Anyone remember CHAZ "Capital Hill Autonomous Zone", and how the summer of love was going to be fun? Now it is OCCRC....


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
A California city council voted to make itself a 'Constitutional Republic City' to skirt state and federal orders it doesn't want to enforce
A city council in California voted 6-1 in favor of designating the city a "Constitutional Republic City" in an attempt to skirt state or federal orders it doesn't want to enforce.
The move follows more than a year of state and federal mandates concerning the COVID-19 pandemic, though city officials said the resolution was not tied to any particular mandate or effort by California Gov. Gavin Newsom or by President Joe Biden.
According to a report from ABC 7, the Oroville City Council overwhelmingly voted in favor of the resolution after the city's Vice Mayor Scott Thomson requested it.
Not one progressive elite bashed the CHAZ, while it went on to destroy city blocks in their overthrow of the government. Will the progressive slaves go along with this Republican idea of Orville City Constitutional Republic City "OCCRC", of freedom against a tyrannical government? Dont think so...Without double standards , progressives would have no standards at all.

Oroville City in Orgon? Never heard of it unless you are talking about in Cali? I am 26 miles from Oroville and haven't heard a damn thing about this.
Just read the link. Cali. Not sure exactly what it all means.
OK...looked it up. Sounds like they have "had enough" of illegal mandates and Gruesome Neusome. Maybe we should move to oroville. But...where I am is no different in mindset. Maybe my city will follow suit.

Ive noticed many still wearing masks, but all docs offices and dentist offices and retail/restaurants are no long putting signs up in windows stating masks MUST be worn. Most here are conservatives, thankfully.
Oroville City in Orgon? Never heard of it unless you are talking about in Cali? I am 26 miles from Oroville and haven't heard a damn thing about this.
It is in California, not Oregon. Maybe you should go pay that city a visit, you might like it.
It is in California, not Oregon. Maybe you should go pay that city a visit, you might like it.
I have been there many times. Like I said...25 miles from me righ now, 25 miles from Paradise. Nice little place. Remember when it was in the news when the damn flooded? I do. It was a year before the Paradise Fire. Paradise was bombarded with people heading up the ridge to stay with families, in motels, etc.

I DO have an application to a senior complex there. Its a 2 year wait though.
A California city council voted to make itself a 'Constitutional Republic City' to skirt state and federal orders it doesn't want to enforce

Not one progressive elite bashed the CHAZ, while it went on to destroy city blocks in their overthrow of the government. Will the progressive slaves go along with this Republican idea of Orville City Constitutional Republic City "OCCRC", of freedom against a tyrannical government? Dont think so...Without double standards , progressives would have no standards at all.

View attachment 561350

Yes I remember CHAZ. I actually went there. I took photos.

I was there just after the police left.

Not even one building was harmed. Nothing was harmed.

Capital Hill was and is just fine. Nothing was destroyed.

Stop lying.

Here are photos of CHAZ I took on June 13th, 2020.

Provide photos of destroyed buildings on Capital Hill during CHAZ.

As for what is happening in California, We will have to wait to see because so far, nothing has happened.

Yes I remember CHAZ. I actually went there. I took photos.

I was there just after the police left.

Not even one building was harmed. Nothing was harmed.

Capital Hill was and is just fine. Nothing was destroyed.

Stop lying.

Here are photos of CHAZ I took on June 13th, 2020.

Provide photos of destroyed buildings on Capital Hill during CHAZ.

As for what is happening in California, We will have to wait to see because so far, nothing has happened.

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It was the only country in the world with the highest murder rate ever in the history of countries. Yeah, just fine, wasnt it....At least people were allowed to have guns there right?

Yes I remember CHAZ. I actually went there. I took photos.

I was there just after the police left.

Not even one building was harmed. Nothing was harmed.

Capital Hill was and is just fine. Nothing was destroyed.

Stop lying.

Here are photos of CHAZ I took on June 13th, 2020.

Provide photos of destroyed buildings on Capital Hill during CHAZ.

As for what is happening in California, We will have to wait to see because so far, nothing has happened.

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It was the only country in the world with the highest murder rate ever in the history of countries. Yeah, just fine, wasnt it....At least people were allowed to have guns there right?

And it certainly doesn't matter how many of the legitimate occupants and merchants in the neighborhood were inconvenienced and terrified. Small matter when it comes to the all-important black lives that matter everywhere but in the actual ghetto.
It was the only country in the world with the highest murder rate ever in the history of countries. Yeah, just fine, wasnt it....At least people were allowed to have guns there right?

