Anyone remember when "racism" was real?

I do. Now? It's just a empty accusation by leftist creeps as a tool to shut down debate. By lefties/BLM that want to demonize whites or anyone that disagrees with them.
The ultra right did the same thing back in the 50's calling anyone they didn't approve of as "communists" under MacCarthy.
But the McCarthyist right didn't riot and destroy stuff and take over parts of our cities as a form of blackmail. Nope, this is an example of how SHIT the BLM/democrats are.
Racism was real yesterday, reared its ugly head with the divisive Trump and that is why we have this display today. Do I like it and support the looting and the outsiders who are encouraging the action? Hell no, but I do understand the reasoning. You don't.
I remember the MacCarthy era and many innocent people were arrested and incarcerated due to his antics.
what racism? specify it

the racism!! it's everywhere!!! they put in the water!! they hide little speakers in the walls, and racist messages are constantly screaming at him!!! the government builds little robot cockroaches that crawl into his ears at night and whisper vile racsit thoughts into his dreams!!!
blacks committing crime is everywhere
I do. Now? It's just a empty accusation by leftist creeps as a tool to shut down debate. By lefties/BLM that want to demonize whites or anyone that disagrees with them.
The ultra right did the same thing back in the 50's calling anyone they didn't approve of as "communists" under MacCarthy.
But the McCarthyist right didn't riot and destroy stuff and take over parts of our cities as a form of blackmail. Nope, this is an example of how SHIT the BLM/democrats are.
Racism was real yesterday, reared its ugly head with the divisive Trump and that is why we have this display today. Do I like it and support the looting and the outsiders who are encouraging the action? Hell no, but I do understand the reasoning. You don't.
I remember the MacCarthy era and many innocent people were arrested and incarcerated due to his antics.
what racism? specify it

the racism!! it's everywhere!!! they put in the water!! they hide little speakers in the walls, and racist messages are constantly screaming at him!!! the government builds little robot cockroaches that crawl into his ears at night and whisper vile racsit thoughts into his dreams!!!
blacks committing crime is everywhere

you do realize i was being sarcastic right? i know, that libs are so whacked out, that it is hard to tell. but i thought i went over the top enough to make it clear.

to be clear, i realize that no matter how thick i laid it on, in the current environment, it is completely understandable that you might have thought i was being serious, as the libs say the most insane shit all the time.
I do. Now? It's just a empty accusation by leftist creeps as a tool to shut down debate. By lefties/BLM that want to demonize whites or anyone that disagrees with them.
The ultra right did the same thing back in the 50's calling anyone they didn't approve of as "communists" under MacCarthy.
But the McCarthyist right didn't riot and destroy stuff and take over parts of our cities as a form of blackmail. Nope, this is an example of how SHIT the BLM/democrats are.
Racism was real yesterday, reared its ugly head with the divisive Trump and that is why we have this display today. Do I like it and support the looting and the outsiders who are encouraging the action? Hell no, but I do understand the reasoning. You don't.
I remember the MacCarthy era and many innocent people were arrested and incarcerated due to his antics.
what racism? specify it

the racism!! it's everywhere!!! they put in the water!! they hide little speakers in the walls, and racist messages are constantly screaming at him!!! the government builds little robot cockroaches that crawl into his ears at night and whisper vile racsit thoughts into his dreams!!!
blacks committing crime is everywhere

you do realize i was being sarcastic right? i know, that libs are so whacked out, that it is hard to tell. but i thought i went over the top enough to make it clear.

to be clear, i realize that no matter how thick i laid it on, in the current environment, it is completely understandable that you might have thought i was being serious, as the libs say the most insane shit all the time.
The ultra right did the same thing back in the 50's calling anyone they didn't approve of as "communists" under MacCarthy.
Yes, and now the Trumpsters are doing it again. Just look at dang near any thread on USMB. Weird.

As far as racism goes, who knows what happened to it?

