Anybody with XP tried the update hack?

Watch your language you little Erdogan Islamist.

Or WHAT cocksucker?

p.s. get your sorry ass OUT of this thread.
Or you´d prove that you are a borderline patient I would have answered if you would not have proven that already right in the question :lol:

I ain't "borderline" anything you kraut fucking new MLB program (FREE) has been blocking web-sties since you tried to hijack this thread. You don't know shit about WXP or much of anything take a hint and get lost.

My old P780 CRT monitor gave up the ghost yesterday morning. :( I'd put it away 7 years ago after 7 years of service, moving twice, yet keeping it near. And sure enough when the flat-screen with my E521 croaked, the old beast came out of storage and gave me another 7 months of beautiful pixels. Hooked right up to a Dell CPU that was 7 years newer. I believe the VGA cable went bad because the monitor still had the same sounds trying to light up.

So I beat it down to Best Buy...hooked up the tower to one of their monitors and's fine. So I picked up an "Acer" 19" flat screen for $97 and was back online an hour later. I remain committed to XP and can now look forward to more time with the best OS in the history of the world.
Y'all should just switch to Amiga. :)

I ain't mad at Microsoft anymore....they got business to do and I get that they have new OS to sell. And they haven't bushwhacked the update hack when they could have easily enough. I will take a look at W9 in the fall when I'm in better financial shape....if it's easy to use and useful, then okay I'll probably get a new Dell with it.....Dell builds great machines....their service and warranties are crap but their stuff lasts. :eusa_clap:
Meanwhile, my old XP system with the hack is still getting updates from microsoft, and still working fine.
Y'all should just switch to Amiga. :)

I ain't mad at Microsoft anymore....they got business to do and I get that they have new OS to sell. And they haven't bushwhacked the update hack when they could have easily enough. I will take a look at W9 in the fall when I'm in better financial shape....if it's easy to use and useful, then okay I'll probably get a new Dell with it.....Dell builds great machines....their service and warranties are crap but their stuff lasts. :eusa_clap:

Im running the Dell E521 as well. Not sure how long I've had it.. maybe 6-8 years or so and its running XP just fine.

Hi! I don't have Windows XP but thought since you are discussing this matter now I would point you to a fairly recent article about moving from XP to Linux. I personally have not tried that so can't give a yea or nay on it but for those who might wish to read more about it here is the link:

How to Replace Windows XP with Linux for Free

Thanks! I'll read your link when I have more time. I've heard good things about Linux Mint but I also heard it's a little more complicated than Windows or the Apple OS. Your link goes through the process from beginning to end and looks doable. The neat thing is that it works on old equipment like the XP machines and frees up all kinds of space we have committed to 3 service packs. :eusa_angel:
Im running the Dell E521 as well. Not sure how long I've had it.. maybe 6-8 years or so and its running XP just fine.


HOOAH! I added 2GB of RAM from Amazon a few years back for maybe $20? Easy, they snap right in...always a YouTube vid on how to do it. The secret is keeping the fan free of a dust build long as it runs cool it's an AK....nothing much bothers it. Refer back to the system 32 wipe in this thread for future reference....if you do catch a cold it wipes your C-drive. :cool:
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Im running the Dell E521 as well. Not sure how long I've had it.. maybe 6-8 years or so and its running XP just fine.


HOOAH! I added 2GB of RAM from Amazon a few years back for maybe $20? Easy, they snap right in...always a YouTube vid on how to do it. The secret is keeping the fan free of a dust build long as it runs cool it's an AK....nothing much bothers it. Refer back to the system 32 wipe in this thread for future reference....if you do catch a cold it wipes your C-drive. :cool:

Yep.. I have changed the fan once. I did the same. Brought the RAM up nicely with a stick

Im running the Dell E521 as well. Not sure how long I've had it.. maybe 6-8 years or so and its running XP just fine.


HOOAH! I added 2GB of RAM from Amazon a few years back for maybe $20? Easy, they snap right in...always a YouTube vid on how to do it. The secret is keeping the fan free of a dust build long as it runs cool it's an AK....nothing much bothers it. Refer back to the system 32 wipe in this thread for future reference....if you do catch a cold it wipes your C-drive. :cool:

Yep.. I have changed the fan once. I did the same. Brought the RAM up nicely with a stick


Only issue I have with mine is the CD tray won't open without sticking a straightened paperclip in the little hole left-center. That drive has always made a racket but it works. Back in late 2007 I wasn't sure where I'd end up after the crash so I had Dell put a dial-up port in back just in case. :lol:

Guess who got an XP update from Microsoft yesterday?


And not from the hack because I haven't needed that yet. They updated my Silverlight file that goes with with Adobe Flash 14. And last month I got an update on my Spyware Removal Tool.

So I believe it turns out MS has decided not to abandon us after all. Certainly not with their HUGE update last month that I believe solves the majority of the holes in the OS...except for IE8 of course...anybody who hasn't switched to FireFox or Chrome is cruisin for a bruisin.
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My old P780 CRT monitor gave up the ghost yesterday morning. :( I'd put it away 7 years ago after 7 years of service, moving twice, yet keeping it near. And sure enough when the flat-screen with my E521 croaked, the old beast came out of storage and gave me another 7 months of beautiful pixels. Hooked right up to a Dell CPU that was 7 years newer. I believe the VGA cable went bad because the monitor still had the same sounds trying to light up.

So I beat it down to Best Buy...hooked up the tower to one of their monitors and's fine. So I picked up an "Acer" 19" flat screen for $97 and was back online an hour later. I remain committed to XP and can now look forward to more time with the best OS in the history of the world.

I used to really like XP too, until I started using W7.

XP crashes a lot and It's kind of a file hog.

Most of my PC's are bought at the thrift for about $10.00. The first thing I do is to re-load whatever came on it. All you need is the correct OS CD, easily downloaded online (yes, this is legal) and you're in business.

My preference is to surf using a Linux system like Slack Puppy that loads from RAM and save whatever I want on my hard-drive (MS OS). My PC really flies; even when I'm using some P1 doorstop!

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