Anti-Trumpers finding they have nowhere to go

You are right, in many ways... which is sad, in and of itself...

But to me, even more sad, is how 'we got there'....

What has made the opposing sides, become so opposing? Why isn't there a basic truth, then arguing what you conclude from this basic agreed upon truth, vs what someone who differs concludes, anymore?

I truly believe, that what I believe, is based on truth, on facts, on verifiable evidence of facts.

And, those who differ with me, for the most part, believe, what they believe, based on 'their' truth, their perceived facts.....

Of, course I don't believe for one nano second that I haven't thoroughly researched the facts, or that my facts/truths, are not correct,

THUS their so called facts are not truth or facts, they are lies created by their media, that for some weird reason not understood by me, they truly believe.....

And I'm certain for most across the aisle, likely think the same of me, and my media, and my basic truths/facts.

The whole thing is very disconcerting, heart breaking to see our country finally reaching the stage of only half the country knowing what truth, actually is vs. created lies, and there is no way to reach them, to change their minds because they've been taught to hate you, been taught that you are the Enemy, been trained to believe NOT one single bit of MSM News, because it's fake news.....

And visa versa.... with them, towards people like me.

This will never end, unless we all have the same basic truths, to stand on... and I don't see that happening anytime soon.... :(

Please NOTE! I do not really blame the actual person across the aisle for the lies they tell, but I do blame their media, for creating or promoting lies.... that they end up believing.

And of course that IS the problem. When I started paying attention to politics in high school mid-late 70s and all the way through the 90s, there existed normal media which for the most part started with the same set of set of FACTS.

Now the media sources that still do that are deemed left wing moonbattery and sites like Gateway Pundit/ American Thinker/ PJMedia, shit people read on Facebook, hear on squawk radio, and TV such as OAN and Newsmax are cited as "truth".

Unless and until we can agree on a fact-based starting point, I'm afraid we'll be in for more of the same.
Nope '58 - You're not missing a damn thing. 73% if Republican voters bought Donald's Big Lie and think the election was stolen. 58% think the attack on the Capitol was "mostly AntiFa". This is gonna be a long slog my friend ;)

By double digits, 46%-27%, those surveyed say they would abandon the GOP and join the Trump party if the former president decided to create one. The rest are undecided.​
By 2-1, 59%-29%, Trump voters say they want him to run for president again in 2024. If he ran, three of four, 76%, would support him for the nomination; 85% would vote for him in a general election.​
Three of four, 73%, say Biden wasn't legitimately elected. Most don't want their representatives to cooperate with him, even if that means gridlock in Washington.​
Six in 10, 62%, say congressional Republicans "should do their best to stand up to Biden on major policies, even if it means little gets passed." That's more than double the 26% who say congressional Republicans "should do their best to work with Biden on major policies, even if it means making compromises."​
Asked to describe what happened during the assault on the Capitol, 58% of Trump voters call it "mostly an antifa-inspired attack that only involved a few Trump supporters." That's more than double the 28% who call it "a rally of Trump supporters, some of whom attacked the Capitol." Four percent call it "an attempted coup inspired by President Trump."​
Trump voters are prepared to punish those who crossed him. Eight in 10 say they would be less likely to vote for a Republican candidate who supported Trump's impeachment, as 10 representatives did in the House. An equal portion, 80%, say the seven Republican senators who voted to convict Trump were motivated by political calculations, not their consciences.​
Trump doesn't need to form a third party, says Francis Zovko, 63, a Republican from Jefferson Hills, Pennsylvania. "I think he's just going to, you know, take over the Republican Party, much as he did in 2016," the systems analyst says. "They all kind of thought he was a big joke, and by the end, they weren't laughing anymore."​

/——/ 100% of democRATs bought the lie that Hildabeast had the election stolen from her in 2016. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
You are right, in many ways... which is sad, in and of itself...

But to me, even more sad, is how 'we got there'....

What has made the opposing sides, become so opposing? Why isn't there a basic truth, then arguing what you conclude from this basic agreed upon truth, vs what someone who differs concludes, anymore?

I truly believe, that what I believe, is based on truth, on facts, on verifiable evidence of facts.

And, those who differ with me, for the most part, believe, what they believe, based on 'their' truth, their perceived facts.....

