Any Amnesty = suicide for Trump and the GOP

DACA is unacceptable because the goal is to reduce America to fire and blood and to assure the Mexican people’s domination over America
For those of you who don’t know....REAL Americans want their country back from Mexico. 30 states and 2,623 counties sent Trump to D.C. to Make America Great Again...much of what that really means is Make America Feel American Again.
The nations best is trusting him to do things that no other POTUS has had the nuts to do....He is EXPECTED to get ridiculously aggressive on immigration, deportations and securing our southern border. If he supports a Bill, any Bill where any level of Amnesty is given he will PHUCK himself and the GOP over like no one has ever been phucked over....PERIOD

Actually, Trump barely won the electoral college by 70,000 votes divided among 4 swing states. Clinton won the majority of the vote by 3 million.

The dreamers will not only get protection, but citizenship also. And Trump isn't going to get $20 billion upfront to build a wall.

34 Republicans have either already retired or will be retiring after their terms this year.

Over 400 women will be running for Congressional seats, governorships, and state legislature seats this year.

The generic vote on House races has the Democrats up by 18 points.

The chance of Republicans keeping the House are slim.

The chance of Trump finishing his first term, much less winning a second are even slimmer.
So you think the democrats actually came out on top here? You think they're going to jump in feet first into another showdown in support of illegals over funding the government?

Let me explain something to you. The democrats lost so fucking bad they couldn't wait for the weekend to end so they could drop DACA like a hot rock and vote for the CR. This was only weekend news, can you imagine if this happened to go on during a week day? Now they're going to be so damn gun shy in three weeks they aren't going to even come close to giving the impression they are putting illegals ahead of US citizens in any way shape or form.

You really think any democrat outside of California or New York is going to hold up border security in three weeks? Not a chance. Are they going to push DACA again? No fucking way.

The rest is common sense. Why would the Reps bring up DACA during a budget vote willingly? That puts them in a bad spot. Much easier to just ignore it and say "well, it's not budget related" so it can wait. They sure as hell are going to vote for border security that's a no brainer. And the dems in red states that just saw what the ads against them are going to look like going into November? Shit, they won't even be able to spell DACA for the rest of the year, but they sure as hell will be able to spell wall. BUT I VOTED FOR THE WALL AFTER THE SHUTDOWN! It's their only move.

The democrats already lost all leverage. It's over and they aren't going to die on that hill again in a few short weeks.

My predictions:
Full year CR is passed on the 8th.
The wall is funded.
DACA is like some kind of ghost people say they've seen and believe in, but have no idea where it is now or how to contact it.


Thus far, CHIP has been funded and the government is open until. 2/8.

Who's winning?
Two things that were already in the bill before the dems shutdown the government. You have a strange definition of winning.

Who shut down the government?
Really? Are you still confused about the chain of events that led to the Schumer Shutdown of 2018?

You bore me. Change the channel.
I agree. I don't like to spend much more time than necessary on the retard channel. Done with you.
In politics, you have to give some to get some.
I don't care about DACA people as long as the wall is built and no chain migration. No lotteries and no acceptance of immigrants who have nothing to offer.
It's a good exchange because Democrats can have their less than 1 million here while we prevent tens of millions in the future.

If immigrants have nothing to offer, then YOU have nothing to offer.

Yeah? Which citizens thought that?

Did you read that whole article?

Yep, and what it said is the fence is not even nearly complete yet and it's still having a major impact.
Walls, they work everywhere in the world except on the US Southern border. For some unexplainable reason. Like a devils triangle of wall failure zones.

They always keep telling us how a wall wouldn't work, but fail to give any examples where that happened.

That's similar to saying don't put locks on your doors because it won't stop thieves from stealing your belongings when you are at work.

Man. You are dense.

I.forgive you.
Congrats Ray, the retards are being especially forgiving today. That's something I suppose.
Yeah? Which citizens thought that?

Did you read that whole article?

Yep, and what it said is the fence is not even nearly complete yet and it's still having a major impact.
Walls, they work everywhere in the world except on the US Southern border. For some unexplainable reason. Like a devils triangle of wall failure zones.

They always keep telling us how a wall wouldn't work, but fail to give any examples where that happened.

That's similar to saying don't put locks on your doors because it won't stop thieves from stealing your belongings when you are at work.

Man. You are dense.

I.forgive you.
Congrats Ray, the retards are being especially forgiving today. That's something I suppose.

I guess he felt like I needed his blessing.

It's so funny the things they come up with when they lose a debate.
DACA is unacceptable because the goal is to reduce America to fire and blood and to assure the Mexican people’s domination over America

The goal for the Democrat party is to make whites a minority in this country for the first time since it's founding.

