Anti-worker Republicans & Allies Need To Realize They Don't Have A Future!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Today's Wall Street Journal had an editorial article titled "How Public Unions Exploit the Ruse of 'Official Time'". This article was extremely biased and unfair and unfortunately represents an ideology which is prevalent in America and is wrong and dangerous! The theme of the article is that it posits that "official time" for federal employees is a huge waste in taxpayer spending and should be eliminated or dramatically curtailed; "official time" is merely time that federal employees who are also union members spend on union business. The author of the article, Mallory Factor, highlights this theme in his statement that "the Office of Personnel Management reports that federal employees spent over three million hours on official time in 2010 costing the taxpayers about $137 million in salary and benfit costs". This criticism is without merit, federal union workers have rights and union authorities who work under this classification of "official time" are merely using this time to learn about the problems facing these workers that impinge on these rights and see the affected rights are respected. These union authorities have the right and duty to do this work and the federal government as the employer of federal union workers has the duty to see these workers get their rights of good union representation which this "official time" mechanism provides. Matters concerning these workers involving scheduling, work assignments, compensation, health insurance and other issues impact these workers rights and are important thereby justifying the use federal worker union authorities spending time on them!

Mr. Factor is so uneven handed in this article it makes his position laughable! He seeks to make a big deal that as of July 2011, the Department of Homeland Security had 62 employees working full-time on union activities; what a meaningless criticism the number of work locations of DHS must number at least in the hundreds, for alone there is at least a hundred plus airports across the country which have DHS worksites, sixty-two such employees for all the varied DHS work locations is not unreasonable at all. Mr. Factor offers further support for his thesis by mentioning that in 1998 there was 946 federal employees throughout the entire federal government workforce working full-time on union activity and therefore working under this "official time" classification, this is not a very persuasive point if one considers that there probably was around 150,000 to 200,000 unionized federal workers in the total workforce at that time which produces about a 1 full-time union official to every 150 or 200 union federal workers which a reasonable person shouldn't consider out of line. To consider the extreme ends people like Mr. Factor will go to advance their anti-union agenda one need only examine the latter portion of the article where he says "47" states have "gift clauses" in their constitutions that prohibit government subsidies to private entities his meaning being that this allowing federal workers who are also union officials to work full-time on union business and still get their federal worker pay is essentially a gift from the federal government to its unions and thus should be outlawed; this logic is clearly twisted and nonsensical when an employer enters into a collective bargaining agreement the employer has a duty to see the employees rights covered by the agreement are given to them this providing of "official time" to federal worker union officials is merely part of the federal government employer fulfilling this duty pursuant to the collective bargaining agreement!

The problem with Mr. Factor is a problem that a lot of Republicans and their allies have which is they don't recognize the natural rights of workers, the rights that a person of good virtue would consider that all workers are entitled to. A perfect example of this bad ideology is this Senate candidatie Mr. Akin's response when a person recently asked him publicly if he was anti-union, he didn't say I fully support collective bargaining rights but I think union agreements should be fair to employers as well as employees, no this anti-union candidate essentially said I believe in a system where employers should be free to set the terms of employment for their employees and if an employee doesn't like those terms he is free to seek employment elsewhere. This value or ideology is so off-the-charts bad that someone who holds it should not only not be in public office he or she shouldn't even ever be able to be a candidate for public office in America; the leverage that employers have over an individual employee is enormous and dwarfs that of an employee and jobs aren't a luxury people need a job to live to buy food, shelter and clothing, etc.. This mentality that if workers don't like their employment arrangement too bad hit the road is outrageous and not what the vast majority of Americans think is right. Employers have a civic duty to as much as they can pay a worker a good wage and provide good working conditions and good terms of employment for their workers. Until the people across America, especially wealthy people and executives of big corporation, that hold this aforementioned anti-worker mentality get this that workers count and have rights whether or not listed on a piece of paper and such rights should be respected there is going to be a lot of turmoil and anger in America and the fallout from such affects will often be a real hardship on them!
Today's Wall Street Journal had an editorial article titled "How Public Unions Exploit the Ruse of 'Official Time'". This article was extremely biased and unfair and unfortunately represents an ideology which is prevalent in America and is wrong and dangerous! The theme of the article is that it posits that "official time" for federal employees is a huge waste in taxpayer spending and should be eliminated or dramatically curtailed; "official time" is merely time that federal employees who are also union members spend on union business. The author of the article, Mallory Factor, highlights this theme in his statement that "the Office of Personnel Management reports that federal employees spent over three million hours on official time in 2010 costing the taxpayers about $137 million in salary and benfit costs". This criticism is without merit, federal union workers have rights and union authorities who work under this classification of "official time" are merely using this time to learn about the problems facing these workers that impinge on these rights and see the affected rights are respected. These union authorities have the right and duty to do this work and the federal government as the employer of federal union workers has the duty to see these workers get their rights of good union representation which this "official time" mechanism provides. Matters concerning these workers involving scheduling, work assignments, compensation, health insurance and other issues impact these workers rights and are important thereby justifying the use federal worker union authorities spending time on them!

