Any Privacy Difference Between Nat. Voter Registry & Nat. Gun Registry?

A firearms registry serves one purpose, to locate all the lawful weapons in the Country for a seizure at a later date.

You freaks believe that but don't believe these strict ID LAWS are designed to suppress votes!??

What planet are you on?
How does one surpress a vote simply by knowing who is registered? By the way NUMBNUTS they are already registered in the State. nAlways have been so why could fed knowledge lead to what State knowledge has not?
Hell try to catch a fish to feed yourself if you are poor and living in a Dem controlled state, you have to prove you are a citizen plus then pay them an outrageous fee for the privilege.
When did fishing become free in GOP states? I've never seen a shortage of fishing license requirements in all 50 states, unless it is private property..
Damn, I bet that bullshit sounded a lot better in your head. No one is taking about a national voter registry, at best the information requested would provide a snapshot of States voter registries. Also no one is talking about making the information public, although most of it already is.
That doesn't even come close to responding to the QUESTION the OP asks in the title:

Any Privacy Difference Between Nat. Voter Registry & Nat. Gun Registry?

The question regarded a PRIVACY ISSUE COMPARISON between two possible types of privacy invasive initiatives! Not a single swinging Richard among you far right wing nationalists have been willing to even come close to responding to that!
No one is taking about a national voter registry....
No one said there is...NOW ANY WAY, just as there is no national gun registry NOW, dimwit! It was a hypothetical question (since that word has 12 letters you'll need someone with an education to explain that concept to you).
Also no one is talking about making the information public....
You too fucking broke to pay attention to the news. Kobach, before the Commission has even been formed with its 15 appointees, is unilaterally deciding for himself what is going to be formulated and what is to be done with the information received. So how the fuck do YOU know what is being done by that loose cannon from Kansas rolling around the deck, Tex? And what is Pence doing about Kobach's conduct? Stick to the subject of the fucking OP you ignorant fuck!

Now you run along and have a nice day on your rocking horse, Sparkles, and do try to stay on the topic of the OP, little one!
How does one surpress a vote simply by knowing who is registered? By the way NUMBNUTS they are already registered in the State. nAlways have been so why could fed knowledge lead to what State knowledge has not?

Ask Jeff Sessions. The DOJ has already circulated a letter requesting states purge their voter rolls.
People need to stop thinking "shall not be infringed" is negotiable...
its not!!!
Damn, I bet that bullshit sounded a lot better in your head. No one is taking about a national voter registry, at best the information requested would provide a snapshot of States voter registries. Also no one is talking about making the information public, although most of it already is.

Read the Kobach letter

Illinois to delay Trump commission voter data request until August

"Please be aware that any documents that are submitted to the full commission will also be made available to the public."
Damn, I bet that bullshit sounded a lot better in your head. No one is taking about a national voter registry, at best the information requested would provide a snapshot of States voter registries. Also no one is talking about making the information public, although most of it already is.
That doesn't even come close to responding to the QUESTION the OP asks in the title:

Any Privacy Difference Between Nat. Voter Registry & Nat. Gun Registry?

The question regarded a PRIVACY ISSUE COMPARISON between two possible types of privacy invasive initiatives! Not a single swinging Richard among you far right wing nationalists have been willing to even come close to responding to that!
No one is taking about a national voter registry....
No one said there is...NOW ANY WAY, just as there is no national gun registry NOW, dimwit! It was a hypothetical question (since that word has 12 letters you'll need someone with an education to explain that concept to you).
Also no one is talking about making the information public....
You too fucking broke to pay attention to the news. Kobach, before the Commission has even been formed with its 15 appointees, is unilaterally deciding for himself what is going to be formulated and what is to be done with the information received. So how the fuck do YOU know what is being done by that loose cannon from Kansas rolling around the deck, Tex? And what is Pence doing about Kobach's conduct? Stick to the subject of the fucking OP you ignorant fuck!

Now you run along and have a nice day on your rocking horse, Sparkles, and do try to stay on the topic of the OP, little one!

So what you're saying is reality has no place in the discussion, you just expect people to address two privacy invasive initiatives you just dreamed up.

As I said earlier no one is trying to establish a national voter registry and just for your information a national gun registry would violate existing federal law. That's reality.

As far as I know this forum is for discussing real politics, not imaginary crap dreamed up by a butt hurt regressive.

You gun freaks are so intellectually dishonest. None of you took up my apples to apples challenge on gun nut vs gun control states .

Because it isn't an apples to apples challenge......the all white Massechuesetts to Arizona which is on the border with the Narco state of Mexico where the drug cartels do their business...nice try asswipe.

Fine . You choose the states .

I chose the entire country....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 15.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Here you have a look at murder rates across the country......the entire country.....

