Any Informed Defenders of the 9E OCT on USMB?

I'm guessing the Snitch Bitch is uselessly whining again. No, no. I'm not psychic so don't ask for lotto numbers. I'm just using common sense because the only whiner who whines more than the Snitch Bitch is divecon........who does nothing but post ignorant one liners and repeatedly leaves neg rep comments that are more useless. So what's up Snitch Bitch?
i give you only what you deserve, moron

There's another notion that lying coward cannot grasp: that he might deserve some notoriety for being such a lying, braying, unpersuasive joke.

Is the Snitch Bitch whining again? Eots revealed you for the coward you are so you went running to staff because you cannot handle holding your own ground. Even on a fucking message board. Did Staff help you change your diaper too, or did you just follow your routine? You know, yelling up to your mom from the basement?

Snitch Bitches like you exist because you don't know the first thing about honesty.
i give you only what you deserve, moron

There's another notion that lying coward cannot grasp: that he might deserve some notoriety for being such a lying, braying, unpersuasive joke.

Is the Snitch Bitch whining again? Eots revealed you for the coward you are so you went running to staff because you cannot handle holding your own ground. Even on a fucking message board. Did Staff help you change your diaper too, or did you just follow your routine? You know, yelling up to your mom from the basement?

Snitch Bitches like you exist because you don't know the first thing about honesty.
LOL puts you where you belong you moronic piece of shit
i give you only what you deserve, moron

There's another notion that lying coward cannot grasp: that he might deserve some notoriety for being such a lying, braying, unpersuasive joke.

Is [my esteemed friend, Liability] whining again? Eots revealed you for the coward you are so you went running to staff because you cannot handle holding your own ground. Even on a fucking message board. Did Staff help you change your diaper too, or did you just follow your routine? You know, yelling up to your mom from the basement?

Snitch Bitches like you exist because you don't know the first thing about honesty.

Unlike you, turd, I am honest.

I know enough about honesty to see that you are not on speaking terms with it.

The only thing id-eots revealed was that he is too fucking retarded to abide by very simple rules he agreed to in the first place and too indifferent to his own commitment to bother.

No wonder he's your boyfriend!
There's another notion that lying coward cannot grasp: that he might deserve some notoriety for being such a lying, braying, unpersuasive joke.

Is [my esteemed friend, Liability] whining again? Eots revealed you for the coward you are so you went running to staff because you cannot handle holding your own ground. Even on a fucking message board. Did Staff help you change your diaper too, or did you just follow your routine? You know, yelling up to your mom from the basement?

Snitch Bitches like you exist because you don't know the first thing about honesty.

Unlike you, turd, I am honest.

I know enough about honesty to see that you are not on speaking terms with it.

The only thing id-eots revealed was that he is too fucking retarded to abide by very simple rules he agreed to in the first place and too indifferent to his own commitment to bother.

No wonder he's your boyfriend!

eots is garbage and thats why other twoofers get along so well with him; they lose their own stench alongside of such rubbish.
There's another notion that lying coward cannot grasp: that he might deserve some notoriety for being such a lying, braying, unpersuasive joke.

Is [my esteemed friend, Liability] whining again? Eots revealed you for the coward you are so you went running to staff because you cannot handle holding your own ground. Even on a fucking message board. Did Staff help you change your diaper too, or did you just follow your routine? You know, yelling up to your mom from the basement?

Snitch Bitches like you exist because you don't know the first thing about honesty.

Unlike you, turd, I am honest.

I know enough about honesty to see that you are not on speaking terms with it.

The only thing id-eots revealed was that he is too fucking retarded to abide by very simple rules he agreed to in the first place and too indifferent to his own commitment to bother.

No wonder he's your boyfriend!

Is Snitch Bitch still twitching?
Is [my esteemed friend, Liability] whining again? Eots revealed you for the coward you are so you went running to staff because you cannot handle holding your own ground. Even on a fucking message board. Did Staff help you change your diaper too, or did you just follow your routine? You know, yelling up to your mom from the basement?

