ANti Vaxer dies of covid - lets down his wife and young family

Oh this? Someone who isnt Vaccinated. Who thinks there’s magnets in the vaccine. Who spreads misinformation. Doesn’t trust the scientists or Fauci and listens to conservative radio and Fox the hypocrites. Someone who comes here and spreads right wing lies. Who won’t even admit it’s the unvaccinated are the most dying from this. Cherry pickers.

I don’t have the flu shot but I’m not anti flu shot. I quietly shut my mouth and take my chances. You’re not a doctor.

All that is simply not true. The media/govt/pharmas are spreading lies, deception, and propaganda. They are pushing a deadly shot that has killed tens of thousands and injured millions. The swine flu program was stopped by the govt in the 1970s when 7 people died from the vaccination. Now, tens of thousands and the govt continues to push this deadly injection. There will be a huge price that our govt will pay for what they have done.
Im just saying that this "anti vaxxer" term is being used at people who aren't taking the mRNA shot. It simply isn't true that one is an anti vaxxer if one chooses to pick and choose what vaccine they use. But, this is what a foul people/media/govt/pharma does. They are hypocrites and should never be given the time of day.
Now I say feel free to not get vaccinated. It’s too late. Now we know what kind of citizens you are. You’ll fight us on everything. You’ll even go as far as defend putin because you can’t seem to go along with anything.
All that is simply not true. The media/govt/pharmas are spreading lies, deception, and propaganda. They are pushing a deadly shot that has killed tens of thousands and injured millions. The swine flu program was stopped by the govt in the 1970s when 7 people died from the vaccination. Now, tens of thousands and the govt continues to push this deadly injection. There will be a huge price that our govt will pay for what they have done.
You’re arguing with the cdc. Who should I believe you or them?

Youre a conspiracy theorist.
You’re arguing with the cdc. Who should I believe you or them?

Youre a conspiracy theorist.

Its not a conspiracy that tens of thousands have died from this injection nor is it a conspiracy that the govt stopped the swine flu program after 7 people died from the experimental shot. That happened, bobo. Its not conspiracy.
Its not a conspiracy that tens of thousands have died from this injection nor is it a conspiracy that the govt stopped the swine flu program after 7 people died from the experimental shot. That happened, bobo. Its not conspiracy.
Regardless the cdc still says get vaccinated. They’re wrong? NASA wrong about global warming? The republica governor of Georgia lied about the election results?

See the pattern?
Regardless the cdc still says get vaccinated. They’re wrong? NASA wrong about global warming? The republica [sic] governor of Georgia lied about the election results?

See the pattern?

Very clear pattern.

You'll believe any lies and bullshit, if it come from the government. The more solid a reputation any part of government has for lying, the more devoutly you'll believe it.
You’re arguing with the cdc. Who should I believe you or them?

Youre a conspiracy theorist.
Why would we listen to them?? Worst stats on the plsnet. No early treatment for most of the plannedemic. They funded Gain of Function testing in Wuhan via ECO Health alliance and Darps

They can take a flying leap off a tall bridge for all I care. So can you since you are their mouth piece.

I dont listen to Losers. Rest of the world did night and day better, so Ill stick with their studies
Its not a conspiracy that tens of thousands have died from this injection nor is it a conspiracy that the govt stopped the swine flu program after 7 people died from the experimental shot. That happened, bobo. Its not conspiracy.
Swine Flu was way worse than Corona number 7 strain. The Swine made me feel miserable.

This plannedemic. Not so much
Why would we listen to them?? Worst stats on the plsnet. No early treatment for most of the plannedemic. They funded Gain of Function testing in Wuhan via ECO Health alliance and Darps

They can take a flying leap off a tall bridge for all I care. So can you since you are their mouth piece.

I dont listen to Losers. Rest of the world did night and day better, so Ill stick with their studies
The rest of the world didn’t have American republicans fucking things up.
I've never seen such fear come upon people such as this with covid. Family members terrified to be around their own who are sick. My inlaws and wife and daughter all got it. We all stayed together and helped each other.
That's all anyone can do. I'm glad to hear that you all came out of it ok both physically and mentally from this. So many haven't been able to survive physically or mentally from the hype of it.
Sorry I feel like you guys are the reason it spread, continued, mutated and became resistant to vaccines. You have spread misinformation that killed idiots. So to me it's darwinism. Thinning the herd of the dumbest. It's mother nature making things right. And if this aint I told you so I don't know what is?

Phil Valentine, a prominent Tennessee rightwing talk radio host, had released a song called Vaxman, an anti-Covid vaccination ditty based on the Beatles track Taxman.

Marc Bernier, a host in Daytona Beach, Florida, had declared himself “Mr Anti-Vax”. Dick Farrel, also from Florida, urged his listeners not to get vaccinated, and Jimmy DeYoung asked on air whether the vaccine could be a “form of government control of the people”.

