Anyone notice how violent the left has gotten SINCE Obama became potus?

It's mind boggling. They win and they get MORE violent.

I dread what the next republican president will go through.

Yes i did notice how violent that ASS KICKING was for the republicans. It's mind boggling how far that donkey stuck it's foot up the republicans ass...... :lol::lol::lol:

I too dread what the next republican president will go through.
You mean those dainty unionists that Fox is obsessed with, and Koch punks enjoy insulting in front of cameras after SCREWING them?
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Kochsuckers and teabaggers hate it when the left fights back. I love it...
It's mind boggling. They win and they get MORE violent.

I dread what the next republican president will go through.

Yes i did notice how violent that ASS KICKING was for the republicans. It's mind boggling how far that donkey stuck it's foot up the republicans ass...... :lol::lol::lol:

I too dread what the next republican president will go through.

...How many people have died from political violence since the election?

Many less than the Clintons killed, I believe...
It is no more violent than anyone would expect from the primates.

However, you and the rest of us should stop allowing it.

I have always said, you wish to attend a rally involving politics, take lots of friends and baseball bats....They get in your face, splatter their fucking brains on the guy next to them.....

Can I be in a union now?
It is no more violent than anyone would expect from the primates.

However, you and the rest of us should stop allowing it.

I have always said, you wish to attend a rally involving politics, take lots of friends and baseball bats....They get in your face, splatter their fucking brains on the guy next to them.....

Can I be in a union now?

You live in a bizarre sad paranoid reality.
It is no more violent than anyone would expect from the primates.

However, you and the rest of us should stop allowing it.

I have always said, you wish to attend a rally involving politics, take lots of friends and baseball bats....They get in your face, splatter their fucking brains on the guy next to them.....

Can I be in a union now?

You live in a bizarre sad paranoid reality.

union violence and itimidation - YouTube
Anyone notice how much the right has been a bunch of whiners since 2008 and are playing the victim act to hilt since the election? One intolerable prick gets punched and OMG! wall-to-wall drama queens. I like you all better acting like a bunch of scared whipped pussies.
It's mind boggling. They win and they get MORE violent.

I dread what the next republican president will go through.

It's not that the left as a whole became more violent, it's that the more radical of the left have come out of the woodworks, because Obama is a radical leftist, he is one of them and they know it.
You mean those dainty unionists that Fox is obsessed with, and Koch punks enjoy insulting in front of cameras after SCREWING them?

The only people screwing the unions are the unions themselves, the leadership within the unions.
I remember before the election, Republicans were warning us about race riots. What they neglected to mention was that it would be white people rioting if Romney lost.
It's mind boggling. They win and they get MORE violent.

I dread what the next republican president will go through.

Yes i did notice how violent that ASS KICKING was for the republicans. It's mind boggling how far that donkey stuck it's foot up the republicans ass...... :lol::lol::lol:

I too dread what the next republican president will go through.

you are proof of what this thread is about
Just like any bully , hit em in the nose they cry like a little bitch . I think it's funny watching them flail around .
Well, the GOP is definately learning from 6Nov12. If you haven't alienated enough people to win that election, alienate some more. As it begins to seep through to a lot of working people just what the intentions of the GOP is concerning lowering workers wages through right to work laws, you will see a lot more participation in the electorial process by the people adversly affected by support of such laws. 2014!

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