Anyone here think

Obama pulled the world back from the brink of financial ruin and thanks to him, the US economy is the strongest on the planet.
Obama added, with the help of the nearly Super majority DNC Congress that controlled spending and the (non-existent) budget, over $6 trillion in only 4 years, setting new US records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending as he did so. He added more debt than EVERY US President from Washington to Bush. His 1st spending bill was the nearly $1 trillion failed stimulus that contained over 7,000 pieces of self/party-benefitting DNC-Only pork, a spending bill that spent tax dollars on alcoholic Chinese prostitutes and gay Argentinians, one that eventually cost hard-working Middle Class Americans over $742,000 PER JOB Obama claimed to have created/saved.

Forget about putting down the kool-aid...put down the CRACK PIPE!
that Putin etc etc will treat trump fairly?? He ran from FOX for the same reason,,,fox wouldn't treat him fairly,,,What a punk ,,what a coward A republican through and through

You think Putin will bend him over and ride him rough with no lube, like he does his little bitch Obama?

I kind of doubt it.
It isn't about Clinton, mr. deflector. The man made a comment about the courage of ...your boy....'the donnie."
Your post is a Major Fail.

You don't know to much about your boy "the donald" he had a chance during the Viet Nam war, but "the donie" choose to use deferments and not serve.
Read up on it.

Donnie will start a war rather than let anyone best him .. he's a loose cannon with a short fuse and long ego.
Well you can bet if that happens Trump will wish he could lead the troops personally, but Megyn Kelly might be hidden in the enemy troops somewhere.

So did Clinton.

I repeat.. so did Bill Clinton. You're a hypocrite.
think you have it all wrong the world led by obama had and has russia and putin on their knees

How do you get the idea that Obama has Putin / Russia on their knees?

Obama's 1st attempt to 'deal' with Putin / Russia was to send the highly incompetent and corrupt Hillary to present a Russian diplomat with a small wooden and plastic prop of a 'reset' button. Giggling like a school girl Hillary handed over the prop...that came with a plaque that said 'OVER-CHARGE'' in Russian. She and her State Department subordinates were so incompetent that she could not even successfully research and come up with the Russian word for 'Reset'. WAY TO EMBARASS THE US AS INCOMPETENT, HILLARY!
- This, of course, was during / after Hillary had already sold Putin /Russians 1/5th of our stock of plutonium AND after she had gotten caught and stopped from attempting to sell Putin / Russia several of the Aleutian Islands, to include the mineral rights to those islands!

America made a promise to the Ukraine that it would protect and ensure the sovereignty of its borders.
- Putin laughed, invaded Crimea, gave Obama the finger, and Obama sat in the corner with his thumb in his mouth. Putin followed that move up by pretty much taking the industrial / energy-producing section of Eastern which Obama again responded by doing...nothing.

Obama's horrific 'Red Line' fiasco played right into Putin's hands. Obama declared his Red Line, Assad ignored it, and Obama...cowardly backed down, showing both our allies and enemies he was all talk and no action. (No he should not have gone to war - he should never have issued his dumb-ass Red Line to begin with.) During this whole thing Obama further, and completely, embarrassed the US by once again trying to blame anyone else but him for HIS F* Up -- he publicly declared it was not HIS Red Line but 'the WORLD'S' Red Line.
- Obama then began his proxy war with Assad / Syria. KNOWING Obama would do nothing, not only did IRAN send troops into Syria to defend Assad but so did Putin. He sent fighters, tanks, and troops...then began systematically destroying the US-backed resistance (Obama's Proxy War), destroying supplies, weapons, and fighters.

Obama, as part of his proxy war, was also supplying, arming, and even training fighters for ISIS. He was so obsessed with Assad and Syria that he let ISIS invade Iraq, taking over much of the country our military had liberated at great expense. He sought to 'contain' them and hoped they would help him overthrow Assad. Instead they spread into Belgium, Africa, Afghanistan, France...and even into the US.

