Antifa and the KKK


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Yet another predictable behavior similarity I'm seeing between the two "sides" of the spectrum is the way the Lefties here are now going out of their way to pretend they are not aligned in any way with Antifa.

Is it not obvious that, when you constantly attack and insult and mock people, when you communicate virtually all the time in cartoonish hyperbole (You're Hitler! Your side are Nazis!), when you absolutely refuse to publicly have a normal, adult conversation with someone who dares to disagree with you, when you expose yourself to people and "news" that only agree with your political agenda, that you and your "side" are going to create, nurture and enable crazy people who take things too fucking far?

Is this not blatantly obvious?

The ends of the spectrum are effectively aligned with the dangerous, destructive crazies, because they CREATED and ENABLED them.
Yet another predictable behavior similarity I'm seeing between the two "sides" of the spectrum is the way the Lefties here are now going out of their way to pretend they are not aligned in any way with Antifa.

Is it not obvious that, when you constantly attack and insult and mock people, when you communicate virtually all the time in cartoonish hyperbole (You're Hitler! Your side are Nazis!), when you absolutely refuse to publicly have a normal, adult conversation with someone who dares to disagree with you, when you expose yourself to people and "news" that only agree with your political agenda, that you and your "side" are going to create, nurture and enable crazy people who take things too fucking far?

Is this not blatantly obvious?

The ends of the spectrum are effectively aligned with the dangerous, destructive crazies, because they CREATED and ENABLED them.
So you are saying that the president was right when he said 'both sides' are to blame for the violence...?!
Yet another predictable behavior similarity I'm seeing between the two "sides" of the spectrum is the way the Lefties here are now going out of their way to pretend they are not aligned in any way with Antifa.

Is it not obvious that, when you constantly attack and insult and mock people, when you communicate virtually all the time in cartoonish hyperbole (You're Hitler! Your side are Nazis!), when you absolutely refuse to publicly have a normal, adult conversation with someone who dares to disagree with you, when you expose yourself to people and "news" that only agree with your political agenda, that you and your "side" are going to create, nurture and enable crazy people who take things too fucking far?

Is this not blatantly obvious?

The ends of the spectrum are effectively aligned with the dangerous, destructive crazies, because they CREATED and ENABLED them.
So you are saying that the president was right when he said 'both sides' are to blame for the violence...?!
I've never said he was wrong about that. What I've said it was that it was completely tone-deaf and inappropriate for him to address it like that, and that it made him an easy mark. He could have chosen to put it differently, but he doesn't seem to mind making himself an easy mark.
Yet another predictable behavior similarity I'm seeing between the two "sides" of the spectrum is the way the Lefties here are now going out of their way to pretend they are not aligned in any way with Antifa.

Is it not obvious that, when you constantly attack and insult and mock people, when you communicate virtually all the time in cartoonish hyperbole (You're Hitler! Your side are Nazis!), when you absolutely refuse to publicly have a normal, adult conversation with someone who dares to disagree with you, when you expose yourself to people and "news" that only agree with your political agenda, that you and your "side" are going to create, nurture and enable crazy people who take things too fucking far?

Is this not blatantly obvious?

The ends of the spectrum are effectively aligned with the dangerous, destructive crazies, because they CREATED and ENABLED them.
So you are saying that the president was right when he said 'both sides' are to blame for the violence...?!
I've never said he was wrong about that. What I've said it was that it was completely tone-deaf and inappropriate for him to address it like that, and that it made him an easy mark. He could have chosen to put it differently, but he doesn't seem to mind making himself an easy mark.
The media and leftist have proven that no matter what he says they are going to attack him.
Yet another predictable behavior similarity I'm seeing between the two "sides" of the spectrum is the way the Lefties here are now going out of their way to pretend they are not aligned in any way with Antifa.

Is it not obvious that, when you constantly attack and insult and mock people, when you communicate virtually all the time in cartoonish hyperbole (You're Hitler! Your side are Nazis!), when you absolutely refuse to publicly have a normal, adult conversation with someone who dares to disagree with you, when you expose yourself to people and "news" that only agree with your political agenda, that you and your "side" are going to create, nurture and enable crazy people who take things too fucking far?

