Antifa Communism Rejected in Spain


Are you saying that you were a Franco supporter?

What's so bad about being a Franco supporter?

Churchill, FDR, and Stalin were much more brutal than Franco.

Besides, Franco in the Spanish Miracle achieved Europe's fastest economic growth in the 20th century.


No, neither Churchill nor FDR had their political opponents sent to concentration camps and executed for the crime of daring to disagree with them.

Are you saying that you were a Franco supporter?

What's so bad about being a Franco supporter?

Churchill, FDR, and Stalin were much more brutal than Franco.

Besides, Franco in the Spanish Miracle achieved Europe's fastest economic growth in the 20th century.


No, neither Churchill nor FDR had their political opponents sent to concentration camps and executed for the crime of daring to disagree with them.

Churchill, and FDR killed 10's of thousands of civilians in Dresden.

They killed 10's of thousands more from supporting Communists in Potsdam, and Yalta Conferences.

Churchill had controlled an India where 3 million starved to death.

FDR had his own camps where Japanese, and some Germans, and Italians were interned.

No way, Franco isn't as bad as these scumf*cks.
You can have a form of Direct Democracy that isn't mob rule, this is Direct Representation this is via Referendum and also giving the peoples the right to Veto legislation that they feel doesn't and/or wouldn't be good for the population in general.

There are nearly infinite forms of government that fit under the umbrella of "democracy".

A "Constitutional Republic", as the US is, is one of them.

More to illustrate that the EU and those who support it are against Democracy.

This is indicating violence, a violent suppression of a peoples right to Democracy and self-determination. The French need to STFU with their very unpopular little Dictator Macron who now has the lowest approval ratings of any French President of The Fifth Republic.

It is for this reason that I support the Catalans and their desire for self-determination, I do not agree with the politics of Catalonia which is Socialist, but I support their fight because this is a fight against the EU Dictatorship.

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The European Project is no nation states that all nations in the EU must be one European Super State where no nation has their own tax policy, social policy, health policy, court system and no Sovereignty. The EU one large Political Union, it should revert back to the EEC when it was only an Economic Trading Bloc.

Catalonia: French minister calls for stronger EU to SQUASH separatist movements


Well, I'm glad that you support the separatists (so do I), but that brings us full circle.

Go back and re-read the OP, in the context of our conversation.

You would find that a lot of people do support the Catalans. Americans wouldn't comprehend I don't think how those on the Right could be supporting the Catalans, but this situation transcends politics, as I say this is about supporting the right to self-determination and being against anyone who wishes to violently suppress it.

I will re read the OP okay yes.

If you support self-determination, how do you reconcile that with your support for Franco?

He overthrew an elected (self-determined) government, and installed himself as absolute ruler.

Well that was different because the Communists if not stopped would have taken over Spain, so that was to prevent Spain falling to Communism.

This article is good about Catalonia and Madrid, part of the problem is that Madrid refuses to even talk with Barcelona about the issue, the reason why Catalonia held an illegal referendum is because Madrid has always refused to even discuss allowing them to have a legal referendum. Now the situation is that Madrid must be forced to talk with Barcelona because if they do not things are going to get totally out of control, with worse violence which is something that both sides should not be wanting.


Rallies in Barcelona and Madrid urge leaders to hold talks on Catalonia



Before the violence, Catalonia already had a mandate for independence | Albert Royo-Mariné
There are nearly infinite forms of government that fit under the umbrella of "democracy".

A "Constitutional Republic", as the US is, is one of them.

More to illustrate that the EU and those who support it are against Democracy.

This is indicating violence, a violent suppression of a peoples right to Democracy and self-determination. The French need to STFU with their very unpopular little Dictator Macron who now has the lowest approval ratings of any French President of The Fifth Republic.

It is for this reason that I support the Catalans and their desire for self-determination, I do not agree with the politics of Catalonia which is Socialist, but I support their fight because this is a fight against the EU Dictatorship.

View attachment 153133

- Snip -

View attachment 153134

The European Project is no nation states that all nations in the EU must be one European Super State where no nation has their own tax policy, social policy, health policy, court system and no Sovereignty. The EU one large Political Union, it should revert back to the EEC when it was only an Economic Trading Bloc.

Catalonia: French minister calls for stronger EU to SQUASH separatist movements


Well, I'm glad that you support the separatists (so do I), but that brings us full circle.

Go back and re-read the OP, in the context of our conversation.

You would find that a lot of people do support the Catalans. Americans wouldn't comprehend I don't think how those on the Right could be supporting the Catalans, but this situation transcends politics, as I say this is about supporting the right to self-determination and being against anyone who wishes to violently suppress it.

I will re read the OP okay yes.

If you support self-determination, how do you reconcile that with your support for Franco?

