ANti Vaxer dies of covid - lets down his wife and young family

I would show you week after week of stats from the UK but it wouldn't make any difference. You all hate it when the science contradicts your religious beliefs.
How come 92% of brits got vaccinated? How come Britain isn’t screaming stop getting vaccinated!
Go ahead and be skeptical. Just dont spread your lies. You guys have spread too much information for us to feel sorry for the ones who died. I love to hear them on their death beds. I was wrong. Get vaccinated. I wish I did.

I don’t know anyone who said they wish they didn’t get vaccinated. Made me feel safer.

Why would you "love" to hear someone say that? Are you a demon?

I have a little news for you. You're not safe. This life is not safe. The world is not safe. You will die. Maybe today. Or tomorrow. Or five years from now.

For me I'd rather not die taking glee in other people's death because they made me question my choices. Hey. But you do you.
From the March 10th UK report. They stopped giving these numbers. Page 41. Gets real interesting and shows that the vast majority of the cases are in the vaccinated. Esp the boosted.

What does Great Britain say about this?

What does the rest of the medical community say about this?

Anyone else besides England finding these results?

Whos producing these UK studies and results? I think I’ve looked into it and it’s a right wing source.
How come 92% of brits got vaccinated? How come Britain isn’t screaming stop getting vaccinated!

Because it's the biggest public health failure in the history of the world. They could do that with Swine Flu because it was newly rolled out and not many were vaxxed. It is just what you said. EVERYONE was vaxxed almost. They screwed up royally. They only thing they can do now is hope to cover it up and run from it as long as they can.

You know Pfizer wanted to keep their clinical trial data on this a secret for 75 years. Gosh. Why is that??
What does Great Britain say about this?

What does the rest of the medical community say about this?

Anyone else besides England finding these results?

Whos producing these UK studies and results? I think I’ve looked into it and it’s a right wing source.

Why would you "love" to hear someone say that? Are you a demon?

I have a little news for you. You're not safe. This life is not safe. The world is not safe. You will die. Maybe today. Or tomorrow. Or five years from now.

For me I'd rather not die taking glee in other people's death because they made me question my choices. Hey. But you do you.
So I should make bad choices because I might die tomorrow?

I find anti vaxers are the type of people destroying America. Like you think of blm.

Remember the joy your type got when rittenhouse got away with murdering those blm rioters? You did you then, I’ll do me now.
So I should make bad choices because I might die tomorrow?

I find anti vaxers are the type of people destroying America. Like you think of blm.

Remember the joy your type got when rittenhouse got away with murdering those blm rioters? You did you then, I’ll do me now.

Be specific. How are anti-vaxxers destroying America. Go.
What does Great Britain say about this?

What does the rest of the medical community say about this?

Anyone else besides England finding these results?

Whos producing these UK studies and results? I think I’ve looked into it and it’s a right wing source.
I liked your seatbelt analogy earlier. Lots of parallels. Should insurance pay claims for people who took completely unnecessary risks just because they still legally could? Who's harmed when groups of people choose to belligerently ignore public safety recommendations, recommend others do so as well, and simply repeat refuted propaganda ad nauseum? The wider public, obviously.
Currently not much of an issue in Michigan.
I liked your seatbelt analogy earlier. Lots of parallels. Should insurance pay claims for people who took completely unnecessary risks just because they still legally could? Who's harmed when groups of people choose to belligerently ignore public safety recommendations, recommend others do so as well, and simply repeat refuted propaganda ad nauseum? The wider public, obviously.

Go see my latest thread
So I should make bad choices because I might die tomorrow?

I find anti vaxers are the type of people destroying America. Like you think of blm.

Remember the joy your type got when rittenhouse got away with murdering those blm rioters? You did you then, I’ll do me now.
I'm antivaxxed, and I have had Covid--the EArlier deadlier version. I survived it and now immuned to it---despite having an immune disorder. I couldn't imagine running around in FEAR of catching Covid still---

The Vaccines don't work hun--my husband just lost ANOTHER one of his employees who are all fully vaxxed to Covid.

We are all going to get the virus---and like with the flu (and even the common cold) some will die and there isn't much that we can do about it but try to eat healthy and wash our hands while avoiding the sick to limit the VIRAL load when do get it which increases our chances of surviving it. SUNSHINE HELPS TOO...VIT D AND UV KILLING VIRUS'S HELPS.
I'm antivaxxed, and I have had Covid--the EArlier deadlier version. I survived it and now immuned to it---despite having an immune disorder. I couldn't imagine running around in FEAR of catching Covid still---

The Vaccines don't work hun--my husband just lost ANOTHER one of his employees who are all fully vaxxed to Covid.

