Any Way You Look At It, Israel is Justified in Waging War Against Hamas in Gaza

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Israel pulled out of Gaza long ago and has allowed it to govern itself. Claims of apartheid, occupation and oppression are lies. The so-called "Palestinians" in Gaza elected Hamas as the governing party some 20 years ago. Both Hamas, as an organization, and the "Palestinians" who support and vote for Hamas, refuse to recognize Israel as a legitimate state and advocate for both the destruction of the Jewish state and the Jewish people. Hamas and other representatives of these people (e.g., the PLO) have conducted MANY murderous terror attacks in Israel in the past. As of today, Hamas is still firing rockets at innocent Israeli citizens.

Are Hamas terror attacks against Israel the direct and proximate consequence of Israeli policies toward these people? Of course not. That is lunacy. They have Israel out of Gaza and sovereignty over the land people of Gaza. What else do they want? There is no ongoing attacks by Israel against Gaza, just the intermittent attacks in response to Hamas attacks against Israel's civilians - murderous, hateful attacks. Israel has a duty to defend its citizens from such attacks. It is a matter of national security.

So, what exactly prompted Hamas to go on this mass murder spree in Israel? There is only one reason: Hatred for Jews. What we just saw Hamas do is nothing short of an Islamic-fascist desire to subject Jews to genocide.

So, what is the basis for today's calls from the left to stop the violence against these people? Is it the years of alleged repression at the hands of the Zionists? Like I said, Israel has already ceded Gaza to the Arabs there. Israel has already done everything these people asked for, except for ceasing to exist. Thus, the leftist pro-Hamas people cannot be using that as their basis for their claims that Israel caused the Hamas attacks. Perhaps the leftists want to see genocide committed against the Jews too? Some of these leftists also conflate history with what is going on today. This is incorrect. Any oppression, killing, occupation going on now is the direct and proximate result of Hamas conducting its mass murder mission a week ago.

This is all a false PR campaign on behalf of the "Palestinian" people. I guess there are a certain number of peace loving, Hamas hating, Jew-loving people in Gaza. You know, people who do not regularly work themselves up into a towering cauldron of murderous hate and rage at Jews. But there are not many of them. For if they existed in any significant numbers then Hamas would not still be in power. Further, if Hamas opposition did, in fact, exist in numbers and they wanted Hamas out, Israel would most certainly help them out in doing so. This point is not even debatable.

So, should we feel sorry for some innocent "Palestinian" kids who get bombed and killed? Obviously, nobody wants to see any civilians killed - except for Hamas. They want to see innocent Jews slaughtered. In fact, they salivate over the idea of killing innocent Jews and their babies. But I digress. I will qualify my statement as such: No human being wants to see innocent people killed in a military action. But you know what? Somethings are worth fighting for. Some things are worth going to war over. Should we have not gone to war in WWII? Should we have just ignored Pearl Harbor because, hey, if we go to war with Japan, then a lot of innocent Japanese children may get killed? That is pacifism, and that gets people mass murdered. Ironically, pacifism is, in my opinion, an ideology of death.

But these pro Hamas people are not pacifists. They are perfectly fine with the mass murder of Jews. They have NOT unequivocally condemned the attacks conducted by Hamas. Saying you condemn it, followed by "But, Israel has ..." is not an unequivocal condemnation". It is a politicization of the attack; the so-called "Palestinians" have always politicized its ant-Semitic position by assuming the role of victim and playing off that.

Let's be clear. One cannot justify murder except in cases of self-defense. Hamas did not kill all those people out of self-defense. Hamas was not being attacked. To argue that, "but-for something Israel has done in the past, these Hamas attacks would not have happened", is a clear ratification of their violence and murder.
Israel pulled out of Gaza long ago and has allowed it to govern itself. Claims of apartheid, occupation and oppression are lies. The so-called "Palestinians" in Gaza elected Hamas as the governing party some 20 years ago. Both Hamas, as an organization, and the "Palestinians" who support and vote for Hamas, refuse to recognize Israel as a legitimate state and advocate for both the destruction of the Jewish state and the Jewish people. Hamas and other representatives of these people (e.g., the PLO) have conducted MANY murderous terror attacks in Israel in the past. As of today, Hamas is still firing rockets at innocent Israeli citizens.

