antifa punk gets his ass knocked out...

enough said about antifa

thugs and scum they are

I know. I know. People who are anti-facists are bad the new GOP.

Or all Americans, nomsayin'?

Antifa will not fly in America, Bodey odey-o.

If the cops don't get them.

And the National Guard doesn't get them?

We will.

That dog don't hunt in America, baby.

True Story.

Self appointed vigilante? Why am I not surprised?

Just a real American, faggot. FYI: Much more than a simple majority of the population.

Keep making all Americans mad and see what happens.

You're gonna have , like Thai/Black/Mexican guys kicking the snot out of you, along with everyone else.
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This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You are so stupid...

The Nazi that had his face covered was the attacker.

The guy that got knocked out hit a guy on the ground with his stick...

You Nazis will not win at this game...

You think that ass kicking you got in the election was something...

Just keep it up.....

The guy was standing there when the altRight guy came to him. You didn't watch the video?
Antifa are a bunch of pussies

yes, but not as big a bunch of pussies as animal hunters who kill innocent wild life out there

just saying
enough said about antifa

thugs and scum they are

I know. I know. People who are anti-facists are bad the new GOP.

Or all Americans, nomsayin'?

Antifa will not fly in America, Bodey odey-o.

If the cops don't get them.

And the National Guard doesn't get them?

We will.

That dog don't hunt in America, baby.

True Story.

Self appointed vigilante? Why am I not surprised?

Just a real American, faggot. FYI: Much more than a simple majority of the population.

Keep making all Americans mad and see what happens.

Yes. I know you are a real American faggot. You think the only Americans are Trump's 30%. You're wrong.
enough said about antifa

thugs and scum they are

I know. I know. People who are anti-facists are bad the new GOP.

Or all Americans, nomsayin'?

Antifa will not fly in America, Bodey odey-o.

If the cops don't get them.

And the National Guard doesn't get them?

We will.

That dog don't hunt in America, baby.

True Story.

Self appointed vigilante? Why am I not surprised?

Just a real American, faggot. FYI: Much more than a simple majority of the population.

Keep making all Americans mad and see what happens.

Yes. I know you are a real American faggot. You think the only Americans are Trump's 30%. You're wrong.
Now you're using homophobic slurs. The Don has you people exposed and gasping for breath.

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You are so stupid...

The Nazi that had his face covered was the attacker.

The guy that got knocked out hit a guy on the ground with his stick...

You Nazis will not win at this game...

You think that ass kicking you got in the election was something...

Just keep it up.....

The guy was standing there when the altRight guy came to him. You didn't watch the video?
Antifa are a bunch of pussies

yes, but not as big a bunch of pussies as animal hunters who kill innocent wild life out there

just saying
----------------------------- [chuckle]

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You are so stupid...

The Nazi that had his face covered was the attacker.

The guy that got knocked out hit a guy on the ground with his stick...

You Nazis will not win at this game...

You think that ass kicking you got in the election was something...

Just keep it up.....

The guy was standing there when the altRight guy came to him. You didn't watch the video?
Antifa are a bunch of pussies

yes, but not as big a bunch of pussies as animal hunters who kill innocent wild life out there

just saying
Yes, you have a right to your opinion... same as me.
Like I said before I’ve hunted for my own food for 20+ years and I see trophy hunting and hunting for meat as equals.
I don’t like the steroids and hormones that are put in store bought meat, also I don’t like paying other people to kill my food for me.
Pure poetry in motion he had a right hook like i haven't seen it n awhile

Like I said, it reminds me of when that guy hit me with a ring.

That was just before I stomped his brother's foot and then did this thing some Puerto Rican boys taught me.

I grabbed his arm and rolled back, cracking their heads together.

They were both pretty much knocked out. One of their skulls got cracked. I ran off because I was tired of being jumped by 2 dudes.

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You are so stupid...

The Nazi that had his face covered was the attacker.

The guy that got knocked out hit a guy on the ground with his stick...

You Nazis will not win at this game...

You think that ass kicking you got in the election was something...

Just keep it up.....

The guy was standing there when the altRight guy came to him. You didn't watch the video?

Hey dumbass, the Antifa fag had a baton and was hitting a guy on the ground. He then swung it at the guy who punched him out. He could had killed someone with that baton, he is lucky he wasn’t shot.
enough said about antifa

thugs and scum they are

I know. I know. People who are anti-facists are bad the new GOP.

Or all Americans, nomsayin'?