Of, course I don't believe for one nano second that I haven't thoroughly researched the facts, or that my facts/truths, are not correct,

THUS their so called facts are not truth or facts, they are lies created by their media, that for some weird reason not understood by me, they truly believe.....

And I'm certain for most across the aisle, likely think the same of me, and my media, and my basic truths/facts.

The whole thing is very disconcerting, heart breaking to see our country finally reaching the stage of only half the country knowing what truth, actually is vs. created lies, and there is no way to reach them, to change their minds because they've been taught to hate you, been taught that you are the Enemy, been trained to believe NOT one single bit of MSM News, because it's fake news.....

And visa versa.... with them, towards people like me.

This will never end, unless we all have the same basic truths, to stand on... and I don't see that happening anytime soon.... :(

Please NOTE! I do not really blame the actual person across the aisle for the lies they tell, but I do blame their media, for creating or promoting lies.... that they end up believing.

And of course that IS the problem. When I started paying attention to politics in high school mid-late 70s and all the way through the 90s, there existed normal media which for the most part started with the same set of set of FACTS.

Now the media sources that still do that are deemed left wing moonbattery and sites like Gateway Pundit/ American Thinker/ PJMedia, shit people read on Facebook, hear on squawk radio, and TV such as OAN and Newsmax are cited as "truth".

Unless and until we can agree on a fact-based starting point, I'm afraid we'll be in for more of the same.
/——/ “such as OAN and Newsmax are cited as "truth".
Prove they aren’t. You won’t because you can’t. And you forgot Fox lies Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Gee, ya think?

It's great that they're voicing their opinions and refusing to kiss the Orange Ring™, but traditional Republicans have to get it through their heads that their choice is pretty simple: Either bend over for Trump and Trumpism, or rip the scab off and force the party into the wilderness for a while. There are no good short term solutions.

If traditional Republicans get primaried and beaten, which will be Trump's play, they will have to either run as an Independent or back the Democrat, and then hope for the best. What else can they do?

They have to play the long game. And how often do politicians do that? I wonder how many will just soften their opposition and give in to the Glorious Leader to save their cushy gubmit jobs.

This is Trump's party now. Ouch. Am I missing something here?
Today's Republican Party isn't where they are are because of Trump, Trump rose to where he is because of the Republican Party.

Trump isn't the problem, he's the symptom.

Republicans have a lot of self-searching to do.
You are right, in many ways... which is sad, in and of itself...

But to me, even more sad, is how 'we got there'....

What has made the opposing sides, become so opposing? Why isn't there a basic truth, then arguing what you conclude from this basic agreed upon truth, vs what someone who differs concludes, anymore?

I truly believe, that what I believe, is based on truth, on facts, on verifiable evidence of facts.

And, those who differ with me, for the most part, believe, what they believe, based on 'their' truth, their perceived facts.....

Of, course I don't believe for one nano second that I haven't thoroughly researched the facts, or that my facts/truths, are not correct,

THUS their so called facts are not truth or facts, they are lies created by their media, that for some weird reason not understood by me, they truly believe.....

And I'm certain for most across the aisle, likely think the same of me, and my media, and my basic truths/facts.

The whole thing is very disconcerting, heart breaking to see our country finally reaching the stage of only half the country knowing what truth, actually is vs. created lies, and there is no way to reach them, to change their minds because they've been taught to hate you, been taught that you are the Enemy, been trained to believe NOT one single bit of MSM News, because it's fake news.....

And visa versa.... with them, towards people like me.

This will never end, unless we all have the same basic truths, to stand on... and I don't see that happening anytime soon.... :(

Please NOTE! I do not really blame the actual person across the aisle for the lies they tell, but I do blame their media, for creating or promoting lies.... that they end up believing.

And of course that IS the problem. When I started paying attention to politics in high school mid-late 70s and all the way through the 90s, there existed normal media which for the most part started with the same set of set of FACTS.

Now the media sources that still do that are deemed left wing moonbattery and sites like Gateway Pundit/ American Thinker/ PJMedia, shit people read on Facebook, hear on squawk radio, and TV such as OAN and Newsmax are cited as "truth".

Unless and until we can agree on a fact-based starting point, I'm afraid we'll be in for more of the same.
/——/ “such as OAN and Newsmax are cited as "truth".
Prove they aren’t. You won’t because you can’t. And you forgot Fox lies Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

That's like saying "prove that Alex Jones is a conspiracy theorist" - IOW ....

