ANti Vaxer dies of covid - lets down his wife and young family

Wear masks. They work.


It takes no normal level of stupid, but an extreme, SleazyBozo level of stupid, to believe that a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus cannot pass through a 50-micron gap in a mask.

Could have stopped the spread. Who knows? You didn't get vaccinated so we assume you kept it going till it mutated.

That makes no sense.
If they never got infected, how could they have "kept it going" at all?

What "kept it going" was deliberately preventing herd immunity, by "flattening the curve".
How long do you plan on ignoring the fact that the experimental injection never did stop infection?

The whole mRNA injection concept is fundamentally flawed and impossible.

Clearly the mRNA injections by Pfizer and Moderna were almost a total flop.
We may not know exactly how the immune system stores information in T-cells so that it can remember a pathogen, but mRNA does NOT work for that, at all.
How could it, if you think about it at all?
The coronaviruses have spike proteins in order to mimic the spike proteins of our own exosomes.
That allows coronaviruses to get let into ACE2 receptors, by pretending to be exosomes.
So then it is impossible to then use these harmless spike proteins as pathogen markers.
The immune system has better never trigger on the spike proteins of our own exosomes, or we would all die a horrible auto-immune death.
So why do mRNA injections seem to help reduce severity?
That is because although the spike proteins created by mRNA is not detected as a pathogen, it is detected as debris.
So the immune system does generate some antibodies in order to help clean up.
But that is a short term treatment, and NOT long term immunity.
And frankly, you should know this by now.
Every single doctor I have talked to does.
These mRNA injections have not created any long term immunity memory, and they are telling us to get injections ever 6 months.
That is crazy considering these mRNA injections are so small they are highly mobile, do not stay in the arm muscle, and anywhere they migrate to will be attacked by our own antibodies.
Which means death or amputation if they migrate to someplace delicate, like the brain, heart, or extremities capillaries.
Please read the actual science that shows these mRNA injections are extremely risky and of low value.
It would not be a bad starting place to read Dr. Robert Malone for example.
But if you look at other covid vaccines in the world, like:
CoronaVac, Covaxin, Novavax, Medicago, Sputnik V, Sinopharm WIBP, Convidecia, Sanofi–GSK and SCB-2019.[1]
None of them are mRNA.
No one except the US like mRNA.

It takes no normal level of stupid, but an extreme, SleazyBozo level of stupid, to believe that a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus cannot pass through a 50-micron gap in a mask.

View attachment 632563

I agree with you that masks do not work for viruses in general.
But they do have some effect on a sneeze, which is likely how deep infections get passed.
It is then not individual viruses you need to trap, but much larger mucus droplets.

However, when an epidemic is not very lethal for a group of society, like covid is fairly harmless to those under 40 years of age, then you want to increase the infection rate among those people, in order to achieve herd immunity as quickly as possible. That is the only way to end any epidemic, unless you want to do full quarantine like we did for Ebola.
Lots of people did not get vaccinated and are not sick also. The OP's link doesn't have much detail in the story though. Was the guy healthy? Any comorbidities?
That makes no sense.
If they never got infected, how could they have "kept it going" at all?

What "kept it going" was deliberately preventing herd immunity, by "flattening the curve".
Whatever doctor.
That makes no sense.
If they never got infected, how could they have "kept it going" at all?

What "kept it going" was deliberately preventing herd immunity, by "flattening the curve".
More stupid questions. Honestly, I don’t want you to die, I just don care what happens to you anymore
More stupid questions. Honestly, I don’t want you to die, I just don care what happens to you anymore

The problem is that the mRNA vaccine can not possibly work.
The point of a coronavirus is that it pretends to be an exosome.
Exosomes have a spike protein that it uses to open ACE2 receptor sites in our cells.
Coronaviruses mimic exosomes with the same spike protein.
That is how they get into our cells, by fooling our ACE2 receptors into opening for them.
So if coronavirus spike proteins are so identical to our own exosome spike proteins, then how is growing spike proteins in our own cells, supposed to build an immunity to coronaviruses?
It obviously can't.
Good point. They tell us what they think is best. They could be wrong. What were they right about?