Obama declared ISIS was contained, the night before Paris suffered it's worst attack since WWII at the hands of ISIS. This was so embarrassing for Obama/the US that Putin seized the opportunity to jump in, take the position as the leader of the coalition against ISIS, and he and France launched a vicious bombing campaign that struck targets Obama had been protecting. While French and Russian bombers were in-bound to strike ISIS targets Obama was having our military drop leaflets down to ISIS members warning them that an attack was coming.

Obama also aided Putin / Russia in regards to the Iran 'deal'. As soon as Obama negotiated the end of Sanctions against Iran Russia and Iran wasted no time in agreeing to a weapons sale that sent highly technical surface to air defense systems into Iran, systems that upgraded their ability to protect their nuclear facilities.

Obama's incompetence and naivety goes back to his debate with Romney in which Romney accurately warned of Putin and Russia being a threat. Obama decided to try to score a 'sound-byte' victory, and since then it has been proven ROMNEY, not Obama, was right.

Way to go, Barry! :clap:

Hey Barry, the 1980s called...they called you a dumbass, said you should have listened to Romney, and says Putin has made you his b!tch!


So EXACTLY how has Barry put Putin / Russia on their knees?
- You must be thinking of Bill and Monica. :p

There are three major causes for Russia’s economic troubles. The first cause is the corruption and bad economic policies that Putin pursues, which on their own would lead to stagnation, or at most 1 percent growth.
The second element is the falling oil prices. The oil prices have now fallen so much that Russia’s total export revenues this year will be two-thirds of what they have been before. That means that Russia will have to cut its imports by half. This is a big blow.
This is then reinforced by the financial sanctions, so that Russia cannot mitigate this blow by borrowing money. By ordinary standards, Russia is perfectly credit-worthy with a public debt that is only 10 percent of GDP. But if you don’t have access to financial markets, then it doesn’t matter how credit-worthy you are, because you’re not credit-worthy so-to-say.
[Editor’s Note: On Jan. 9, Fitch Ratings cut Russia’s credit rating to BBB-, one step above junk.]
Not as simple as eddie perceives...although Russia's economic policies are a disaster...similar to Bernies...

A year into a conflict with Russia, are sanctions working?

Bernie Sanders seems alike a genuine guy.. but my God, when he talks he sounds like a blithering dunderhead.
He is genuine...a genuine socialist. We need him like we need a hole in the head.

Oh, I totally concur. I just mean, he sounds like he's a decent, genuine man. But yes, economically clueless.
No one can take that title from you, the hypocrite you are, also the stupidity that exudes from you is immense.

It isn't about Clinton, mr. deflector. The man made a comment about the courage of ...your boy....'the donnie."
Your post is a Major Fail.

You don't know to much about your boy "the donald" he had a chance during the Viet Nam war, but "the donie" choose to use deferments and not serve.
Read up on it.

Donnie will start a war rather than let anyone best him .. he's a loose cannon with a short fuse and long ego.
Well you can bet if that happens Trump will wish he could lead the troops personally, but Megyn Kelly might be hidden in the enemy troops somewhere.

So did Clinton.

I repeat.. so did Bill Clinton. You're a hypocrite.
Let's just say I don't think Trump will give Putin a plastic 'reset' prop with the word 'over-charge' in Russian etched on a little plaque then let Putin walk all over him as Obama has done. I could be wrong....

think you have it all wrong the world led by obama had and has russia and putin on their knees


I smell the scent of Truthiness about this one...
Let's just say I don't think Trump will give Putin a plastic 'reset' prop with the word 'over-charge' in Russian etched on a little plaque then let Putin walk all over him as Obama has done. I could be wrong....

think you have it all wrong the world led by obama had and has russia and putin on their knees


If you do not realize that Russia's economy is in total chaos, you are most definitely the idiot. The housing market has collapsed by more than 30%, and that is just for beginners.
Due to cheap oil, Chief.