Snitch Bitches like you exist because you don't know the first thing about honesty.

Unlike you, turd, I am honest.

I know enough about honesty to see that you are not on speaking terms with it.

The only thing id-eots revealed was that he is too fucking retarded to abide by very simple rules he agreed to in the first place and too indifferent to his own commitment to bother.

No wonder he's your boyfriend!

eots is garbage and thats why other twoofers get along so well with him; they lose their own stench alongside of such rubbish.

This shows your absolute ignorance. I didn't get along that well with him, and don't care for him because I have little respect for all homophobes. Since your little crew lacks basic principles you cannot comprehend why the Snitch Bitch is pure bitch. We all treat each other like dog shit and we are assholes to each other everyday we post. Having principles means if you live by the sword then die by the sword. The Snitch Bitch, like the rest of you, wants to live by the sword but not accept responsibility for that choice.

You guys can't even half heartedly debate 9E so you want to silence dissenters because you're not secure in your positions on their own merits. You fool yourselves into believing those who disagree are stupid so you can prance along in your unbelievably active ignorance. That is why not one of you has the courage to address the fact the government kept those testimonies hidden for four years after 9E. Hell, you dumbfucks didn't even know they existed even after about 5 years after they were released. It's amazing how little you fuckers know about that day.
Unlike you, turd, I am honest.

I know enough about honesty to see that you are not on speaking terms with it.

The only thing id-eots revealed was that he is too fucking retarded to abide by very simple rules he agreed to in the first place and too indifferent to his own commitment to bother.

No wonder he's your boyfriend!

eots is garbage and thats why other twoofers get along so well with him; they lose their own stench alongside of such rubbish.

This shows your absolute ignorance. I didn't get along that well with him, and don't care for him because I have little respect for all homophobes. Since your little crew lacks basic principles you cannot comprehend why the Snitch Bitch is pure bitch. We all treat each other like dog shit and we are assholes to each other everyday we post. Having principles means if you live by the sword then die by the sword. The Snitch Bitch, like the rest of you, wants to live by the sword but not accept responsibility for that choice.

You guys can't even half heartedly debate 9E so you want to silence dissenters because you're not secure in your positions on their own merits. You fool yourselves into believing those who disagree are stupid so you can prance along in your unbelievably active ignorance. That is why not one of you has the courage to address the fact the government kept those testimonies hidden for four years after 9E. Hell, you dumbfucks didn't even know they existed even after about 5 years after they were released. It's amazing how little you fuckers know about that day.

Not that bent tight is a total asshole as well as a pussy and a liar or anything --

but --

just to correct his latest dishonest diatribe: id-eots knew the rules. He made a choice. As always with a scumbag douchebag fucktard like him it was the obviously wrong choice. He chose to violate one of the few rules around here that matter enough to enforce. Even a dishonest pussy like bent tight has probably figured it out. PMs stay private.

Did I call id-eots a bunch of immature nasty names in the PMs? You betchya! :lol: And then id-eots made his incredibly stupid choice.

When it comes to accepting responsibility, tools like id-eots and bent tight are just not up to the task.

So bent tight can cry a few more gallons of hot tears over the temporary loss of his pussy compatriot in the Troofer movement. (It's more akin to a bowel movement.) But when id-eots makes his triumphant return :lol::lol::lol::lol: they can go hang out together at the latest conspiracy rally, with that schmuck Terral, and tell each other how amazingly smart they each are for seeing right through all the massive conspiracies. But they will never amount to anything in terms of integrity or honesty or responsibility.

Troofers are scum.

eots is garbage and thats why other twoofers get along so well with him; they lose their own stench alongside of such rubbish.

This shows your absolute ignorance. I didn't get along that well with him, and don't care for him because I have little respect for all homophobes. Since your little crew lacks basic principles you cannot comprehend why the Snitch Bitch is pure bitch. We all treat each other like dog shit and we are assholes to each other everyday we post. Having principles means if you live by the sword then die by the sword. The Snitch Bitch, like the rest of you, wants to live by the sword but not accept responsibility for that choice.

