Anti-Trumpers finding they have nowhere to go

Trump is no longer POTUS so why are all these threads about Trump??

If I were the lefty loons I would be singing Biden's praises.

Oh wait. I forgot. He kicked every American tax payer in the teeth on day one. Once his EO's kick I doubt he will get 30% approval. Oh and lets not forget his green shit. I guess you lefty loons don't have much to brag about. Never mind.
Trump's four years were the most consequential presidential term of our lifetimes.

Those four years will be under a microscope for a LONG time. That is a given.

If that bothers you, too bad. I do know how you folks love to play the victim.

Doesn't bother me at all. I guess you forgot before the very convenient Chines Virus hit. This country was in great shape. UE the lowest it had been in 50 years. Jobs all across this country and a great economy. All with Trump at the helm.

You won't get that with Biden. In fact I'd say we will be lucky to dodge the Second Great Depression with him at the helm. On day one he kicked every American tax payer in the teeth and when his EO's all kick in it will cost we tax payers up the ass.

You sure like playing the victim so too bad.
I know what you're told; that doesn't make it true.

Once again, you just can't bring yourself to discuss the OP.

Oh and just what wasn't true? Our country was in great shape before the very convenient Chinese Virus. And just who do you think had to tell me that?? LOL I have eyes and saw what was going on. You apparently didn't.

Oh and Biden has already screwed himself in his first days. Wait till his EO's all kick in and we tax payers get screwed.

Anti Trumpers have plenty of places to go. They are entitled to their beliefs. Just as I am.
The new undesirable extreme element of Republican Party now wants to form a new third party.
I think the party is beyond that. The GOP, and its massive infrastructure, is now fully owned by Donald Trump. One guy. We've seen this before in history.

So now the more moderate voices are on the outside looking in, and they're coming to the realization that THEY have to consider a third party.

I think that fight is OVER.
The Trumpist Q alliance that now controls the Republican Party may result in the remnants of the Party going back to their moderate conservative roots in the form of a third party. Let’s hope so.
Yeah. On one hand, cooler heads may prevail over time. On the other, I don't know if they're willing to wait that long.
You won't get that with Biden. In fact I'd say we will be lucky to dodge the Second Great Depression with him at the helm. On day one he kicked every American tax payer in the teeth and when his EO's all kick in it will cost we tax payers up the ass.
You seem to be COUNTING on this Depression. What happens when the opposite happens?

You'll have the sadz...

I'm hoping we don't have one. No one wants to see that again.

Biden has already added 1.9 trillion to the debt and he's only in his first month. His EO's are going to cost we tax payers up the ass so we just might see that Second Great Depression. Hope not but time will tell.
Funny how those that were in favor of the Senate convicting Trump in the Impeach
Gee, ya think?

It's great that they're voicing their opinions and refusing to kiss the Orange Ring™, but traditional Republicans have to get it through their heads that their choice is pretty simple: Either bend over for Trump and Trumpism, or rip the scab off and force the party into the wilderness for a while. There are no good short term solutions.

If traditional Republicans get primaried and beaten, which will be Trump's play, they will have to either run as an Independent or back the Democrat, and then hope for the best. What else can they do?

They have to play the long game. And how often do politicians do that? I wonder how many will just soften their opposition and give in to the Glorious Leader to save their cushy gubmit jobs.

This is Trump's party now. Ouch. Am I missing something here?
Let's see what happens for the midterms before planning a republican party split into 2 parties. Seems to me you are involved in a lot of wishful thinking. The democrats are in charge now, let's watch how well they govern.
Gee, ya think?

It's great that they're voicing their opinions and refusing to kiss the Orange Ring™, but traditional Republicans have to get it through their heads that their choice is pretty simple: Either bend over for Trump and Trumpism, or rip the scab off and force the party into the wilderness for a while. There are no good short term solutions.

If traditional Republicans get primaried and beaten, which will be Trump's play, they will have to either run as an Independent or back the Democrat, and then hope for the best. What else can they do?

They have to play the long game. And how often do politicians do that? I wonder how many will just soften their opposition and give in to the Glorious Leader to save their cushy gubmit jobs.

This is Trump's party now. Ouch. Am I missing something here?

The 7 who voted for his conviction on the impeachment could do a lot of damage if they wanted to--Seven percent of the Senate is a lot in some matters. Toss in a few soft Democrats and you have some clout.
I think you are right Candy.

There is been maudlin expressions of regret, about how polarized the nation has become of late, such a third rail coalition faction could play a pivotal function.
Funny to see how powerful Manchin has become, and that's a good sign.

Theoretically -- and this is probably just wishful thinking -- the more moderate members of Congress could create a gravity that pulls more in and leaves the loons on the sidelines.

Something has to happen here, pretty fucking soon.
When you call folks that have different ideas than you, "loons?"

YOU are the problem.

