Anybody routinely get a flu shot


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Everyone seems to promote flu shots these days. You can count on the weather channel to hype the shots and you can't walk into Krogers or Walmart without seeing signs for (free) flu shots. I haven't had a flu shot since Military Service when I instantly got sick. It seems to me that the risk of a couple of days with flu symptoms is preferable to a Russian roulette chance of dying from the vaccine.
Everyone seems to promote flu shots these days. You can count on the weather channel to hype the shots and you can't walk into Krogers or Walmart without seeing signs for (free) flu shots. I haven't had a flu shot since Military Service when I instantly got sick. It seems to me that the risk of a couple of days with flu symptoms is preferable to a Russian roulette chance of dying from the vaccine.
Yeah, every time I've had a flu shot I never caught the flu. Earlier this year I put it off, ended up with a nasty flu that turned into a severe bronchitis that was so bad it took two rounds of antibiotics to knock out. Finally got the shot after it was all over. The wife, because of chemo gets the vaccine every year, she hasn't had the flu yet, didn't even get mine.
Besides if you got sick right after receiving the vaccine doesn't mean it was the shot that made you sick. Most likely you already had the flu and the symptoms hit you right after receiving the vaccine so it was most likely coincidence, the anti-vaccers with tell you differently. It's your choice to listen to them or not.
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports 122 vaccine related deaths in the total US population.

Annually, there are over 800 deaths per 100,000 population each year. That works out to over 2.5 Million deaths per year.

The odds would seem to be in your favor.

I hate the really hits me hard so I've gotten a flu shot every year since 1995....never got sick from it...if you have you most likely had the flu non symptomatic when you got the shot and then it kicked in....there are too many scary flues coming from the Orient these days to not get protected....
Everyone seems to promote flu shots these days. You can count on the weather channel to hype the shots and you can't walk into Krogers or Walmart without seeing signs for (free) flu shots. I haven't had a flu shot since Military Service when I instantly got sick. It seems to me that the risk of a couple of days with flu symptoms is preferable to a Russian roulette chance of dying from the vaccine.

Maybe you should bother to do the research?

CDC: 80,000 people died of flu last winter in the U.S. - STAT

Last fall and winter, the U.S. went through one of the most severe flu seasons in recent memory. It was driven by a kind of flu that tends to put more people in the hospital and cause more deaths, particularly among young children and the elderly.

The season peaked in early February. It was mostly over by the end of March, although some flu continued to circulate.

Making a bad year worse, the flu vaccine didn’t work very well. Experts nevertheless say vaccination is still worth it, because it makes illnesses less severe and save lives.

“I’d like to see more people get vaccinated,” Redfield told the AP at an event in New York. “We lost 80,000 people last year to the flu.”

Hard to find any exact figures on deaths from the vaccine- but I found a calculation in Quora( I don't claim this is correct)

Based on these calculations, the number of people dying from the flu shot in the US each year would be between 4 and 15, so probably an average of about 9, out of 140 million vaccines given, while anywhere from 12,000 to 56,000 die as a result of catching the flu, and the vast majority of flu-related deaths occur in people who are not vaccinated (CDC figures from 2010–11 through 2013–14).

So yes- I get the flu shot

One final note- have you ever read about the 1918 Flu pandemic? Any flu vaccine is likely to give some protection. If there is another flu pandemic I would rather have some protection- rather than none.
Everyone seems to promote flu shots these days. You can count on the weather channel to hype the shots and you can't walk into Krogers or Walmart without seeing signs for (free) flu shots. I haven't had a flu shot since Military Service when I instantly got sick. It seems to me that the risk of a couple of days with flu symptoms is preferable to a Russian roulette chance of dying from the vaccine.
No shot, but the flu in the past month "yes". Wasn't bad though. Never had a flu shot before, but getting old now might change all that.
I have had a cold from time to time in my long life and a couple of days of a low grade fever but I don't go to the doctor or (God forbid) the emergency room. Did I have the flu? Actually I have felt worse after a flu shot. Did the government give me the flu so that I would build up an immunity and not give it to anyone else?
I have had a cold from time to time in my long life and a couple of days of a low grade fever but I don't go to the doctor or (God forbid) the emergency room. Did I have the flu? Actually I have felt worse after a flu shot. Did the government give me the flu so that I would build up an immunity and not give it to anyone else?
Who knows.....
Everyone seems to promote flu shots these days. You can count on the weather channel to hype the shots and you can't walk into Krogers or Walmart without seeing signs for (free) flu shots. I haven't had a flu shot since Military Service when I instantly got sick. It seems to me that the risk of a couple of days with flu symptoms is preferable to a Russian roulette chance of dying from the vaccine.

If you're as old as I am the shot you received in the military had live virus I believe it does not today.
Everyone seems to promote flu shots these days. You can count on the weather channel to hype the shots and you can't walk into Krogers or Walmart without seeing signs for (free) flu shots. I haven't had a flu shot since Military Service when I instantly got sick. It seems to me that the risk of a couple of days with flu symptoms is preferable to a Russian roulette chance of dying from the vaccine.
No shot, but the flu in the past month "yes". Wasn't bad though. Never had a flu shot before, but getting old now might change all that.

I hadn't had one since military in 68 until 2010 and then didn't have another until last year and I've had one this year.
Everyone seems to promote flu shots these days. You can count on the weather channel to hype the shots and you can't walk into Krogers or Walmart without seeing signs for (free) flu shots. I haven't had a flu shot since Military Service when I instantly got sick. It seems to me that the risk of a couple of days with flu symptoms is preferable to a Russian roulette chance of dying from the vaccine.

You are wrong. That is a stupid attitude.
Everyone seems to promote flu shots these days. You can count on the weather channel to hype the shots and you can't walk into Krogers or Walmart without seeing signs for (free) flu shots. I haven't had a flu shot since Military Service when I instantly got sick. It seems to me that the risk of a couple of days with flu symptoms is preferable to a Russian roulette chance of dying from the vaccine.
I work for the hospital. We are required to get a flu shot every year.
Everyone seems to promote flu shots these days. You can count on the weather channel to hype the shots and you can't walk into Krogers or Walmart without seeing signs for (free) flu shots. I haven't had a flu shot since Military Service when I instantly got sick. It seems to me that the risk of a couple of days with flu symptoms is preferable to a Russian roulette chance of dying from the vaccine.
No shot, but the flu in the past month "yes". Wasn't bad though. Never had a flu shot before, but getting old now might change all that.

Surrounded by a couple thousand kids every day, you're damn right I get the flu shot.

A flu shot won't give you the flu, though a shot of whiskey will give you the whiskey. Now, if they gave those away for free at CVS...
On January 1st, it will be six years since I last had the flu. I don't do the shots.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. My temperature was as high as 102.7.

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