Mr. Factor is so uneven handed in this article it makes his position laughable! He seeks to make a big deal that as of July 2011, the Department of Homeland Security had 62 employees working full-time on union activities; what a meaningless criticism the number of work locations of DHS must number at least in the hundreds, for alone there is at least a hundred plus airports across the country which have DHS worksites, sixty-two such employees for all the varied DHS work locations is not unreasonable at all. Mr. Factor offers further support for his thesis by mentioning that in 1998 there was 946 federal employees throughout the entire federal government workforce working full-time on union activity and therefore working under this "official time" classification, this is not a very persuasive point if one considers that there probably was around 150,000 to 200,000 unionized federal workers in the total workforce at that time which produces about a 1 full-time union official to every 150 or 200 union federal workers which a reasonable person shouldn't consider out of line. To consider the extreme ends people like Mr. Factor will go to advance their anti-union agenda one need only examine the latter portion of the article where he says "47" states have "gift clauses" in their constitutions that prohibit government subsidies to private entities his meaning being that this allowing federal workers who are also union officials to work full-time on union business and still get their federal worker pay is essentially a gift from the federal government to its unions and thus should be outlawed; this logic is clearly twisted and nonsensical when an employer enters into a collective bargaining agreement the employer has a duty to see the employees rights covered by the agreement are given to them this providing of "official time" to federal worker union officials is merely part of the federal government employer fulfilling this duty pursuant to the collective bargaining agreement!

The problem with Mr. Factor is a problem that a lot of Republicans and their allies have which is they don't recognize the natural rights of workers, the rights that a person of good virtue would consider that all workers are entitled to. A perfect example of this bad ideology is this Senate candidatie Mr. Akin's response when a person recently asked him publicly if he was anti-union, he didn't say I fully support collective bargaining rights but I think union agreements should be fair to employers as well as employees, no this anti-union candidate essentially said I believe in a system where employers should be free to set the terms of employment for their employees and if an employee doesn't like those terms he is free to seek employment elsewhere. This value or ideology is so off-the-charts bad that someone who holds it should not only not be in public office he or she shouldn't even ever be able to be a candidate for public office in America; the leverage that employers have over an individual employee is enormous and dwarfs that of an employee and jobs aren't a luxury people need a job to live to buy food, shelter and clothing, etc.. This mentality that if workers don't like their employment arrangement too bad hit the road is outrageous and not what the vast majority of Americans think is right. Employers have a civic duty to as much as they can pay a worker a good wage and provide good working conditions and good terms of employment for their workers. Until the people across America, especially wealthy people and executives of big corporation, that hold this aforementioned anti-worker mentality get this that workers count and have rights whether or not listed on a piece of paper and such rights should be respected there is going to be a lot of turmoil and anger in America and the fallout from such affects will often be a real hardship on them!

Having been a union official, in a federal union, I can safely say that your response to the editorial is pure BS.

Any full time union officials should be employees of the union, and not of the federal government.

The natural rights of federal employees are equal and fair treatment by their supervisors and management. The federal unions usually do a pretty good job of seeing that all of the rules and regulations are followed, and that employees are treated fairly and equally.

It is a management responsibility to ensure that official time for union duties are not abused by management or union officials. It appears, from news accounts, that many abuses have been taking place in the federal work force, and abuse of official time for union affairs is just another in the list.
You see, the problem is one of envy. Joe Schmoe, the private sector worker has seen his income stagnate over the last 30 years and his costs for health care and just plain old daily living go up. Companies no longer offer pensions or pay for health's all on him now.

Where as his brother Jack in the public sector....he still gets a pension that him and his employer share the contributions, he helps pay for his insurance, but his employer still handles most of the burden.

Funny thing is Jack keeps voting Republican, who doesn't give a shit about the workforce and caused the demise of private sector unions and caused the downfall of his own paycheck....

go figure.
You see, the problem is one of envy. Joe Schmoe, the private sector worker has seen his income stagnate over the last 30 years and his costs for health care and just plain old daily living go up. Companies no longer offer pensions or pay for health's all on him now.

Where as his brother Jack in the public sector....he still gets a pension that him and his employer share the contributions, he helps pay for his insurance, but his employer still handles most of the burden.