All four men died in August of coronavirus. A fifth conservative radio host, Bob Enyart, died on 13 September, weeks after he told his listeners to boycott vaccines that were “immorally developed”.

The death of the men, just weeks apart, illustrated both the depth of anti-vaccine feeling among some conservatives, but also hinted at the problems rightwing talk radio, along with other conservative media, is causing as vaccination rates in the US have slowed.

behind the scenes thousands of small radio stations make up a patchwork of conservative media across the US that is enjoyed by millions.

In terms of the spread of misinformation, talk radio’s impact is unappreciated

Fox [News] is going to reach a couple of million people a day. Talk radio is reaching 40 million, 60 million people depending on the day, maybe even more.

“The guys who are dying, you could treat them as [having] small radio shows, but they have really high concentration in their communities.”

These radio hosts can be even more outspoken than their equivalents on Fox News. Personalities on the rightwing TV network tend to be careful about how they address vaccine opposition, urging viewers to “speak to a doctor” and make their own decisions before getting vaccinated, rather than telling people outright to avoid the shots.


There is less direct anti-vax messaging on Fox News, but a recent report by Media Matters still found that 60% of the network’s vaccination coverage “included claims undermining or downplaying vaccinations”.

Those claims and the network’s output leave Fox News open to suggestions of hypocrisy: this week it was revealed that the vast majority of employees at Fox Corporation, which includes Fox News, are vaccinated, and those who are not have to undertake daily Covid tests to continue to work.
You are an idiot.
Virus's mutate---vaccine or no vaccine. Don't you know basics?

Covid spreads, mutates both in the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Don't you know basics?

In fact PUMPKIN---the strain that came from S. Africa---was from a vaccinated immunocompromised victim.

The vaccine does not stop the spread of the virus despite the earlier claims that it would---it doesn't. Even the dems and CDC have now had to admit this fact. If you think the vaccines work, then take your vaccine and shut up about everyone else who doesn't want a vaccine. If the vaccine works, you should have no fear of others not being vaccinated right?

They are saying that the vaccines do nothing more than lower symptoms now--and only work for a few months/weeks. You will never have everyone vaccinated because of this...NEVER. Whatever delusion you are working under thinking that getting people vaccinates is going to stop the virus is just crazy nonsense.
Regardless the cdc still says get vaccinated. They’re wrong? NASA wrong about global warming? The republica governor of Georgia lied about the election results?

See the pattern?
YES---the CDC is wrong. They lie...they have no crediability. NASA sounds out occasionally about global warming being bullshit---if they are saying that global warming is real now--they too are lying. Biden cheated--no way in hell that Biden got 81 million votes--he couldn't even get people to show up at his rallies. NO way that he got more votes than Trump/Obama/or Hilliary. Biden told the truth about having the biggest coalition of cheats for his election ever. We know about the Chinese printing up fake drivers' licenses, we have seen video's of vote harvestors, and it has been documented that pro illegal groups used teens to stuff the ballot boxes to name but a few. This is why they keep the voters from being audited----while they say they audit the ballots.
You are an idiot.
Virus's mutate---vaccine or no vaccine. Don't you know basics?

Covid spreads, mutates both in the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Don't you know basics?

In fact PUMPKIN---the strain that came from S. Africa---was from a vaccinated immunocompromised victim.

The vaccine does not stop the spread of the virus despite the earlier claims that it would---it doesn't. Even the dems and CDC have now had to admit this fact. If you think the vaccines work, then take your vaccine and shut up about everyone else who doesn't want a vaccine. If the vaccine works, you should have no fear of others not being vaccinated right?

They are saying that the vaccines do nothing more than lower symptoms now--and only work for a few months/weeks. You will never have everyone vaccinated because of this...NEVER. Whatever delusion you are working under thinking that getting people vaccinates is going to stop the virus is just crazy nonsense.
I admit it’s only helping yourself. True
The rest of the world didn’t have American republicans fucking things up.
Standard BS respinse of a govt sheep.

Africa hardly vaxxed at all and had much lower deaths with 1.3 billuin people.

They take Malaria pills like candy there.

Go graise with the rest of the sheep.
Funny you fear the shot which has killed way fewer people than covid itself. And it’s killing big mouth conservatives like you. I think it’s karma.
It's like you have this mental block that prevents you from acknowledging that the experimental injection doesn't give you immunity. My guess is that it was when tony claimed that herd immunity can be achieved that you latched on to that lie and never looked back.

Are you contesting the fact that the experimental injection doesn't prevent infection or transmission and was never designed to do so?
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Funny you fear the shot which has killed way fewer people than covid itself. And it’s killing big mouth conservatives like you. I think it’s karma.
I see that triggered it nicely!
B-r-iss instead of B-l-iss, get it? :sigh2:
We all stayed together and helped each other.
Dog forbid y'all got vaccinated together, as your Dear Leader (Trump) so bigly directed!

“Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.”


"Oh darn, perhaps I really should have studied more in school?"

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