/——/ 100% of democRATs bought the lie that Hildabeast had the election stolen from her in 2016. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

I didn't. It was evident that Donald had pulled off an inside straight to squeak the EC by 77,000 votes in three states. Which is why "Hildabeast" conceded the morning after the election and didn't file 100 lawsuits and start strong-arming D governors and secretaries of state to "find" votes. She also didn't instruct her minions to sack the capitol to keep them from certifying the election.
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Gee, ya think?

It's great that they're voicing their opinions and refusing to kiss the Orange Ring™, but traditional Republicans have to get it through their heads that their choice is pretty simple: Either bend over for Trump and Trumpism, or rip the scab off and force the party into the wilderness for a while. There are no good short term solutions.

If traditional Republicans get primaried and beaten, which will be Trump's play, they will have to either run as an Independent or back the Democrat, and then hope for the best. What else can they do?

They have to play the long game. And how often do politicians do that? I wonder how many will just soften their opposition and give in to the Glorious Leader to save their cushy gubmit jobs.

This is Trump's party now. Ouch. Am I missing something here?
I think (we) voters play the long game. Biden's already letting people into America who we know will not qualify for either amnesty or immigration. To Biden's credit, he's stiff arming the progressives on "forgiving" 50K in loans, which is a gift to the people who could afford college in the first place, and an national immediate $15 min wage, which will hurt jobs in poorer states ..... but you can see the progressive elitists are now the backbone of the dems .... look at the House seats lost and Schumer running from AOC.

The Trumpstettes will never accept the truth that there was no more stolen election in 20 than in 16. But are the Trumpstettes any different than AOC's squad? They cost the centrist at least 12 House seats and threaten to primary more. The GOP is better than even money to take the House.
Gee, ya think?

It's great that they're voicing their opinions and refusing to kiss the Orange Ring™, but traditional Republicans have to get it through their heads that their choice is pretty simple: Either bend over for Trump and Trumpism, or rip the scab off and force the party into the wilderness for a while. There are no good short term solutions.

If traditional Republicans get primaried and beaten, which will be Trump's play, they will have to either run as an Independent or back the Democrat, and then hope for the best. What else can they do?

They have to play the long game. And how often do politicians do that? I wonder how many will just soften their opposition and give in to the Glorious Leader to save their cushy gubmit jobs.

This is Trump's party now. Ouch. Am I missing something here?
I think (we) voters play the long game. Biden's already letting people into America who we know will not qualify for either amnesty or immigration. To Biden's credit, he's stiff arming the progressives on "forgiving" 50K in loans, which is a gift to the people who could afford college in the first place, and an national immediate $15 min wage, which will hurt jobs in poorer states ..... but you can see the progressive elitists are now the backbone of the dems .... look at the House seats lost and Schumer running from AOC.

The Trumpstettes will never accept the truth that there was no more stolen election in 20 than in 16. But are the Trumpstettes any different than AOC's squad? They cost the centrist at least 12 House seats and threaten to primary more. The GOP is better than even money to take the House.
That's an interesting point: Americans are more likely to think long term, while our politicians are thinking about their next phone call with a donor.

2022 will be REALLY interesting. Trump's influence will be huge because they're going to primary any Republican who doesn't get in line. How would all these Trumpster / Qanon / conspiracy theory candidates do in their general elections? Who knows.

You are right, in many ways... which is sad, in and of itself...

But to me, even more sad, is how 'we got there'....

What has made the opposing sides, become so opposing? Why isn't there a basic truth, then arguing what you conclude from this basic agreed upon truth, vs what someone who differs concludes, anymore?

I truly believe, that what I believe, is based on truth, on facts, on verifiable evidence of facts.

And, those who differ with me, for the most part, believe, what they believe, based on 'their' truth, their perceived facts.....

Of, course I don't believe for one nano second that I haven't thoroughly researched the facts, or that my facts/truths, are not correct,

THUS their so called facts are not truth or facts, they are lies created by their media, that for some weird reason not understood by me, they truly believe.....

And I'm certain for most across the aisle, likely think the same of me, and my media, and my basic truths/facts.

