone else of "making up their own facts".

Irony so thick you could cut it.

View attachment 265493

Yep, deny, deny, deny...the democrat mantra.

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