You guys can't even half heartedly debate 9E so you want to silence dissenters because you're not secure in your positions on their own merits. You fool yourselves into believing those who disagree are stupid so you can prance along in your unbelievably active ignorance. That is why not one of you has the courage to address the fact the government kept those testimonies hidden for four years after 9E. Hell, you dumbfucks didn't even know they existed even after about 5 years after they were released. It's amazing how little you fuckers know about that day.

Not that bent tight is a total asshole as well as a pussy and a liar or anything --

but --

just to correct his latest dishonest diatribe: id-eots knew the rules. He made a choice. As always with a scumbag douchebag fucktard like him it was the obviously wrong choice. He chose to violate one of the few rules around here that matter enough to enforce. Even a dishonest pussy like bent tight has probably figured it out. PMs stay private.

Did I call id-eots a bunch of immature nasty names in the PMs? You betchya! :lol: And then id-eots made his incredibly stupid choice.

When it comes to accepting responsibility, tools like id-eots and bent tight are just not up to the task.

So bent tight can cry a few more gallons of hot tears over the temporary loss of his pussy compatriot in the Troofer movement. (It's more akin to a bowel movement.) But when id-eots makes his triumphant return :lol::lol::lol::lol: they can go hang out together at the latest conspiracy rally, with that schmuck Terral, and tell each other how amazingly smart they each are for seeing right through all the massive conspiracies. But they will never amount to anything in terms of integrity or honesty or responsibility.

Troofers are scum.

Is the Snitch Bitch still crying? I'm guessing yes because even after Staff changed his diaper he probably found something else to whine about like the full blooded coward Snitch Bitch he has proven to be.
bent tight: "Waaahhh!"

Me: {quite graciously} "What's the matter little girl?"

bent tight: "Waaahhhh! My friend gotted all punished and sent to his room for a while just because he couldn't follow da wules! Waaahhhh!"

Me: "Don't cry, little girl. It will be all right. Your pal, id-eots, will get out sooner or later and then he can rejoin you in your efforts to lie endlessly."

bent tight: "Snitch bitch! Waaahhhh!"

Me: [not even attempting to hide my derisive laughter] :lol::lol::lol: "There there. Go have a good cry, little girl."
bent tight: "Waaahhh!"

Me: {quite graciously} "What's the matter little girl?"

bent tight: "Waaahhhh! My friend gotted all punished and sent to his room for a while just because he couldn't follow da wules! Waaahhhh!"

Me: "Don't cry, little girl. It will be all right. Your pal, id-eots, will get out sooner or later and then he can rejoin you in your efforts to lie endlessly."

bent tight: "Snitch bitch! Waaahhhh!"

Me: [not even attempting to hide my derisive laughter] :lol::lol::lol: "There there. Go have a good cry, little girl."

Will you, the Snitch Bitch, ever stop crying?
bent tight: "Waaahhh!"

Me: {quite graciously} "What's the matter little girl?"

bent tight: "Waaahhhh! My friend gotted all punished and sent to his room for a while just because he couldn't follow da wules! Waaahhhh!"

Me: "Don't cry, little girl. It will be all right. Your pal, id-eots, will get out sooner or later and then he can rejoin you in your efforts to lie endlessly."

bent tight: "Snitch bitch! Waaahhhh!"

Me: [not even attempting to hide my derisive laughter] :lol::lol::lol: "There there. Go have a good cry, little girl."

Will you * * * ever stop crying?

Stop projecting, bent tight.

My derisive laughter at you is over the fact that you can't stop crying, pussy-boi.
The official 911 commission report needs no defense as it was created and stands with the full faith and force of the us government behind it.

The conspiracy theorists duty is to challenge it. So far, in over 8 years, there has not been one, not one, successful challenge to the official report. Not one.

That's the only defense I need orf the official 911 commission report. It stands on it's own, and needs no defense.

eots is garbage and thats why other twoofers get along so well with him; they lose their own stench alongside of such rubbish.