Funny thing is Jack keeps voting Republican, who doesn't give a shit about the workforce and caused the demise of private sector unions and caused the downfall of his own paycheck....

go figure.

How do you manage to get things so wrong? Why do you suppose the private sector eliminated all those things? Because someone had to pay the bill and they couldn't afford it.
Why do you suppose gov't continues doing thise things? Because in essence no one pays the bill so they dont have to justify it on a cost basis.
UNIONS scare the shit out of fascists.

A quick study of FASCISTS GOVERNMENTS is all the evidence one needs to know how very true that is.

And now we note how similarly the GOP operates regarding unionism compared such wonderful FASCIST governments as Hitler's Germany, Mussolini's Italy, Franco's Spain, and Modern China.

What the GOP really and truly most wants is FACISM by another name.
What the GOP really and truly most wants is FACISM by another name.

You for the most part are not one to post such hyper BS

Whats up with this??
he helps pay for his insurance, but his employer still handles most of the burden.

Who's their employer?? that's right the other Joe schmoe.
What the GOP really and truly most wants is FACISM by another name.

You for the most part are not one to post such hyper BS

Whats up with this??

I call them as I see them.

Do you deny that the GOP hates unions?

Do you deny that they share that similarity with every fascist or COMMUNIST government on earth?

What else can one conclude about the GOP and its union hating supporters BUT that they are similar to the FACISTS motherfuckers like Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, or Franco?

All them, their FIRST act when they archived power was what?

Fascists hate and go after UNIONS and INTELLECTUALS every chance they get.

Show me any case where fascists have NOT done that.
What the GOP really and truly most wants is FACISM by another name.

You for the most part are not one to post such hyper BS

Whats up with this??

WHo wants fascism? Who voted to dictate what doctors and insurers can and cannot do? Who voted to screw debtors and subvert bankruptcy law in the Chrysler and GM case? Who summarily fired the CEO of a private company? Who talks about "hate speech" all the time?
You are clueless.
UNIONS scare the shit out of fascists.

A quick study of FASCISTS GOVERNMENTS is all the evidence one needs to know how very true that is.

And now we note how similarly the GOP operates regarding unionism compared such wonderful FASCIST governments as Hitler's Germany, Mussolini's Italy, Franco's Spain, and Modern China.

What the GOP really and truly most wants is FACISM by another name.

Hang on tight, Eddie, your turnip truck is taking a corner.
Who the heck is anti workers? Why do you people foolishly try to tell us that if we arent union we aren't working?
Who the heck is anti workers? Why do you people foolishly try to tell us that if we arent union we aren't working?

The GOP has been anti-worker/pro-employer forbade long, long time. It has LITTLE TO DO with has to do with a fair day's pay for a fair day's work. Personally, I don't give a shit if a guy is a ditch digger....he or she deserves a wage that they can survive on and have a wife or husband and kids that they can raise.

What people have forgotten that the "American Dream" is to do just that.....we all realize that everybody can't be entrepreneurs and live at the top.of the food chain.

The vast majority of the people will NEVER be wealthy....they will be people working 40+ hours/week as an employee. THERE Is no reason that our working people like those that I speak of shouldn't be able to afford to live in our society. don't like unions? Fine....demand that employers treat their employees properly....if they don't do it voluntarily? Fuck it....bring on the unions.
Today's Wall Street Journal had an editorial article titled "How Public Unions Exploit the Ruse of 'Official Time'". This article was extremely biased and unfair and unfortunately represents an ideology which is prevalent in America and is wrong and dangerous! The theme of the article is that it posits that "official time" for federal employees is a huge waste in taxpayer spending and should be eliminated or dramatically curtailed; "official time" is merely time that federal employees who are also union members spend on union business. The author of the article, Mallory Factor, highlights this theme in his statement that "the Office of Personnel Management reports that federal employees spent over three million hours on official time in 2010 costing the taxpayers about $137 million in salary and benfit costs". This criticism is without merit, federal union workers have rights and union authorities who work under this classification of "official time" are merely using this time to learn about the problems facing these workers that impinge on these rights and see the affected rights are respected. These union authorities have the right and duty to do this work and the federal government as the employer of federal union workers has the duty to see these workers get their rights of good union representation which this "official time" mechanism provides. Matters concerning these workers involving scheduling, work assignments, compensation, health insurance and other issues impact these workers rights and are important thereby justifying the use federal worker union authorities spending time on them!