Are Hamas terror attacks against Israel the direct and proximate consequence of Israeli policies toward these people? Of course not. That is lunacy. They have Israel out of Gaza and sovereignty over the land people of Gaza. What else do they want? There is no ongoing attacks by Israel against Gaza, just the intermittent attacks in response to Hamas attacks against Israel's civilians - murderous, hateful attacks. Israel has a duty to defend its citizens from such attacks. It is a matter of national security.

So, what exactly prompted Hamas to go on this mass murder spree in Israel? There is only one reason: Hatred for Jews. What we just saw Hamas do is nothing short of an Islamic-fascist desire to subject Jews to genocide.

So, what is the basis for today's calls from the left to stop the violence against these people? Is it the years of alleged repression at the hands of the Zionists? Like I said, Israel has already ceded Gaza to the Arabs there. Israel has already done everything these people asked for, except for ceasing to exist. Thus, the leftist pro-Hamas people cannot be using that as their basis for their claims that Israel caused the Hamas attacks. Perhaps the leftists want to see genocide committed against the Jews too? Some of these leftists also conflate history with what is going on today. This is incorrect. Any oppression, killing, occupation going on now is the direct and proximate result of Hamas conducting its mass murder mission a week ago.

This is all a false PR campaign on behalf of the "Palestinian" people. I guess there are a certain number of peace loving, Hamas hating, Jew-loving people in Gaza. You know, people who do not regularly work themselves up into a towering cauldron of murderous hate and rage at Jews. But there are not many of them. For if they existed in any significant numbers then Hamas would not still be in power. Further, if Hamas opposition did, in fact, exist in numbers and they wanted Hamas out, Israel would most certainly help them out in doing so. This point is not even debatable.

So, should we feel sorry for some innocent "Palestinian" kids who get bombed and killed? Obviously, nobody wants to see any civilians killed - except for Hamas. They want to see innocent Jews slaughtered. In fact, they salivate over the idea of killing innocent Jews and their babies. But I digress. I will qualify my statement as such: No human being wants to see innocent people killed in a military action. But you know what? Somethings are worth fighting for. Some things are worth going to war over. Should we have not gone to war in WWII? Should we have just ignored Pearl Harbor because, hey, if we go to war with Japan, then a lot of innocent Japanese children may get killed? That is pacifism, and that gets people mass murdered. Ironically, pacifism is, in my opinion, an ideology of death.

But these pro Hamas people are not pacifists. They are perfectly fine with the mass murder of Jews. They have NOT unequivocally condemned the attacks conducted by Hamas. Saying you condemn it, followed by "But, Israel has ..." is not an unequivocal condemnation". It is a politicization of the attack; the so-called "Palestinians" have always politicized its ant-Semitic position by assuming the role of victim and playing off that.

Let's be clear. One cannot justify murder except in cases of self-defense. Hamas did not kill all those people out of self-defense. Hamas was not being attacked. To argue that, "but-for something Israel has done in the past, these Hamas attacks would not have happened", is a clear ratification of their violence and murder.

Killing a bunch of civilians won't change a thing and Israel won't chance what it would take to kill hamas, which by the way, it created to begin with.
Does your manifesto absolve everyone of any war crimes?
Tell ya what, Ace... the IDF can stand in the dock as soon as Hamas does. Until then, FOCK your whining about "crimes" where you only rage at the victim, not the brutalizer. Reality is falling from the skies all over these evil bastards - and they deserve every blow they receive.
Killing a bunch of civilians won't change a thing and Israel won't chance what it would take to kill hamas, which by the way, it created to begin with.
No? They've already done more than they ever did in the past and if Iran turns their dogs in Lebanon loose, you're going to be SHOCKED at what the IDF will "chance" from that point forward. In fact, the Left is going to have a furkin' MELTDOWN over the losses to the poor Palestinians and Lebanese. In the past rounds of the IDF taking out the trash, even in the 2006 Lebanon war which they stumbled into, everyone cheered that the IDF wasn't nearly as capable as they seemed.

They learned from that mistake and while the Hizballah has become a much more deadly enemy, so has the IDF. If the Hizballah come, Lebanon is going to take decades to recover and Iran is going to lose their terror scum on Israel's northern border. If Iran joins the party, they will lose most of their nuclear infrastructure.
It's less a once-and-for-all approach than it is a putinesque one: Ukrainian nazis must be physically moved.
I am long-winded. Judging by how many people complain about it, it may be some sort of mental condition on my part.

