Anyone have a right wing media source that I can follow.

Fox is the best information source around unless you are looking for a "rightwing" media that broadcasts left wing ideology. Try googling "political oxymoron".
The left in no way lives and dies by the lie , the right does.
Sure they do, your left leaning bias just doesn’t allow you to see it. That’s why you will never find any right leaning media you trust.

The left lies just as much as anyone else. In the game of politics, there are no honest people.

The problem with people is that most of them believe their media is always telling the truth. Fox News isn’t “fair and balanced”, granted, they do often have left wing guests, but at the end, they’re still right wing, and msnbc and the rest of them are left wing.
I've done with the media what I've done on all political forums , give the right wing commenters a read till I run into the first lie, then I dump them. I honestly would like to have a right wing source to balance my media intake. I've dumped left wing sources who offer the same nothing, but I've dumped all of my right wing sources. It is obvious to me that it is the policy of the right to lie all the time. Supporting the politicians that can't get support without lying. And at this point, a party that can't get support without lying. I'm serious, if anyone has a suggestion, let me know .
I like
The DailyMail - UK publication with better coverage of US news than our own
Citizen Free Press - Like Drudge, lots of content, frequently updated, and anyone can comment. - Go Free Speech!
The Liberty Daily - Also like Drudge, but ridiculous ads non-intrusive ads you can't block.

All news sources these days require the reader to use their own scrutiny and do their own fact-checking.

I've done with the media what I've done on all political forums , give the right wing commenters a read till I run into the first lie, then I dump them. I honestly would like to have a right wing source to balance my media intake. I've dumped left wing sources who offer the same nothing, but I've dumped all of my right wing sources. It is obvious to me that it is the policy of the right to lie all the time. Supporting the politicians that can't get support without lying. And at this point, a party that can't get support without lying. I'm serious, if anyone has a suggestion, let me know .
Tara show 106.03 the word in greenville sc in the morning from 6am till 10am. You will love her.
Sure they do, your left leaning bias just doesn’t allow you to see it. That’s why you will never find any right leaning media you trust.

The left lies just as much as anyone else. In the game of politics, there are no honest people.

The problem with people is that most of them believe their media is always telling the truth. Fox News isn’t “fair and balanced”, granted, they do often have left wing guests, but at the end, they’re still right wing, and msnbc and the rest of them are left wing.
Well, I have a problem , that gets in the way of your reasoning. I have a brain that actually functions and can weave through much of the garbage that the right is trying to sell. There is no comparison between the right and left as far as dealing with the truth is concerned. You thinking otherwise , says all that needs to be said. The right has decided that a lie is always better than the truth. And have selected their base on their lack of intelligence and their main driving force being hatred. Haters and stupid people vote are just as valuable and count the same as as votes from people who care AND CAN THINK.
Their list of things that they say are issues are nothing but hate drivers made up of lies and distortion, When they bring up their main issues being Hunter Biden . Who, not one of you idiots, can even suggest what criminal charge he would be charged with. Their border crap is a joke. and their Talk of how Biden is destroying our economy . and throw in the most stupid ridiculous brain-dead charge of the right that somehow Democrats are commies. Ad in their charge that crime follows democrats around this country. When that is the best they have and all being lies and distortions, Then you realize what a waste this party of theirs has come to.
I've done with the media what I've done on all political forums , give the right wing commenters a read till I run into the first lie, then I dump them. I honestly would like to have a right wing source to balance my media intake. I've dumped left wing sources who offer the same nothing, but I've dumped all of my right wing sources. It is obvious to me that it is the policy of the right to lie all the time. Supporting the politicians that can't get support without lying. And at this point, a party that can't get support without lying. I'm serious, if anyone has a suggestion, let me know .

Suggestion -
You should off yourself.
Not a joke.
I like
The DailyMail - UK publication with better coverage of US news than our own
Citizen Free Press - Like Drudge, lots of content, frequently updated, and anyone can comment. - Go Free Speech!
The Liberty Daily - Also like Drudge, but ridiculous ads non-intrusive ads you can't block.

All news sources these days require the reader to use their own scrutiny and do their own fact-checking.

I have found foreign sources being good sources for the truth and for a more in-depth look at a issue. You are correct, all sources need to be back checked.
I like
The DailyMail - UK publication with better coverage of US news than our own
Citizen Free Press - Like Drudge, lots of content, frequently updated, and anyone can comment. - Go Free Speech!
The Liberty Daily - Also like Drudge, but ridiculous ads non-intrusive ads you can't block.

All news sources these days require the reader to use their own scrutiny and do their own fact-checking.

