Any Amnesty = suicide for Trump and the GOP

Political reality dictates that we agree to some kind of legal status for Dreamers and their parents. If enough Repubs refuse to make this compromise, we're gonna have another shutdown, unless the Dems cave on their demands.

Shut it down...their “DREAM” is a good American’s NIGHTMARE.
($)#*$) all illegals and those who support the pieces of $(%($. Respect our constitution, our laws, and expect foreigners to do the same. Simple %($(@$# for any legitimate American to understand.

Ronald Reagan and a majority of Republicans granted legal status to nearly 3 million illegals in 1986 in exchange for the promise that border security would be vastly increased and that there would be a system put in place to ensure that employers did not hire illegals.

If Reagan was willing to make that deal then, we should be willing to make that deal now, with the one obvious exception (1) that we will not accept promises of future border security but will insist that the funding be approved and placed in a trust fund to be used only for border security and (2) that chain migration come to an end.

Political reality dictates that we agree to some kind of legal status for Dreamers and their parents. If enough Repubs refuse to make this compromise, we're gonna have another shutdown, unless the Dems cave on their demands.

Shut it down...their “DREAM” is a good American’s NIGHTMARE.
($)#*$) all illegals and those who support the pieces of $(%($. Respect our constitution, our laws, and expect foreigners to do the same. Simple %($(@$# for any legitimate American to understand.

Ronald Reagan and a majority of Republicans granted legal status to nearly 3 million illegals in 1986 in exchange for the promise that border security would be vastly increased and that there would be a system put in place to ensure that employers did not hire illegals.

If Reagan was willing to make that deal then, we should be willing to make that deal now, with the one obvious exception (1) that we will not accept promises of future border security but will insist that the funding be approved and placed in a trust fund to be used only for border security and (2) that chain migration come to an end.

I completely disagree...there are other ways to achieve the same goals of shutting down the border and deporting the filth.
Look at you citing precedent from 30 years ago...all we’re doing by bartering with illegals is creating yet another precedent to cite.

A post of mine from a while back.
“Reagan, with his "toe the line" bipartisan bullshit may be one of the most influential Democrats in history. He allowed himself to be conned by a Democratic congress in 1986 when he signed a bill granting amnesty to 3.5 million illegals. 3.5M hispanics quickly turned to 10M as they reproduce like rodents. Reagan essentially handed California to democrats on a silver platter, it's very doubtful that the GOP can ever win California moving forward.
So what if the bill was never signed?
What if the lines were never blurred and "illegal" still meant "illegal"?
What if construction trades were still dominated by REAL American's?
What if your REAL American child didn't have to go to school with all the poorly parented silver tooth anchor babies?
What if your teenage child could still get work experience at your local fast food joint?
What if emergency rooms weren't jam-packed with filth speaking jibberish?
What if California had 15 million less low grade citizens?

A RWNJ disparaging Ronald Reagan? Say it ain't so!!!

Nobody has fucked the GOP over like Ronny did....NOBODY!
This isn’t even debatable.
Ronald Reagan phucked us over...big time!
Political reality dictates that we agree to some kind of legal status for Dreamers and their parents. If enough Repubs refuse to make this compromise, we're gonna have another shutdown, unless the Dems cave on their demands.

Exactly. The Democrats are not going to give us everything we want and we give them nothing in return. After all, that's what they are demanding of us.

If we did try that, then they could rightfully blame the shutdown on us and we would be defenseless to argue the point. The last two day shutdown got blamed on Democrats because that was their strategy. They had to back down.

So all it boils down to is what are we going to give them to get what we want.

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