He overthrew an elected (self-determined) government, and installed himself as absolute ruler.

Well that was different because the Communists if not stopped would have taken over Spain, so that was to prevent Spain falling to Communism.

So self-determination is all well and good, unless the people self-determine a political view that you don't like?

The Communists weren't anywhere close to "taking over" Spain before the Civil War.

Are you saying that you were a Franco supporter?

What's so bad about being a Franco supporter?

Churchill, FDR, and Stalin were much more brutal than Franco.

Besides, Franco in the Spanish Miracle achieved Europe's fastest economic growth in the 20th century.


No, neither Churchill nor FDR had their political opponents sent to concentration camps and executed for the crime of daring to disagree with them.

Churchill, and FDR killed 10's of thousands of civilians in Dresden.

They killed 10's of thousands more from supporting Communists in Potsdam, and Yalta Conferences.

Churchill had controlled an India where 3 million starved to death.

FDR had his own camps where Japanese, and some Germans, and Italians were interned.

No way, Franco isn't as bad as these scumf*cks.

War is hell.

There's a difference between casualties of war, and casualties of political retribution and thought-crime.
You could argue that the bombing of Dresden was a war crime.

But so was the Blitz, and twice as many British civilians died in London as a result of German bombs than Germany civilians in Dresden.

Are you saying that you were a Franco supporter?

What's so bad about being a Franco supporter?

Churchill, FDR, and Stalin were much more brutal than Franco.

Besides, Franco in the Spanish Miracle achieved Europe's fastest economic growth in the 20th century.


No, neither Churchill nor FDR had their political opponents sent to concentration camps and executed for the crime of daring to disagree with them.

Churchill, and FDR killed 10's of thousands of civilians in Dresden.

They killed 10's of thousands more from supporting Communists in Potsdam, and Yalta Conferences.

Churchill had controlled an India where 3 million starved to death.

FDR had his own camps where Japanese, and some Germans, and Italians were interned.

No way, Franco isn't as bad as these scumf*cks.

War is hell.

There's a difference between casualties of war, and casualties of political retribution and thought-crime.

Dresden was not even a military target, but rather a refugee haven of Eastern German civilians fleeing the Soviets, that's why Dresden had so many civilians, they were refugees who thought it was safe.

Obvious deliberate genocide massacre by firebombing by the Anglo-elite of the U.S, and England.

No, nothing Franco did compares to that.

Are you saying that you were a Franco supporter?

What's so bad about being a Franco supporter?

Churchill, FDR, and Stalin were much more brutal than Franco.

Besides, Franco in the Spanish Miracle achieved Europe's fastest economic growth in the 20th century.


No, neither Churchill nor FDR had their political opponents sent to concentration camps and executed for the crime of daring to disagree with them.

They knew about Stalin and his gulags though, gulags that pre-dated the Second War also and they were silent and then post Second War they agreed to give the whole of Eastern Europe to the Communists which hundreds of millions of people suffered and many many also died during nearly 50 years.

FDR fully supported the Communist Regime of Stalin from when FDR became American President, the President's before FDR did not recognise the Communist Soviet Union and throughout the 1930s did all he could to help the Stalin Regime.


Milestones: 1921–1936 - Office of the Historian

Are you saying that you were a Franco supporter?

What's so bad about being a Franco supporter?

Churchill, FDR, and Stalin were much more brutal than Franco.

Besides, Franco in the Spanish Miracle achieved Europe's fastest economic growth in the 20th century.


No, neither Churchill nor FDR had their political opponents sent to concentration camps and executed for the crime of daring to disagree with them.

Churchill, and FDR killed 10's of thousands of civilians in Dresden.

They killed 10's of thousands more from supporting Communists in Potsdam, and Yalta Conferences.

Churchill had controlled an India where 3 million starved to death.

FDR had his own camps where Japanese, and some Germans, and Italians were interned.

No way, Franco isn't as bad as these scumf*cks.

War is hell.

There's a difference between casualties of war, and casualties of political retribution and thought-crime.

Dresden was not even a military target, but rather a refugee haven of Eastern German civilians fleeing the Soviets, that's why Dresden had so many civilians.

Obvious deliberate genocide massacre by firebombing by the Anglo-elite of the U.S, and England.

No, nothing Franco did compares to that.

Franco killed 400,000 of his own citizens for daring to disagree with him.
You could argue that the bombing of Dresden was a war crime.

But so was the Blitz, and twice as many British civilians died in London as a result of German bombs than Germany civilians in Dresden.

What about dropping Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there was no need to do that either but Truman did it, Japan was already in discussions to surrender when the Atomic Bombs were dropped murdering innocent peoples.
You could argue that the bombing of Dresden was a war crime.

