ANti Vaxer dies of covid - lets down his wife and young family

Standard BS respinse of a govt sheep.

Africa hardly vaxxed at all and had much lower deaths with 1.3 billuin people.

They take Malaria pills like candy there.

Go graise with the rest of the sheep.
Go live in Africa.

And look at what they did. They wore masks and socially distanced.
It's like you have this mental block that prevents you from acknowledging that the experimental injection doesn't give you immunity. My guess is that it was when tony claimed that herd immunity can be achieved that you latched on to that lie and never looked back.

Are you contesting the fact that the experimental injection doesn't prevent infection or transmission and was never designed to do so?
Trump got vaccinated. Do you know something he doesn’t?
I see that triggered it nicely!
B-r-iss instead of B-l-iss, get it? :sigh2:
Are you contesting the fact that the experimental injection doesn't prevent infection or transmission and was never designed to do so?

Ya know, it's pretty obvious you're avoiding answering that. Do I read you right?
Trump got vaccinated. Do you know something he doesn’t?
Uh, what does trump have to do with what you're avoiding discussion of?

Here, let's get you back to where you were before lapsing into silliness. Are you contesting the fact that the experimental injection doesn't prevent infection or transmission and was never designed to do so?
Go live in Africa.

And look at what they did. They wore masks and socially distanced.
Blah Blah Blah.

Don't like the evidence and you say move there.........lmao

They have about 400k die from Malaria every they take a lot of Malaria pills........which happen TO FREAKEN WORK.

That is why..........not to mention the younger population there as they die off early mining the Green Energy Machine........

The highest death areas there.............were the HIGHEST VAXXED..........Coincidence.........I think NOT.
Blah Blah Blah.

Don't like the evidence and you say move there.........lmao

They have about 400k die from Malaria every they take a lot of Malaria pills........which happen TO FREAKEN WORK.

That is why..........not to mention the younger population there as they die off early mining the Green Energy Machine........

The highest death areas there.............were the HIGHEST VAXXED..........Coincidence.........I think NOT.
Yes coincidence
Oh, I see. You pretend you haven't been asked to explain your illogical choice so that you don't have to admit that you made an illogical choice.

But . . . your choice was still illogical, ya know? The experimental injection wasn't designed to prevent infection or transmission, and yet you chose to believe in herd immunity simply because tony mentioned it a lot.

You must feel so betrayed by your "science heroes."
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Its coming to a point where these anti vax crazies need to be isolated. I dont want to be treated by the unvaxed and neither would I want my kids to be taught by them.

Businesses should put signs up stating that their staff are 100& vaxed.

It turns out you can STILL get infected long after you got the shots therefore you are wrong.

Hardly any kids died from COVID-19 far less than a moderate flu season does.

The survival rate is around 98% thus not a particularly dangerous virus for most people but bad for those to have several health issues.
You are an idiot.
Virus's mutate---vaccine or no vaccine. Don't you know basics?

Covid spreads, mutates both in the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Don't you know basics?

In fact PUMPKIN---the strain that came from S. Africa---was from a vaccinated immunocompromised victim.

The vaccine does not stop the spread of the virus despite the earlier claims that it would---it doesn't. Even the dems and CDC have now had to admit this fact. If you think the vaccines work, then take your vaccine and shut up about everyone else who doesn't want a vaccine. If the vaccine works, you should have no fear of others not being vaccinated right?

They are saying that the vaccines do nothing more than lower symptoms now--and only work for a few months/weeks. You will never have everyone vaccinated because of this...NEVER. Whatever delusion you are working under thinking that getting people vaccinates is going to stop the virus is just crazy nonsense.

sealybobo is unresponsive to any facts or data you show him. It's beyond idiocy and into glassy-eyed True Believer Jonestown status.
Its coming to a point where these anti vax crazies need to be isolated. I dont want to be treated by the unvaxed and neither would I want my kids to be taught by them.

Businesses should put signs up stating that their staff are 100& vaxed.

Gosh Tommy that aged poorly.

You know what has ended up happening? I have ended up watching teachers around me, vaccinated and boosted, getting Covid again and again.

It looks like this will not get better. Sadly.
Sadly.. back to reality and facts:
Oh, you want clarification on that. No problem:

You're welcome.

They cherry pick. You know who doesn't? Hospitals. Walgreen's. The data I've already linked.

Beaumont hospital systems, yesterday. Again. Nearly half of all hospitalized have been vaccinated.

Yep, your days are numbered. Eventually all will either die or get vaccinated. Then all of the hospitalized will be vaccinated. Duh!

I was right about school closings.

Right about lockdowns.

Right about the efficacy of masks. The inanity of sewing masks out of cotton cloth and wearing those over our mugs for months...or breathing in the plastic fibers of surgical masks for hours a day. To mitigate for a VIRUS.

I was right about the vaccines not being sterilizing.

I am right about the vaccines causing all kinds of terrible effects.

It only remains to see if I'm right about the waning effect of vaccines even on hospitalization and death. I could be wrong. But I like my chances so far.

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