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Any deep inspiring Spiritual Experiences? Share your Story!

So ignorant. You do not even know God's word was written by men moved by the Holy Spirit. You do not listen to the teacher, the Holy Spirit.

EarthLink - News

Texas transgender woman who was beaten in video found dead

As a crowd gathered, someone offered $200 to a man to beat the woman, who suffered a concussion, fractured wrist and other injuries, police said. Other men also struck Booker, with one stomping on her head. Edward Thomas, 29, was arrested and jailed on a charge of aggravated assault.

In November, the FBI reported that 7,175 hate crimes were committed in the United States in 2017, the most recent year for which the agency had compiled data. Of those, 1,130 were based on sexual orientation bias and 119 on gender identity bias. Of crimes motivated by gender identity bias, 106 targeted transgender people, a 1% increase from 2016.

your book has been responsible for crimes against humanity since it was first written, uninterrupted in its crimes to the present day ...

I may have moved away from the garden if it was me,

but you will not admit the errors written into your book of subjugation ... disguised as a religion, a pretense of the 1st century events.

at least bing has a mind of his own to see the light of day.

God's word was written by men

the Almighty's word is the spoken religion of Antiquity - the goal for remittance to the Everlasting.

- there is no written language from that time to the present day.
The biggest problem people have reading the Bible is putting it in the proper context. The Bible is effectively a how to book. How to live life and how not to live life. With that said, the Law of Nature is written into the hearts of men. If we never had the Bible the Law of Nature would still be written into the hearts of men. If we never had the Bible we would still have right and wrong. Genesis tells us that man knows right from wrong and that when man violates it rather than abandoning the concept of good and evil man rationalizes he didn’t violate it. This makes us different than animals.

In it's simplest form the Bible tells us that God created existence, man is a product of that creation, that everything that was created is good and that man should go forth and be fruitful. That we are to do as he has done which is to create. We are happiest when we are using our talents to create. There is no better way to show one's appreciation for what he was given than by using it. This is what worshipping used to mean.

The OT is an account of a people who cycled between remembering God and forgetting God. When man becomes satisfied he becomes proud and forgets God's ways. Then he fails and suffers, but from that suffering he remembers God's ways and he rises again only to begin the process all over again. So through the accounts in the Bible we are taught that failed behaviors naturally lead to failure and successful behaviors naturally lead to success.

But the Bible also tells us that man is a rebel. That man is at war with God. People forget that part. Man is at war with God because man worships created things instead of the creator.

Man has a choice in worshipping created things or the creator. Created things are effectively false gods. Man is free to pursue fame, fortune and power, but none of these things will satisfy him because he was made for more. Man is only truly happy when he worships the creator.

The original meaning and practice of the word worship has been lost through 6000 years of time. Worship is nothing more or nothing less than giving praise and thanks. We give praise and thanks by what we do, not by what we say. We show our praise and thanks in how we live our daily lives; how we conduct ourselves in every endeavor and transaction; how we do the little things; how everything we do is done like it is a sacred act in appreciation of all that has been given to us. Giving praise and thanks to the creator using words instead of actions is called giving God lip service. It's not worshipping God. If all one does to honor God is participate in religious practices but in his daily life he is showing God he doesn't really appreciate all that has been given to him, then he is not worshipping God. He is paying lip service to God.

The Bible is not a letter of the law document. It is a spirit of the law document. Man turned it into a letter of the law document. The law of nature can not be codified into laws because it would require an infinite set of laws because the Law of Right and Wrong is infinite in nature. But if we were to codify the Law of Nature, we would only need one law; do unto others as you would have them do to you.
Or how about my experiences with the Holy Spirit? Am I ignorant of that too?

If we start with the premise that spirit created the material world and created laws of nature which not only predestined beings that know and create to arise but also to mold or evolve their level of consciousness, then it is not a giant leap to believe that besides the constant feedback we receive from the universe that either correct or reinforce our behaviors that we would also receive revelations from the spirit which connects but is not a part of the material world.