But so was the Blitz, and twice as many British civilians died in London as a result of German bombs than Germany civilians in Dresden.

What about dropping Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there was no need to do that either but Truman did it, Japan was already in discussions to surrender when the Atomic Bombs were dropped murdering innocent peoples.

We dropped Atomic Bombs on Japan to show Stalin that we had them.

We knew what the new world order was going to be, from that point on (at least for the next 50 or so years) - and we were making a show of it.
What's so bad about being a Franco supporter?

Churchill, FDR, and Stalin were much more brutal than Franco.

Besides, Franco in the Spanish Miracle achieved Europe's fastest economic growth in the 20th century.


No, neither Churchill nor FDR had their political opponents sent to concentration camps and executed for the crime of daring to disagree with them.

Churchill, and FDR killed 10's of thousands of civilians in Dresden.

They killed 10's of thousands more from supporting Communists in Potsdam, and Yalta Conferences.

Churchill had controlled an India where 3 million starved to death.

FDR had his own camps where Japanese, and some Germans, and Italians were interned.

No way, Franco isn't as bad as these scumf*cks.

War is hell.

There's a difference between casualties of war, and casualties of political retribution and thought-crime.

Dresden was not even a military target, but rather a refugee haven of Eastern German civilians fleeing the Soviets, that's why Dresden had so many civilians.

Obvious deliberate genocide massacre by firebombing by the Anglo-elite of the U.S, and England.

No, nothing Franco did compares to that.

Franco killed 400,000 of his own citizens for daring to disagree with him.

Stalin had 7 million Ukranians deliberately starved to death in the Holomodor for just "being in the way"
What's so bad about being a Franco supporter?

Churchill, FDR, and Stalin were much more brutal than Franco.

Besides, Franco in the Spanish Miracle achieved Europe's fastest economic growth in the 20th century.


No, neither Churchill nor FDR had their political opponents sent to concentration camps and executed for the crime of daring to disagree with them.

Churchill, and FDR killed 10's of thousands of civilians in Dresden.

They killed 10's of thousands more from supporting Communists in Potsdam, and Yalta Conferences.

Churchill had controlled an India where 3 million starved to death.

FDR had his own camps where Japanese, and some Germans, and Italians were interned.

No way, Franco isn't as bad as these scumf*cks.

War is hell.

There's a difference between casualties of war, and casualties of political retribution and thought-crime.

Dresden was not even a military target, but rather a refugee haven of Eastern German civilians fleeing the Soviets, that's why Dresden had so many civilians.

Obvious deliberate genocide massacre by firebombing by the Anglo-elite of the U.S, and England.

No, nothing Franco did compares to that.

Franco killed 400,000 of his own citizens for daring to disagree with him.

Some death toll FIGURES for the Dresden Firebombing have been sourced that high.

Are you saying that you were a Franco supporter?

What's so bad about being a Franco supporter?

Churchill, FDR, and Stalin were much more brutal than Franco.

Besides, Franco in the Spanish Miracle achieved Europe's fastest economic growth in the 20th century.


No, neither Churchill nor FDR had their political opponents sent to concentration camps and executed for the crime of daring to disagree with them.

They knew about Stalin and his gulags though, gulags that pre-dated the Second War also and they were silent and then post Second War they agreed to give the whole of Eastern Europe to the Communists which hundreds of millions of people suffered and many many also died during nearly 50 years.

FDR fully supported the Communist Regime of Stalin from when FDR became American President, the President's before FDR did not recognise the Communist Soviet Union and throughout the 1930s did all he could to help the Stalin Regime.

View attachment 153137

Milestones: 1921–1936 - Office of the Historian

I don't quite get why the Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937 - 1938 didn't qualify for British aid to Poland, when Soviets butchered over 100,000 ethnic Poles just before WW2.
You could argue that the bombing of Dresden was a war crime.

But so was the Blitz, and twice as many British civilians died in London as a result of German bombs than Germany civilians in Dresden.

What about dropping Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there was no need to do that either but Truman did it, Japan was already in discussions to surrender when the Atomic Bombs were dropped murdering innocent peoples.

We dropped Atomic Bombs on Japan to show Stalin that we had them.

We knew what the new world order was going to be, from that point on (at least for the next 50 or so years) - and we were making a show of it.

Yes I know, America deliberately murdered Japanese people by incinerating them to illustrate that the small dicked America's had now got a dick enhancer.

You ramble about but but but Franco killed 400,000 people because they disagreed with him and in light of America committing a heinous war crime that would have had Truman and those around him swinging from a rope if the Communists had not have won the Second War for you.

For Dresden Churchill, Archibald Sinclair and Bomber Harris also would have been swinging from ropes.