Murders in US very concentrated: 54% of US counties in 2014 had zero murders, 2% of counties have 51% of the murders - Crime Prevention Research Center

Figure 1 illustrates how few counties have a significant number of murders. Figure 3 further illustrates that with a cumulative perspective. 54% of counties have zero murders, 69% have at most one murder, 76% have at most two murders, and so on. To put it differently, only the top four percent of the counties have 16 or more murders.

In 2014, the murder rate was 4.4 per 100,000 people. If the 1% of the counties with the worst number of murders somehow were to become a separate country, the murder rate in the rest of the US would have been only 3.4 in 2014. Removing the worst 2% or 5% would have reduced the US rate to just 3.06 or 2.56 per 100,000, respectively.


Gun Ownership

According to a 2013 PEW Research Center survey, the household gun ownership rate in rural areas was 2.11 times greater than in urban areas (“Why Own a Gun? Protection is Now Top Reason,” PEW Research Center, March 12, 2013). Suburban households are 28.6% more likely to own guns than urban households. Despite lower gun ownership, urban areas experience much higher murder rates. One should not put much weight on this purely “cross-sectional” evidence over one point in time and many factors determine murder rates, but it is still interesting to note that so much of the country has both very high gun ownership rates and zero murders.
there is no government right to know if you own a gun....
Then there is no government right to know if you voted.

Yes...there that you don't vote more than once. they can't know how you voted, just that you voted once, where you live, and no where else....

Isn't that a state government right, and not a right of the federal government?

10th amendment.

The Presidential Election is a national election. And the federal government has law enforcement powers that include election violations.

You get to vote, once, where you live. The only way to check this is to know where you live. They can't know who you voted for, but they can check where you are registered, and if you have registered in multiple locations...which is against federal election laws.
Damn, I bet that bullshit sounded a lot better in your head. No one is taking about a national voter registry, at best the information requested would provide a snapshot of States voter registries. Also no one is talking about making the information public, although most of it already is.

Read the Kobach letter

Illinois to delay Trump commission voter data request until August

"Please be aware that any documents that are submitted to the full commission will also be made available to the public."

So you know in advance what documents will be made available to the FULL commission? I seriously doubt that. It's much more likely they will get summaries not all the information provided.

You gun freaks are so intellectually dishonest. None of you took up my apples to apples challenge on gun nut vs gun control states .

I gave you a map of murder in every county in the U.S........and those counties with the most murder have the most gun control......that is as apples to apples as you can get, and it isn't cherry picking the way you want to do...

Comparing hard # of NYC with like 9 million people to people killed in Little Rock with 500,000 population is dishonest .

I didn't do that...I gave you the entire country....

How about Chicago, L.A. and New York...they all have the exact same extreme gun control......and chicago has a higher murder rate than both isn't guns, it is the criminals and their willingness to pull the trigger on each other.
You gun freaks are so intellectually dishonest. None of you took up my apples to apples challenge on gun nut vs gun control states .

I gave you a map of murder in every county in the U.S........and those counties with the most murder have the most gun control......that is as apples to apples as you can get, and it isn't cherry picking the way you want to do...

Comparing hard # of NYC with like 9 million people to people killed in Little Rock with 500,000 population is dishonest .

How about Chicago and New York.....New York...almost 3 times the population of Chicago....the same strict gun laws, the same access to out of state guns.......let's throw in L.A. at the same time...dittos the gun laws and access to out of state guns...

it is the criminals and their willingness to shoot and kill that drives the gun crime and murder rate. Taking guns away from law abiding gun owners doesn't stop criminals or mass shooters...

Chicago population 2.6 million......more murders than New York, population 8.4 million...L.A. population 3.9 million...

Chicago had more homicides in 2016 than NYC and LA combined

CHICAGO — One of the most violent years in Chicago history ended Saturday with a sobering tally: 762 homicides, the most in two decades in the city and more than New York and Los Angeles combined.

New York City logged 334 homicides in 2016, according to NYPD data. LAPD data shows that there were 294 homicides in Los Angeles in 2016.
The Presidential Election is a national election. And the federal government has law enforcement powers that include election violations.

You get to vote, once, where you live. The only way to check this is to know where you live. They can't know who you voted for, but they can check where you are registered, and if you have registered in multiple locations...which is against federal election laws.

NO !!!

Actually the federal government has no federal laws enforcement over any election. They have the right to accept or reject what states do in their election process. Just look at the 14th amendment for an example. Then go to 3 USC 5.

Neither gives the federal government any law enforcement, only political enforcement. Meaning they don't have to accept what the states did, if they didn't follow the rules. Or they can dock the states representation if they don't follow the rules.
I believe a gun registry would cut down on straw purchases that lead to guns ending up in the hands of criminals . This is a major probleM in the us .

National vote registry ? I don't see how this would really help wh voter fraud (which is not a big issue unlike guns). Elections are virtually all local . What would the nat vote registry do exactly ?
Quit falling down the well, any type of firearm registry is unconstitutional.