The whole thing is very disconcerting, heart breaking to see our country finally reaching the stage of only half the country knowing what truth, actually is vs. created lies, and there is no way to reach them, to change their minds because they've been taught to hate you, been taught that you are the Enemy, been trained to believe NOT one single bit of MSM News, because it's fake news.....

And visa versa.... with them, towards people like me.

This will never end, unless we all have the same basic truths, to stand on... and I don't see that happening anytime soon.... :(

Please NOTE! I do not really blame the actual person across the aisle for the lies they tell, but I do blame their media, for creating or promoting lies.... that they end up believing.

And of course that IS the problem. When I started paying attention to politics in high school mid-late 70s and all the way through the 90s, there existed normal media which for the most part started with the same set of set of FACTS.

Now the media sources that still do that are deemed left wing moonbattery and sites like Gateway Pundit/ American Thinker/ PJMedia, shit people read on Facebook, hear on squawk radio, and TV such as OAN and Newsmax are cited as "truth".

Unless and until we can agree on a fact-based starting point, I'm afraid we'll be in for more of the same.
/——/ “such as OAN and Newsmax are cited as "truth".
Prove they aren’t. You won’t because you can’t. And you forgot Fox lies Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
OAN and Newsmax are propaganda. But watching the CNN miniseries on Lincoln last night, I was reminded that OAN and Newsmax had their forerunners in the print media. Despite civil rights and vietnam, those of us who grew up during the boomer years probably lived in one of the more civil or unified periods of America.
Gee, ya think?

It's great that they're voicing their opinions and refusing to kiss the Orange Ring™, but traditional Republicans have to get it through their heads that their choice is pretty simple: Either bend over for Trump and Trumpism, or rip the scab off and force the party into the wilderness for a while. There are no good short term solutions.

If traditional Republicans get primaried and beaten, which will be Trump's play, they will have to either run as an Independent or back the Democrat, and then hope for the best. What else can they do?

They have to play the long game. And how often do politicians do that? I wonder how many will just soften their opposition and give in to the Glorious Leader to save their cushy gubmit jobs.

This is Trump's party now. Ouch. Am I missing something here?
I'm pretty much waiting for Dump to die or go to jail, whichever comes first is for the better. (-: But the party will reinvent itself on issues. Sure, I'll still be stuck with the assholes who think insurgency and attacking the capital and congress is all jolly good, but hopefully the elected officials will not incite them to do it.
This is Trump's party now. Ouch. Am I missing something here?
It's always been this way...only the rolls were reversed. We either voted for the milquetoast Romneys, Doles and McCains...or sat it out and let the Democrats win.

Now the shoe is on the other foot and the Establishment gets to make the same choices we have.

I held my nose and voted for Romney and McCain...and many Establishment Republicans will make the same choice.
Gee, ya think?

It's great that they're voicing their opinions and refusing to kiss the Orange Ring™, but traditional Republicans have to get it through their heads that their choice is pretty simple: Either bend over for Trump and Trumpism, or rip the scab off and force the party into the wilderness for a while. There are no good short term solutions.

If traditional Republicans get primaried and beaten, which will be Trump's play, they will have to either run as an Independent or back the Democrat, and then hope for the best. What else can they do?

They have to play the long game. And how often do politicians do that? I wonder how many will just soften their opposition and give in to the Glorious Leader to save their cushy gubmit jobs.

This is Trump's party now. Ouch. Am I missing something here?
I think (we) voters play the long game. Biden's already letting people into America who we know will not qualify for either amnesty or immigration. To Biden's credit, he's stiff arming the progressives on "forgiving" 50K in loans, which is a gift to the people who could afford college in the first place, and an national immediate $15 min wage, which will hurt jobs in poorer states ..... but you can see the progressive elitists are now the backbone of the dems .... look at the House seats lost and Schumer running from AOC.

The Trumpstettes will never accept the truth that there was no more stolen election in 20 than in 16. But are the Trumpstettes any different than AOC's squad? They cost the centrist at least 12 House seats and threaten to primary more. The GOP is better than even money to take the House.
That's an interesting point: Americans are more likely to think long term, while our politicians are thinking about their next phone call with a donor.