I have no problem with folks at the extreme.

The problem is unwillingness to negotiate and find a compromise. . . it is NOT having extreme views that is the problem. It is the type of thinking that holds that YOU have the only correct view, everyone else is a loon, and you are unwilling to find a compromise, or even consider anybody's ideas that you do not like, because you consider them a "loon."

Stop being an arrogant POS. Have respect for those who see the world differently than you, and we can build a stronger, better nation.

It is the hypocrisy and double standards that are creating these, so called, "loons," and if you don't see that? You have a severe case of myopia.
You are right, in many ways... which is sad, in and of itself...

But to me, even more sad, is how 'we got there'....

What has made the opposing sides, become so opposing? Why isn't there a basic truth, then arguing what you conclude from this basic agreed upon truth, vs what someone who differs concludes, anymore?

I truly believe, that what I believe, is based on truth, on facts, on verifiable evidence of facts.

And, those who differ with me, for the most part, believe, what they believe, based on 'their' truth, their perceived facts.....

Of, course I don't believe for one nano second that I haven't thoroughly researched the facts, or that my facts/truths, are not correct,

THUS their so called facts are not truth or facts, they are lies created by their media, that for some weird reason not understood by me, they truly believe.....

And I'm certain for most across the aisle, likely think the same of me, and my media, and my basic truths/facts.

The whole thing is very disconcerting, heart breaking to see our country finally reaching the stage of only half the country knowing what truth, actually is vs. created lies, and there is no way to reach them, to change their minds because they've been taught to hate you, been taught that you are the Enemy, been trained to believe NOT one single bit of MSM News, because it's fake news.....

And visa versa.... with them, towards people like me.

This will never end, unless we all have the same basic truths, to stand on... and I don't see that happening anytime soon.... :(

Please NOTE! I do not really blame the actual person across the aisle for the lies they tell, but I do blame their media, for creating or promoting lies.... that they end up believing.
You mean we aren't going to have a government of mostly white dudes. Trump brought in people like Devos, Rick Perry, etc. to run the departments. All white people, and most of them fucking incompetent.

Right, we are going to have a government full of people who were NOT appointed for their qualifications but because of their race and gender. I guess the idea of hiring the best person for the job has taken a backseat to the looney left who are more concerned with diversity alone. The next time you need major surgery, make sure you apply the same standard.

Wow, that was convoluted. If the GOP only had to rely on the votes of the "Successful", they wouldn't get more than 20% of the vote. 60% of the population controls less than 5% of the wealth in this country. If economic success were tied to political success, then Republicans would never win. But the Red states are poorer than the Blue states, mostly because they can get poor white people to vote against their own economic interests. Just like they got their ancestors to catch bullets so the Plantation Owners could keep living large.

I am counting even folks like you as successful, meaning you aren’t on the government dole. In general, ”successful” folks in red states vote Republican. The losers and a few super elites vote for Democrats. That is the reality that you can’t seem to grasp. If the government dole folks would get off their butts instead of relying on handouts promised to them by the Democrats, they could have a nice standard of living in a red state. In a blue state, you need to be quite a bit more “successful” to have anything close to the same standard of living as we have in red states. That is why ignorant Democrats keep moving to red states. They move because they can have a better life. Many just haven’t figured out that it is the Democrats they voted for in their blue state that was the impetus for their move in the first place. You can’t fix stupid.

Again, Last Two Democrats, we were better off when they finished than when they started. Last three Republicans, had economies that were worse than the ones they inherited. Which is why two of them were One Term Presidents.

COVID genius. You still haven’t figured that out have you?

Here's what's going to happen. Joe is going to fix Trump's fucked up economy. Then in 2024, you guys will go around not talking about the economy, but about some bullshit social issue like Trannies using the bathroom.

LOL...Joe can’t tie is own shoes. If by “fix” you mean open up the country which should have been done months ago, sure. Raising the min. wage, raising taxes, going green thus making us less competitive and effectively opening our borders is not a recipe for economic succcess. Only mindless drones can’t see this.
The 2 party system is a fraud to begin with.
It's sure as hell showing its flaws now.

But it's all but impossible for a new, more moderate party to take root and grow into anything significant. Apparently.

The masks have pretty much come off of whatever you want to call the 1 percent.

I really don't even know where to begin to fix any of this. The best advice I have heard is that it starts from the bottom up for change, not the top down. In other words, we as the people need to get involved with our local governments again. We have become lazy and complacent. Which is why the psychopaths and criminals are running the show.
Agree completely. The responsibility (and blame) for this is on us. As long as we refuse to change things, these people have a free pass. We can tell you who won on "Dancing With the Stars", but we pay no attention to this stuff. Self-inflicted wound.

And yes, change could begin at a local level.