More frivolous gun laws have proven to be absolutely inept in violent crime prevention....

No it's not unconstitutional. It doesn't interfere with anyone's right to bear arms .

It's the gun nuts states lack of laws that pollute everyone else's attempts .
Na, it is absolutely unconstitutional because it's none of the fucking government business… Quit falling down the the well.

Then you'll agree our voter information should stay with the secretaries of state where it has been since the signing of the Constitution.
Trump is out of line and a paranoid freak.
See how easy that was?
I believe a gun registry would cut down on straw purchases that lead to guns ending up in the hands of criminals . This is a major probleM in the us .

National vote registry ? I don't see how this would really help wh voter fraud (which is not a big issue unlike guns). Elections are virtually all local . What would the nat vote registry do exactly ?
Quit falling down the well, any type of firearm registry is unconstitutional.

More frivolous gun laws have proven to be absolutely inept in violent crime prevention....

No it's not unconstitutional. It doesn't interfere with anyone's right to bear arms .

It's the gun nuts states lack of laws that pollute everyone else's attempts .
Na, it is absolutely unconstitutional because it's none of the fucking government business… Quit falling down the the well.

Then you'll agree our voter information should stay with the secretaries of state where it has been since the signing of the Constitution.
Trump is out of line and a paranoid freak.
See how easy that was?

The states sell this information to political there isn't a are dumb and don't know what you are talking about...see how easy that was...
The states sell this information to political there isn't a are dumb and don't know what you are talking about...see how easy that was...

The USA sells weapons to Israel. That doesn't mean you can buy an F-1 6.
So what you're saying is reality has no place in the discussion, you just expect people to address two privacy invasive initiatives you just dreamed up.

As I said earlier no one is trying to establish a national voter registry and just for your information a national gun registry would violate existing federal law. That's reality.

As far as I know this forum is for discussing real politics, not imaginary crap dreamed up by a butt hurt regressive.
If that's what you wish to contrive in your distorted fucking world of lies and deceit, you two-faced lying motherfucker, roll on with it, Tex! Next you'll be proclaiming what a good friend Putin and Russia are now that that fat-assed Orange piece of shit has tamed them both to his will! Always carry a good supply of Vaseline with ya and stay well lubricated for your friends, dipstick!
I believe a gun registry would cut down on straw purchases that lead to guns ending up in the hands of criminals . This is a major probleM in the us .

National vote registry ? I don't see how this would really help wh voter fraud (which is not a big issue unlike guns). Elections are virtually all local . What would the nat vote registry do exactly ?
Quit falling down the well, any type of firearm registry is unconstitutional.

More frivolous gun laws have proven to be absolutely inept in violent crime prevention....

No it's not unconstitutional. It doesn't interfere with anyone's right to bear arms .

It's the gun nuts states lack of laws that pollute everyone else's attempts .
Na, it is absolutely unconstitutional because it's none of the fucking government business… Quit falling down the the well.

Then you'll agree our voter information should stay with the secretaries of state where it has been since the signing of the Constitution.
Trump is out of line and a paranoid freak.
See how easy that was?

Voter information is provided to political parties, pacs and anyone else willing to pay for it. Seems to me it's you pathetic butt hurt regressives that are paranoid.

So what you're saying is reality has no place in the discussion, you just expect people to address two privacy invasive initiatives you just dreamed up.

As I said earlier no one is trying to establish a national voter registry and just for your information a national gun registry would violate existing federal law. That's reality.

As far as I know this forum is for discussing real politics, not imaginary crap dreamed up by a butt hurt regressive.
If that's what you wish to contrive in your distorted fucking world of lies and deceit, you two-faced lying motherfucker, roll on with it, Tex! Next you'll be proclaiming what a good friend Putin and Russia are now that that fat-assed Orange piece of shit has tamed them both to his will! Always carry a good supply of Vaseline with ya and stay well lubricated for your friends, dipstick!

Poor thing, maybe you should talk to the doc about upping your meds, you seem to having a bit of problem dealing with reality. LMAO

I believe a gun registry would cut down on straw purchases that lead to guns ending up in the hands of criminals . This is a major probleM in the us .

National vote registry ? I don't see how this would really help wh voter fraud (which is not a big issue unlike guns). Elections are virtually all local . What would the nat vote registry do exactly ?
Quit falling down the well, any type of firearm registry is unconstitutional.

More frivolous gun laws have proven to be absolutely inept in violent crime prevention....

No it's not unconstitutional. It doesn't interfere with anyone's right to bear arms .

It's the gun nuts states lack of laws that pollute everyone else's attempts .
Na, it is absolutely unconstitutional because it's none of the fucking government business… Quit falling down the the well.

Then you'll agree our voter information should stay with the secretaries of state where it has been since the signing of the Constitution.
Trump is out of line and a paranoid freak.
See how easy that was?
Voting is a states issue... the Federal government cannot be trusted

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