2022 will be REALLY interesting. Trump's influence will be huge because they're going to primary any Republican who doesn't get in line. How would all these Trumpster / Qanon / conspiracy theory candidates do in their general elections? Who knows.

imo how the Trumpestte/QAnon assholes do pretty much depends on how red their states are, and who the dems run. From what I've read, the gopers who unseated the 10-12 dems who won in 18 in Trump districts are more middle of the road than Trumpstette/QAnon assholes. So my guess is that the gop will see some people who didn't support Trump's attempted coup get primaried. But the HOUSE is more divided up by population, so it will be harder for the Trumpstette/QAnon assholes to hang on to power there ... longterm.

Unless the dems go insane. And unless they go insane, a gop presidential candidate may never see 50% again unless the party makes some changes.

Right now, it seems to me that a map of the US dividing Red and Blue is very close to 50-50 with the gop having a slight lead ... for now.

Although the dems hold on the working class slips, and Trump's effect on disharmonizing the gop continues
This is Trump's party now. Ouch. Am I missing something here?
It's always been this way...only the rolls were reversed. We either voted for the milquetoast Romneys, Doles and McCains...or sat it out and let the Democrats win.

Now the shoe is on the other foot and the Establishment gets to make the same choices we have.

I held my nose and voted for Romney and McCain...and many Establishment Republicans will make the same choice.
But you liked trump?
You are right, in many ways... which is sad, in and of itself...

But to me, even more sad, is how 'we got there'....

What has made the opposing sides, become so opposing? Why isn't there a basic truth, then arguing what you conclude from this basic agreed upon truth, vs what someone who differs concludes, anymore?

I truly believe, that what I believe, is based on truth, on facts, on verifiable evidence of facts.

And, those who differ with me, for the most part, believe, what they believe, based on 'their' truth, their perceived facts.....

Of, course I don't believe for one nano second that I haven't thoroughly researched the facts, or that my facts/truths, are not correct,

THUS their so called facts are not truth or facts, they are lies created by their media, that for some weird reason not understood by me, they truly believe.....

And I'm certain for most across the aisle, likely think the same of me, and my media, and my basic truths/facts.

The whole thing is very disconcerting, heart breaking to see our country finally reaching the stage of only half the country knowing what truth, actually is vs. created lies, and there is no way to reach them, to change their minds because they've been taught to hate you, been taught that you are the Enemy, been trained to believe NOT one single bit of MSM News, because it's fake news.....

And visa versa.... with them, towards people like me.

This will never end, unless we all have the same basic truths, to stand on... and I don't see that happening anytime soon.... :(

Please NOTE! I do not really blame the actual person across the aisle for the lies they tell, but I do blame their media, for creating or promoting lies.... that they end up believing.

And of course that IS the problem. When I started paying attention to politics in high school mid-late 70s and all the way through the 90s, there existed normal media which for the most part started with the same set of set of FACTS.

Now the media sources that still do that are deemed left wing moonbattery and sites like Gateway Pundit/ American Thinker/ PJMedia, shit people read on Facebook, hear on squawk radio, and TV such as OAN and Newsmax are cited as "truth".

Unless and until we can agree on a fact-based starting point, I'm afraid we'll be in for more of the same.
/——/ “such as OAN and Newsmax are cited as "truth".
Prove they aren’t. You won’t because you can’t. And you forgot Fox lies Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
OAN and Newsmax are propaganda. But watching the CNN miniseries on Lincoln last night, I was reminded that OAN and Newsmax had their forerunners in the print media. Despite civil rights and vietnam, those of us who grew up during the boomer years probably lived in one of the more civil or unified periods of America.
/——-/ “ OAN and Newsmax are propaganda.”
Your stupid opinion is propaganda.
Gee, ya think?

It's great that they're voicing their opinions and refusing to kiss the Orange Ring™, but traditional Republicans have to get it through their heads that their choice is pretty simple: Either bend over for Trump and Trumpism, or rip the scab off and force the party into the wilderness for a while. There are no good short term solutions.

If traditional Republicans get primaried and beaten, which will be Trump's play, they will have to either run as an Independent or back the Democrat, and then hope for the best. What else can they do?

They have to play the long game. And how often do politicians do that? I wonder how many will just soften their opposition and give in to the Glorious Leader to save their cushy gubmit jobs.

This is Trump's party now. Ouch. Am I missing something here?
So before Trump, traditional Republicans agreed with 100% of all Republican talking points? Link please.