Also notice that all those “peaceful” photos are during the day. Nothing from after dark. Or their “border guards” with guns. Rapes, murders, arson, vandalism, all good right?
It was the only country in the world with the highest murder rate ever in the history of countries. Yeah, just fine, wasnt it....At least people were allowed to have guns there right?

CHAZ wasn't a country.

It was an area on Capital Hill in the City of Seattle.

So 2 people died. More people died in most cities in the nation.

Nothing you say about CHAZ is true. Nothing was destroyed.

Yes there was a shooting but there are shootings everywhere in the United States.

In fact it's less shootings than what happens in most major cities in the nation.

Dallas, Kansas City, Houston, St. Louis and a long list of other cities in the nation have many more than just 2 shootings per night.

Funny you don't seem to have a problem with them and you never say that those cities are destroyed.

You are nothing but a fake and have no idea what is happening in a place you probably have never even been to in your life. You probably haven't even been out of your county much less the state you live in.

The shooting has absolutely nothing to do with the statement that people destroyed places in CHAZ.

You people do nothing but lie. When called on it, you try to change the subject and pile on more lies.
CHAZ wasn't a country.

It was an area on Capital Hill in the City of Seattle.

So 2 people died. More people died in most cities in the nation.

Nothing you say about CHAZ is true. Nothing was destroyed.

Yes there was a shooting but there are shootings everywhere in the United States.

In fact it's less shootings than what happens in most major cities in the nation.

Dallas, Kansas City, Houston, St. Louis and a long list of other cities in the nation have many more than just 2 shootings per night.

Funny you don't seem to have a problem with them and you never say that those cities are destroyed.

You are nothing but a fake and have no idea what is happening in a place you probably have never even been to in your life. You probably haven't even been out of your county much less the state you live in.

The shooting has absolutely nothing to do with the statement that people destroyed places in CHAZ.

You people do nothing but lie. When called on it, you try to change the subject and pile on more lies.
CHAZ wasn't a country.

It was an area on Capital Hill in the City of Seattle.

So 2 people died. More people died in most cities in the nation.

Nothing you say about CHAZ is true. Nothing was destroyed.

Yes there was a shooting but there are shootings everywhere in the United States.

In fact it's less shootings than what happens in most major cities in the nation.

Dallas, Kansas City, Houston, St. Louis and a long list of other cities in the nation have many more than just 2 shootings per night.

Funny you don't seem to have a problem with them and you never say that those cities are destroyed.

You are nothing but a fake and have no idea what is happening in a place you probably have never even been to in your life. You probably haven't even been out of your county much less the state you live in.

The shooting has absolutely nothing to do with the statement that people destroyed places in CHAZ.

You people do nothing but lie. When called on it, you try to change the subject and pile on more lies.
You really should read your history, you might fucking learn something.

The so-called “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” is a roughly seven-block section of Seattle, Washington where radical Black Lives Matter protesters along with Antifa have essentially declared their own country.

Nets Turn Blind Eye to BLM Militantly Taking Over Part of ...…

Oh and by the way, that autonomous zone was supposed to be a summer of love....Until the shooting took place. Something about progressives and killing people. Always ruins the love...
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I feel kinda bad for the people living in rural areas in blue states like CA, OR, and WA where the state gov't is pretty much run by the democrats. You're pretty much helpless, aren't you? Can a place like Oroville do that and get away with it? I've heard that you can't fight city hall, but apparently you can't fight your state gov't either. Cuz the dems run the big cities and they outnumber the rural rubes. So, what other options do the rurals have? Not much I guess.

Has Oroville actually defied any particular mandate yet? Interesting to see what happens then, and whether any other rural towns and counties join in.
I feel kinda bad for the people living in rural areas in blue states like CA, OR, and WA where the state gov't is pretty much run by the democrats. You're pretty much helpless, aren't you? Can a place like Oroville do that and get away with it? I've heard that you can't fight city hall, but apparently you can't fight your state gov't either. Cuz the dems run the big cities and they outnumber the rural rubes. So, what other options do the rurals have? Not much I guess.

Has Oroville actually defied any particular mandate yet? Interesting to see what happens then, and whether any other rural towns and counties join in.
I left Western Washington a couple of months ago for South Dakota and I was just having this conversation with the realtor I used to buy my house here. He is seeing lots of people leaving not only Western but Eastern Washington over the mandate crap. It's a pity because, except for Spokane, Eastern Washington is red country stuck with the iron-fisted rule of King Jay Insleaze.
Yes I remember CHAZ. I actually went there. I took photos.

I was there just after the police left.

Not even one building was harmed. Nothing was harmed.

Capital Hill was and is just fine. Nothing was destroyed.

Stop lying.

. . . . so . . . .

You AGREE! These folks should have a right to nullify tyranny? I am so glad we have finally found some common ground!



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