Great points. I have also heard on a few radio shows I listen to that they have ways of rigging the vote counts at the local level also. So that is another thing to be aware of.
Somehow the temperature has to be brought down. This stuff feeds on itself.
You're the one who is constantly "feeding" your 'short-bus' grade three 'opinions'.
Frankly bitch you're boring.
Your 'Painting On Rocks' forum is missing you.
Trump is no longer POTUS so why are all these threads about Trump??

If I were the lefty loons I would be singing Biden's praises.

Oh wait. I forgot. He kicked every American tax payer in the teeth on day one. Once his EO's kick I doubt he will get 30% approval. Oh and lets not forget his green shit. I guess you lefty loons don't have much to brag about. Never mind.
Trump's four years were the most consequential presidential term of our lifetimes.

Those four years will be under a microscope for a LONG time. That is a given.

If that bothers you, too bad. I do know how you folks love to play the victim.
No fuckwit, it’s about you and your Nazi brethren suddenly not wanting to talk about your hero Beijing Biden. Then again, the utter failure and Carter level incompetence doesn’t leave you much to brag about. Thus, more whining about Trump.
Being "anti" isn't much to be. Being for something is constructive. It isn't clear, either, what being anti-Trump means. He was an embarrassment and a failure, but being against those attributes is not a program. Like being anti-Obama, it didn't get anything positive accomplished. It does, however, fit into this American madness of simple, binary reaction.
Play on the racial, religious and sexual fears of working class white people to get them to vote against their own economic interests.

Yeah, it is Republicans who use racial fears to get elected. It is Republicans who vote against their own economic interests. Cheez.

Democrats would have NOTHING if it weren’t for identity politics. It is all they talk about. Every single one of Joe’s picks for his administration mention something about race/gender when getting hired. It plays into EVERY SINGLE thing the Democrats do. They prey on folks like you who are racist to the core and thus have a tremendous amount of guilt you must try to nullify.

Republicans are generally more successful, particularly white ones, right? You know, because of white privilege and all. ;) You seem to believe the old the Republicans are for the rich nonsense, when it reality they are for the working successful folks while Democrats care for the elites and for the complete economic losers, but even then only in part. For example, good ole’ Joe will undoubtedly raise gasoline prices with his ridicious green ideas, not to mention cost even more middle class jobs. The poor and the middle class suffer the most as not only gas prices rise but so does the price of a pizza. The wealthier folks don’t have to worry so much about this. Ole Joe and the Democrats want to raise the minimum wage across the nation to $15/hour. Same result, but they have tricked brick heads and low IQ min. wage workers that it will benefit them.

It is folks like you that are voting against their own self-interest by voting for Democrats. They have tricked you into thinking you are getting a good deal, meanwhile you will be bearing the brunt of their economic ignorance in the form of higher taxes and higher cost. Like I said, Democrats help the super elites and they help the super poor, but only to the extent that they will give them enough handouts to keep them off the streets.
Yeah, it is Republicans who use racial fears to get elected
yeah like democrats dont do the same thing when it plays to their interests....
Funny how those that were in favor of the Senate convicting Trump in the Impeach
Gee, ya think?

It's great that they're voicing their opinions and refusing to kiss the Orange Ring™, but traditional Republicans have to get it through their heads that their choice is pretty simple: Either bend over for Trump and Trumpism, or rip the scab off and force the party into the wilderness for a while. There are no good short term solutions.

If traditional Republicans get primaried and beaten, which will be Trump's play, they will have to either run as an Independent or back the Democrat, and then hope for the best. What else can they do?

They have to play the long game. And how often do politicians do that? I wonder how many will just soften their opposition and give in to the Glorious Leader to save their cushy gubmit jobs.

This is Trump's party now. Ouch. Am I missing something here?
Let's see what happens for the midterms before planning a republican party split into 2 parties. Seems to me you are involved in a lot of wishful thinking. The democrats are in charge now, let's watch how well they govern.
Sure, and that's a different story. How the Democrats govern isn't going to have much to do with the GQP civil war.
Trump is no longer POTUS so why are all these threads about Trump??

If I were the lefty loons I would be singing Biden's praises.

Oh wait. I forgot. He kicked every American tax payer in the teeth on day one. Once his EO's kick I doubt he will get 30% approval. Oh and lets not forget his green shit. I guess you lefty loons don't have much to brag about. Never mind.
Trump's four years were the most consequential presidential term of our lifetimes.

Those four years will be under a microscope for a LONG time. That is a given.

If that bothers you, too bad. I do know how you folks love to play the victim.
No fuckwit, it’s about you and your Nazi brethren suddenly not wanting to talk about your hero Beijing Biden. Then again, the utter failure and Carter level incompetence doesn’t leave you much to brag about. Thus, more whining about Trump.
Nope, that's not what the thread is about.

But seeing you folks go straight to the deflection, vulgarity, personal insults and name-calling is not exactly a shock.

