Any vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment....

As the election/impeachment cycle ramps up......for those who believe in the Right to Keep and Bear arms......remember, any vote for a democrat, at any level of government is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment......the other Rights as well, but most immediately the 2nd when it comes time to vote, hold your nose, keep Trump in office, keep out every democrat, and keep in mind....Trump may be able to replace 2-3 Supreme Court Justices in the next term.....ginsburg, maybe Thomas if he retires, and that other old lefty .........he is also replacing left wing judges at all levels of the federal judiciary.....

We need him for the next 4 years......

Any vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment....
And a vote to end the 1st as we know it, a vote to end America’s right to sovereignty, a vote to force Americans to pay wetbacks to fuck our nation up, a vote to reduce the number of white folks, a vote to denigrate God and Christianity, a vote to normalize chicks with dicks...the list goes on and on
It's a conspiracy, right, conspiracy Nut Job hater dupe? You have no evidence for any of that. chicks with dicks you idiot bigot

Anybody paying attention and working with a third graders iQ or better knows I’m right on point.
First off, pass the 2010 comprehensive Democratic immigration Bill with an ID card and end this long-running GOP scam, super duper. Not a stupid wall that won't work and is un American. Your whole post is ridiculous garbage.
Aka end the second amendment lol
Universal background checks are not ending the second amendment dildo.

That’s just the start. Then then go for more. Fuck that we need to stop them now.

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89% of the country wants universal background checks. Taking away AR-15s maybe 6% want to do that. Stop selling them okay that is possible. No other country has military weapons for sale. They seem to drive some people crazy. And they should not be able to buy them in a store anymore. The whole thing is ridiculous.

Your numbers are way off. You must have gotten them from CNN

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Wrong again super duper....
Do 90% of Americans support background checks for all gun sales? | PolitiFact ...
Claim: 90 percent of Americans "support universal background checks" for gun purchases.
Claimed by: Chris Abele
Fact check by PolitiFact: True

Really. There are some over 200 million gun owners and none of us want it. Of course they asked liberals and people who have no clue about gun ownership. So 90% of a small group in liberal areas doesn’t count for anything. When you start asking gun owners then get back to me. Until then shut the fuck up moron

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I've been saying that for 20 years.

The democrook party is a neo Bolshevik globalist power cartel. Their agenda is sinister. They ARE NOT INTERESTED IN PUBLIC SAFETY.


They are interested in the safety of commisars and "human resource" managers who will arbitrarily commit atrocities according to the demands of an "intellectual" and elitist oligarchy.

They will collectivize the planet and purge billions if they're ever given the chance. Make no mistake about it.

All GOP voters are conspiracy nutjobs at this point, so misinformed and brainwashed. The GOP is the swamp and the Oligarch run operation. Obviously in the real world. GOP voters aren't in the real world.

That is the Democratic platform there running on. Take away the guns and then the first amendment is right behind it.

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Total baloney, brainwashed functional moron. 1 Presidential candidate who had 22 people killed at once in his district said that that is all. And I've never heard of anyone against hunting rifles and shotguns. Which is all anyone needs. But no one is going to take away any guns, especially 17 million AR-15. It's ridiculous.

They want to ban all semi-automatic weapons you doofus....the said they want to ban them.....
End the second amendment? No

Modify to make us safer? Yup
Aka end the second amendment lol
Universal background checks are not ending the second amendment dildo.

That’s just the start. Then then go for more. Fuck that we need to stop them now.

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89% of the country wants universal background checks. Taking away AR-15s maybe 6% want to do that. Stop selling them okay that is possible. No other country has military weapons for sale. They seem to drive some people crazy. And they should not be able to buy them in a store anymore. The whole thing is ridiculous.

Those who took those polls don't understand the issue....if they did they wouldn't support universal background checks.

The AR-15 is not a military weapon, you doofus....the pump action shotgun is a current mililtary weapon as is the bolt action, deer hunting don't know the issue.

