Anyone heard how that adulterating prick Strzok did today

The hill stated that Strzok said the Russian investigation was more important than the Clinton email investigation
That shows a clear bias

Yep, kinda like saying 1+1=2 shows a bias against number 3.

Foreign power trying to subvert our election process is a MILLION times more consequential than Clinton mishandling a few classified emails.
Strzok called his treasonous conversation with his mistress just an 'intimate conversation'.

Ummm, NO! Stating the FBI does not want Trump as President and ' We will stop him' is a crime.

Mentioning the 'Secret Society' that met to collude and conspire to prevent Trump from winning and to conduct a political coup should he win is evidence of Conspiracy.

This ass should have been PERP-WALKED out of Congress.

You really are are idiot!
Analysis | The GOP's thoroughly silly 'secret society' FBI conspiracy theory
That little conspiracy was debunked months ago, but your head is so far up Trump's ass, you probably didn't hear the news!
The hill stated that Strzok said the Russian investigation was more important than the Clinton email investigation
That shows a clear bias

Yep, kinda like saying 1+1=2 shows a bias against number 3.

Foreign power trying to subvert our election process is a MILLION times more consequential than Clinton mishandling a few classified emails.
Clinton paid millions for a doc that is at the center of your side of the argument
Foreign power trying to subvert our election process is a MILLION times more consequential than Clinton mishandling a few classified emails.

1. Hillary Clinton perpetrated more than 30,000 criminal counts consisting of everything from criminal violations of the FOA and Federal Records Act to Illegal possession / handling / sharing / destruction of classified to Lying to the FBI to Obstruction of Justice to Election Law violations to Campaign Finance violations to Conspiracy to Sedition to Espionage to potentially Treason.

2. Hillary Clinton knowingly violated laws and unintentionally compromised national security.

3. Russia has been proven to have attempted to hack into the US power grid, ran a military style campaign involving manipulation of Social media in which they successfully got Democrats to organize and march for them, AND Russia successfully paid WILLING LIBERAL GROUPS to spread racial division and violence. Russia did not try to hack into State election machines and did not change one American-cast vote from Hillary to the continued BULLSHIT about how Russia attempted to alter the election for Hillary has been debunked, disproven, and DESTROYED! They attempted to induce chaos within the US, which liberals were more than happy to help them do, but they did NOT interfere in the 2016 Election....



Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for a Russian propaganda-filled document she used illegally in a US election and gave the document to Obama's FBI who used it to illegally get warrants to spy on Trump and his team during an election.

Obama and his administration - to include his DOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI - colluded in a Conspiracy to
- Prevent Hillary from being indicted for her crimes and thus keep her in the race....which altered the election

- Prevent the GOP candidate from winning and also dedicated themselves to affect a treasonous coup should Trump win.

Obama and his DHS attempted to seize control of EVERY State Election system right before the election, arguing that Russia could hack into them and change the outcomes. In an attempt to prove this possible, validating his demand for his administration taking over the ENTIRE US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION SYSTEM he and his DHS attempted numerous times to hack into state election systems...and THANK GOD HE FAILED.

The REALITY is that Hillary Clinton, the DNC, Barak Obama, and his criminal administration did WAY more to attempt to affect the outcome of the 2016 election than Russia did.
The hill stated that Strzok said the Russian investigation was more important than the Clinton email investigation
That shows a clear bias

Yep, kinda like saying 1+1=2 shows a bias against number 3.

Foreign power trying to subvert our election process is a MILLION times more consequential than Clinton mishandling a few classified emails.
Clinton paid millions for a doc that is at the center of your side of the argument

You talking about "Doc" that was busy hacking DNC, campaigns, state voting systems and our electrical grid?
Or maybe "Doc" that setup Russian troll farms in the US to spread fake news and conduct electioneering?
Maybe it was "Doc" that made Trump's son meet with Russian state representatives to seek dirt on political opponent?
Maybe it was "Doc" that made Papadopolous talk about his knowledge of Russians possessing Clinton's emails.

The shit you idiots say is so ignorant it is borderline insane.
Last edited:
Analysis | The GOP's thoroughly silly 'secret society' FBI conspiracy theory
That little conspiracy was debunked months ago, but your head is so far up Trump's ass, you probably didn't hear the news!
Nice FAKE NEWS.....

Why would Strzok and his criminal mistress talk about a SECRET SOCIETY and how they had met several times to discuss their efforts to prevent Trump from winning if no such treasonous group existed?

The FACT is we already know the group did exist:
- Strzok stated the FBI had a plan and would stop Trump from winning.

- McCabe discussed having an Insurance policy to do just that.

- CIA Director Brennan perjured himself by declaring he knew nothing about the Trump Dossier...but briefed Congress on its contents and insisted an investigation based on the BS propaganda provided by Hillary - which he pushed falsely as PROVEN - 'HAD' to be investigated.