This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-I-g-g-e-r-s and the s-p-I-c-s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.
Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.
Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!
Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'
Blacks... prone to violence, think they're still in the jungle, low IQ blacks.
How can you look at the world and not see that ALL ADVANCEMENTS came from Europe and America? Yeah, we're the superior race on the earth. All others developed because of whites
Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color! How often does that happen?
“We swear muthafuckers, you take our beaners from us and we’ll come for your guns one day” Filthy fucks!
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Being the elected representative of a bunch of dumbass ghetto Jungle Monkeys doesn't take intelligence. It take a ghetto dialect and a promise to get them more welfare.
Valerie Jarrett.... Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?)
I thought she was an ape...Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.
The asians made fun of obama.....the asians refer to negroes as 'monkey people' and not in jest....they are serious....and why shouldn't they be?
Pay the pavement ape or he will get very angry and burn his house down.
Yawn, Kambala wants every African American crack addict to have their own home while White, Red, and Yellow Americans some disabled vets rot on the street.
Nigga's acting like a Nigga...must be part of the Thugery... most blacks don't act like that!
Engage me and die, n'gr.
Folks, you couldn't today pay me enough to live anywhere near a large black population.
I believe the black race is inferior to both the white and yellow races....I can prove it by taking a look at the world map and income, innovation/scientific discoveries, and prison populations. Maybe you have some other mysterious way of defining the word but you never seem to say what it is.
Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
Come on people you blacks are better than this shit every fucking week....stand BEHIND your police, you do the crime you get locked fuck with THE MAN, he has every right to beat the shit out of you, and your community standing behind you just shows what stupid, low life idiots you are!
Fuck off House Negro. Shine my boots bitch
You're talking about balkanization. I'm all for it. I'm also for restoring the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation by the first Congress making only White people U.S. Citizens.
Hasn't it been proven, in the last few days, that blacks are incapable of living in the environment of civilization? Send them back to Africa.
..just like Africa is the shithole of the world, the black US communities mirror that
You can take a negro out of the ghetto. But you can't take the ghetto out of the negro.

Wait.......I'm a couldn't find a racist comment from me ???

Oh well, I guess you can't say ALL Righties are racist. You mad?
Many are not. Unfortunately, many of THAT group are ENABLERS of racism, which may even be worse.

For example, I notice you didn't hold any of those posters accountable for their ugly words, and instead chose to attack me.

Right on cue.

Who’s worse for America...”enablers of racism” or enablers of the wetback invasion?
How many lives have been lost to racism? What does racism cost the American taxpayer? Did racism ruin our education and healthcare systems? Does racism destroy every community it resides in?
For the sake of your credibility, link is to all your bitching about those whom beg wetbacks to fuck up our once great nation. Thanks in advance.
Who’s worse for America...”enablers of racism” or enablers of the wetback invasion?
The enablers of racism are worse. Not only for their ugliness, ignorance, hate and paranoia, but because they make it so much easier for the Regressive Left to operate.

I realize you won't understand that. You asked, I answered.

Haha...That worked perfectly. I asked so we could watch you expose your lopsided ignorance...AGAIN!
What do you think Mollie Tibbetts would say?
Who’s worse for America...”enablers of racism” or enablers of the wetback invasion?
The enablers of racism are worse. Not only for their ugliness, ignorance, hate and paranoia, but because they make it so much easier for the Regressive Left to operate.

I realize you won't understand that. You asked, I answered.

Haha...That worked perfectly. I asked so we could watch you expose your lopsided ignorance...AGAIN!
What do you think Mollie Tibbetts would say?
I answered your question fully expecting that you'd ignore the point.

And this is why I no longer bother with nutters.
Who’s worse for America...”enablers of racism” or enablers of the wetback invasion?
The enablers of racism are worse. Not only for their ugliness, ignorance, hate and paranoia, but because they make it so much easier for the Regressive Left to operate.

I realize you won't understand that. You asked, I answered.

