Anti-Trumpers finding they have nowhere to go


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Gee, ya think?

It's great that they're voicing their opinions and refusing to kiss the Orange Ring™, but traditional Republicans have to get it through their heads that their choice is pretty simple: Either bend over for Trump and Trumpism, or rip the scab off and force the party into the wilderness for a while. There are no good short term solutions.

If traditional Republicans get primaried and beaten, which will be Trump's play, they will have to either run as an Independent or back the Democrat, and then hope for the best. What else can they do?

They have to play the long game. And how often do politicians do that? I wonder how many will just soften their opposition and give in to the Glorious Leader to save their cushy gubmit jobs.

This is Trump's party now. Ouch. Am I missing something here?
Gee, ya think?

It's great that they're voicing their opinions and refusing to kiss the Orange Ring™, but traditional Republicans have to get it through their heads that their choice is pretty simple: Either bend over for Trump and Trumpism, or rip the scab off and force the party into the wilderness for a while. There are no good short term solutions.

If traditional Republicans get primaried and beaten, which will be Trump's play, they will have to either run as an Independent or back the Democrat, and then hope for the best. What else can they do?

They have to play the long game. And how often do politicians do that? I wonder how many will just soften their opposition and give in to the Glorious Leader to save their cushy gubmit jobs.

This is Trump's party now. Ouch. Am I missing something here?

The 7 who voted for his conviction on the impeachment could do a lot of damage if they wanted to--Seven percent of the Senate is a lot in some matters. Toss in a few soft Democrats and you have some clout.
It's great that they're voicing their opinions and refusing to kiss the Orange Ring™, but traditional Republicans have to get it through their heads that their choice is pretty simple: Either bend over for Trump and Trumpism, or rip the scab off and force the party into the wilderness for a while. There are no good short term solutions.

If traditional Republicans get primaried and beaten, which will be Trump's play, they will have to either run as an Independent or back the Democrat, and then hope for the best. What else can they do?

They have to play the long game. And how often do politicians do that? I wonder how many will just soften their opposition and give in to the Glorious Leader to save their cushy gubmit jobs.

This is Trump's party now. Ouch. Am I missing something here?

You're missing a lot, but you always do.

Here's the thing. There's nothing unique about Trump. Trump is just a more distilled form of what the GOP has been doing since Richard Nixon and the Southern Strategy- Play on the racial, religious and sexual fears of working class white people to get them to vote against their own economic interests.

the only difference between a Trump and a Reagan is Trump is more blatant about it.

When Trump is finally gone, the GOP is not going to suddenly become enlightened on social and racial issues.

The problem is, Mac, what you want is a GOP that is Economically Conservative and Socially Liberal. The reality is, America is Economically Liberal and Socially Conservative. Republicans only sleaze their way back into power when the economy is going well and they can focus on the social issues. When the Republicans fuck up the economy (and they always to, because you don't want those working class folks getting any of that sweet, sweet money) the white working class is willing to entertain the idea of putting a Democrat in charge, which is how we got Clinton, Obama and now Biden.
Gee, ya think?

It's great that they're voicing their opinions and refusing to kiss the Orange Ring™, but traditional Republicans have to get it through their heads that their choice is pretty simple: Either bend over for Trump and Trumpism, or rip the scab off and force the party into the wilderness for a while. There are no good short term solutions.

If traditional Republicans get primaried and beaten, which will be Trump's play, they will have to either run as an Independent or back the Democrat, and then hope for the best. What else can they do?

They have to play the long game. And how often do politicians do that? I wonder how many will just soften their opposition and give in to the Glorious Leader to save their cushy gubmit jobs.

This is Trump's party now. Ouch. Am I missing something here?
Trump drinks their tears and laughs at you.

Do you really think he cares about them or if democrats rule with a rod of iron now?

Trump is no longer POTUS so why are all these threads about Trump??

If I were the lefty loons I would be singing Biden's praises.

Oh wait. I forgot. He kicked every American tax payer in the teeth on day one. Once his EO's kick I doubt he will get 30% approval. Oh and lets not forget his green shit. I guess you lefty loons don't have much to brag about. Never mind.
Trump is no longer POTUS so why are all these threads about Trump??

If I were the lefty loons I would be singing Biden's praises.

Oh wait. I forgot. He kicked every American tax payer in the teeth on day one. Once his EO's kick I doubt he will get 30% approval. Oh and lets not forget his green shit. I guess you lefty loons don't have much to brag about. Never mind.
Now if Trump had not really won, would they still be trying to impeach him?

Only a half wit loon like Mac would do that.
Trump is no longer POTUS so why are all these threads about Trump??

If I were the lefty loons I would be singing Biden's praises.

Oh wait. I forgot. He kicked every American tax payer in the teeth on day one. Once his EO's kick I doubt he will get 30% approval. Oh and lets not forget his green shit. I guess you lefty loons don't have much to brag about. Never mind.
Trump's four years were the most consequential presidential term of our lifetimes.

Those four years will be under a microscope for a LONG time. That is a given.

If that bothers you, too bad. I do know how you folks love to play the victim.
The 2 party system is a fraud to begin with.
It's sure as hell showing its flaws now.

But it's all but impossible for a new, more moderate party to take root and grow into anything significant. Apparently.