This shows your absolute ignorance. I didn't get along that well with him, and don't care for him because I have little respect for all homophobes. Since your little crew lacks basic principles you cannot comprehend why the Snitch Bitch is pure bitch. We all treat each other like dog shit and we are assholes to each other everyday we post. Having principles means if you live by the sword then die by the sword. The Snitch Bitch, like the rest of you, wants to live by the sword but not accept responsibility for that choice.

You guys can't even half heartedly debate 9E so you want to silence dissenters because you're not secure in your positions on their own merits. You fool yourselves into believing those who disagree are stupid so you can prance along in your unbelievably active ignorance. That is why not one of you has the courage to address the fact the government kept those testimonies hidden for four years after 9E. Hell, you dumbfucks didn't even know they existed even after about 5 years after they were released. It's amazing how little you fuckers know about that day.

Not that bent tight is a total asshole as well as a pussy and a liar or anything --

but --

just to correct his latest dishonest diatribe: id-eots knew the rules. He made a choice. As always with a scumbag douchebag fucktard like him it was the obviously wrong choice. He chose to violate one of the few rules around here that matter enough to enforce. Even a dishonest pussy like bent tight has probably figured it out. PMs stay private.

Did I call id-eots a bunch of immature nasty names in the PMs? You betchya! :lol: And then id-eots made his incredibly stupid choice.

When it comes to accepting responsibility, tools like id-eots and bent tight are just not up to the task.

So bent tight can cry a few more gallons of hot tears over the temporary loss of his pussy compatriot in the Troofer movement. (It's more akin to a bowel movement.) But when id-eots makes his triumphant return :lol::lol::lol::lol: they can go hang out together at the latest conspiracy rally, with that schmuck Terral, and tell each other how amazingly smart they each are for seeing right through all the massive conspiracies. But they will never amount to anything in terms of integrity or honesty or responsibility.

Troofers are scum.

:clap2::clap2:True that:clap2::clap2:

I'm pretty sure he'll be taking his spatula and heading home any time now since he's not getting the attention he craves. You've given him much more time than he deserves; thats obvious.

His grasp of trivia is pretty firm I guess but there is a reason why trivia is trivial; nobody gives a rats ass about it. I bet he didn't know that the Phoenix PD ramped up protection at Skyharbor on 9/11. Well, they did. Ah hah...he doesn't know shit about 9/11. Ha ha ha ha.
This shows your absolute ignorance. I didn't get along that well with him, and don't care for him because I have little respect for all homophobes. Since your little crew lacks basic principles you cannot comprehend why the Snitch Bitch is pure bitch. We all treat each other like dog shit and we are assholes to each other everyday we post. Having principles means if you live by the sword then die by the sword. The Snitch Bitch, like the rest of you, wants to live by the sword but not accept responsibility for that choice.

You guys can't even half heartedly debate 9E so you want to silence dissenters because you're not secure in your positions on their own merits. You fool yourselves into believing those who disagree are stupid so you can prance along in your unbelievably active ignorance. That is why not one of you has the courage to address the fact the government kept those testimonies hidden for four years after 9E. Hell, you dumbfucks didn't even know they existed even after about 5 years after they were released. It's amazing how little you fuckers know about that day.

Not that bent tight is a total asshole as well as a pussy and a liar or anything --

but --

just to correct his latest dishonest diatribe: id-eots knew the rules. He made a choice. As always with a scumbag douchebag fucktard like him it was the obviously wrong choice. He chose to violate one of the few rules around here that matter enough to enforce. Even a dishonest pussy like bent tight has probably figured it out. PMs stay private.

Did I call id-eots a bunch of immature nasty names in the PMs? You betchya! :lol: And then id-eots made his incredibly stupid choice.

When it comes to accepting responsibility, tools like id-eots and bent tight are just not up to the task.