Haha...That worked perfectly. I asked so we could watch you expose your lopsided ignorance...AGAIN!
What do you think Mollie Tibbetts would say?
I answered your question fully expecting that you'd ignore the point.

And this is why I no longer bother with nutters.

Let me get this straight...your spin is that racism is worse because it empowers the Left?
You’re really running on that?
Who’s worse for America...”enablers of racism” or enablers of the wetback invasion?
The enablers of racism are worse. Not only for their ugliness, ignorance, hate and paranoia, but because they make it so much easier for the Regressive Left to operate.

I realize you won't understand that. You asked, I answered.

Haha...That worked perfectly. I asked so we could watch you expose your lopsided ignorance...AGAIN!
What do you think Mollie Tibbetts would say?
I answered your question fully expecting that you'd ignore the point.

And this is why I no longer bother with nutters.

Let me get this straight...your spin is that racism is worse because it empowers the Left?
You’re really running on that?
Nope, that's not my point. You're not going to think critically or honestly, so your one question was all you get.
Who’s worse for America...”enablers of racism” or enablers of the wetback invasion?
The enablers of racism are worse. Not only for their ugliness, ignorance, hate and paranoia, but because they make it so much easier for the Regressive Left to operate.

I realize you won't understand that. You asked, I answered.

Haha...That worked perfectly. I asked so we could watch you expose your lopsided ignorance...AGAIN!
What do you think Mollie Tibbetts would say?
I answered your question fully expecting that you'd ignore the point.

And this is why I no longer bother with nutters.

Let me get this straight...your spin is that racism is worse because it empowers the Left?
You’re really running on that?
Nope, that's not my point. You're not going to think critically or honestly, so your one question was all you get.

Is this another one of those not so brilliant Mac proclaimed Jedi mindtricks that only works on yourself?
As far as her thread title ---- I cannot remember a time when racism was NOT real. Except for one brief moment in Detroit, walking out of the Motown Museum. Everyone should do that.

Motown Museum. Great memories. Great music!
Only problem I have with Motown is Berry Gordy. Modern day black slave driver.

Like the Southern Plantations, he became wealthy by exploiting the talents and hard work of young black artists by
paying them next to nothing while he raked in millions.
Your racism is laughable.

If you don't know that, don't know Motown.

What the Motown Museum does, in excess of simply relating the history of the building and showing the old studio, like the Sun Studio in Memphis does (constructed by Sam Phillips who, like every other record company exec, had the same vitriol flung at him as you did here), was to offer a window into the historical social structure of 1960.

America was segregated, right down to its music. You didn't see any black people on American Bandstand, they weren't allowed in, and when you finally did you NEVER saw them mixing with whites. You had "cover" versions of popular songs, literally meaning a "safe" white artist like Pat Boone would re-do a black artist like Little Richard, so that white American parents wouldn't have to suffer the "degradation" of buying a record by a black man. Even in 1964 you had the Beatles refusing to play a concert (in Jacksonville btw) because it was going to be segregated.

Berry Gordy set out to change all that by creating music that would so much appeal to both, that those barriers would come down. And he did just that. In fact the entire philosophy of what Motown was there for is summed up in a single line:

"This is an invitation
Across the nation
A chance for folks to MEET"

And he succeeded. For that he's an American hero.

If you don't know that ..... you don't know Berry Gordy.

Oh look ----- the hunter just got captured by the game.

No, as usual racist see what they WANT to see and nothing else.

For anyone else with some sense, look up The Funk Brothers and read THEIR story (among others)
Whites murder, rape, vandalize, batter, embezzle and almost every other crime way more than anyone else. White racism is our number 1 problem. Literally.

Louis Farrakhan News Network told you this.


