ANti Vaxer dies of covid - lets down his wife and young family

Hey, if your company wants to do business with the federal government, they need to abide by their rules. That's the government's right. Your company can stop sucking off the tit of government if they don't like it. And you can stop working for that company if you don't like it.

I reserve the right to change my mind. If an even worse pandemic comes and it requires we get the shot, shut down, socially distance and wear masks, I'll be okay with that too. I'm a good citizen.
You are a sheep..........and just defending Biden FORCING the jab on others.............Yet just a minute ago you said you believe in Freedom of Choice......

You SEEM VERY CONFUSED................But you VIRTUE SIGNAL how NOBEL YOU ARE........How is it NOBEL taking the jab when you can still get and transmit the virus........OR HIDE IN YOUR others go out and do the jobs that keep you fed and warm and cold via ENERGY......or the Truckers who made sure you had food.

You CLAIM ALOT how NOBEL and GREAT YOU ARE HERE........I just LAUGH........Nothing NOBEL about you at all.
I'll not dignify any more of your idiotic drivel with a response.
They are govt trolls who talk out of both sides ..............Nice flip flop from the stuck up one a minute ago.....

They are the reason.........bowing to gov't........that our economy is fucked right now........I said from the beginning that we should have never shut down......that the economic consequences would be devastating........I was RIGHT.......and I've posted as many or more studies from early on options that would have made it unnecessary.....Again.......the world data doesn't lie...........I WAS RIGHT THEN.....

Let's just say I'm glad I wasn't the first one to be offered it. Let the old people go first. Then I saw them all survive it and I was seeing unvaccinated people dying. Plus my work made it easy for me. It was required. But it was several months before I could even get it. I was happy about that. I didn't even get sick from the 2 shots. And knock on wood how I don't know but I've never got covid. Been around covid but never got it. Weird.

I never took it and was around people who had the virus and never got sick. Fortunately, I've never really been bothered by viruses. Bacteria, protozoa, another story. Had giardia and took flagyl, antibiotic, to help knock it out.
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Link? Link?

Trout with foot in mouth? Oh, I get it, you meant to say "frothcoming."
Let's ask him what source told him that the CEO didn't get vaccinated. I showed yesterday Fox spreads misinformation but they are careful to not bluntly say don't get vaccinated. It could have been them. Funny Fox insists you get vaccinated or you have to take the covid test every day you come to work.

And it could be conservative radio. They've done the most damage in spreading all this misinformation. Them and the internet. But a lot of the guys spreading these lies have died because they weren't vaccinated

Republicans will say, "oh that's the guardian or NPR" but the fact is, these 5 anti vax radio conservatives reach millions of listeners and they've killed how many of you?

So my source isn't lying. Their is. And I'm sick of debunking each lie. They have 5 main lies and when you debunk one, they forget and move on to the next, then the next, then the 5th lie, then back to lie 1 again, repeat.
I need took it and was around people who had the virus and never got sick. Fortunately, I've never really been bothered by viruses. Bacteria, protozoa, another story. Had giardia and took flagyl, antibiotic, to help knock it out.
One of the anti vax radio hosts came on the air and was like, "oh gosh shucks I hate to say it but I got covid. But that's okay I'm (cough) taking my vitamins and oxycholor..and I'm getting closer to god...." and days later he died. I wish their families would record their last days and show us if they were sorry or stayed defiant until the end. I've heard most are sorry for their bad decision. Some have even put it out to the public saying they were wrong. I haven't heard of one who's family said they're still glad they didn't get vaccinated. All sorry.
I never took it and was around people who had the virus and never got sick. Fortunately, I've never really been bothered by viruses. Bacteria, protozoa, another story. Had giardia and took flagyl, antibiotic, to help knock it out.
Was different for some others at work who got it.........some was nothing.....others said trouble breathing and felt tired.........Most was a cold at most....

A few got tested positive and didn't feel sick at all........they got tested because they were around someone who tested positive........

Given they took 40 cycle PCR tests ...........False positives were guaranteed.

Another guy I talked to.......Him and his wife felt like a cold was coming they went to doctor and signed in.......was taking forever so they got up and left..........Never got tested..........then the phone rang.........You are both positive for Covid...........LMAO

Cares Act and 77000 a postive will do that......
One of the anti vax radio hosts came on the air and was like, "oh gosh shucks I hate to say it but I got covid. But that's okay I'm (cough) taking my vitamins and oxycholor..and I'm getting closer to god...." and days later he died. I wish their families would record their last days and show us if they were sorry or stayed defiant until the end. I've heard most are sorry for their bad decision. Some have even put it out to the public saying they were wrong. I haven't heard of one who's family said they're still glad they didn't get vaccinated. All sorry.
You are a GHOUL..........You CELEBRATE DEATH......because it suits your agenda..........

