ANti Vaxer dies of covid - lets down his wife and young family

Dog forbid y'all got vaccinated together, as your Dear Leader (Trump) so bigly directed!

“Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.”


"Oh darn, perhaps I really should have studied more in school?"

It was the equivalent of a minor cold that lasted two days and then was gone. All of us have been vaccinated....just not with orange man's snake juice. Looks like you were loving orange man pushing the operation snake juice.
Regardless the cdc still says get vaccinated. They’re wrong? NASA wrong about global warming? The republica governor of Georgia lied about the election results?

See the pattern?

Yeah, the CDC is wrong for recommending an injection that has killed hundreds of thousands. The climate has been changing for millennia. We're but a pinprick.
That doesn't mean anything. The CEO of pfizer, bourla, declined to take this experimental injection.

See? This is why I tune you liars or idiots out. Which one are you? A liar or idiot?

(KWQC) - As Pfizer/BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine received full FDA approval Monday, the claim that the pharmaceutical company’s CEO, Albert Bourla, is not vaccinated emerged.

That claim is false.

In fact, according to a tweet on the CEO’s own page, he is fully vaccinated and received his second Pfizer/BioNTech immunization on March 10.
See? This is why I tune you liars or idiots out. Which one are you? A liar or idiot?

(KWQC) - As Pfizer/BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine received full FDA approval Monday, the claim that the pharmaceutical company’s CEO, Albert Bourla, is not vaccinated emerged.

That claim is false.

In fact, according to a tweet on the CEO’s own page, he is fully vaccinated and received his second Pfizer/BioNTech immunization on March 10.

That just happened then because I watched him say a few months ago that he wasn't. And yes, this is still an experimental injection. Go read the full conditions on approval. It doesn't happen until 2026 but with the corrupt CDC, FDA, govt, pharmaceuticals, it will happen.

I know four people who died from taking the injection. Two kids at my daughter's school fell over from leg paralysis a day a few days after taking the shot.
That just happened then because I watched him say a few months ago that he wasn't. And yes, this is still an experimental injection. Go read the full conditions on approval. It doesn't happen until 2026 but with the corrupt CDC, FDA, govt, pharmaceuticals, it will happen.

I know four people who died from taking the injection. Two kids at my daughter's school fell over from leg paralysis a day a few days after taking the shot.
Well now, I support anyone who doesn't want to take the shot. Their decision.
Great. They're all saying the same thing as the CDC. Better yet, go to the WHO site. Excellent terse questions and answers.
They used early treatment cheap drugs MOONBAT.........And used actual vaccines that trained the immune system.....even though many were CONNED into mRNA tech.

I've shown these reports and studies for YEARS NOW..........I no longer give a damn what you gov't sheep say.........Go get more jabs........ENJOY....
Well now, I support anyone who doesn't want to take the shot. Their decision.
Well then you should be against the mandates to medical personnel under Fed funding and the military not being forced to take the jab........

You must also be dead set against OSHA attempting to tell American workers get the jab or be fired .........huh.

Biden attempted to do the Trudeau there now didn't he?
Same here. Its their choice. I don't support pharma, govt, CDC, FDA that isn't forthcoming on all results.
Let's just say I'm glad I wasn't the first one to be offered it. Let the old people go first. Then I saw them all survive it and I was seeing unvaccinated people dying. Plus my work made it easy for me. It was required. But it was several months before I could even get it. I was happy about that. I didn't even get sick from the 2 shots. And knock on wood how I don't know but I've never got covid. Been around covid but never got it. Weird.
I watched him say a few months ago that he wasn't.
I know four people who died from taking the injection. Two kids at my daughter's school fell over from leg paralysis a day a few days after taking the shot.
Link? Link?
I don't support pharma, govt, CDC, FDA that isn't forthcoming on all results.
Trout with foot in mouth? Oh, I get it, you meant to say "frothcoming."
Well then you should be against the mandates to medical personnel under Fed funding and the military not being forced to take the jab........

You must also be dead set against OSHA attempting to tell American workers get the jab or be fired .........huh.

Biden attempted to do the Trudeau there now didn't he?
Hey, if your company wants to do business with the federal government, they need to abide by their rules. That's the government's right. Your company can stop sucking off the tit of government if they don't like it. And you can stop working for that company if you don't like it.

I reserve the right to change my mind. If an even worse pandemic comes and it requires we get the shot, shut down, socially distance and wear masks, I'll be okay with that too. I'm a good citizen.

Link? Link?

Trout with foot in mouth? Oh, I get it, you meant to say "frothcoming."
And when they are caught being wrong or lying, they just keep on being wrong and lying. At least he acknowledged he was wrong. Most cons won't do that.
Let's just say I'm glad I wasn't the first one to be offered it. Let the old people go first. Then I saw them all survive it and I was seeing unvaccinated people dying. Plus my work made it easy for me. It was required. But it was several months before I could even get it. I was happy about that. I didn't even get sick from the 2 shots. And knock on wood how I don't know but I've never got covid. Been around covid but never got it. Weird.
Guy at works aunt died after the jab.........arm swollen........they told her to go to the hospital and she said if it was still bad she would see the doctor in the morning............Never woke up.

The JAB KILLED HER.........Now we had a young guy die of Covid........33..........Was told it was a blood clot......I know of 3 where the family said that they died of other causes but the death certificate said COVID..............Gangrene on one advanced diabetes.........amputation and died after..........COVID DEATH........advanced cancer another was already about to die.....COVID............other a heart attack.............COVID.....

'Another guy in almost died of the cytokine storm was on oxygen and barely made it...........Most........including wasn't shit........

The cheap drugs STOP THE CYTOKINE STORM...........taken early in places like India the hospitalization rate dropped 90%. 10 fold deaths in states there that DIDN'T DO THE EARLY TREATMENTS.

But let's ignore all that...........and bow to the CDC and FDA who attacked early treatment favor of their money bitch PHARMA........

Not doing early treatment is akin to murdering Americans.

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