We are all going to get the virus---and like with the flu (and even the common cold) some will die and there isn't much that we can do about it but try to eat healthy and wash our hands while avoiding the sick to limit the VIRAL load when do get it which increases our chances of surviving it. SUNSHINE HELPS TOO...VIT D AND UV KILLING VIRUS'S HELPS.

I've never seen such fear come upon people such as this with covid. Family members terrified to be around their own who are sick. My inlaws and wife and daughter all got it. We all stayed together and helped each other.
Fuck the mRNA vaccine snd those that locked the world down over a high survival rate virus.

Cheap drugs used all over the world worked. We have the worst stats on eatth because we denied early treatment.

BTW Our stats are tainted. Offer $77k to hospitals for covid patients they will cash in on it and did.

Do you like the results done to the economy jab pushers?? You are like Locusts.

BTW again. Covaxin was a real vaccine not offered here that actually trains the immune system.
So which actual vaccine are we disagreeing with......lmao

mRNA can't train a dog to sit................And kids are virtually made of steel against covid............

They should have never been jabbed.......The clots are more of a danger than the virus itself.......

Your lining the pockets of Pfizer is not worth them getting the jabs...........Not to mention with IDIOTIC LOCK DOWNS that CHANGED NOTHING.
Who's harmed when groups of people choose to belligerently ignore public safety recommendations . . .
The experimental injection doesn't prevent infection or transmission, but you got one anyway. To add insult to injury, you get boosters because--now listen to this very carefully--the ineffectiveness of the injection wanes over the course of months.

Besides being ineffective as a vaccine (because it's NOT a vaccine), it's also ineffective as a treatment since it is being used as a preventative treatment that doesn't prevent infection or transmission. And it gets crazier! After your preliminary experimental injections and the prescribed boosters, you still don't feel safe. And you're not going to feel safe until everyone participates in the insanity of receiving the same failed experimental injection that you did. You're essentially blaming everyone and everything EXCEPT the failed injection. Now how much sense does that make?
Thank God I had enough experience with "the medical community" to listen to them but then DO MY OWN RESEARCH...and more importantly...wait to see how it played out in the real world.


Stop the ghoulish celebrating over the unvaxxed. In most cases they probably made the better call!!!
Sorry I feel like you guys are the reason it spread, continued, mutated and became resistant to vaccines. You have spread misinformation that killed idiots. So to me it's darwinism. Thinning the herd of the dumbest. It's mother nature making things right. And if this aint I told you so I don't know what is?

Phil Valentine, a prominent Tennessee rightwing talk radio host, had released a song called Vaxman, an anti-Covid vaccination ditty based on the Beatles track Taxman.

Marc Bernier, a host in Daytona Beach, Florida, had declared himself “Mr Anti-Vax”. Dick Farrel, also from Florida, urged his listeners not to get vaccinated, and Jimmy DeYoung asked on air whether the vaccine could be a “form of government control of the people”.

All four men died in August of coronavirus. A fifth conservative radio host, Bob Enyart, died on 13 September, weeks after he told his listeners to boycott vaccines that were “immorally developed”.

The death of the men, just weeks apart, illustrated both the depth of anti-vaccine feeling among some conservatives, but also hinted at the problems rightwing talk radio, along with other conservative media, is causing as vaccination rates in the US have slowed.

behind the scenes thousands of small radio stations make up a patchwork of conservative media across the US that is enjoyed by millions.

In terms of the spread of misinformation, talk radio’s impact is unappreciated

Fox [News] is going to reach a couple of million people a day. Talk radio is reaching 40 million, 60 million people depending on the day, maybe even more.

“The guys who are dying, you could treat them as [having] small radio shows, but they have really high concentration in their communities.”

These radio hosts can be even more outspoken than their equivalents on Fox News. Personalities on the rightwing TV network tend to be careful about how they address vaccine opposition, urging viewers to “speak to a doctor” and make their own decisions before getting vaccinated, rather than telling people outright to avoid the shots.


There is less direct anti-vax messaging on Fox News, but a recent report by Media Matters still found that 60% of the network’s vaccination coverage “included claims undermining or downplaying vaccinations”.

Those claims and the network’s output leave Fox News open to suggestions of hypocrisy: this week it was revealed that the vast majority of employees at Fox Corporation, which includes Fox News, are vaccinated, and those who are not have to undertake daily Covid tests to continue to work.
And these people who've died of covid, how well would they have fared if they had had one dose of the experimental injection? How about after two doses? How about after two doses and a booster? How about after two doses without a booster? How about after two doses and a booster, but not the second booster? Do you have the stats on those varying degrees of "protection"? I mean, say, if I get the first booster, but neglect to get the second booster, and six months go by, am I back to square one as far as probably gonna die if I become infected with covid?
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