If you are white and voting Democrat, you're as dumb as they get.
[Yep, that's exactly it. Or is your idea that because most of us are here because our ancestors, that means we should let anybody in?

Sorry, 315 million people is enough for this country. My ancestors came here at a time when immigrants were needed. Not the case today.

You're not welcome here - LEAVE and take all your kin ;)

Who says I'm not welcome

You leftists cry and complain yet do noting about your anguish. There are places where nobody has guns but the government; government paid healthcare, no rich people except the government, and everybody is equal.....equally poor.

Those places are Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, just a variety of liberal utopias. So why not move to one of those heavens?

But there is only one USA. If you move somewhere and find out it's not like you thought, you can always come back........if they let you. But once you destroy this place; a place of freedom and capitalism, there is no other USA to move to.

I apologize for the insensitive and impulsive comment Ray. I just don't understand you immigration hardliners. Our population is growing by under 1% per year. If we cut off all immigration we'll start shrinking. There is plenty of room and plenty of land. This isn't Japan.

I suspect that much of this xenophobia is race related. How else can you explain Trump wanting no one from Haiti an Africa but more from Norway. He's a racist - straight up and hard stop. So are many of his followers.

Sorry but I happen to like diversity. Boise has taken in more Syrian immigrants than LA and NYC combined. There are VERY few in my community who haven't acknowledged their hard work and positive impact on this city. If you're still in Cleveland and don't care for people of color - Move to the country.

Hope that helps, an again I apologize.

The United States population grew by 0.7 percent in the last year, its smallest annual expansion in 80 years, the Census Bureau said this week. The nation added about 2.2 million people from July 2015 to July 2016, bringing the total population to just over 323 million.Dec 22, 2016
Growth of U.S. Population Is at Slowest Pace Since 1937 -
Growth of U.S. Population Is at Slowest Pace Since 1937
For those of you who don’t know....REAL Americans want their country back from Mexico. 30 states and 2,623 counties sent Trump to D.C. to Make America Great Again...much of what that really means is Make America Feel American Again.
The nations best is trusting him to do things that no other POTUS has had the nuts to do....He is EXPECTED to get ridiculously aggressive on immigration, deportations and securing our southern border. If he supports a Bill, any Bill where any level of Amnesty is given he will PHUCK himself and the GOP over like no one has ever been phucked over....PERIOD

Actually, Trump barely won the electoral college by 70,000 votes divided among 4 swing states. Clinton won the majority of the vote by 3 million.

The dreamers will not only get protection, but citizenship also. And Trump isn't going to get $20 billion upfront to build a wall.

34 Republicans have either already retired or will be retiring after their terms this year.

Over 400 women will be running for Congressional seats, governorships, and state legislature seats this year.

The generic vote on House races has the Democrats up by 18 points.

The chance of Republicans keeping the House are slim.

The chance of Trump finishing his first term, much less winning a second are even slimmer.

Actually, HRC won the un-American filth in Mexifornia..that’s all....Trump won the popular vote otherwise. It was an ass kicking like never seen before.
For those of you who don’t know....REAL Americans want their country back from Mexico. 30 states and 2,623 counties sent Trump to D.C. to Make America Great Again...much of what that really means is Make America Feel American Again.
The nations best is trusting him to do things that no other POTUS has had the nuts to do....He is EXPECTED to get ridiculously aggressive on immigration, deportations and securing our southern border. If he supports a Bill, any Bill where any level of Amnesty is given he will PHUCK himself and the GOP over like no one has ever been phucked over....PERIOD

Actually, Trump barely won the electoral college by 70,000 votes divided among 4 swing states. Clinton won the majority of the vote by 3 million.

The dreamers will not only get protection, but citizenship also. And Trump isn't going to get $20 billion upfront to build a wall.

34 Republicans have either already retired or will be retiring after their terms this year.

Over 400 women will be running for Congressional seats, governorships, and state legislature seats this year.

The generic vote on House races has the Democrats up by 18 points.

The chance of Republicans keeping the House are slim.

The chance of Trump finishing his first term, much less winning a second are even slimmer.

Actually, HRC won the un-American filth in Mexifornia..that’s all....Trump won the popular vote otherwise. It was an ass kicking like never seen before.

Not even close. It was the narrowest margins of victory in Presidential elections. With a low turn out. Trump actually got 8 million Obama crossover voters. Something he won’t be getting in 2020. Bernie Sanders got more write in votes than Trumps margin.

Trump is done. That’s a fact you may want to start preparing yourself for.
This shutdown went so unbelievably bad for Dems I doubt we see DACA come to a vote this year. The wall will get funded on Feb 8th though because there’s no way the Dems are going to repeat another shutdown in order to not secure our border. They can’t win in this fight. Doesn’t mean they won’t bleat and cry a lot but they can’t win.