The data overwhelmingly shows that man is a spiritual being. It is for good reason that David Foster Wallace said that we all worship something and the only choice in the matter is what we choose to worship. We are literally hardwired for it. Throughout history every society has overwhelmingly held the belief that man is more than just matter and that there is a higher power than man. When we look at the data today we see that more and more people are rejecting organized religion but have not abandoned their belief that they are more than just matter or that there is a force which connects or binds us all. From the atheist's vantage point these beliefs exist because of evolutionary forces. But the reality is that even that argument confirms that spirituality offers a functional advantage over materialism. According to natural selection there are two main components; functional advantage and transfer of functional advantage to the next generation. So even natural selection confirms that spirituality is a behavior which leads to success. Otherwise, according to natural selection, it would have been abandoned long ago. As mankind has gained more and more knowledge of his natural surroundings his desire for spirituality has not diminished. In fact, the more materialistic we became the less satisfied we became.

So it is for good reason that we should keep an open mind about the possibility of the creator of space and time communicating with his creatures outside of the laws of nature which act as compensating and reinforcing laws of behavior. It would be illogical to believe that the intelligence behind creation of space and time would not provide some level of instruction or guidance. The question is what would that actually look like. And for that answer we must look at our own experiences as a guide to the answer.

From my own personal experiences I have had revelations that when they popped into my head I instantly recognized that they were true. Mind you I am not describing religious revelations, but ordinary everyday kind of things about my ordinary everyday issues that I am confronted with. Usually they happen in the morning when I am in that halfway state of being asleep and being awake. There is only one time when we are not conscious of self and that is when we are asleep. So it makes perfect sense to me that that is the time I am most receptive to the spirit which binds us but is not a part of the material world. This is how I believe revelations work. And this is how I believe ancient man received his revelations. Not a burning bush, or an angel appearing, but ordinary men being in a state of mind receptive to the spirit that binds us but is not a part of the material world. In this light, I can imagine ancient man having an image of how creation of space and time unfolded. Not having the scientific knowledge that we have today, he captured the allegorical account of creation in his own way. So while others may nit pick the exact details or sequence because it does not satisfy their modern view of the world, they miss out on the bigger picture which is that ancient man pretty much nailed what we know today. Specifically, that the universe did have a beginning and that man is a product of the universe.

And lastly, let's not forget or diminish the importance of ancient man believing so highly in these accounts that he passed them down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years. I can't think of anything which is comparable. It seems to me that it would be a travesty to dismiss these accounts as fairy tales or to read them literally.
It appears that a cat has gotten James’ tongue.

How can I argue creation when someone does not believe Genesis and makes up his own Bible? You may as well be a JW, a Pharisee, a Seducee, a Stoic, an Epicurean, or something else. All of your arguments are imaginary and very long winded.
It appears that a cat has gotten James’ tongue.

How can I argue creation when someone does not believe Genesis and makes up his own Bible? You may as well be a JW, a Pharisee, a Seducee, a Stoic, an Epicurean, or something else. All of your arguments are imaginary and very long winded.
What did I get wrong?
You mean like God didn’t create the material world?

It included the material world. What else did he create?
You said I was wrong. So now you are saying I wasn’t wrong about that.

How about man is a product of that creation? Was I wrong about that too? Is man not made from dust of God’s creation?
God didn’t write Genesis. Man did.

So ignorant. You do not even know God's word was written by men moved by the Holy Spirit. You do not listen to the teacher, the Holy Spirit.

As I said, you are wrong. We know snakes can't talk. It was Satan talking through the snake. They used to have legs, but do not any more. There was an actual tree in the middle of the Garden of Eden where A&E could be tempted. I thought both A&E could last longer than they did, but that didn't happen. I may have moved away from the garden if it was me, but they sinned despite the circumstances. It is what it is. You can't just make up your own truth about the Bible and evolution, just like I can't. We learn so much from the Spirit.

"as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures." 2 Peter 3:16
So ignorant. You do not even know God's word was written by men moved by the Holy Spirit.

- there is no written language from that time to the present day.

God's word was written ...

were their words written for adam and eve, written in the 1st century nor would it matter as there is no modern language present today the same as that time of antiquity.

* the Almighty's word is spoken not written ... what is written was never spoken.
God didn’t write Genesis. Man did.