Antifa will not fly in America, Bodey odey-o.

If the cops don't get them.

And the National Guard doesn't get them?

We will.

That dog don't hunt in America, baby.

True Story.

Self appointed vigilante? Why am I not surprised?

Just a real American, faggot. FYI: Much more than a simple majority of the population.

Keep making all Americans mad and see what happens.

Yes. I know you are a real American faggot. You think the only Americans are Trump's 30%. You're wrong.

Proof? I like women. You're right about me being a real American, though. I won't say for how many generations, but more than most. Most likely more than you.
The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You are so stupid...

The Nazi that had his face covered was the attacker.

The guy that got knocked out hit a guy on the ground with his stick...

You Nazis will not win at this game...

You think that ass kicking you got in the election was something...

Just keep it up.....

The guy was standing there when the altRight guy came to him. You didn't watch the video?
Antifa are a bunch of pussies

yes, but not as big a bunch of pussies as animal hunters who kill innocent wild life out there

just saying
Yes, you have a right to your opinion... same as me.
Like I said before I’ve hunted for my own food for 20+ years and I see trophy hunting and hunting for meat as equals.
I don’t like the steroids and hormones that are put in store bought meat, also I don’t like paying other people to kill my food for me.

may be you will choke after all!

hope not but who knows how Karma works

so much hatred anyway towards wild animal life from your part

but back to topic

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You are so stupid...

The Nazi that had his face covered was the attacker.

The guy that got knocked out hit a guy on the ground with his stick...

You Nazis will not win at this game...

You think that ass kicking you got in the election was something...

Just keep it up.....

The guy was standing there when the altRight guy came to him. You didn't watch the video?
Antifa are a bunch of pussies

The girls are going to get their boys killed

Pure poetry in motion he had a right hook like i haven't seen it n awhile

Like I said, it reminds me of when that guy hit me with a ring.

That was just before I stomped his brother's foot and then did this thing some Puerto Rican boys taught me.

I grabbed his arm and rolled back, cracking their heads together.

They were both pretty much knocked out. One of their skulls got cracked. I ran off because I was tired of being jumped by 2 dudes.

I only got knocked out once, it was a sucker punch, next I knew this gorgeous blond girl had me on her lap..she had a wet cloth over my head.. so it worked out good for me. :)
The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

I am only doing this to humiliate you. Because convincing a person who just watched an unambiguous video and lied about it is impossible. You lied about something everyone here can see. A base and vile kind of lie that flies in the face evidence...not to mention a lie that can be debunked simply by watching the video. A lie that shows no conscience or even shame.
This is what an irreligious Marxist poisoned soul is degraded to people. Shamelessness and denial. Denial like a dope mule denying the drugs in his sock are his. Denial in the face of all logic and reason. Denial so indecent it's only goal can be pulling down decency.


The man to the right has been knocked down by communist.


Commie raises pipe to hit man on ground. He means to maim or kill.


Commie hits helpless man on ground. American in foreground fends off threat from the left (haha)


American steps back and opens his arms to show unarmed and invite commie for his chance at glorious revolutionary act.


Masked, armed and possibly homosexual commie aggressively moves forward towards American right after landing blow on helpless prone man.


Commie still moving forward. Thinks he has a chance to maim or kill another American. The direction of motion can easily be seen.


As you can see commie is still moving forward towards unarmed American and swinging.


American hero shows commie what reality is.


Nasty, tattooed 89 pound crack whore (Hillary supporting communist but I repeat myself) exercises pussy pass to try and retrieve pipe as comrade lies stiff on the ground.
Displays excellent cigarette control however.

Expect more in the future if this continues. Americans are tired of your ilk.
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This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You are so stupid...

The Nazi that had his face covered was the attacker.

The guy that got knocked out hit a guy on the ground with his stick...

You Nazis will not win at this game...

You think that ass kicking you got in the election was something...

Just keep it up.....

The guy was standing there when the altRight guy came to him. You didn't watch the video?
Antifa are a bunch of pussies

The girls are going to get their boys killed

"Boergeosie fucking ****" I would so love to bust that punk right in his mouth.

Yeah, I am the "Boergeosie" boy. I ain't playing that, not at all. The next one that steps up to me talking that nonsense, ain't somebody you wanna be.

I can slam you on your neck with very little effort. Whether your neck breaks or not, determines the rest of my life. It's all a matter of choices.

As for hurting you? I have many ways.
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