Mr. Factor is so uneven handed in this article it makes his position laughable! He seeks to make a big deal that as of July 2011, the Department of Homeland Security had 62 employees working full-time on union activities; what a meaningless criticism the number of work locations of DHS must number at least in the hundreds, for alone there is at least a hundred plus airports across the country which have DHS worksites, sixty-two such employees for all the varied DHS work locations is not unreasonable at all. Mr. Factor offers further support for his thesis by mentioning that in 1998 there was 946 federal employees throughout the entire federal government workforce working full-time on union activity and therefore working under this "official time" classification, this is not a very persuasive point if one considers that there probably was around 150,000 to 200,000 unionized federal workers in the total workforce at that time which produces about a 1 full-time union official to every 150 or 200 union federal workers which a reasonable person shouldn't consider out of line. To consider the extreme ends people like Mr. Factor will go to advance their anti-union agenda one need only examine the latter portion of the article where he says "47" states have "gift clauses" in their constitutions that prohibit government subsidies to private entities his meaning being that this allowing federal workers who are also union officials to work full-time on union business and still get their federal worker pay is essentially a gift from the federal government to its unions and thus should be outlawed; this logic is clearly twisted and nonsensical when an employer enters into a collective bargaining agreement the employer has a duty to see the employees rights covered by the agreement are given to them this providing of "official time" to federal worker union officials is merely part of the federal government employer fulfilling this duty pursuant to the collective bargaining agreement!

The problem with Mr. Factor is a problem that a lot of Republicans and their allies have which is they don't recognize the natural rights of workers, the rights that a person of good virtue would consider that all workers are entitled to. A perfect example of this bad ideology is this Senate candidatie Mr. Akin's response when a person recently asked him publicly if he was anti-union, he didn't say I fully support collective bargaining rights but I think union agreements should be fair to employers as well as employees, no this anti-union candidate essentially said I believe in a system where employers should be free to set the terms of employment for their employees and if an employee doesn't like those terms he is free to seek employment elsewhere. This value or ideology is so off-the-charts bad that someone who holds it should not only not be in public office he or she shouldn't even ever be able to be a candidate for public office in America; the leverage that employers have over an individual employee is enormous and dwarfs that of an employee and jobs aren't a luxury people need a job to live to buy food, shelter and clothing, etc.. This mentality that if workers don't like their employment arrangement too bad hit the road is outrageous and not what the vast majority of Americans think is right. Employers have a civic duty to as much as they can pay a worker a good wage and provide good working conditions and good terms of employment for their workers. Until the people across America, especially wealthy people and executives of big corporation, that hold this aforementioned anti-worker mentality get this that workers count and have rights whether or not listed on a piece of paper and such rights should be respected there is going to be a lot of turmoil and anger in America and the fallout from such affects will often be a real hardship on them!
Chuckle chuckle..
PLease. Government workers spend less time working than private sector employees hands down.
One of the glaring issues with government labor costs IS the existence of unions and on the state and municipal level, civil service protections.
These items dramatically increase the cost of government business and therefore have a direct effect on the wallets of the taxpayers.
Quite frankly with this thread you are wading into shark infested waters.
With the economy being the way it is, the 23 million people not working and an additional 20 million underemployed, now is not the the time to be whining about government workers, their unions and how abused the government workers might be.
Wanna know why? Cry us a river.
If government workers don't like the conditions under which they are employed, they are free to move on to the private sector. Then they can get some real world experience.
Oh, to answer the issue directly...If a union member wants to do union business, they can do it on their OWN time. Not MINE.
No one should be paid if they are not at their desk in their work area being productive. PERIOD.. We are not here to pay people to NOT WORK....
Today's Wall Street Journal had an editorial article titled "How Public Unions Exploit the Ruse of 'Official Time'". This article was extremely biased and unfair and unfortunately represents an ideology which is prevalent in America and is wrong and dangerous! The theme of the article is that it posits that "official time" for federal employees is a huge waste in taxpayer spending and should be eliminated or dramatically curtailed; "official time" is merely time that federal employees who are also union members spend on union business. The author of the article, Mallory Factor, highlights this theme in his statement that "the Office of Personnel Management reports that federal employees spent over three million hours on official time in 2010 costing the taxpayers about $137 million in salary and benfit costs". This criticism is without merit, federal union workers have rights and union authorities who work under this classification of "official time" are merely using this time to learn about the problems facing these workers that impinge on these rights and see the affected rights are respected. These union authorities have the right and duty to do this work and the federal government as the employer of federal union workers has the duty to see these workers get their rights of good union representation which this "official time" mechanism provides. Matters concerning these workers involving scheduling, work assignments, compensation, health insurance and other issues impact these workers rights and are important thereby justifying the use federal worker union authorities spending time on them!

