Any libs out there who still support impeachmnent??

[Never said what clearances. No violations. Know the rules
better than you.


Not in any universe.

Not a "party" member. Never have been. Good luck with your rambling, Skippy. Try to stay out of trouble.

You're a pile of shit Communist traitor supporting a coup you know will fail for the purpose of corrupting a presidential election.

You are beneath contempt.
[Never said what clearances. No violations. Know the rules
better than you.


Not in any universe.

Not a "party" member. Never have been. Good luck with your rambling, Skippy. Try to stay out of trouble.

You're a pile of shit Communist traitor supporting a coup you know will fail for the purpose of corrupting a presidential election.

You are beneath contempt.

So this is how you are filling your boredom today, huh? There - is - no - coup. Breath deep. There - is - no - coup. Another deep breath. There - is - no - coup. Your going to be alright. There - is - no -coup. Another deep breath. There - is - no -coup. You are going to wake up and everything will be OK. There - is - no -coup. Keep breathing deep. It's only a movie. There - is - no -coup. Breath deep. Your wife or mommy loves you very much. There - is - no -coup. Breath deep. Flex and relax your toes. breath deep. Flex and relax your calves. Keep breathing deep. There - is - no -coup. Flex and relax your upper legs, glutes, and posterior. Breath deep. There - is - no -coup. Flex and relax your abbs and upper chest. Breath deep. There - is - no -coup. flex and relax shoulders, not too much, you art trying to relieve tension. Breath deep. Now your arms. Breath deep. slightly rotate and relax your neck and face. Breath deep.There - is - no -coup. You may get sleepy. Breath deep. If you do, welcome it into the back of your head, let it flow down into your core. Keep taking slow, deep, relaxing breaths. There - is - no -coup. Continue to relax as you slow continue to breath deep. In and out. In and out. Let sleep come at it's own pace. it's OK to yawn. Breath deep. You feel really good and relaxed now. Everything is just fine. Keep breathing. You know you need the sleep and will awaken feeling great when it is time.
Repeat exercise as necessary, I recommend nightly. You can use this to refresh and renew. It really does work. With variation of theme, it can help you relax anywhere, home, strange hotels, in the field, log trips with someone else driving. Your going to be alright. Everything is just fine or will be.

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