Antifa going after pets now.

Wait, what?

The lie of the left is that Heather Heyer was murdered. She died of a heart attack. She wasn't even hit by the car

How do you know she wasn't hit by the car?

Do you understand that someone can die of a heart attack as a result of the trauma sustained by being hit by a car?

She was not hit by the car. The girl that was actually hit. Had a gofundme page to get money to pay for her medical

Why can only one person have been hit by the car? I watched multiple videos and I can say that I saw more than one person hit, and doubt that I saw everyone who was hit.

As far as Heather Heyer's mother, so far as I recall she said her daughter died of a heart attack, not that she wasn't hit by a car. Being hit by a car can cause a heart attack.

I haven't seen an autopsy or medical examiner's report, but everything I've seen from the media and police statements is that Heyer was killed by the car. Are you of the opinion that all of the media and the Charlottesville police are lying about it?

I am not of an opinion, I am 100% convinced that there was no murder that day.

I heard that she died from choking on a pound of bacon while performing cunnilingus on Rosie O'Donnell.
Wait, what?

The lie of the left is that Heather Heyer was murdered. She died of a heart attack. She wasn't even hit by the car

How do you know she wasn't hit by the car?

Do you understand that someone can die of a heart attack as a result of the trauma sustained by being hit by a car?

She was not hit by the car. The girl that was actually hit. Had a gofundme page to get money to pay for her medical

Why can only one person have been hit by the car? I watched multiple videos and I can say that I saw more than one person hit, and doubt that I saw everyone who was hit.

As far as Heather Heyer's mother, so far as I recall she said her daughter died of a heart attack, not that she wasn't hit by a car. Being hit by a car can cause a heart attack.

I haven't seen an autopsy or medical examiner's report, but everything I've seen from the media and police statements is that Heyer was killed by the car. Are you of the opinion that all of the media and the Charlottesville police are lying about it?

I am not of an opinion, I am 100% convinced that there was no murder that day.

Again, a person can have a heart attack because of being hit by a car. Trauma can cause a heart attack. The mother saying her daughter died of a heart attack in no way means she wasn't hit by the car.
This guy/gal that wrote this on Craigslist? Spot on. This is where its all heading.

News story about a coming "Civil War", between Liberals and Conservatives, before the 2018 elections.

Listen up, Snowflakes: Better quit with the violent tendencies, ASAP. If push comes to shove, you are ridiculously OUTGUNNED.

You Snowflakes have been out there, throwing your little temper tantrums, breaking windows, lighting fires, looting, throwing bricks at cops, damaging businesses and all your other fun illegal stuff. So far, nobody has tried to stop you, or retaliate when you get violent against others. Conservatives have been basically holding back, taking it on the chin, everything you can throw at them and not fighting back. And then the Conservatives do the right thing and clean up your mess after you leave.

Well, now the word is, Conservatives are going to start fighting back. Something you should know, if / when the Conservatives decide to rise up and say "NO MORE", you Snowflakes will be in a world of trouble, with a Capital "T". There more than 400 Million guns in America, billions of bullets, and Conservatives own 90% of them.

You have been warned, better cool your jets while you still can. By this time next year, it'll be too late.
We can only tolerate your immaturity for so long. Liberals will NOT dictate the direction of this country, they are running us into the ground.
Chickenfeed for Chickenhawks

The huffy-puffy spittling Conservatives are bluffing; Antifa and BLM can see right through it. How long and hard did the Yellow Right preach against Communism and then got their spoiled sissyboy sons out of fighting it? This drooling satisfaction with not walking the talk has been going on for decades.
Whether she was hit by the car or not the situation most likely caused her heart attack.

Clogged arteries caused her heart attack

Or, you know, damage from being struck by a car. ;)
I think even a situation where the car didn't actually hit her it could've still be at fault the same as criminals who have someone die during the crime are at fault for that death. The excitement could've created the heart attack.

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