Anyone Listening to Mark Steyn Today, Wowsa He Totally Pwnd the Establishment


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
He mentioned how a Mick Romney douchebag operative referred to Goofy Elizabeth Warren as Harvard Law School staff's first "woman of color" as if her fraudulent claim was actually true. Folks, the fake Pocahontas made a career out of lying about her ethnicity. Mark went on to say that if Goofy Elizabeth Warren is a "woman of color," everyone can be a "woman of color." It will be hilarious if Goofy Elizabeth Warren is chosen by the democrats to run with Crooked Hillary. My guess is they will be too afraid because Goofy Goofy Elizabeth Warren will get schlonged daily by the truth.
I still firmly believe that Fauxahontas will be The Democrat Party presidential candidate come November.

Hillary? Bitter write-in, clinging to her hopes that The Democrat Party might change their "throw her under the bus" habit.

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