Trump did get nearly 75mil votes. It is not like he got 30mil?

I am not following your logic at all. There is no such thing as a perfect candidate.
It's great that they're voicing their opinions and refusing to kiss the Orange Ring™, but traditional Republicans have to get it through their heads that their choice is pretty simple: Either bend over for Trump and Trumpism, or rip the scab off and force the party into the wilderness for a while. There are no good short term solutions.

If traditional Republicans get primaried and beaten, which will be Trump's play, they will have to either run as an Independent or back the Democrat, and then hope for the best. What else can they do?

They have to play the long game. And how often do politicians do that? I wonder how many will just soften their opposition and give in to the Glorious Leader to save their cushy gubmit jobs.

This is Trump's party now. Ouch. Am I missing something here?

You're missing a lot, but you always do.

Here's the thing. There's nothing unique about Trump. Trump is just a more distilled form of what the GOP has been doing since Richard Nixon and the Southern Strategy- Play on the racial, religious and sexual fears of working class white people to get them to vote against their own economic interests.

the only difference between a Trump and a Reagan is Trump is more blatant about it.

When Trump is finally gone, the GOP is not going to suddenly become enlightened on social and racial issues.

The problem is, Mac, what you want is a GOP that is Economically Conservative and Socially Liberal. The reality is, America is Economically Liberal and Socially Conservative. Republicans only sleaze their way back into power when the economy is going well and they can focus on the social issues. When the Republicans fuck up the economy (and they always to, because you don't want those working class folks getting any of that sweet, sweet money) the white working class is willing to entertain the idea of putting a Democrat in charge, which is how we got Clinton, Obama and now Biden.

Trump is merely a symptom of the disease that has been the GOP for decades.
It's great that they're voicing their opinions and refusing to kiss the Orange Ring™, but traditional Republicans have to get it through their heads that their choice is pretty simple: Either bend over for Trump and Trumpism, or rip the scab off and force the party into the wilderness for a while. There are no good short term solutions.

If traditional Republicans get primaried and beaten, which will be Trump's play, they will have to either run as an Independent or back the Democrat, and then hope for the best. What else can they do?

They have to play the long game. And how often do politicians do that? I wonder how many will just soften their opposition and give in to the Glorious Leader to save their cushy gubmit jobs.

This is Trump's party now. Ouch. Am I missing something here?

You're missing a lot, but you always do.

Here's the thing. There's nothing unique about Trump. Trump is just a more distilled form of what the GOP has been doing since Richard Nixon and the Southern Strategy- Play on the racial, religious and sexual fears of working class white people to get them to vote against their own economic interests.

the only difference between a Trump and a Reagan is Trump is more blatant about it.

When Trump is finally gone, the GOP is not going to suddenly become enlightened on social and racial issues.

The problem is, Mac, what you want is a GOP that is Economically Conservative and Socially Liberal. The reality is, America is Economically Liberal and Socially Conservative. Republicans only sleaze their way back into power when the economy is going well and they can focus on the social issues. When the Republicans fuck up the economy (and they always to, because you don't want those working class folks getting any of that sweet, sweet money) the white working class is willing to entertain the idea of putting a Democrat in charge, which is how we got Clinton, Obama and now Biden.

Trump is merely a symptom of the disease that has been the GOP for decades.
/——/ Thanks for posting your stupid straw man argument.
Gee, ya think?

It's great that they're voicing their opinions and refusing to kiss the Orange Ring™, but traditional Republicans have to get it through their heads that their choice is pretty simple: Either bend over for Trump and Trumpism, or rip the scab off and force the party into the wilderness for a while. There are no good short term solutions.

If traditional Republicans get primaried and beaten, which will be Trump's play, they will have to either run as an Independent or back the Democrat, and then hope for the best. What else can they do?

They have to play the long game. And how often do politicians do that? I wonder how many will just soften their opposition and give in to the Glorious Leader to save their cushy gubmit jobs.

This is Trump's party now. Ouch. Am I missing something here?
So before Trump, traditional Republicans agreed with 100% of all Republican talking points? Link please.

Trump did get nearly 75mil votes. It is not like he got 30mil?

I am not following your logic at all. There is no such thing as a perfect candidate.
Three (3) straw man arguments in one post, well done.

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