I was talking about this to a moderate. Someone who's probably going to vote for Trump, voted for him in 16 but voted for Biden in 2020. So take it for what it's worth. I was telling him how this reminds me of right after 9-11. We acted quickly and made mistakes. Let Bush lie us into Iraq for example.

So number one. We need to chill out.

2. Israel has the right to react how they want and take out Hamas or Hezzbolah.

3 BUT, Israel can't keep doing what it's been doing. From what my friend says, Palestinians are treated like absolute horse shit in Gaza. And so if we go back to what we were doing before, eventually this is going to happen again. So something different needs to be done. If I were Israel, after the bombing and invasion, I would expel every arab. You got to go. If no arab country will take them willingly, march them towards a border. Any border.

I don't even want to hear what the Palestinians have to say. It's like asking what the American indians have to say about us taking their land. Doesn't matter. We took it. It's ours now.

And if American indians were bombing us to this day, we'd probably have wiped them out by now too.

The future will be fine without Palestinians in Palestine. Get the fuck out. Nuff of this shit.
Israel did not create Hamas. It is the malignant metastatic result of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Why must you consistently misrepresent things and inevitably make shit up? HAMAS was not created 'by' Israel, but HAMAS is a result of how some Palestinians perceived (rightly or wrongly -- wrongly in my opinion), Israeli treatment of Palestinians.

Is Hamas Muslim Brotherhood?

HAMAS formed in late 1987 at the beginning of the first Palestinian intifada (uprising). Its roots are in the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, and it is supported by a robust sociopolitical structure inside the Palestinian territories.
I was talking about this to a moderate. Someone who's probably going to vote for Trump, voted for him in 16 but voted for Biden in 2020. So take it for what it's worth. I was telling him how this reminds me of right after 9-11. We acted quickly and made mistakes. Let Bush lie us into Iraq for example.

So number one. We need to chill out.

2. Israel has the right to react how they want and take out Hamas or Hezzbolah.

3 BUT, Israel can't keep doing what it's been doing. From what my friend says, Palestinians are treated like absolute horse shit in Gaza. And so if we go back to what we were doing before, eventually this is going to happen again. So something different needs to be done. If I were Israel, after the bombing and invasion, I would expel every arab. You got to go. If no arab country will take them willingly, march them towards a border. Any border.

I don't even want to hear what the Palestinians have to say. It's like asking what the American indians have to say about us taking their land. Doesn't matter. We took it. It's ours now.

And if American indians were bombing us to this day, we'd probably have wiped them out by now too.

The future will be fine without Palestinians in Palestine. Get the fuck out. Nuff of this shit.

Biden says a Palestinian state should be established and Hamas eliminated entirely​

I was talking about this to a moderate. Someone who's probably going to vote for Trump, voted for him in 16 but voted for Biden in 2020. So take it for what it's worth. I was telling him how this reminds me of right after 9-11. We acted quickly and made mistakes. Let Bush lie us into Iraq for example.

So number one. We need to chill out.

2. Israel has the right to react how they want and take out Hamas or Hezzbolah.

3 BUT, Israel can't keep doing what it's been doing. From what my friend says, Palestinians are treated like absolute horse shit in Gaza. And so if we go back to what we were doing before, eventually this is going to happen again. So something different needs to be done. If I were Israel, after the bombing and invasion, I would expel every arab. You got to go. If no arab country will take them willingly, march them towards a border. Any border.

I don't even want to hear what the Palestinians have to say. It's like asking what the American indians have to say about us taking their land. Doesn't matter. We took it. It's ours now.

And if American indians were bombing us to this day, we'd probably have wiped them out by now too.

The future will be fine without Palestinians in Palestine. Get the fuck out. Nuff of this shit.
Why are the "Palestinians" being treated like "horse shit" in Gaza? Israel pulled out of there long ago and ceded the territory to the "Palestinians". The only people in Gaza now are "Palestinians". It seems to me that if those people are being treated poorly it is their people doing it.
Why must you consistently misrepresent things and inevitably make shit up? HAMAS was not created 'by' Israel, but HAMAS is a result of how some Palestinians perceived (rightly or wrongly -- wrongly in my opinion), Israeli treatment of Palestinians.

Horse shit. Anti-Semitism created Hamas.

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