Any libs out there who still support impeachmnent??

Shows that the OP is totally clueless.

can you say why it is clueless?????

You ready for a lesson?

The so-called Quid Pro Quo video of Biden 'admitting to such QPQ' is FAKE news.
Total fake news dude, and you bought into the RWI media telling you what to believe.

You do understand that Biden was the spokesperson for Nations, that ALL wanted the same outcome.
Which was Fire Shokin, who was NOT doing his job, to prosecute corruption.
I'll wait for your rebuttal!
When did Biden get elected “spokesman for nations”?

Even Barry Hussein hasn’t backed up his bullshit story.
You Libtards don't even know what President Trump was impeached for. Let me remind you:

1. Abuse of Power - Please specify the abuse and how it is more serious than what Obama and Biden did when they were President and Vice President, respectively.

2. Obstruction of Justice - Please explain how a pending review by SCOTUS is obstruction. Should the Justices be impeached for being co-conspirators?

LOL, just kidding. I don't expect any of you to be capable of a rational and reasoned response.
2. Correction...obstruction of Congress, not justice. Nobody knows WTF that is, but.....
Anyone who loves out country and believes in the Constitution should be for Impeachment.

well that would leave out Democrats who hate our country and Constitution and accordingly want to impose upon us the Green New Deal Great Communist Depression and Revolution.
It’s a waste of time. It’s a foregone conclusion that Repugs won’t convict no matter what. Dems would do better to try to get Trump out via the election.
Biden and Trump were simply implementing long standing quid pro quo foreign policy toward Ukraine and many other countries. Its a little hard to impeach them for it when it was a part of their job.

This was never about anything other than the democrat desperation to tamper with the 2020 election. The only fact that matters is that Trump is set to win reelection. This farce of an election, including the treason of embedded CIA agent Eric Ciaramella is meant to influence the upcoming election.

It's not an impeachment, it's election tampering.

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