Early treatments that YOU IGNORE would have ended almost all of this..............Proven fact everywhere except where people with Pfizer tattooed on your ass.
One of the anti vax radio hosts came on the air and was like, "oh gosh shucks I hate to say it but I got covid. But that's okay I'm (cough) taking my vitamins and oxycholor..and I'm getting closer to god...." and days later he died. I wish their families would record their last days and show us if they were sorry or stayed defiant until the end. I've heard most are sorry for their bad decision. Some have even put it out to the public saying they were wrong. I haven't heard of one who's family said they're still glad they didn't get vaccinated. All sorry.

Several pushed the injection and mocked the ones who wouldn't take it and then they died from the shot. Happened all over social media.
You are a GHOUL..........You CELEBRATE DEATH......because it suits your agenda..........

Early treatments that YOU IGNORE would have ended almost all of this..............Proven fact everywhere except where people with Pfizer tattooed on your ass.
True. No I don't really celebrate death but these idiots make it impossible to feel any remorse. They are a danger to our society spreading lies and we are better off without them.

True, if we all got the same care Trump got when he got it, we'd all survive.
True. No I don't really celebrate death but these idiots make it impossible to feel any remorse. They are a danger to our society spreading lies and we are better off without them.

True, if we all got the same care Trump got when he got it, we'd all survive.
Aka you just wished death on those who disagree with you.............I'm sure you are saying I wish EAGLE WOULD DIE now aren't you.

Typical LEFTIST.......Lying his ass ........fitting symbol of the on this issue........You would get a hard on had BIDEN DONE THE TRUDEAU HERE.......

Now just a bit ago you said..........I'M FOR CHOICE......THEN DID A 180 ON IT.........and now you say I don't want people to die.......JUST YOU.

Aka you just wished death on those who disagree with you.............I'm sure you are saying I wish EAGLE WOULD DIE now aren't you.

Typical LEFTIST.......Lying his ass ........fitting symbol of the on this issue........You would get a hard on had BIDEN DONE THE TRUDEAU HERE.......

Now just a bit ago you said..........I'M FOR CHOICE......THEN DID A 180 ON IT.........and now you say I don't want people to die.......JUST YOU.

No. I wish you guys were right that people without the shot are fine. I haven't got the booster. So I'm unvaccinated now. I'm sure the first 2 wore off. But I'm not going around spreading misinformation. I know my chances of surviving it if I get it are less now. And maybe I'll get the booster eventually. I haven't got the flu one in years too. I know that too lessens my chances of surviving.

I don't WISH anyone to die. But if you brag about being so smart and we have aids now and the cdc and bla bla and your lies are killing people, maybe it's mother natures way of working things out. We're all gonna die.

And why couldn't you at least wear masks? Maybe that's why it's funny when you guys die. Because you even refused to wear masks. The internet is full of Karen's who refused to wear a mask. You don't think it's funny when that Karen dies of covid? They possibly spread that shit to you and me for refusing to wear a mask when the virus was going rampant through our nation. Great team players. True patriots.

Then you went to super spreader events like Trump rallies. I get it after awhile we have to go back to normal but god damn you guys threw your hands up very quickly and cried we were hurting your FREEDOM. Assholes. LOL.
Aka you just wished death on those who disagree with you.............I'm sure you are saying I wish EAGLE WOULD DIE now aren't you.

Typical LEFTIST.......Lying his ass ........fitting symbol of the on this issue........You would get a hard on had BIDEN DONE THE TRUDEAU HERE.......

Now just a bit ago you said..........I'M FOR CHOICE......THEN DID A 180 ON IT.........and now you say I don't want people to die.......JUST YOU.