You mean except Israel and Switzerland?
Aka end the second amendment lol
Universal background checks are not ending the second amendment dildo.

That’s just the start. Then then go for more. Fuck that we need to stop them now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
89% of the country wants universal background checks. Taking away AR-15s maybe 6% want to do that. Stop selling them okay that is possible. No other country has military weapons for sale. They seem to drive some people crazy. And they should not be able to buy them in a store anymore. The whole thing is ridiculous.

Your numbers are way off. You must have gotten them from CNN

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wrong again super duper....
Do 90% of Americans support background checks for all gun sales? | PolitiFact ...
Claim: 90 percent of Americans "support universal background checks" for gun purchases.
Claimed by: Chris Abele
Fact check by PolitiFact: True

Yes....they weren't told the entire issue before they were asked the question......that is the lie.
It would be very hard for the Democrats alone to take away the Second Amendment yet, you say nothing to the corruption of asset forfeiture via due process in the fourth. Maybe you should direct your energies to actual actions and losses of civil rights?
Oh, not me. I have openly criticized the duopoly on asset forfeiture.

Why can't we multitask?

They don't have the power to rid us of the 2nd (yet) but they do have the power to further water it down, like they have the past century.

If we lose that right, we lose all others. We have no power to fight asset forfeiture if we have no teeth behind our will.

It would be very hard for the Democrats alone to take away the Second Amendment yet, you say nothing to the corruption of asset forfeiture via due process in the fourth. Maybe you should direct your energies to actual actions and losses of civil rights?
Oh, not me. I have openly criticized the duopoly on asset forfeiture.

Why can't we multitask?

They don't have the power to rid us of the 2nd (yet) but they do have the power to further water it down, like they have the past century.

If we lose that right, we lose all others. We have no power to fight asset forfeiture if we have no teeth behind our will.

First off if they do anything ignore it and continue to do business as usual and defy the illegal move.I do. I refuse to recognize their laws as lawful and will continue to function via black market.
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As the election/impeachment cycle ramps up......for those who believe in the Right to Keep and Bear arms......remember, any vote for a democrat, at any level of government is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment......
1/3 of Democrats would repeal the 2nd, and 82% favor banning all semi-autos.
Repeal the Second Amendment? Almost Half of Democrats Say Yes | National Review

Democrats Reveal Their Hostility to the Second Amendment
It’s Time to Repeal—and Replace—the Second Amendment
No other country has military weapons for sale. They seem to drive some people crazy. And they should not be able to buy them in a store anymore.
You;re a conspiracy nutjob, so misinformed and brainwashed.
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It wouldn't break my heart to see the 2nd amendment go the way of Prohibition. As long as it done per the Constitutionally prescribed method.
It wouldn't break my heart to see the 2nd amendment go the way of Prohibition. As long as it done per the Constitutionally prescribed method.
Because there's no possible downside to the state having a monopoly on force.
The second amendment is not going to end no mater who is president. That is just propaganda, don't be a one issue voter, there is a lot of not good stuff going on. people from both party's line their pockets with our money. most are not working in our best interest.
The second amendment is not going to end no mater who is president. That is just propaganda, don't be a one issue voter, there is a lot of not good stuff going on. people from both party's line their pockets with our money. most are not working in our best interest.
Actually, Democrats are. The GOP is the lying thieving swamp, and only they have a disgraceful GOP propaganda machine, Fox noise from Rupert Murdoch, a few newspapers owned by scumbag Rupert Murdoch, and big fat idiot Rush Limbaugh and the other lying bought off scumbag GOP radio demagogues.... Why are we the only modern country without a living wage or Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great vacations and infrastructure, AND MAINLY TAXING THE RICH THEIR FAIR SHARE DUMBASSES... LOOK IN THE MIRROR, BRAINWASHED FUNCTIONAL MORONS.

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