The masks have pretty much come off of whatever you want to call the 1 percent.

I really don't even know where to begin to fix any of this. The best advice I have heard is that it starts from the bottom up for change, not the top down. In other words, we as the people need to get involved with our local governments again. We have become lazy and complacent. Which is why the psychopaths and criminals are running the show.
If the article is correct, the push to form a third party may already be slowing, so any organized effort would have to come from within the GOP.

But 80% of the party is Q/Trumpster, and 99.9% of the energy in the party is there.

Talk about an uphill climb.
But it's all but impossible for a new, more moderate party to take root and grow into anything significant. Apparently.

Every third party in our history has been less moderate than the existing parties. While both our major parties contain extreme elements, they remain overwhelmingly moderate.
The 2 party system is a fraud to begin with.
It's sure as hell showing its flaws now.

But it's all but impossible for a new, more moderate party to take root and grow into anything significant. Apparently.

The masks have pretty much come off of whatever you want to call the 1 percent.

I really don't even know where to begin to fix any of this. The best advice I have heard is that it starts from the bottom up for change, not the top down. In other words, we as the people need to get involved with our local governments again. We have become lazy and complacent. Which is why the psychopaths and criminals are running the show.
Agree completely. The responsibility (and blame) for this is on us. As long as we refuse to change things, these people have a free pass. We can tell you who won on "Dancing With the Stars", but we pay no attention to this stuff. Self-inflicted wound.

And yes, change could begin at a local level.
The 2 party system is a fraud to begin with.
It's sure as hell showing its flaws now.

But it's all but impossible for a new, more moderate party to take root and grow into anything significant. Apparently.

The masks have pretty much come off of whatever you want to call the 1 percent.

I really don't even know where to begin to fix any of this. The best advice I have heard is that it starts from the bottom up for change, not the top down. In other words, we as the people need to get involved with our local governments again. We have become lazy and complacent. Which is why the psychopaths and criminals are running the show.
Agree completely. The responsibility (and blame) for this is on us. As long as we refuse to change things, these people have a free pass. We can tell you who won on "Dancing With the Stars", but we pay no attention to this stuff. Self-inflicted wound.

And yes, change could begin at a local level.

Great points. I have also heard on a few radio shows I listen to that they have ways of rigging the vote counts at the local level also. So that is another thing to be aware of.
The 2 party system is a fraud to begin with.
It's sure as hell showing its flaws now.

But it's all but impossible for a new, more moderate party to take root and grow into anything significant. Apparently.

The masks have pretty much come off of whatever you want to call the 1 percent.

I really don't even know where to begin to fix any of this. The best advice I have heard is that it starts from the bottom up for change, not the top down. In other words, we as the people need to get involved with our local governments again. We have become lazy and complacent. Which is why the psychopaths and criminals are running the show.
Agree completely. The responsibility (and blame) for this is on us. As long as we refuse to change things, these people have a free pass. We can tell you who won on "Dancing With the Stars", but we pay no attention to this stuff. Self-inflicted wound.

And yes, change could begin at a local level.

Great points. I have also heard on a few radio shows I listen to that they have ways of rigging the vote counts at the local level also. So that is another thing to be aware of.
Somehow the temperature has to be brought down. This stuff feeds on itself.
Those like Romney will never kiss the ring, and his voting base already knew he was very anti-Trump, so he has less to worry about than let say if it were Ted “ Cancun “ Cruz...

The possibility that the GOP will do as the WHIG did is possible but then it allow the Democrats to grow in numbers and stay in power for possible decades until a new party grows in strength to challenge them, so my question is does Trump and his base truly want a one political party rule because that is what they will cause if they allow the split to happen...

As I have said before it is better to have someone that votes with you 51% of the time than have the opposition in complete control...
Play on the racial, religious and sexual fears of working class white people to get them to vote against their own economic interests.

Yeah, it is Republicans who use racial fears to get elected. It is Republicans who vote against their own economic interests. Cheez.

Democrats would have NOTHING if it weren’t for identity politics. It is all they talk about. Every single one of Joe’s picks for his administration mention something about race/gender when getting hired. It plays into EVERY SINGLE thing the Democrats do. They prey on folks like you who are racist to the core and thus have a tremendous amount of guilt you must try to nullify.

Republicans are generally more successful, particularly white ones, right? You know, because of white privilege and all. ;) You seem to believe the old the Republicans are for the rich nonsense, when it reality they are for the working successful folks while Democrats care for the elites and for the complete economic losers, but even then only in part. For example, good ole’ Joe will undoubtedly raise gasoline prices with his ridicious green ideas, not to mention cost even more middle class jobs. The poor and the middle class suffer the most as not only gas prices rise but so does the price of a pizza. The wealthier folks don’t have to worry so much about this. Ole Joe and the Democrats want to raise the minimum wage across the nation to $15/hour. Same result, but they have tricked brick heads and low IQ min. wage workers that it will benefit them.

It is folks like you that are voting against their own self-interest by voting for Democrats. They have tricked you into thinking you are getting a good deal, meanwhile you will be bearing the brunt of their economic ignorance in the form of higher taxes and higher cost. Like I said, Democrats help the super elites and they help the super poor, but only to the extent that they will give them enough handouts to keep them off the streets.

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