It really is a shame that you people simply lack the capacity for normal conversation.
The new undesirable extreme element of Republican Party now wants to form a new third party.
I think the party is beyond that. The GOP, and its massive infrastructure, is now fully owned by Donald Trump. One guy. We've seen this before in history.

So now the more moderate voices are on the outside looking in, and they're coming to the realization that THEY have to consider a third party.

I think that fight is OVER.
The Trumpist Q alliance that now controls the Republican Party may result in the remnants of the Party going back to their moderate conservative roots in the form of a third party. Let’s hope so.
you guys are talking like your party is just so aint....
The new undesirable extreme element of Republican Party now wants to form a new third party.
I think the party is beyond that. The GOP, and its massive infrastructure, is now fully owned by Donald Trump. One guy. We've seen this before in history.

So now the more moderate voices are on the outside looking in, and they're coming to the realization that THEY have to consider a third party.

I think that fight is OVER.
The Trumpist Q alliance that now controls the Republican Party may result in the remnants of the Party going back to their moderate conservative roots in the form of a third party. Let’s hope so.
you guys are talking like your party is just so aint....
I'm not a Democrat. I have intractable differences with that party, too.

And I resent Trumpsters for putting me in a position where I had to vote Dem.
Sounds like someone should bring back the Bull Moose Party.
Nope '58 - You're not missing a damn thing. 73% if Republican voters bought Donald's Big Lie and think the election was stolen. 58% think the attack on the Capitol was "mostly AntiFa". This is gonna be a long slog my friend ;)

By double digits, 46%-27%, those surveyed say they would abandon the GOP and join the Trump party if the former president decided to create one. The rest are undecided.​
By 2-1, 59%-29%, Trump voters say they want him to run for president again in 2024. If he ran, three of four, 76%, would support him for the nomination; 85% would vote for him in a general election.​
Three of four, 73%, say Biden wasn't legitimately elected. Most don't want their representatives to cooperate with him, even if that means gridlock in Washington.​
Six in 10, 62%, say congressional Republicans "should do their best to stand up to Biden on major policies, even if it means little gets passed." That's more than double the 26% who say congressional Republicans "should do their best to work with Biden on major policies, even if it means making compromises."​
Asked to describe what happened during the assault on the Capitol, 58% of Trump voters call it "mostly an antifa-inspired attack that only involved a few Trump supporters." That's more than double the 28% who call it "a rally of Trump supporters, some of whom attacked the Capitol." Four percent call it "an attempted coup inspired by President Trump."​
Trump voters are prepared to punish those who crossed him. Eight in 10 say they would be less likely to vote for a Republican candidate who supported Trump's impeachment, as 10 representatives did in the House. An equal portion, 80%, say the seven Republican senators who voted to convict Trump were motivated by political calculations, not their consciences.​
Trump doesn't need to form a third party, says Francis Zovko, 63, a Republican from Jefferson Hills, Pennsylvania. "I think he's just going to, you know, take over the Republican Party, much as he did in 2016," the systems analyst says. "They all kind of thought he was a big joke, and by the end, they weren't laughing anymore."​

Gee, ya think?

It's great that they're voicing their opinions and refusing to kiss the Orange Ring™, but traditional Republicans have to get it through their heads that their choice is pretty simple: Either bend over for Trump and Trumpism, or rip the scab off and force the party into the wilderness for a while. There are no good short term solutions.

If traditional Republicans get primaried and beaten, which will be Trump's play, they will have to either run as an Independent or back the Democrat, and then hope for the best. What else can they do?

They have to play the long game. And how often do politicians do that? I wonder how many will just soften their opposition and give in to the Glorious Leader to save their cushy gubmit jobs.

This is Trump's party now. Ouch. Am I missing something here?

The 7 who voted for his conviction on the impeachment could do a lot of damage if they wanted to--Seven percent of the Senate is a lot in some matters. Toss in a few soft Democrats and you have some clout.
I think you are right Candy.

There is been maudlin expressions of regret, about how polarized the nation has become of late, such a third rail coalition faction could play a pivotal function.
Funny to see how powerful Manchin has become, and that's a good sign.

Theoretically -- and this is probably just wishful thinking -- the more moderate members of Congress could create a gravity that pulls more in and leaves the loons on the sidelines.

Something has to happen here, pretty fucking soon.
A third party could create all kinds of unforeseen problems with the Electoral college win, is what I'm thinking.... and if shy of 270, then it goes to congress, to pick....

Do we really want congress to choose our presidents, from here on, out?

If say, never reaching the 270 needed because it is split 3 ways?

I think that's correct Cares. The EC would have to be relegated to the dustbin of history where it belongs if we had three seriously competitive parties. And that wouldn't be a bad thing. Personally, I'm sick of some clown in Wyoming or Alaska having 2-3 times the voting power as those in CA, TX or NY.

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