- NIA Director Clapper was caught MULTIPLE times perjuring himself, lying about colluding / collusion between Obama agency directors that was eventually PROVEN

- COMEY himself told of how Obama US AG Lynch DIRECTED him to Obstruct Justice by declaring the Hillary investigation was NOT an investigation and to treat it as a 'matter'...he also told how they both collaborated on writing her exoneration months before the investigation was complete, before witnesses had been interviews

..and on and on and on.....

The accumulated evidence against Obama and his administration, especially on the criminal FBI leadership, is UNDENIABLE...unless you are a snowflake desperate to take down the democratically elected President while defending the traitors who tried / are trying to do so.
The hill stated that Strzok said the Russian investigation was more important than the Clinton email investigation
That shows a clear bias

Yep, kinda like saying 1+1=2 shows a bias against number 3.

Foreign power trying to subvert our election process is a MILLION times more consequential than Clinton mishandling a few classified emails.
Clinton paid millions for a doc that is at the center of your side of the argument

You talking about "Doc" that was busy hacking DNC, state voting systems and our electrical grid?
Or maybe "Doc" that setup Russian troll farms in the US to spread fake news and conduct electioneering?
Maybe it was "Doc" that made Trump's son meet with Russian state representatives to seek dirt on political opponent?
Maybe it was "Doc" that made Papadopolous talk about his knowledge of Russians possessing Clinton's emails.

The shit you idiots say is so ignorant it is borderline insane.
/——/ Obozo said it was impossible to hack our election. Why are you calling the former president a liar? You racist
/——/ Obozo said it was impossible to hack our election. Why are you calling the former president a liar? You racist
HE should know the election system is impossible to hack...he and his DHS unsuccessfully tried to do so repeatedly.....
i haven’t seen anything in print

Now the Trump zealots care about adultery.

Could you be a bigger hypocrite if someone was paying you?

Sent from my iPhone using
But but but Trump

but but but you are fucking hypocrite.

As for what happened yesterday...the same thing that has been happening for 30 years..


But you sheep are too stupid to catch on.
The hill stated that Strzok said the Russian investigation was more important than the Clinton email investigation
That shows a clear bias

Yep, kinda like saying 1+1=2 shows a bias against number 3.

Foreign power trying to subvert our election process is a MILLION times more consequential than Clinton mishandling a few classified emails.
Clinton paid millions for a doc that is at the center of your side of the argument

You talking about "Doc" that was busy hacking DNC, state voting systems and our electrical grid?
Or maybe "Doc" that setup Russian troll farms in the US to spread fake news and conduct electioneering?
Maybe it was "Doc" that made Trump's son meet with Russian state representatives to seek dirt on political opponent?
Maybe it was "Doc" that made Papadopolous talk about his knowledge of Russians possessing Clinton's emails.

The shit you idiots say is so ignorant it is borderline insane.
You freaking liar
The doc about trump peeing on beds used by the Obama’s
But you hopover to something you feel more comfortable talking about
The hill stated that Strzok said the Russian investigation was more important than the Clinton email investigation
That shows a clear bias

Yep, kinda like saying 1+1=2 shows a bias against number 3.

Foreign power trying to subvert our election process is a MILLION times more consequential than Clinton mishandling a few classified emails.
Clinton paid millions for a doc that is at the center of your side of the argument

You talking about "Doc" that was busy hacking DNC, state voting systems and our electrical grid?
Or maybe "Doc" that setup Russian troll farms in the US to spread fake news and conduct electioneering?
Maybe it was "Doc" that made Trump's son meet with Russian state representatives to seek dirt on political opponent?
Maybe it was "Doc" that made Papadopolous talk about his knowledge of Russians possessing Clinton's emails.

The shit you idiots say is so ignorant it is borderline insane.
/——/ Obozo said it was impossible to hack our election. Why are you calling the former president a liar? You racist

idiot, I didn't say their efforts were successful, I said they were hacking and in fact infiltrated a few state voting systems. Though beyond voter data, no evidence Russians changed the actual vote results.
Huh, "closed testimony."

Wooooo, weeeeee! You all smell that?

I can. Why is it closed? Hmmmmmm?

Don't worry folks, we will really really find out what he said.

If so, why closed?
The hill stated that Strzok said the Russian investigation was more important than the Clinton email investigation
That shows a clear bias

Yep, kinda like saying 1+1=2 shows a bias against number 3.

Foreign power trying to subvert our election process is a MILLION times more consequential than Clinton mishandling a few classified emails.
Clinton paid millions for a doc that is at the center of your side of the argument

You talking about "Doc" that was busy hacking DNC, state voting systems and our electrical grid?
Or maybe "Doc" that setup Russian troll farms in the US to spread fake news and conduct electioneering?
Maybe it was "Doc" that made Trump's son meet with Russian state representatives to seek dirt on political opponent?
Maybe it was "Doc" that made Papadopolous talk about his knowledge of Russians possessing Clinton's emails.