So ignorant. You do not even know God's word was written by men moved by the Holy Spirit. You do not listen to the teacher, the Holy Spirit.

As I said, you are wrong. We know snakes can't talk. It was Satan talking through the snake. They used to have legs, but do not any more. There was an actual tree in the middle of the Garden of Eden where A&E could be tempted. I thought both A&E could last longer than they did, but that didn't happen. I may have moved away from the garden if it was me, but they sinned despite the circumstances. It is what it is. You can't just make up your own truth about the Bible and evolution, just like I can't. We learn so much from the Spirit.

"as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures." 2 Peter 3:16
So ignorant. You do not even know God's word was written by men moved by the Holy Spirit.

- there is no written language from that time to the present day.

God's word was written ...

were their words written for adam and eve, written in the 1st century nor would it matter as there is no modern language present today the same as that time of antiquity.

* the Almighty's word is spoken not written ... what is written was never spoken.
It is written in the hearts of men.
God didn’t write Genesis. Man did.

So ignorant. You do not even know God's word was written by men moved by the Holy Spirit. You do not listen to the teacher, the Holy Spirit.

As I said, you are wrong. We know snakes can't talk. It was Satan talking through the snake. They used to have legs, but do not any more. There was an actual tree in the middle of the Garden of Eden where A&E could be tempted. I thought both A&E could last longer than they did, but that didn't happen. I may have moved away from the garden if it was me, but they sinned despite the circumstances. It is what it is. You can't just make up your own truth about the Bible and evolution, just like I can't. We learn so much from the Spirit.

"as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures." 2 Peter 3:16
So ignorant. You do not even know God's word was written by men moved by the Holy Spirit.

- there is no written language from that time to the present day.

God's word was written ...

were their words written for adam and eve, written in the 1st century nor would it matter as there is no modern language present today the same as that time of antiquity.

* the Almighty's word is spoken not written ... what is written was never spoken.
It is written in the hearts of men.
It is written in the hearts of men.

don't let the light bother you bing, that is not your 4th century christian bible ... nor men but all beings -


the path for remission to the Everlasting ...
You mean like God didn’t create the material world?

It included the material world. What else did he create?
You said I was wrong. So now you are saying I wasn’t wrong about that.

How about man is a product of that creation? Was I wrong about that too? Is man not made from dust of God’s creation?

:rolleyes:. It goes to show you are ignorant. You can't even answer my question. God created heaven and the angels before the 7 days of creation, so he created the spiritual or immaterial world.
You mean like God didn’t create the material world?

It included the material world. What else did he create?
You said I was wrong. So now you are saying I wasn’t wrong about that.

How about man is a product of that creation? Was I wrong about that too? Is man not made from dust of God’s creation?

:rolleyes:. It goes to show you are ignorant. You can't even answer my question. God created heaven and the angels before the 7 days of creation, so he created the spiritual or immaterial world.
Try to stay focused. I am trying to understand which part you disagree with. You are being evasive.

Is man a product of God’s creation? Yes or no.
God didn’t write Genesis. Man did.

So ignorant. You do not even know God's word was written by men moved by the Holy Spirit. You do not listen to the teacher, the Holy Spirit.

As I said, you are wrong. We know snakes can't talk. It was Satan talking through the snake. They used to have legs, but do not any more. There was an actual tree in the middle of the Garden of Eden where A&E could be tempted. I thought both A&E could last longer than they did, but that didn't happen. I may have moved away from the garden if it was me, but they sinned despite the circumstances. It is what it is. You can't just make up your own truth about the Bible and evolution, just like I can't. We learn so much from the Spirit.

"as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures." 2 Peter 3:16
So ignorant. You do not even know God's word was written by men moved by the Holy Spirit.

- there is no written language from that time to the present day.

God's word was written ...

were their words written for adam and eve, written in the 1st century nor would it matter as there is no modern language present today the same as that time of antiquity.

* the Almighty's word is spoken not written ... what is written was never spoken.
It is written in the hearts of men.
It is written in the hearts of men.

don't let the light bother you bing, that is not your 4th century christian bible ... nor men but all beings -


the path for remission to the Everlasting ...
You’d be more dangerous as a subversive if you tried to make more sense.

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