Liberty daily , I never heard of. Will check it out.
Well, I have a problem , that gets in the way of your reasoning. I have a brain that actually functions and can weave through much of the garbage that the right is trying to sell. There is no comparison between the right and left as far as dealing with the truth is concerned. You thinking otherwise , says all that needs to be said. The right has decided that a lie is always better than the truth. And have selected their base on their lack of intelligence and their main driving force being hatred. Haters and stupid people vote are just as valuable and count the same as as votes from people who care AND CAN THINK.
Their list of things that they say are issues are nothing but hate drivers made up of lies and distortion, When they bring up their main issues being Hunter Biden . Who, not one of you idiots, can even suggest what criminal charge he would be charged with. Their border crap is a joke. and their Talk of how Biden is destroying our economy . and throw in the most stupid ridiculous brain-dead charge of the right that somehow Democrats are commies. Ad in their charge that crime follows democrats around this country. When that is the best they have and all being lies and distortions, Then you realize what a waste this party of theirs has come to.
So….why did you come here asking for a right wing news source? This post, and even your original post suggest that you are not really looking for a right wing media source, you’ve already got your mind made up, and, i was right in my original assessment..your bias and your preconceived notions of the right have already formed your opinions.

I’m thinking that the entire premise of this post was not to find a right wing news source that you can view, but that you just wanted people to list their news source ms they use, so you could come in and knock them down, and argue. Everything you just posted indicates that it doesn’t matter what news site anyone suggests, you’re going to just dismiss it anyway.

Also, your belief that you can only get honest news from left wing sites says all we need to know. At least I’m honest in my assessment that there is bias on all sides, and that all sides will lie, but I get the feeling that you think salon, vox, MSNBC, slate and all them are “honest news sources”. I assure you they’re not, they’re just as biased as any other, and, the left wing party lies just as much as the right does.
So….why did you come here asking for a right wing news source? This post, and even your original post suggest that you are not really looking for a right wing media source, you’ve already got your mind made up, and, i was right in my original assessment..your bias and your preconceived notions of the right have already formed your opinions.

I’m thinking that the entire premise of this post was not to find a right wing news source that you can view, but that you just wanted people to list their news source ms they use, so you could come in and knock them down, and argue. Everything you just posted indicates that it doesn’t matter what news site anyone suggests, you’re going to just dismiss it anyway.

Also, your belief that you can only get honest news from left wing sites says all we need to know. At least I’m honest in my assessment that there is bias on all sides, and that all sides will lie, but I get the feeling that you think salon, vox, MSNBC, slate and all them are “honest news sources”. I assure you they’re not, they’re just as biased as any other, and, the left wing party lies just as much as the right does.
Who really cares what you think. Plus, it is stupid , what you do think. Didn't make it through your first paragraph.
No right-wingers have decided that their best direction is just lying , speaking to the masses of your group that is made up of haters and idiots. They are the easiest among us all to control/
Zzz. Left wingers like you don’t give a fuck about lies. As long as it continues to be all you do.

I've done with the media what I've done on all political forums , give the right wing commenters a read till I run into the first lie, then I dump them. I honestly would like to have a right wing source to balance my media intake. I've dumped left wing sources who offer the same nothing, but I've dumped all of my right wing sources. It is obvious to me that it is the policy of the right to lie all the time. Supporting the politicians that can't get support without lying. And at this point, a party that can't get support without lying. I'm serious, if anyone has a suggestion, let me know .
If you have Direct TV, they have a new News Station called "The First" and Bill O'Reilly has an 8pm Eastern and 7pm. Central (I think), and he calls it the No Spin station Channel #349 where Newsmax was. . Actually, from the three or four times it's on they're not taking any sides, only they're tired of lying MSM press parrotting the same song and dance. According to what Direct TV is saying, they're having to negotiation with the Newsmax people to get them back. If my bill goes up on account of "negotiations," I'm outta there.
I'm tired of lies, too, but some of the reporters are first timers on any tv channel. They can't deal very well with time lapses and yesterday, they flipped between the closing show and the upcoming show 5 or 6 times. /cuckoo clock.

Right now, I have all I can deal with watching the House of Representatives having tried to run the White House and the Senate, and doggone it if they don't have all the Federal Judges giving advantages to the left in place of Lady Justice blindfolded and holding a balancing scale. This nation is either going to eat each other's liver by way of a civil war that would benefit no one to divorcing between liberal states and conservative states. The largest city in America has people running up Florida's real estate businesses and NY realtors not being able to sell enough properties to pay the rent. lol Who'd ever have thunk it. :dunno:

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