
That suggests that the 'serpent' was different from the animals.
If you say so.

Just like I said at the start. You would spin it to fit your desired narrative.

The fact is, even if you are correct, believing in pregnant virgins, recipes for abortion and Satan who turned himself into a snake and talked eve into biting a forbidden apple is all good stuff.

No wonder the religious right tends to believe what they want without evidence; their entire religious life is based on that concept.

It's conditioning.

I will pray for you.
If you say so.

Just like I said at the start. You would spin it to fit your desired narrative.

The fact is, even if you are correct, believing in pregnant virgins, recipes for abortion and Satan who turned himself into a snake and talked eve into biting a forbidden apple is all good stuff.

No wonder the religious right tends to believe what they want without evidence; their entire religious life is based on that concept.

It's conditioning.

I will pray for you.
Apple? Where'd you read that?

Thanks for the prayers. We all need them. :)
If you say so.

Just like I said at the start. You would spin it to fit your desired narrative.

The fact is, even if you are correct, believing in pregnant virgins, recipes for abortion and Satan who turned himself into a snake and talked eve into biting a forbidden apple is all good stuff.

No wonder the religious right tends to believe what they want without evidence; their entire religious life is based on that concept.

It's conditioning.

I will pray for you.
Faith is the first evidence. I had faith that God would look after me when I was called into the church. He hasn't let me down yet. I've seen friends and family fall on all sides, yet I'm still standing. That's pretty good evidence. :bowdown:
Whether we like it or not God owns us every one.

Unless of course there isn't a God.

Seeing how contradictory the Bible is... why would God write a contradictory book? He made science with no contradictions..... and the goes write a book (much simpler, you'd think) and it's like he was wasted on alcohol and a whole host of hard drugs at the time.
Unless of course there isn't a God.

Seeing how contradictory the Bible is... why would God write a contradictory book? He made science with no contradictions..... and the goes write a book (much simpler, you'd think) and it's like he was wasted on alcohol and a whole host of hard drugs at the time.
Most of the supposed contradictions can be explained. Others may have been the result of literary sabotage. John warns in Revelation not to mess with scripture. Anyway, the few 'errors' are of little consequence in the overall narrative. What is most troubling is the deliberate misinterpretation of scripture , most notably the conflating of all the tribes of Israel into Judaism. Because of this huge parts of the bible are misunderstood.
Yeah. I just looked it up.

You would be correct, it doesn't seem to specify.
We could also say that the 'fruit' or the consequences of disobedience were the curses that followed. The tree displayed in its fruit a lifestyle of independent thought and actions that were counter to God's revelation. This aspect of the term 'serpent' is revealed in the root meaning of the word, specifically "learn by experimentation", rather than through revelation.
We could also say that the 'fruit' or the consequences of disobedience were the curses that followed. The tree displayed in its fruit a lifestyle of independent thought and actions that were counter to God's revelation. This aspect of the term 'serpent' is revealed in the root meaning of the word, specifically "learn by experimentation", rather than through revelation.

I think it's also important to realize that snake cults were dominant at that time in Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Levant, Arabia and the Indus valley.
The antichrist will not be one person but a world government.
No, anti-christ, i.e., the Jews' soon-to-be-revealed false Messiah, will defile the 3rd Temple, which is on the verge of being built.

Daniel 11
[24] He [anti-christ] shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.

[31] And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.

Daniel 12
[9] And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.
[10] Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.
[11] And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
The christian doomsday cult is the real antichrist.
It was supposed to be Joe, but he ended up being too stupid to realize it.


Lucifer is taking applicants to replace him if intetested.
Most of the supposed contradictions can be explained. Others may have been the result of literary sabotage. John warns in Revelation not to mess with scripture. Anyway, the few 'errors' are of little consequence in the overall narrative. What is most troubling is the deliberate misinterpretation of scripture , most notably the conflating of all the tribes of Israel into Judaism. Because of this huge parts of the bible are misunderstood.

And who gets to decide whether something is a "misinterpretation"?

My favorite has to be

Genesis 1:27​

"So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them."

So, does this mean physical image, God has legs, arms, eyes, ears....? What would a God need these for? Is God subject to Earth's gravity? Does God have sexual organs? And if God has a dick, is there a girl God?

Or does this mean God's mental image?

God, the God who went around killing people? Is that how he envisaged humans? God kills people and then gets annoyed when humans kill and calls them evil? I mean, God literally killed EVERYONE except Noah and his family and all the animals because.... because... he thought humans were bad? Nothing say BAD more than killing EVERYONE.....
And who gets to decide whether something is a "misinterpretation"?

My favorite has to be

Genesis 1:27​

"So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them."

So, does this mean physical image, God has legs, arms, eyes, ears....? What would a God need these for? Is God subject to Earth's gravity? Does God have sexual organs? And if God has a dick, is there a girl God?

Or does this mean God's mental image?

God, the God who went around killing people? Is that how he envisaged humans? God kills people and then gets annoyed when humans kill and calls them evil? I mean, God literally killed EVERYONE except Noah and his family and all the animals because.... because... he thought humans were bad? Nothing say BAD more than killing EVERYONE.....
Much of the Bible has always been misinterpreted, mainly by people who don't believe it anyway.

Man was made in the image, or resemblance of God, yes. Can you think of a better body with which to enjoy the pleasures of an Edenlike environment?

God destroyed mankind because mankind was corrupt. That even means genetically corrupt. Why wouldn't God clean up his creation?
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Much of the Bible has always been misinterpreted, mainly by people who don't believe it anyway.

Man was made in the image, or resemblance of God, yes. Can you think of a better body with which to enjoy the pleasures of an Edenlike environment?

God destroyed mankind because mankind was corrupt. That even means genetically corrupt. Why wouldn't God clean up his creation?

Again, who decides whether the Bible is being misinterpreted? You just say it's being "misinterpreted" as if that solves all the problems.

If I interpret the Bible in one way, and you interpret it another way, which person is "right"? Chances are neither of you are right.

You didn't reply to my comments about Man being made in the image of God.

You seem to say Man was made in the PHYSICAL image of God.

Again, why would God have a penis?

Man was corrupt.

So, if I think humans are corrupt, I can kill them?

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4​

"Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God."

Daniel 7:25​

"He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and shall think to change the times and the law; and they shall be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time."
Again, who decides whether the Bible is being misinterpreted? You just say it's being "misinterpreted" as if that solves all the problems.
The Bible says plainly things which are misinterpreted. This is a good example.

"Christmas trees are not mentioned in the Bible. However, a group of Christians interpreted one of the verses to mean God forbids us from having Christmas trees. In Jeremiah 10:1-5 the Bible talks about the ways of the Gentiles who cut down trees and decorated them with silver and gold."
You didn't reply to my comments about Man being made in the image of God.
Sure, I did. Why wouldn't God want to enjoy the pleasures of the Eden he created in the beginning for the angels to enjoy. Didn't he walk with Adam and Eve in the garden as a human being in the Eden he re-created in Genesis One? Angels appeared as physical humans throughout scripture. Recall "Jacob's Ladder", angels ascending and descending the earth. They go back and forth from spirit to physical beings.

However, God likely was a bit different. Man was made kinda like God, but not exactly like God.
So, if I think humans are corrupt, I can kill them?
If they are too corrupt, i.e., murderers, we can kill them.
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