So bent tight can cry a few more gallons of hot tears over the temporary loss of his pussy compatriot in the Troofer movement. (It's more akin to a bowel movement.) But when id-eots makes his triumphant return :lol::lol::lol::lol: they can go hang out together at the latest conspiracy rally, with that schmuck Terral, and tell each other how amazingly smart they each are for seeing right through all the massive conspiracies. But they will never amount to anything in terms of integrity or honesty or responsibility.

Troofers are scum.

:clap2::clap2:True that:clap2::clap2:

I'm pretty sure he'll be taking his spatula and heading home any time now since he's not getting the attention he craves. You've given him much more time than he deserves; thats obvious.

His grasp of trivia is pretty firm I guess but there is a reason why trivia is trivial; nobody gives a rats ass about it. I bet he didn't know that the Phoenix PD ramped up protection at Skyharbor on 9/11. Well, they did. Ah hah...he doesn't know shit about 9/11. Ha ha ha ha.

I have three things to say.
I always enjoyed talking with eots as his level of lunacy is tremendously entertaining. I was sorry to see him banned, even temporarily.
I put Liability on ignore some time ago because of his obscenities and name-calling while I was agreeing with him!
I am taking Liability off ignore, because I agree with his statements in the above post. While I may have to put up with his obscene posts, it simply isn't fair to him to have him on iggy and not have clownlite and 911insidenutjob on iggy as well. Since i have gotten so much entertainment out of the those two twoofers, I recognize i should extend the same courtesy to liability.
Not that bent tight is a total asshole as well as a pussy and a liar or anything --

but --

just to correct his latest dishonest diatribe: id-eots knew the rules. He made a choice. As always with a scumbag douchebag fucktard like him it was the obviously wrong choice. He chose to violate one of the few rules around here that matter enough to enforce. Even a dishonest pussy like bent tight has probably figured it out. PMs stay private.

Did I call id-eots a bunch of immature nasty names in the PMs? You betchya! :lol: And then id-eots made his incredibly stupid choice.

When it comes to accepting responsibility, tools like id-eots and bent tight are just not up to the task.

So bent tight can cry a few more gallons of hot tears over the temporary loss of his pussy compatriot in the Troofer movement. (It's more akin to a bowel movement.) But when id-eots makes his triumphant return :lol::lol::lol::lol: they can go hang out together at the latest conspiracy rally, with that schmuck Terral, and tell each other how amazingly smart they each are for seeing right through all the massive conspiracies. But they will never amount to anything in terms of integrity or honesty or responsibility.

Troofers are scum.

:clap2::clap2:True that:clap2::clap2:

I'm pretty sure he'll be taking his spatula and heading home any time now since he's not getting the attention he craves. You've given him much more time than he deserves; thats obvious.

His grasp of trivia is pretty firm I guess but there is a reason why trivia is trivial; nobody gives a rats ass about it. I bet he didn't know that the Phoenix PD ramped up protection at Skyharbor on 9/11. Well, they did. Ah hah...he doesn't know shit about 9/11. Ha ha ha ha.

I have three things to say.
I always enjoyed talking with eots as his level of lunacy is tremendously entertaining. I was sorry to see him banned, even temporarily.
I put Liability on ignore some time ago because of his obscenities and name-calling while I was agreeing with him!
I am taking Liability off ignore, because I agree with his statements in the above post. While I may have to put up with his obscene posts, it simply isn't fair to him to have him on iggy and not have clownlite and 911insidenutjob on iggy as well. Since i have gotten so much entertainment out of the those two twoofers, I recognize i should extend the same courtesy to liability.

I have nobody on ignore. I have banished a few lost souls there on rare occasions, but never for too long.

I have a question, though.

When I accorded you some positive rep while I was on your "ignore" list, did you end up GETTING the rep points (and/or the comments), or do they go un-awarded when given by someone on your ignore list?
Figured Curvedick for a troofer.

He has denied that he is a Troofer. Then he denied that he denied it. :cuckoo:

I've never denied being a troofer and you won't be able to link a post where I denied being a troofer because you are a lying coward SNITCH BITCH. I've always admitted to being a troofer. Now weasel out of your accusation you fucking Snitch Bitch.

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