Antifa and conservatives

Isn't it funny how outspoken the conservatives here are about a group that is anti-fascist? Are conservatives secretly for fascism? If they are against a group that stands for anti-fascists, then we can logically conclude that conservatives are pro-fascism.

Conservatives are truly demented people.
That was a really dumb post sytforbrains

and you are;




Funny how cons defend neonazis and try to turn the antifa crew confronting the nazis into the bad guys .

More thinly veiled support of racists .

Exactly. And this is really the main point I'm trying to make here. The group opposed to racist white nationalist fascist scum are the "bad" guys? Really?

Conservatard logic. Scary shit.
Isn't it funny how outspoken the conservatives here are about a group that is anti-fascist? Are conservatives secretly for fascism? If they are against a group that stands for anti-fascists, then we can logically conclude that conservatives are pro-fascism.

Conservatives are truly demented people.

Soooo, you think that a bunch of punks that dress in black, cover their faces, go around terrorizing people, making threats, hurting people, rioting and damaging property unless others bend to THEIR will aren't fascists JUST BECAUSE they CALL themselves Antifa??? Boy, what a rube you are, those knuckleheads sure had you boys pegged right!!! :mm: Just one more blindingly gullible lib who lectures others from a self-made pedestal so high that no one can even see you!
Antifa is just as much anti fascist as nonplussed is a term used to describe the lack of plus.

In the case of antifa, they are a group virulently opposed ti liberal values and who use violence to silence opposition. No decent human being would defend these goons just because they define anything that does not march in completely lockstep with their authoritarian ways as "fascist".

Try going to a university where they shout you down if you offend them.

I have one such within walking distance of my house.

I'm glad I'm old.
Funny how cons defend neonazis and try to turn the antifa crew confronting the nazis into the bad guys .

More thinly veiled support of racists .

What is actually funny is how stupid little boys try to claim anybody has defended Nazis when they haven't in order to justify their support for violent thugs attacking anybody who does not goose step with them.
Isn't it funny how outspoken the conservatives here are about a group that is anti-fascist? Are conservatives secretly for fascism? If they are against a group that stands for anti-fascists, then we can logically conclude that conservatives are pro-fascism.

Conservatives are truly demented people.

Communists were "anti-fascist" too. That's all Antifa really is, a bunch of Marxist loving faggots and anarchists.
Isn't it funny how outspoken the conservatives here are about a group that is anti-fascist? Are conservatives secretly for fascism? If they are against a group that stands for anti-fascists, then we can logically conclude that conservatives are pro-fascism.

Conservatives are truly demented people.

Soooo, you think that a bunch of punks that dress in black, cover their faces, go around terrorizing people, making threats, hurting people, rioting and damaging property unless others bend to THEIR will aren't fascists JUST BECAUSE they CALL themselves Antifa??? Boy, what a rube you are, those knuckleheads sure had you boys pegged right!!! :mm:

They terrorize people now? I thought you tards think they're pussies? Can you guys please make up your fucking minds?

Anyway, they only fight against fascist scum, which is an American tradition. Are you against American tradition? Are you anti-American?
Isn't it funny how outspoken the conservatives here are about a group that is anti-fascist? Are conservatives secretly for fascism? If they are against a group that stands for anti-fascists, then we can logically conclude that conservatives are pro-fascism.

Conservatives are truly demented people.
your antifa buddies are anti-Constitution, so does that mean all leftists are anti-Constitution?

yes, the left keeps proving, daily, how much they hate the Constitution.
Isn't it funny how outspoken the conservatives here are about a group that is anti-fascist? Are conservatives secretly for fascism? If they are against a group that stands for anti-fascists, then we can logically conclude that conservatives are pro-fascism.

Conservatives are truly demented people.

Soooo, you think that a bunch of punks that dress in black, cover their faces, go around terrorizing people, making threats, hurting people, rioting and damaging property unless others bend to THEIR will aren't fascists JUST BECAUSE they CALL themselves Antifa??? Boy, what a rube you are, those knuckleheads sure had you boys pegged right!!! :mm:

a rube calling someone a rube .. ironic.
Isn't it funny how outspoken the conservatives here are about a group that is anti-fascist? Are conservatives secretly for fascism? If they are against a group that stands for anti-fascists, then we can logically conclude that conservatives are pro-fascism.

