Anyone here actually use ACA/Obamacare?


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
Or know anyone that does?
Are they getting a "good deal"?
i have aca...the first put me in 12 k worth of debt but paid for my 2 surgeries and then grumpys total knee they paid out over a 100 k that year.....that was 2014...since then they have not paid anything...all on my deduct...the irony being after chemo i come close to meeting the deduct...close but no cigars
It would be interesting to know of someone totally broke, I mean almost zero income, and how much they paid for ACA.

I would think SOMEONE is not paying out the nose for it....
It would be interesting to know of someone totally broke, I mean almost zero income, and how much they paid for ACA.

I would think SOMEONE is not paying out the nose for it....

Well that relative of mine...I believe she pays $67 a month for her and her child. She gets basically 100% of the bills paid.
It would be interesting to know of someone totally broke, I mean almost zero income, and how much they paid for ACA.

I would think SOMEONE is not paying out the nose for it....

Well that relative of mine...I believe she pays $67 a month for her and her child. She gets basically 100% of the bills paid.

OOh forgot about that... at least they utilize it.... I bet may don't but I really have no way of knowing. I'm sure there must be a report somewhere with numbers...
One of the primary things ACA did was take coverage away from working people, give them a terrible plan with deductibles so high it is unlikely they will get an ounce of coverage - and gave that to people without a job..and pays virtually 100% for them.
Progressive logic.
Or know anyone that does?
Are they getting a "good deal"?
Yes, using it for the wife, while a definition of a "good deal" is needed, I would say no, it seems to be expensive. The insurance she picked has a 750.00 emergency room charge and cost 450/month, which is a big increase over what we paid only two years ago.
It would be interesting to know of someone totally broke, I mean almost zero income, and how much they paid for ACA.

I would think SOMEONE is not paying out the nose for it....

You have to make around 16 grand to get on it and for a family of 2 is around 22 grand. Lower than that you go on expanded Medicaid, if your state has it.
One of the primary things ACA did was take coverage away from working people, give them a terrible plan with deductibles so high it is unlikely they will get an ounce of coverage - and gave that to people without a job..and pays virtually 100% for them.
Progressive logic.

How did it take coverage away from working people??? You do not sound like you know what your talking about.

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