Is this not blatantly obvious?

The ends of the spectrum are effectively aligned with the dangerous, destructive crazies, because they CREATED and ENABLED them.
these are the extremes of either side but neither side claims them as their own. the other sides just say HEY LOOK AT YOUR SIDE and points to them.

annoying after awhile isn't it? :)
You're right. Crazies to the left of me, crazies to the right of me...evil doers on the fringes.

Hatred has gone mainstream...a turn of events I've not seen in my lifetime. When high profile public figures refer to nearly half the population of the country as the 'enemy', or 'deplorable', or desirous of putting black folk 'back in chains', or wanting old folks to die...and the establishment media carelessly (deliberately?) throw out terms like 'racists, extremists, right wingers, fascists,' when speaking of or writing about folks who don't share their ideology ...the crazies feel their hatred is acceptable and their violence is righteous.
Yet another predictable behavior similarity I'm seeing between the two "sides" of the spectrum is the way the Lefties here are now going out of their way to pretend they are not aligned in any way with Antifa.

Is it not obvious that, when you constantly attack and insult and mock people, when you communicate virtually all the time in cartoonish hyperbole (You're Hitler! Your side are Nazis!), when you absolutely refuse to publicly have a normal, adult conversation with someone who dares to disagree with you, when you expose yourself to people and "news" that only agree with your political agenda, that you and your "side" are going to create, nurture and enable crazy people who take things too fucking far?

Is this not blatantly obvious?

The ends of the spectrum are effectively aligned with the dangerous, destructive crazies, because they CREATED and ENABLED them.
So you are saying that the president was right when he said 'both sides' are to blame for the violence...?!
I've never said he was wrong about that. What I've said it was that it was completely tone-deaf and inappropriate for him to address it like that, and that it made him an easy mark. He could have chosen to put it differently, but he doesn't seem to mind making himself an easy mark.
The media and leftist have proven that no matter what he says they are going to attack him.
hell they attack him when he says nothing at all.

You're right. Crazies to the left of me, crazies to the right of me...evil doers on the fringes.

Hatred has gone mainstream...a turn of events I've not seen in my lifetime. When high profile public figures refer to nearly half the population of the country as the 'enemy', or 'deplorable', or desirous of putting black folk 'back in chains', or wanting old folks to die...and the establishment media carelessly (deliberately?) throw out terms like 'racists, extremists, right wingers, fascists,' when speaking of or writing about folks who don't share their ideology ...the crazies feel their hatred is acceptable and their violence is righteous.
what makes me smile is more and more people are seeing it and backing away. the 80% of us caught in the middle of all this crap are starting to remember it didn't used to be this way and it doesn't need to be like this now.
How do you have a "normal, adult" conversation with someone who thinks their race is superior to another?

How do you have a normal conversation with someone who thinks the proper response to not baking a cake is a $150,000 fine?
You're right. Crazies to the left of me, crazies to the right of me...evil doers on the fringes.

Hatred has gone mainstream...a turn of events I've not seen in my lifetime. When high profile public figures refer to nearly half the population of the country as the 'enemy', or 'deplorable', or desirous of putting black folk 'back in chains', or wanting old folks to die...and the establishment media carelessly (deliberately?) throw out terms like 'racists, extremists, right wingers, fascists,' when speaking of or writing about folks who don't share their ideology ...the crazies feel their hatred is acceptable and their violence is righteous.
Yep. I go back and forth between thinking there is no coming back from this, to thinking maybe we'll finally reach a point at which the backlash will begin.

50/50 right now.
Yet another predictable behavior similarity I'm seeing between the two "sides" of the spectrum is the way the Lefties here are now going out of their way to pretend they are not aligned in any way with Antifa.

