Antifa member accidentally sets other Antifa member on fire. Waring: Video contains graphic hilarity.

I can't be bummed about this. This guy got exactly what he deserves. Hopefully, this will happen to more of these lawless assholes. Anyone who goes out on these streets at night is making themselves a target. That's even stupid for young people. And WTFs wrong with this mayor. There should be a cerfew and a massive police presence every night. Right now it looks like this insanity will continue until after the election because these Democrat assholes would rather watch their towns burn than ask Trump for the help he has offered many times. After the election, Trump will act unilaterally and stop this bullshit. If Biden is elected this will continue until this country succumbs to Marxism. Peace, love and MAGA
So if Andy Ngo or the guy that shoots the video for your right wing media was the one who got burned, that would be okay, eh? He or they were there at the protest, they deserved to be burned, and burned, and burned, right? Ok...sure.

You keep saying the leftist protests are peaceful. So how did he get a Molotov cocktail from a peaceful leftist protester thrown at him then?
I like that new dance the marxist terrorist invented. That herd of slack-jawed fuckups seemed to be mesmerized by it too..... :abgg2q.jpg:

Lesson Learned: Do not let the pipe bomb specialists handle the molotov cocktails.
In Portland, Oregon, an Antifa member tried to set police officers on fire by throwing a Molotov cocktail, but ended up setting another Antifa member on fire instead.

Waring: Video contains graphic hilarity

Holy shit, 300 hoodies surrounding the guy and nobody smothers his leg? That poor bastard's shit was on fire for like 40 seconds! They take that shoe off, his skin's coming with it.

That's just cuz they're the lowest among us. Too high, too selfish, too inconsiderate, dumb and just too fucked. Take 2-3 seconds to take a hoodie off and smother him.

I'm reminded of the most fundamental IQ test there is, reaction speed.
Dance baby dance!

The Disco Molotov Fire shuffle!:hyper:

I'm singing in the pain
just singing in the pain...
what a glorious feeling
I'm happy again!


Dear Trump,

As badass as your “LAW & ORDER” tweets have been, they don’t seem to have done the job. You can’t keep warning voters about widespread lawlessness if Biden is elected president when there’s already widespread lawlessness and you’re the president. Right now. That’s you

Round Up Antifa Criminals, Jail and Prosecute Them!


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