Wear masks. They work.

Social distance.

Republicans went to trump rallies, without masks. Two strikes.

Get vaccinated. If enough of us did, it would have stopped the spread and mutations. But not enough of us did. Strike three Republicans. You did this to us.

Ok. You seem unable to synthesize new information. Fair enough.
"unable to synthesize new information" -- Where do you teach again, Florida or Texas?
Nice Freudian slip!

View attachment 632769

This data is wrong.
They based "efficacy" on a period of only a few weeks.
And these mRNA injections can not possibly effect long term T-cell memory, so do NOT last for more than 6 months.
And if you have to get a "booster" every 6 months, then the side effect danger is greatly multiplied, to the point these mRNA injections look horrible for those under 40, who really are not at any significant risk.

Look at the Walgreens data.
It says that those testing positive now are more likely to have been vaccinated with the mRNA injections, than not.


Horowitz: Walgreens recorded who tested positive for COVID, and the results might surprise you​

April 19, 2022

Imagine a pharmacy obsessively promoting availability of a vaccine over every inch of its store, while its own data shows there are more infections among those with the jabs. The data is in plain sight for all to see, yet there is no self-awareness from Walgreens because money and power trump reason, compassion, and regard for health outcomes. The company’s latest data actually shows that the more they make money on vaccines, the more they make money on selling you tests, because after being jabbed, you sure will need them!

At the risk of causing one more set of data to disappear from the internet, I draw attention to the Walgreens COVID-19 Index, which posts the weekly number of tests administered, percentage of positives broken down by vaccination status, and age brackets of each permutation. You know, the sort of useful information countries like the U.K. published but that our own CDC artfully avoided showing the American people. Here is the bar chart worth more than 560 million vaccine doses!

Good point. They tell us what they think is best. They could be wrong. What were they right about?

Wear masks. They work.

Social distance.

Republicans went to trump rallies, without masks. Two strikes.

Get vaccinated. If enough of us did, it would have stopped the spread and mutations. But not enough of us did. Strike three Republicans. You did this to us.

Wrong on all points.
If the pathogen is very lethal, then you wear masks and social distance.
But then you also do full quarantine lockdown, and end it in 2 weeks tops.

If you are instead doing masks and social distancing to just "flatten the curve", that is terrible because it does not and can not end anything, and instead just keeps it going FOREVER.

When a pathogen is NOT very lethal, the fastest way to end it quickly, to reduce deaths, is by actively trying to INCREASE infection among those least threatened by it.
The sooner you achieve "herd immunity", the quicker it ends and stops killing anyone.

The vaccines were way too late, over a year later, and do not work. So that is NOT at all a solution.
An mRNA injection that gets our own cells to start growing spike proteins, is NOT a vaccine in any way.
The spike proteins of covid are mimicking the spike proteins of our own exosomes, so can not be used by the immune system as a memory aid to trigger an immune response. At best that risks triggering an autoimmune response against our own exosomes.
"unable to synthesize new information" -- Where do you teach again, Florida or Texas?
Nice Freudian slip!

When someone uses the word "vaccine", we have a good association and accept that since we know vaccines worked for smallpox, polio, measles, mumps, etc.
But these mRNA injections simply are NOT vaccines at all, in any way.
They do not contain dead viruses and can not help the immune system to learn how to trigger on future infections.
That is because they only contain mRNA instructions to get our own cells to start growing spike proteins.
And spike proteins are good, not a sign of an infection.
We need our own exosomes to constantly make and use spike proteins.
That is how a cell finds out about its neighbors, and changes how the cells grows.
We have to be careful to not allow old connotations for words be used to prevent us from synthesizing and detecting the current misuse of those words.

Conveniently provides no information of any use, such as what % of people from any given geographic area were "Not vaccinated", "1 Dose", etc. Daniel Horowitz baloney? Pffft!

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