Anybody Wanna Defend Rep. Karen Bass ? (D-CA)

I love it when you guys deny I make what I say I make.

Oh, and by the way, I just got my latest commission statement. I notice I have only made $15K in commissions this year. That means $65K salary plus $15K is $80K. So I have only made $80K so far. IF I sell the same amount the second half that would only be another $15K. So this year I'm on track to make $95K.

BUT, I don't think the second half is going to be as good as the first half. I'm struggling this month. Gosh I wish Trump would have handled this Pandemic better in the beginning maybe things wouldn't be so bad.
Making bazillions from home is a well documented scam and not surprising you latched onto trying to sell it here

Yes, I think you're right. The e-mail sealy responded to promised him $100K a year for sending packages for them. He's going to get that first check ... any day now ...
What are you talking about?

You know what's great about what I sell? We are just the middle man. So I sell something that costs $5000 and we make $2000 and all we do or all I do is place the order and invoice the customer. We don't have to touch the product.

I don't know what you are talking about sending packages? Yes, we have to ship the products to the customer. Is that not cool with you? What you do you do that's so glamorous?

I'm a management expert
You made $65 base and $15K in commissions? And this job impresses you so much? Seriously? My mentioning Biden lying about being in the "top half" of his class was such a weak lie it was funny. You're right there with him.

What about you? Were you in the top half of your class, like Biden?
No I graduated with a 2.5 gpa. Only got into Eastern Michigan University because of wrestling. Got a communication major and marketing minor.

That $15K is for half the year. So it's going to be $30K commission. That's not impressive but that plus $65K salary is impressive.

I have no kids and no wife living with me. I'm debt free. How much do you make and how many people in your household? Are you upper class? I am.

So you may not be impressed but are you upper class like me?

Funny that. I made more twenty years ago than you make now. But I don't consider myself "upper class," no
Guess it all depends on where you live 100K in NY is so so but in Alabama you' live the good life
I paid off my condo a few years ago. My association dues are around $200 a month. My taxes around $100 a month. My gas and electric I don't know because I never open the bill and look but lets say all that stuff is $200 a month. Car insurance $100 a month. F150 lease $300. Food let's say $400 a month? I mean between going out and cooking at home.

So $1300 a month is what my bills are. Lets round up. $20,000 a year are my "bills". I'm rich. I only wish I made this kind of scratch in the 2000's but unfortunately Bush really fucked up the economy. When I started at the company I work for now I started at $40K and I was HAPPY to be making that much. We were just getting out of the Bush Great Recession.

You blame a lot of other people for your financials. Trump, now W. Is anything your responsibility?
Yes, when Obama finally got us out of the Great Recession, I am responsible for turning a $40K a year job into a $100K a year job.

And in the first month everyone shut down my bosses called me back after 3 days off and made me an essential worker. I sold over $100K that month and they didn't think I would even sell $50K that month. I literally saved people's jobs. Without that cash flow they would have continued to furlough my co-workers.

You're like a worshiper at an evangelical church walking up to the Democrat Party altar and saying, "I Believe! I Believe!" I'm glad you found peace. Though finding in a political party seems pretty odd to me
On the far left TV show The View, President Trump is constantly slammed by the 4 Trump bashers of that show. Nothing new about that. Today, their special guest was Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA). She said President Trump has attacked every racial group in America. She went on to say that by Trump attacking China, due to the Coronavirus, he has attacked Asian Americans.

This is absolutely ridiculous, but it's typical of the TDS we hear from Trump deranged Democrats. Every racial group in America ? I wonder if anybody can say how Trump has attacked ANY racial group in America, EVER once.

It's noteworthy that Rep Bass claims that "defund the police" is one of the worst slogans ever, but then during a House Judiciary Committee hearing, she "corrected" Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who said in his opening statement that Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said he wanted to “defund the police.” Bass said >>" “I just want to make a note that he absolutely did not defund the police department. He did reduce the budget, and he shifted the funds to deal with some of the real issues that police officers always complain about.”

EARTH TO REP. BASS: Reducing someone's budget is defunding them. Defund means reduce funding to some degree. All or part.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., told ABC News last Wednesday >>

“It may sound strange but many affluent suburbs have essentially already begun pursuing a defunding of the police in that they fund schools, they fund housing, and they fund health care more, as their number one priorities.”

The View
co-host Sunny Hostin similarly said defunding meant reducing the budget rather than abolishing the police.

Garcetti and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, both Democrats, already have committed to transfer funding from law enforcement to community services. Garcetti specifically vowed to cut as much as $150 million that was part of a planned increase in the police department’s budget.

Hell now let her rot in prison with Drunk Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden
On the far left TV show The View, President Trump is constantly slammed by the 4 Trump bashers of that show. Nothing new about that. Today, their special guest was Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA). She said President Trump has attacked every racial group in America. She went on to say that by Trump attacking China, due to the Coronavirus, he has attacked Asian Americans.

This is absolutely ridiculous, but it's typical of the TDS we hear from Trump deranged Democrats. Every racial group in America ? I wonder if anybody can say how Trump has attacked ANY racial group in America, EVER once.

It's noteworthy that Rep Bass claims that "defund the police" is one of the worst slogans ever, but then during a House Judiciary Committee hearing, she "corrected" Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who said in his opening statement that Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said he wanted to “defund the police.” Bass said >>" “I just want to make a note that he absolutely did not defund the police department. He did reduce the budget, and he shifted the funds to deal with some of the real issues that police officers always complain about.”

EARTH TO REP. BASS: Reducing someone's budget is defunding them. Defund means reduce funding to some degree. All or part.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., told ABC News last Wednesday >>

“It may sound strange but many affluent suburbs have essentially already begun pursuing a defunding of the police in that they fund schools, they fund housing, and they fund health care more, as their number one priorities.”

The View
co-host Sunny Hostin similarly said defunding meant reducing the budget rather than abolishing the police.

Garcetti and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, both Democrats, already have committed to transfer funding from law enforcement to community services. Garcetti specifically vowed to cut as much as $150 million that was part of a planned increase in the police department’s budget.

Karen Bass doesn’t need defending. She’s on offense. The Republicans asses she kicks on a daily basis need defending. Their problem is nobody wants the job.
I haven't read through all the posts but if nobody as yet has stepped up to defend her then I'll volunteer.
We'll be going with the insanity defense.
Trump has not attacked asian people

but he has attacked red china and rightfully so
Of course. it's amazing the way Democrats spin things around.

This thread is about the woman who might be your next acting president.

What you've done is shown you are willing to change out one POS for another.
Trump has not attacked asian people

but he has attacked red china and rightfully so
Of course. it's amazing the way Democrats spin things around.
"Claims some dude"

Let me get this straight, Trump is having dinner with a South Korean woman, so Trump uses this opportunity to rant about how terrible South Korean people are? Is this the scenario youre painting? You have to be a fucking imbecile to believe that shit.

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