Conservatives are truly demented people.

Soooo, you think that a bunch of punks that dress in black, cover their faces, go around terrorizing people, making threats, hurting people, rioting and damaging property unless others bend to THEIR will aren't fascists JUST BECAUSE they CALL themselves Antifa??? Boy, what a rube you are, those knuckleheads sure had you boys pegged right!!! :mm:

a rube calling someone a rube .. ironic.
More labels from a stupid fking lefty
Isn't it funny how outspoken the conservatives here are about a group that is anti-fascist? Are conservatives secretly for fascism? If they are against a group that stands for anti-fascists, then we can logically conclude that conservatives are pro-fascism.

Conservatives are truly demented people.

Soooo, you think that a bunch of punks that dress in black, cover their faces, go around terrorizing people, making threats, hurting people, rioting and damaging property unless others bend to THEIR will aren't fascists JUST BECAUSE they CALL themselves Antifa??? Boy, what a rube you are, those knuckleheads sure had you boys pegged right!!! :mm:

a rube calling someone a rube .. ironic.
More labels from a stupid fking lefty

are you anti-fascist



Isn't it funny how outspoken the conservatives here are about a group that is anti-fascist? Are conservatives secretly for fascism? If they are against a group that stands for anti-fascists, then we can logically conclude that conservatives are pro-fascism.

Conservatives are truly demented people.

Soooo, you think that a bunch of punks that dress in black, cover their faces, go around terrorizing people, making threats, hurting people, rioting and damaging property unless others bend to THEIR will aren't fascists JUST BECAUSE they CALL themselves Antifa??? Boy, what a rube you are, those knuckleheads sure had you boys pegged right!!! :mm:

a rube calling someone a rube .. ironic.
More labels from a stupid fking lefty

are you anti-fascist



What does that have to do with the price of gold in China?
Isn't it funny how outspoken the conservatives here are about a group that is anti-fascist? Are conservatives secretly for fascism? If they are against a group that stands for anti-fascists, then we can logically conclude that conservatives are pro-fascism.

Conservatives are truly demented people.

I'm against a group that hide their identities behind masks and take to the streets to violently attack those who's political views they don't agree with!

Why you support them is the real question! Being against a group that acts like Nazi Brownshirts ISN'T being "pro-fascism"'s being pro-free speech!
Isn't it funny how outspoken the conservatives here are about a group that is anti-fascist? Are conservatives secretly for fascism? If they are against a group that stands for anti-fascists, then we can logically conclude that conservatives are pro-fascism.

Conservatives are truly demented people.

You might have a point if Antifa were actually anti-fascist, but they are anti-fascist in name only. In practice, the engage in more fascist tactics than the people they accuse.
Isn't it funny how outspoken the conservatives here are about a group that is anti-fascist? Are conservatives secretly for fascism? If they are against a group that stands for anti-fascists, then we can logically conclude that conservatives are pro-fascism.

Conservatives are truly demented people.

Just as their contempt for BLM leads us to conclude...
Freaking leftist loons, whining about Nazism and Fascism and don't have the first clue what either was really like, go back to the 1930's and 40''ll find out

Its the snowflake version of Nazism and Fascism, think marshmallows and puffy throw pillows.

LOL I'd like to see these fag man bun wearing ANIFTA take on real Nazis and'd be ugly

Antifa punks wouldn't last an hour.

Hell every video I've seen of them they end up getting their asses kicked

Or run over.
Isn't it funny how outspoken the conservatives here are about a group that is anti-fascist? Are conservatives secretly for fascism? If they are against a group that stands for anti-fascists, then we can logically conclude that conservatives are pro-fascism.

Conservatives are truly demented people.

Communists were "anti-fascist" too. That's all Antifa really is, a bunch of Marxist loving faggots and anarchists.

As were the 82nd Airborne.

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