Is it not obvious that, when you constantly attack and insult and mock people, when you communicate virtually all the time in cartoonish hyperbole (You're Hitler! Your side are Nazis!), when you absolutely refuse to publicly have a normal, adult conversation with someone who dares to disagree with you, when you expose yourself to people and "news" that only agree with your political agenda, that you and your "side" are going to create, nurture and enable crazy people who take things too fucking far?

Is this not blatantly obvious?

The ends of the spectrum are effectively aligned with the dangerous, destructive crazies, because they CREATED and ENABLED them.

Either the dems saw the polling on the wall or they think anti-fa is gearing up for something so big and destructive that they are getting their ducks in a row now before it happens.
How do you have a "normal, adult" conversation with someone who thinks their race is superior to another?
I've done it. English. Patience. Calm. Listen to them. I'm not obliged to agree, but I do want to understand.

What you realize is it's usually based on the "fear of the different", the most basic human fear and emotion out there.

Only the truly hard core take it to the next level.
Yet another predictable behavior similarity I'm seeing between the two "sides" of the spectrum is the way the Lefties here are now going out of their way to pretend they are not aligned in any way with Antifa.

Is it not obvious that, when you constantly attack and insult and mock people, when you communicate virtually all the time in cartoonish hyperbole (You're Hitler! Your side are Nazis!), when you absolutely refuse to publicly have a normal, adult conversation with someone who dares to disagree with you, when you expose yourself to people and "news" that only agree with your political agenda, that you and your "side" are going to create, nurture and enable crazy people who take things too fucking far?

Is this not blatantly obvious?

The ends of the spectrum are effectively aligned with the dangerous, destructive crazies, because they CREATED and ENABLED them.

Either the dems saw the polling on the wall or they think anti-fa is gearing up for something so big and destructive that they are getting their ducks in a row now before it happens.
I think they just see how radicalized Antifa is and don't want to be associated with it.

Like a Republican staying clear of David Duke.
Yet another predictable behavior similarity I'm seeing between the two "sides" of the spectrum is the way the Lefties here are now going out of their way to pretend they are not aligned in any way with Antifa.

Is it not obvious that, when you constantly attack and insult and mock people, when you communicate virtually all the time in cartoonish hyperbole (You're Hitler! Your side are Nazis!), when you absolutely refuse to publicly have a normal, adult conversation with someone who dares to disagree with you, when you expose yourself to people and "news" that only agree with your political agenda, that you and your "side" are going to create, nurture and enable crazy people who take things too fucking far?

Is this not blatantly obvious?

The ends of the spectrum are effectively aligned with the dangerous, destructive crazies, because they CREATED and ENABLED them.

Either the dems saw the polling on the wall or they think anti-fa is gearing up for something so big and destructive that they are getting their ducks in a row now before it happens.
I think they just see how radicalized Antifa is and don't want to be associated with it.

Like a Republican staying clear of David Duke.

It doesn't matter how clear you try to stay of him, progressives will try to make the link until the end of time.
Yet another predictable behavior similarity I'm seeing between the two "sides" of the spectrum is the way the Lefties here are now going out of their way to pretend they are not aligned in any way with Antifa.

Is it not obvious that, when you constantly attack and insult and mock people, when you communicate virtually all the time in cartoonish hyperbole (You're Hitler! Your side are Nazis!), when you absolutely refuse to publicly have a normal, adult conversation with someone who dares to disagree with you, when you expose yourself to people and "news" that only agree with your political agenda, that you and your "side" are going to create, nurture and enable crazy people who take things too fucking far?

Is this not blatantly obvious?

The ends of the spectrum are effectively aligned with the dangerous, destructive crazies, because they CREATED and ENABLED them.
So you are saying that the president was right when he said 'both sides' are to blame for the violence...?!
I've never said he was wrong about that. What I've said it was that it was completely tone-deaf and inappropriate for him to address it like that, and that it made him an easy mark. He could have chosen to put it differently, but he doesn't seem to mind making himself an easy mark.