Mr. Factor is so uneven handed in this article it makes his position laughable! He seeks to make a big deal that as of July 2011, the Department of Homeland Security had 62 employees working full-time on union activities; what a meaningless criticism the number of work locations of DHS must number at least in the hundreds, for alone there is at least a hundred plus airports across the country which have DHS worksites, sixty-two such employees for all the varied DHS work locations is not unreasonable at all. Mr. Factor offers further support for his thesis by mentioning that in 1998 there was 946 federal employees throughout the entire federal government workforce working full-time on union activity and therefore working under this "official time" classification, this is not a very persuasive point if one considers that there probably was around 150,000 to 200,000 unionized federal workers in the total workforce at that time which produces about a 1 full-time union official to every 150 or 200 union federal workers which a reasonable person shouldn't consider out of line. To consider the extreme ends people like Mr. Factor will go to advance their anti-union agenda one need only examine the latter portion of the article where he says "47" states have "gift clauses" in their constitutions that prohibit government subsidies to private entities his meaning being that this allowing federal workers who are also union officials to work full-time on union business and still get their federal worker pay is essentially a gift from the federal government to its unions and thus should be outlawed; this logic is clearly twisted and nonsensical when an employer enters into a collective bargaining agreement the employer has a duty to see the employees rights covered by the agreement are given to them this providing of "official time" to federal worker union officials is merely part of the federal government employer fulfilling this duty pursuant to the collective bargaining agreement!

The problem with Mr. Factor is a problem that a lot of Republicans and their allies have which is they don't recognize the natural rights of workers, the rights that a person of good virtue would consider that all workers are entitled to. A perfect example of this bad ideology is this Senate candidatie Mr. Akin's response when a person recently asked him publicly if he was anti-union, he didn't say I fully support collective bargaining rights but I think union agreements should be fair to employers as well as employees, no this anti-union candidate essentially said I believe in a system where employers should be free to set the terms of employment for their employees and if an employee doesn't like those terms he is free to seek employment elsewhere. This value or ideology is so off-the-charts bad that someone who holds it should not only not be in public office he or she shouldn't even ever be able to be a candidate for public office in America; the leverage that employers have over an individual employee is enormous and dwarfs that of an employee and jobs aren't a luxury people need a job to live to buy food, shelter and clothing, etc.. This mentality that if workers don't like their employment arrangement too bad hit the road is outrageous and not what the vast majority of Americans think is right. Employers have a civic duty to as much as they can pay a worker a good wage and provide good working conditions and good terms of employment for their workers. Until the people across America, especially wealthy people and executives of big corporation, that hold this aforementioned anti-worker mentality get this that workers count and have rights whether or not listed on a piece of paper and such rights should be respected there is going to be a lot of turmoil and anger in America and the fallout from such affects will often be a real hardship on them!

Democrats only Represent those workers lucky enough to be in an Union, Which is about 19% of the work force.

Wake the fuck up.
You see, the problem is one of envy. Joe Schmoe, the private sector worker has seen his income stagnate over the last 30 years and his costs for health care and just plain old daily living go up. Companies no longer offer pensions or pay for health's all on him now.

Where as his brother Jack in the public sector....he still gets a pension that him and his employer share the contributions, he helps pay for his insurance, but his employer still handles most of the burden.

Funny thing is Jack keeps voting Republican, who doesn't give a shit about the workforce and caused the demise of private sector unions and caused the downfall of his own paycheck....

go figure.
Umm...the employer is the TAXPAYER.. And we are no longer wish to see people who are supposed to be in service to the public getting a better deal than the public they are suppose to serve.
Public worker union wages and benefits have gotten out of control and are no longer sustainable.
The assault on out of control public worker unions is on. The taxpayers have HAD ENOUGH.
You can call it jealousy if that makes you feel better.
The fact is for far too long public worker union bosses have colluded with politicians to get their workers these higher than market wages and gold plated benefits. The answer was always "just raise taxes"..Well that shit is OVER.
You and those who support and advocate these public worker unions are in the extreme minority. You are not going to get much sympathy.
UNIONS scare the shit out of fascists.

A quick study of FASCISTS GOVERNMENTS is all the evidence one needs to know how very true that is.

And now we note how similarly the GOP operates regarding unionism compared such wonderful FASCIST governments as Hitler's Germany, Mussolini's Italy, Franco's Spain, and Modern China.

What the GOP really and truly most wants is FACISM by another name.
Oy vey...
Unions? Unions are collectives which allow for the group to be more important than the individual. Unions insure that merit is ignored and the collective is similarly compensated without regard to ability or performance of any individual. In fact unions frown upon productivity and swear off outstanding performance.
Unions breed mediocrity and complacency.
Unions by and large are despised.

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