King (Kill ALL white babies) Samir Shabazz
King Samir Shabazz: Bomb White Churches and Kill White Babies

And your confused black ass thinks WHITES have privilege?
NO WHITE person could say that publicly about black babies and not be behind bars

The stupidity and audacity of these extremist blacks like IM2, Pogo and the rest of their gang is unprecedented.
I do. Now? It's just a empty accusation by leftist creeps as a tool to shut down debate. By lefties/BLM that want to demonize whites or anyone that disagrees with them.
The ultra right did the same thing back in the 50's calling anyone they didn't approve of as "communists" under MacCarthy.
But the McCarthyist right didn't riot and destroy stuff and take over parts of our cities as a form of blackmail. Nope, this is an example of how SHIT the BLM/democrats are.
Racism was real yesterday, reared its ugly head with the divisive Trump and that is why we have this display today. Do I like it and support the looting and the outsiders who are encouraging the action? Hell no, but I do understand the reasoning. You don't.
I remember the MacCarthy era and many innocent people were arrested and incarcerated due to his antics.
what racism? specify it

the racism!! it's everywhere!!! they put in the water!! they hide little speakers in the walls, and racist messages are constantly screaming at him!!! the government builds little robot cockroaches that crawl into his ears at night and whisper vile racsit thoughts into his dreams!!!
blacks committing crime is everywhere

According to IM2 and the other radical hating racists

"It is not possible for blacks to be racist" (IM2)

"When a black peson kills a while baby, it is not a crime, it is JUSTICE" (IM2)
Whites murder, rape, vandalize, batter, embezzle and almost every other crime way more than anyone else. White racism is our number 1 problem. Literally.

Louis Farrakhan News Network told you this.


King (Kill ALL white babies) Samir Shabazz
King Samir Shabazz: Bomb White Churches and Kill White Babies

And your confused black ass thinks WHITES have privilege?
NO WHITE person could say that publicly about black babies and not be behind bars

The stupidity and audacity of these extremist blacks like IM2, Pogo and the rest of their gang is unprecedented.
double winner
As far as her thread title ---- I cannot remember a time when racism was NOT real. Except for one brief moment in Detroit, walking out of the Motown Museum. Everyone should do that.

Motown Museum. Great memories. Great music!
Only problem I have with Motown is Berry Gordy. Modern day black slave driver.

Like the Southern Plantations, he became wealthy by exploiting the talents and hard work of young black artists by
paying them next to nothing while he raked in millions.
Your racism is laughable.

If you don't know that, don't know Motown.

What the Motown Museum does, in excess of simply relating the history of the building and showing the old studio, like the Sun Studio in Memphis does (constructed by Sam Phillips who, like every other record company exec, had the same vitriol flung at him as you did here), was to offer a window into the historical social structure of 1960.

America was segregated, right down to its music. You didn't see any black people on American Bandstand, they weren't allowed in, and when you finally did you NEVER saw them mixing with whites. You had "cover" versions of popular songs, literally meaning a "safe" white artist like Pat Boone would re-do a black artist like Little Richard, so that white American parents wouldn't have to suffer the "degradation" of buying a record by a black man. Even in 1964 you had the Beatles refusing to play a concert (in Jacksonville btw) because it was going to be segregated.

Berry Gordy set out to change all that by creating music that would so much appeal to both, that those barriers would come down. And he did just that. In fact the entire philosophy of what Motown was there for is summed up in a single line:

"This is an invitation
Across the nation
A chance for folks to MEET"

And he succeeded. For that he's an American hero.

If you don't know that ..... you don't know Berry Gordy.

Oh look ----- the hunter just got captured by the game.

No, as usual racist see what they WANT to see and nothing else.

Apparently yes, you do. QED.

