ANti Vaxer dies of covid - lets down his wife and young family

So, who, here, thinks that it is a good idea, to take health advice from a fat British faggot who took such poor care of his own health that he ended up having part of his leg amputated due to complications from uncontrolled diabetes?


Its a modern tragedy. People swallow these lies and then - die. he will never see his kids grow up and do great things just because he bought a hoax on the net.​
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Its his choice, and since its a choice, his life insurance shouldnt have to pay out. No different than dying because you didnt where your seat belt.

I also have to question how many people this guy infected. Anti vaxers and anti maskers tend to think they have the right to come into store and other private businesses anytime they want whether they have symptoms or not.
Don't wanna be among those 100% not on a ventilator?


Go back in this thread and look at the Univ of Mich stats. 5 in the ICU. Three are vaccinated. Three on vents. One vaccinated.

You might note the folks who are no longer here defending the vaccines. I certainly note their absence. They're smart--though the more courageous thing would be to say, hey, I was wrong. Mea Culpa. But at least not defending them anymore is half an admission.
I would really love to have faith that actual data will change your mind but frankly you have proven yourself too ignorant for that.

I repeat.

The vaccines are now showing NEGATIVE efficacy. More infections. Waning in protection against severe infection and death. WITH all the horrid side effects.

I don't know what kind of high you get from being a ghoul about people dying but it's not even accurate.

View attachment 630858
Fake ass news
Oh and would you LOOK at this data from U of M? That's beyond failure. That's the vaccines DOING HARM.


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University of Michigan says your fos

University of Michigan says your fos

Honey that's just propaganda.
University of Michigan says your fos

Only 32% of Michiganders have rec'd a booster. Now why is that? What did they see that made them think hey I'm done?

Was it all the vaccinated getting sick anyway?

The side effects?

The heart attacks and sudden deaths?

You think maybe?

Right. The hospital data on the hospital's own site is fake because bobo can't deal with it.

You're on the wrong side. Wake up or keep playing the fool
What did you leave out? Why arent they announcing this to the public outside your one source? Maybe this is just one result with not enough sample size. Who knows? Has it passed peer review yet?

Every single time I dig deep I find fatal flaws with your sources. So I’ve stopped looking. I’m not stupid enough to waste more time every time you cons make fake claims.

If this becomes public knowledge in the future please come back here and tell me you were right. I bet this study goes nowhere. Not because of a government cover up either. Not evil Fauci. Stop that shit
Only 32% of Michiganders have rec'd a booster. Now why is that? What did they see that made them think hey I'm done?

Was it all the vaccinated getting sick anyway?

The side effects?

The heart attacks and sudden deaths?

You think maybe?

I didn’t get boostered. Why?

Im sick of it.
They didn’t make it easy like the first two
Now I’m starting to think this is a con from the big pharmas
Im rolling the dice
Wake up and quit shamelessly spreading your dangerous, innumerate bullshit.

Covid is becoming vaccine ENABLED. Read this--chock full of great information. Maybe don't get that second booster....if it's not too late.

Only 32% of Michiganders have rec'd a booster. Now why is that? What did they see that made them think hey I'm done?

Was it all the vaccinated getting sick anyway?

The side effects?

The heart attacks and sudden deaths?

You think maybe?

I’m rolling th dice. I really should get the booster. But then I think, I never get the flu shot. So I’m gambling that too every year. I’m only hurting myself. Better chance of surviving if I’m vaccinated.

I think you should be free to not get it.
What did you leave out? Why arent they announcing this to the public outside your one source? Maybe this is just one result with not enough sample size. Who knows? Has it passed peer review yet?

Every single time I dig deep I find fatal flaws with your sources. So I’ve stopped looking. I’m not stupid enough to waste more time every time you cons make fake claims.

If this becomes public knowledge in the future please come back here and tell me you were right. I bet this study goes nowhere. Not because of a government cover up either. Not evil Fauci. Stop that shit

What "STUDY"? This is no STUDY. It's who is in the U of M hospital as of YESTERDAY for Covid. !?!?!?!

I’m rolling th dice. I really should get the booster. But then I think, I never get the flu shot. So I’m gambling that too every year. I’m only hurting myself. Better chance of surviving if I’m vaccinated.

I think you should be free to not get it.

Then why are you on here saying the unvaxxed should die and etc and that would be great if they did? Are you mentally ill?
Covid is becoming vaccine ENABLED. Read this--chock full of great information. Maybe don't get that second booster....if it's not too late.

I is funny or odd you believe some reports from some sources but not reports from the official scientific community. So who are these sources you treat as reliable?

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