The shit you idiots say is so ignorant it is borderline insane.
You freaking liar
The doc about trump peeing on beds used by the Obama’s
But you hopover to something you feel more comfortable talking about


Dossier on it's own was never central to anything, never itself the evidence. It was independent corroboration of known and later discovered facts.
The hill stated that Strzok said the Russian investigation was more important than the Clinton email investigation
That shows a clear bias

Yep, kinda like saying 1+1=2 shows a bias against number 3.

Foreign power trying to subvert our election process is a MILLION times more consequential than Clinton mishandling a few classified emails.
Clinton paid millions for a doc that is at the center of your side of the argument

You talking about "Doc" that was busy hacking DNC, state voting systems and our electrical grid?
Or maybe "Doc" that setup Russian troll farms in the US to spread fake news and conduct electioneering?
Maybe it was "Doc" that made Trump's son meet with Russian state representatives to seek dirt on political opponent?
Maybe it was "Doc" that made Papadopolous talk about his knowledge of Russians possessing Clinton's emails.

The shit you idiots say is so ignorant it is borderline insane.
/——/ Obozo said it was impossible to hack our election. Why are you calling the former president a liar? You racist

idiot, I didn't say their efforts were successful, I said they were hacking and in fact infiltrated a few state voting systems. Though beyond voter data, no evidence Russians changed the actual vote results.
/——/ So why the year long investigation over something we all know didn’t happen? Just your sore losing ?
The hill stated that Strzok said the Russian investigation was more important than the Clinton email investigation
That shows a clear bias

Yep, kinda like saying 1+1=2 shows a bias against number 3.

Foreign power trying to subvert our election process is a MILLION times more consequential than Clinton mishandling a few classified emails.
Clinton paid millions for a doc that is at the center of your side of the argument

You talking about "Doc" that was busy hacking DNC, state voting systems and our electrical grid?
Or maybe "Doc" that setup Russian troll farms in the US to spread fake news and conduct electioneering?
Maybe it was "Doc" that made Trump's son meet with Russian state representatives to seek dirt on political opponent?
Maybe it was "Doc" that made Papadopolous talk about his knowledge of Russians possessing Clinton's emails.

The shit you idiots say is so ignorant it is borderline insane.
You freaking liar
The doc about trump peeing on beds used by the Obama’s
But you hopover to something you feel more comfortable talking about
You are talking to people who....

>Still think the economic crisis was ALL REPUBLICANS fault even though it was proven not to be.

>Still don't care that clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds and still think it was republicans that lied about wmds.

>Still believe Michael Brown was murdered by a WHITE COP, even though it was proven conclusively that he was not murdered at all.

The left care about two things. One, how to come up with any clever little way to stick a thumb in the eye of a white male American Christian....


Never agree with anyone on the right so that they are always accepted by their peers, which only illustrates the true power of group think.
i haven’t seen anything in print

Now the Trump zealots care about adultery.

Could you be a bigger hypocrite if someone was paying you?

Sent from my iPhone using
But but but Trump

but but but you are fucking hypocrite.

As for what happened yesterday...the same thing that has been happening for 30 years..


But you sheep are too stupid to catch on.
Really how do you know
This thread is about your boy struck
But you and your ilk wanna hijack the thread to something you feel more comfortable with
How do you know how I feel about trump and adultry
I made my views
Clear on it on someone else’s thread. Apparently you missed that that one
I could hsve swore this thread about strucks comments before the committee but apparently you missed that one too
Yep, kinda like saying 1+1=2 shows a bias against number 3.

Foreign power trying to subvert our election process is a MILLION times more consequential than Clinton mishandling a few classified emails.
Clinton paid millions for a doc that is at the center of your side of the argument

You talking about "Doc" that was busy hacking DNC, state voting systems and our electrical grid?
Or maybe "Doc" that setup Russian troll farms in the US to spread fake news and conduct electioneering?
Maybe it was "Doc" that made Trump's son meet with Russian state representatives to seek dirt on political opponent?
Maybe it was "Doc" that made Papadopolous talk about his knowledge of Russians possessing Clinton's emails.

The shit you idiots say is so ignorant it is borderline insane.
/——/ Obozo said it was impossible to hack our election. Why are you calling the former president a liar? You racist

idiot, I didn't say their efforts were successful, I said they were hacking and in fact infiltrated a few state voting systems. Though beyond voter data, no evidence Russians changed the actual vote results.
/——/ So why the year long investigation over something we all know didn’t happen? Just your sore losing ?

...because the fact that they were attempting to subvert our election is IN ITSELF a serious, hostile act and a crime that warrants retaliation and re-thinking our election safeguards.

Do you seriously not understand that?

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