Anybody care whose running America ?


Silver Member
Oct 31, 2016

Well, significant if whose running America is significant.
JFK illegally used the CIA to raise, train and equip an illegal army to invade Cuba and then JFK had cold feet and left the poor bastards to die at the Bay of Pigs. He should have been impeached but the media loved him. LBJ let the CIA run the Vietnam War and look how that turned out. Bush left the Clinton appointments stand and the CIA was blindsided by 9-11. Personally I think President Trump has a better handle on the CIA regardless of Ben Garrison's bigoted opinion.
Trumps TRYING to run America with a Blackberry and Twitter account, and is doing a piss poor job doing it.
It should be understood that label/name "CIA" is an umbrella label under which are several interlocking "intelligence" gathering and analyzing agencies.

Garrison is claiming via it's control of information, the CIA for decades has been determining major US policy.

I submit, this state of affairs begs the question: Who controls the CIA ? Who determines the core values/goals/agenda of the CIA ?

If what has and is happening to the USA matters to you, then this should matter to you.

I'll give this hint as to my answer: "Wild Bill" Donovan was founder of the OSS, and known as the "Father of the CIA"
Anybody care whose running America ?

No is good and so far and don't have to buy anything by force ..
Anybody care whose running America ?

No is good and so far and don't have to buy anything by force ..

You remind me of the man who jumped from 50th floor, and as he passed 25 floor someone shouted "how's it going?"
Quickly he responded "so far so good"
Anybody care whose running America ?

No is good and so far and don't have to buy anything by force ..

You remind me of the man who jumped from 50th floor, and as he passed 25 floor someone shouted "how's it going?"
Quickly he responded "so far so good"

Well that's the way I feel down here in south Carolina right now fishing off my dock, listening to the crickets at 1:30 am messing around on these boards , while drinking a bud light..i don't know what your situation is but I am free.

Well, significant if whose running America is significant.

Why is it so hard for the theorists to realize that we're just "too stupid to survive" anymore and that Wash DC is filled with incompetent mental midgets instead of leaders? That's the OBVIOUS reason we're fucked to all hell. It's because the media has abdicated their profession, most everyone is poisoning their minds on social media and video games and we're LAZY and ill informed.

If the CIA was THAT GOOD -- we wouldn't have so many trigger points in the world today.
They're not. IF ANY Agency was capable of wrecking America INTENTIONALLY -- it would be the NSA. But they won't.

Instead of valuing LEADERSHIP with your votes, you now value ONLY WINNING. So MUCH winning going on in a drag race to the drain -- that EVERY American is losing..

The 2 Brand Name parties are destroying the country. And the Founders warned about that.
Clearly the electorate doesn't care who runs America. I mean, look at the idiots they keep electing!

Those are the idiots the 2 archaic, corrupt parties keep OFFERING. There was no actual contest for Dem nomination and the spineless ones in GOP allowed their party to be HIJACKED by bombastic meglomaniac.

In fact the 2 choices given were between mentally defective meglomaniac power whores. America needs to pay attention to Independents and 3rd parties. Because the collusion between the 2 brand name parties is KILLING my country.. The "Big Middle" is growing. The "party animals" are shrinking. That's the only hope to end this tribal warfare and return to leadership..
Anybody care whose running America ?

No is good and so far and don't have to buy anything by force ..

You remind me of the man who jumped from 50th floor, and as he passed 25 floor someone shouted "how's it going?"
Quickly he responded "so far so good"

Well that's the way I feel down here in south Carolina right now fishing off my dock, listening to the crickets at 1:30 am messing around on these boards , while drinking a bud light..i don't know what your situation is but I am free.

Your attitude is common .... shared by many ... and an example of a mentality that has brought West Civ to the brink of destruction.

Your smug complacent attitude made you blind. You're going to get blindsided. And you'll have lot's of company.
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