NOT obumbler.
No one can take that title from you, the hypocrite you are, also the stupidity that exudes from you is immense.

It isn't about Clinton, mr. deflector. The man made a comment about the courage of ...your boy....'the donnie."
Your post is a Major Fail.

You don't know to much about your boy "the donald" he had a chance during the Viet Nam war, but "the donie" choose to use deferments and not serve.
Read up on it.

Well you can bet if that happens Trump will wish he could lead the troops personally, but Megyn Kelly might be hidden in the enemy troops somewhere.

So did Clinton.

I repeat.. so did Bill Clinton. You're a hypocrite.

The "Donnie" is not my boy.... grow the fuck up kid.
This is about the dumbest thing ever. Nobody thinks Putin will treat Trump fairly... far different from participating in a stacked debate. But, I wouldn't expect a simpleton such as yourself to understand that.

Oh I dunno, Puddly Pillowbite is offering some prime, grade A dumbfuckery in this post.

Some days I wonder if Puddly tried to off himself, blew his brains out with a shotgun, but lived through it? :dunno:
Trump is very concerned about how he's treated, so this is a fair question.

Oy, I don't even wanna think about it.
I think you have hit upon Trump's greatest weakness as a potential president. As president you have to be very carefully who you insult. Yes, political correctness is part of being president. As a president you don't have the luxury of insulting heads of states without serious consequences because when you insult a head of state, it's regarded as insult against the nation and there has be a retaliation which may not be just a verbal attack.
Let's just say I don't think Trump will give Putin a plastic 'reset' prop with the word 'over-charge' in Russian etched on a little plaque then let Putin walk all over him as Obama has done. I could be wrong....

think you have it all wrong the world led by obama had and has russia and putin on their knees


If you do not realize that Russia's economy is in total chaos, you are most definitely the idiot. The housing market has collapsed by more than 30%, and that is just for beginners.
Due to cheap oil, Chief.

NOT obumbler.
and sanctions meant nothing??
I think you have hit upon Trump's greatest weakness as a potential president. As president you have to be very carefully who you insult. Yes, political correctness is part of being president. As a president you don't have the luxury of insulting heads of states without serious consequences because when you insult a head of state, it's regarded as insult against the nation and there has be a retaliation which may not be just a verbal attack.

Trump is going to be a complete disaster as a president.

I blame him on the democrats.

WTF, try and cram Hillary down our throats, what did you THINK would happen?
I think you have hit upon Trump's greatest weakness as a potential president. As president you have to be very carefully who you insult. Yes, political correctness is part of being president. As a president you don't have the luxury of insulting heads of states without serious consequences because when you insult a head of state, it's regarded as insult against the nation and there has be a retaliation which may not be just a verbal attack.

Trump is going to be a complete disaster as a president.

I blame him on the democrats.

WTF, try and cram Hillary down our throats, what did you THINK would happen?

I thought you'd welcome her ,,a voice of reason a person with vast experience......BUT I forgot republicans first rule..HATE ANY AND ALL DEMOCRATS ,,,2nd rule,,,,see # 1
I think you have hit upon Trump's greatest weakness as a potential president. As president you have to be very carefully who you insult. Yes, political correctness is part of being president. As a president you don't have the luxury of insulting heads of states without serious consequences because when you insult a head of state, it's regarded as insult against the nation and there has be a retaliation which may not be just a verbal attack.

Trump is going to be a complete disaster as a president.

I blame him on the democrats.

WTF, try and cram Hillary down our throats, what did you THINK would happen?
Hillary has nothing to do with Trump's popularity among republicans. Apparently, his supporters want something the party won't given them, a candidate that rejects the party leadership as well as it's values.
Hillary has nothing to do with Trump's popularity among republicans. Apparently, his supporters want something the party won't given them, a candidate that rejects the party leadership as well as it's values.

Hillary created a revulsion so strong that the electorate turned to the most outrageous alternative.

Trump is a reaction to what the democrats are pushing. Trump appeals to far more than Republicans.

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