Everyone except Americans know that it was the Russian POS who won the Second War, Americans think John Wayne won the war for you :lol:

No, neither Churchill nor FDR had their political opponents sent to concentration camps and executed for the crime of daring to disagree with them.

Churchill, and FDR killed 10's of thousands of civilians in Dresden.

They killed 10's of thousands more from supporting Communists in Potsdam, and Yalta Conferences.

Churchill had controlled an India where 3 million starved to death.

FDR had his own camps where Japanese, and some Germans, and Italians were interned.

No way, Franco isn't as bad as these scumf*cks.

War is hell.

There's a difference between casualties of war, and casualties of political retribution and thought-crime.

Dresden was not even a military target, but rather a refugee haven of Eastern German civilians fleeing the Soviets, that's why Dresden had so many civilians.

Obvious deliberate genocide massacre by firebombing by the Anglo-elite of the U.S, and England.

No, nothing Franco did compares to that.

Franco killed 400,000 of his own citizens for daring to disagree with him.

Some death toll FIGURES for the Dresden Firebombing have been sourced that high.


Only those that have a particular agenda.

Realistic estimates, based on Dresen records, indicate around 25,000 to 30,000 fatalities in Dresden.
Churchill, and FDR killed 10's of thousands of civilians in Dresden.

They killed 10's of thousands more from supporting Communists in Potsdam, and Yalta Conferences.

Churchill had controlled an India where 3 million starved to death.

FDR had his own camps where Japanese, and some Germans, and Italians were interned.

No way, Franco isn't as bad as these scumf*cks.

War is hell.

There's a difference between casualties of war, and casualties of political retribution and thought-crime.

Dresden was not even a military target, but rather a refugee haven of Eastern German civilians fleeing the Soviets, that's why Dresden had so many civilians.

Obvious deliberate genocide massacre by firebombing by the Anglo-elite of the U.S, and England.

No, nothing Franco did compares to that.

Franco killed 400,000 of his own citizens for daring to disagree with him.

Some death toll FIGURES for the Dresden Firebombing have been sourced that high.


Only those that have a particular agenda.

Realistic estimates, based on Dresen records, indicate around 25,000 to 30,000 fatalities in Dresden.

Dresden had approx. 300,000 residents + refugees, it's hard to believe that over 90% of the population would have survived, when the city was in severe devastation.

You could argue that the bombing of Dresden was a war crime.

But so was the Blitz, and twice as many British civilians died in London as a result of German bombs than Germany civilians in Dresden.

What about dropping Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there was no need to do that either but Truman did it, Japan was already in discussions to surrender when the Atomic Bombs were dropped murdering innocent peoples.

We dropped Atomic Bombs on Japan to show Stalin that we had them.

We knew what the new world order was going to be, from that point on (at least for the next 50 or so years) - and we were making a show of it.

So, why did we give Stalin most of Central-Europe on a silver platter, if we were working on, or even testing the a-bomb at the time the deal was finalized.

Are you saying that you were a Franco supporter?

What's so bad about being a Franco supporter?

Churchill, FDR, and Stalin were much more brutal than Franco.

Besides, Franco in the Spanish Miracle achieved Europe's fastest economic growth in the 20th century.


No, neither Churchill nor FDR had their political opponents sent to concentration camps and executed for the crime of daring to disagree with them.

They knew about Stalin and his gulags though, gulags that pre-dated the Second War also and they were silent and then post Second War they agreed to give the whole of Eastern Europe to the Communists which hundreds of millions of people suffered and many many also died during nearly 50 years.

FDR fully supported the Communist Regime of Stalin from when FDR became American President, the President's before FDR did not recognise the Communist Soviet Union and throughout the 1930s did all he could to help the Stalin Regime.

View attachment 153137

Milestones: 1921–1936 - Office of the Historian

I don't quite get why the Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937 - 1938 didn't qualify for British aid to Poland, when Soviets butchered over 100,000 ethnic Poles just before WW2.

The Katyn Massacre also which the British and Americans knew about, that was Lavrentiy Beria head of the NKVD and Stalin's personal direction to commit that massacre, 21,857 Polish internees and prisoners were executed after 3 April 1940 and that figure is from declassfied Soviet documents in 1990.

The British and Americans knew but fanatically covered it up and shut up about it because they wanted Stalin to be their bed partner, just like they were silent about the gulags and the Holomodor.

Are you saying that you were a Franco supporter?

What's so bad about being a Franco supporter?

Churchill, FDR, and Stalin were much more brutal than Franco.

Besides, Franco in the Spanish Miracle achieved Europe's fastest economic growth in the 20th century.


No, neither Churchill nor FDR had their political opponents sent to concentration camps and executed for the crime of daring to disagree with them.

But, I see you haven't addressed what some are calling Churchill's Holocaust in India.

Churchill's Secret War, By Madhusree Mukerjee

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