And he is right to not live his life worrying about how what he says will be deliberately misinterpreted by the vile media.
Yet another predictable behavior similarity I'm seeing between the two "sides" of the spectrum is the way the Lefties here are now going out of their way to pretend they are not aligned in any way with Antifa.

Is it not obvious that, when you constantly attack and insult and mock people, when you communicate virtually all the time in cartoonish hyperbole (You're Hitler! Your side are Nazis!), when you absolutely refuse to publicly have a normal, adult conversation with someone who dares to disagree with you, when you expose yourself to people and "news" that only agree with your political agenda, that you and your "side" are going to create, nurture and enable crazy people who take things too fucking far?

Is this not blatantly obvious?

The ends of the spectrum are effectively aligned with the dangerous, destructive crazies, because they CREATED and ENABLED them.

Either the dems saw the polling on the wall or they think anti-fa is gearing up for something so big and destructive that they are getting their ducks in a row now before it happens.
I think they just see how radicalized Antifa is and don't want to be associated with it.

Like a Republican staying clear of David Duke.

It doesn't matter how clear you try to stay of him, progressives will try to make the link until the end of time.
But that goes back to my original point: We give the crazies cover when we constantly attack the other "side" as viciously as we possibly can.

If we'd act like decent adults, the crazies would be far more marginalized.
Yet another predictable behavior similarity I'm seeing between the two "sides" of the spectrum is the way the Lefties here are now going out of their way to pretend they are not aligned in any way with Antifa.

Is it not obvious that, when you constantly attack and insult and mock people, when you communicate virtually all the time in cartoonish hyperbole (You're Hitler! Your side are Nazis!), when you absolutely refuse to publicly have a normal, adult conversation with someone who dares to disagree with you, when you expose yourself to people and "news" that only agree with your political agenda, that you and your "side" are going to create, nurture and enable crazy people who take things too fucking far?

Is this not blatantly obvious?

The ends of the spectrum are effectively aligned with the dangerous, destructive crazies, because they CREATED and ENABLED them.
So you are saying that the president was right when he said 'both sides' are to blame for the violence...?!
I've never said he was wrong about that. What I've said it was that it was completely tone-deaf and inappropriate for him to address it like that, and that it made him an easy mark. He could have chosen to put it differently, but he doesn't seem to mind making himself an easy mark.

And he is right to not live his life worrying about how what he says will be deliberately misinterpreted by the vile media.
Well sure, but no one can complain when they do what we know they're going to do.

The worse he is, the worse they'll be. If that's good with him, then great.
Yet another predictable behavior similarity I'm seeing between the two "sides" of the spectrum is the way the Lefties here are now going out of their way to pretend they are not aligned in any way with Antifa.

Is it not obvious that, when you constantly attack and insult and mock people, when you communicate virtually all the time in cartoonish hyperbole (You're Hitler! Your side are Nazis!), when you absolutely refuse to publicly have a normal, adult conversation with someone who dares to disagree with you, when you expose yourself to people and "news" that only agree with your political agenda, that you and your "side" are going to create, nurture and enable crazy people who take things too fucking far?

Is this not blatantly obvious?

The ends of the spectrum are effectively aligned with the dangerous, destructive crazies, because they CREATED and ENABLED them.

Either the dems saw the polling on the wall or they think anti-fa is gearing up for something so big and destructive that they are getting their ducks in a row now before it happens.
I think they just see how radicalized Antifa is and don't want to be associated with it.

Like a Republican staying clear of David Duke.

It doesn't matter how clear you try to stay of him, progressives will try to make the link until the end of time.
But that goes back to my original point: We give the crazies cover when we constantly attack the other "side" as viciously as we possibly can.

If we'd act like decent adults, the crazies would be far more marginalized.

Then you have to determine who is a "crazy". There is of course the natural bias where people think their views are "mainstream" and most of the people on the other side are "the crazies". It helps your own argument to marginalize the other side to the maximum degree.

To some on this board I am one of the "crazies". The one thing I don't do is think my views are "mainstream" which to me is an amorphous blob of a term.

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