Where do you get your news?

Those voices in his head.
[Yep, that's exactly it. Or is your idea that because most of us are here because our ancestors, that means we should let anybody in?

Sorry, 315 million people is enough for this country. My ancestors came here at a time when immigrants were needed. Not the case today.

You're not welcome here - LEAVE and take all your kin ;)

Who says I'm not welcome

You leftists cry and complain yet do noting about your anguish. There are places where nobody has guns but the government; government paid healthcare, no rich people except the government, and everybody is equal.....equally poor.

Those places are Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, just a variety of liberal utopias. So why not move to one of those heavens?

But there is only one USA. If you move somewhere and find out it's not like you thought, you can always come back........if they let you. But once you destroy this place; a place of freedom and capitalism, there is no other USA to move to.

I apologize for the insensitive and impulsive comment Ray. I just don't understand you immigration hardliners. Our population is growing by under 1% per year. If we cut off all immigration we'll start shrinking. There is plenty of room and plenty of land. This isn't Japan.

I suspect that much of this xenophobia is race related. How else can you explain Trump wanting no one from Haiti an Africa but more from Norway. He's a racist - straight up and hard stop. So are many of his followers.

Sorry but I happen to like diversity. Boise has taken in more Syrian immigrants than LA and NYC combined. There are VERY few in my community who haven't acknowledged their hard work and positive impact on this city. If you're still in Cleveland and don't care for people of color - Move to the country.

Hope that helps, an again I apologize.

The United States population grew by 0.7 percent in the last year, its smallest annual expansion in 80 years, the Census Bureau said this week. The nation added about 2.2 million people from July 2015 to July 2016, bringing the total population to just over 323 million.Dec 22, 2016
Growth of U.S. Population Is at Slowest Pace Since 1937 -
Growth of U.S. Population Is at Slowest Pace Since 1937

Let me ask: why do we need to expand our population? For what reason? 315 million people are not enough?

If anything, we could stand to lose a few million people. What was wrong with this country when we were 300 million, 290 million, 280 million?

Let me tell you, if people from other countries strongly voted Republican, that wall would have been up years ago and the 20 million illegals we have here now would also be gone.
Let me ask: why do we need to expand our population? For what reason? 315 million people are not enough?

If anything, we could stand to lose a few million people. What was wrong with this country when we were 300 million, 290 million, 280 million?

Let me tell you, if people from other countries strongly voted Republican, that wall would have been up years ago and the 20 million illegals we have here now would also be gone.

Yet ME tell YOU that you are Chockfull of ridiculousness
Let me ask: why do we need to expand our population? For what reason? 315 million people are not enough?

If anything, we could stand to lose a few million people. What was wrong with this country when we were 300 million, 290 million, 280 million?

Let me tell you, if people from other countries strongly voted Republican, that wall would have been up years ago and the 20 million illegals we have here now would also be gone.

Yet ME tell YOU that you are Chockfull of ridiculousness

The most ridiculousness is that we have people on the dole who are mentally and physically capable of working but they stay on the dole instead. In my industry we are flooded with illegals doing the job because Americans won't take them. The jobs will never pay better as long as they can import foreigners to do them.

It's not just the illegals, but all immigrants that are causing the problem. In my opinion it's time we shut down the border until we can straighten out our own act first. Every American that is capable of working should be, and until that time comes, keep the border closed.
Let me ask: why do we need to expand our population? For what reason? 315 million people are not enough?

If anything, we could stand to lose a few million people. What was wrong with this country when we were 300 million, 290 million, 280 million?

Let me tell you, if people from other countries strongly voted Republican, that wall would have been up years ago and the 20 million illegals we have here now would also be gone.

You're delusional Ray and I have already addressed your issues, fears and xenophobia

Seek Help
The most ridiculousness is that we have people on the dole who are mentally and physically capable of working but they stay on the dole instead. In my industry we are flooded with illegals doing the job because Americans won't take them. The jobs will never pay better as long as they can import foreigners to do them.

It's not just the illegals, but all immigrants that are causing the problem. In my opinion it's time we shut down the border until we can straighten out our own act first. Every American that is capable of working should be, and until that time comes, keep the border closed.

The DOLE? LoLoLoL!!! :laugh:
Let me ask: why do we need to expand our population? For what reason? 315 million people are not enough?

If anything, we could stand to lose a few million people. What was wrong with this country when we were 300 million, 290 million, 280 million?

Let me tell you, if people from other countries strongly voted Republican, that wall would have been up years ago and the 20 million illegals we have here now would also be gone.

You're delusional Ray and I have already addressed your issues, fears and xenophobia

Seek Help

You didn't address shit. In fact you haven't made one reply with substance of any kind

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