I'm for you wearing a mask in the grocery store so you don't give me covid dick. How about that? Fine don't get vaccinated. But you're going to Trump rallies then to the store and breathing on the rest of us. Then you guys lied with that Masks don't work shit. Nothing is 100% but saying masks don't work is like saying don't cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze. Just sneeze up into the air in a room full of people. Don't cover your mouth? Why cover? Hands don't work right?
No. I wish you guys were right that people without the shot are fine. I haven't got the booster. So I'm unvaccinated now. I'm sure the first 2 wore off. But I'm not going around spreading misinformation. I know my chances of surviving it if I get it are less now. And maybe I'll get the booster eventually. I haven't got the flu one in years too. I know that too lessens my chances of surviving.
You spread misinformation on the cheap drugs.....I've shown THOUSANDS of studies on it from the world.........And our gov't trashed anyone who tried to do anything other than the jab.......You SUPPORT THEIR MISINFORMATION.

And you just did a 180 again...........One post ......I don't want you to die...........on another it's DIE......KARMA..........lmao

You are twisted.........are we playing twister......spin the wheel.

And why couldn't you at least wear masks? Maybe that's why it's funny when you guys die. Because you even refused to wear masks. The internet is full of Karen's who refused to wear a mask. You don't think it's funny when that Karen dies of covid? They possibly spread that shit to you and me for refusing to wear a mask when the virus was going rampant through our nation. Great team players. True patriots.
I'll wear a mask when my mosquito fence made out of chain link fence stops mosquitoes............More drivel........they didn't stop a thing.........Look at the results.., Didn't change a damn thing.

Then you went to super spreader events like Trump rallies. I get it after awhile we have to go back to normal but god damn you guys threw your hands up very quickly and cried we were hurting your FREEDOM. Assholes. LOL.
I never went to his rallies........MOONBAT.........I WENT TO WORK.............WHILE YOU HID IN YOUR HOUSE.
I'm for you wearing a mask in the grocery store so you don't give me covid dick. How about that? Fine don't get vaccinated. But you're going to Trump rallies then to the store and breathing on the rest of us. Then you guys lied with that Masks don't work shit. Nothing is 100% but saying masks don't work is like saying don't cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze. Just sneeze up into the air in a room full of people. Don't cover your mouth? Why cover? Hands don't work right?
BS. Stay your ass 6 feet from me.......You have the mask........and vaccine and are still scared of me.............Jesus you are really a MOONBAT...

Glad I live in a Red State..........we don't put up with this BS.
You spread misinformation on the cheap drugs.....I've shown THOUSANDS of studies on it from the world.........And our gov't trashed anyone who tried to do anything other than the jab.......You SUPPORT THEIR MISINFORMATION.

And you just did a 180 again...........One post ......I don't want you to die...........on another it's DIE......KARMA..........lmao

You are twisted.........are we playing twister......spin the wheel.

I'll wear a mask when my mosquito fence made out of chain link fence stops mosquitoes............More drivel........they didn't stop a thing.........Look at the results.., Didn't change a damn thing.

I never went to his rallies........MOONBAT.........I WENT TO WORK.............WHILE YOU HID IN YOUR HOUSE.
Doctors all over the country say you are wrong about masks. Even shitty masks are better than no mask at all. Idiot. You a doctor?
Doctors all over the country say you are wrong about masks. Even shitty masks are better than no mask at all. Idiot. You a doctor?
Jesus you never give's an airborne virus............The masks CHANGED NOTHING.......We have the worst stats on earth.......and for what.

The WORST INFLATION IN MY LIFETIME.......FOR WHAT...........IT CHANGED NOTHING......Lock downs CHANGED NOTHING..........You don't QUARANTINE THE HEALTHY FOR A high survival rate virus..............but the world did because of idiots like you.

MASK UP.........OR ELSE........Was going on in Blue states and cities...........Polls showed why Biden wanted to end them......Because the people HATE THEM FOR IT.

Why are you afraid of people without a mask.............hmmm...........You are VAXXED.

PFFFT...........Scared to death and have the vaxx..........MOONBATS.
Jesus you never give's an airborne virus............The masks CHANGED NOTHING.......We have the worst stats on earth.......and for what.

The WORST INFLATION IN MY LIFETIME.......FOR WHAT...........IT CHANGED NOTHING......Lock downs CHANGED NOTHING..........You don't QUARANTINE THE HEALTHY FOR A high survival rate virus..............but the world did because of idiots like you.

MASK UP.........OR ELSE........Was going on in Blue states and cities...........Polls showed why Biden wanted to end them......Because the people HATE THEM FOR IT.

Why are you afraid of people without a mask.............hmmm...........You are VAXXED.

PFFFT...........Scared to death and have the vaxx..........MOONBATS.
We have the worst stats because of people like you. 75% of the dying are people like you. And you want me to cry about it when you spread dangerous lies?

Ah, now we see this is about politics.

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