For anyone else with some sense, look up The Funk Brothers and read THEIR story (among others)

Don't need to. I know them. I know the "Wrecking Crew" too. I have a background in music. And Hitsville covered them too.
I do. Now? It's just a empty accusation by leftist creeps as a tool to shut down debate. By lefties/BLM that want to demonize whites or anyone that disagrees with them.
The ultra right did the same thing back in the 50's calling anyone they didn't approve of as "communists" under MacCarthy.
But the McCarthyist right didn't riot and destroy stuff and take over parts of our cities as a form of blackmail. Nope, this is an example of how SHIT the BLM/democrats are.
Racism was real yesterday, reared its ugly head with the divisive Trump and that is why we have this display today. Do I like it and support the looting and the outsiders who are encouraging the action? Hell no, but I do understand the reasoning. You don't.
I remember the MacCarthy era and many innocent people were arrested and incarcerated due to his antics.
what racism? specify it

the racism!! it's everywhere!!! they put in the water!! they hide little speakers in the walls, and racist messages are constantly screaming at him!!! the government builds little robot cockroaches that crawl into his ears at night and whisper vile racsit thoughts into his dreams!!!
blacks committing crime is everywhere

According to IM2 and the other radical hating racists

"It is not possible for blacks to be racist" (IM2)

"When a black peson kills a while baby, it is not a crime, it is JUSTICE" (IM2)
I do. Now? It's just a empty accusation by leftist creeps as a tool to shut down debate. By lefties/BLM that want to demonize whites or anyone that disagrees with them.
The ultra right did the same thing back in the 50's calling anyone they didn't approve of as "communists" under MacCarthy.
But the McCarthyist right didn't riot and destroy stuff and take over parts of our cities as a form of blackmail. Nope, this is an example of how SHIT the BLM/democrats are.
Racism was real yesterday, reared its ugly head with the divisive Trump and that is why we have this display today. Do I like it and support the looting and the outsiders who are encouraging the action? Hell no, but I do understand the reasoning. You don't.
I remember the MacCarthy era and many innocent people were arrested and incarcerated due to his antics.
what racism? specify it

the racism!! it's everywhere!!! they put in the water!! they hide little speakers in the walls, and racist messages are constantly screaming at him!!! the government builds little robot cockroaches that crawl into his ears at night and whisper vile racsit thoughts into his dreams!!!
blacks committing crime is everywhere

you do realize i was being sarcastic right? i know, that libs are so whacked out, that it is hard to tell. but i thought i went over the top enough to make it clear.

to be clear, i realize that no matter how thick i laid it on, in the current environment, it is completely understandable that you might have thought i was being serious, as the libs say the most insane shit all the time.
No, I thought you were being serious because Trump supporters say the most insane shit all the time.
I do. Now? It's just a empty accusation by leftist creeps as a tool to shut down debate. By lefties/BLM that want to demonize whites or anyone that disagrees with them.
The ultra right did the same thing back in the 50's calling anyone they didn't approve of as "communists" under MacCarthy.
But the McCarthyist right didn't riot and destroy stuff and take over parts of our cities as a form of blackmail. Nope, this is an example of how SHIT the BLM/democrats are.
Racism was real yesterday, reared its ugly head with the divisive Trump and that is why we have this display today. Do I like it and support the looting and the outsiders who are encouraging the action? Hell no, but I do understand the reasoning. You don't.
I remember the MacCarthy era and many innocent people were arrested and incarcerated due to his antics.
what racism? specify it

the racism!! it's everywhere!!! they put in the water!! they hide little speakers in the walls, and racist messages are constantly screaming at him!!! the government builds little robot cockroaches that crawl into his ears at night and whisper vile racsit thoughts into his dreams!!!
blacks committing crime is everywhere

you do realize i was being sarcastic right? i know, that libs are so whacked out, that it is hard to tell. but i thought i went over the top enough to make it clear.

to be clear, i realize that no matter how thick i laid it on, in the current environment, it is completely understandable that you might have thought i was being serious, as the libs say the most insane shit all the time.
No, I thought you were being serious because Trump supporters say the most insane shit all the time.
No, I thought you were being serious because you anti-Trumpers say the most insane shit all the time.
King Samir Shabazz for the New Black panther party

Extremism, Terrorism & Bigotry
King Samir Shabazz: Bomb White Churches and Kill White Babies
  • August 24, 2012
In an August 13 New Black Panther Party online radio broadcast, the group’s National Field Marshal from Philadelphia King Samir Shabazz, went off on an vicious tirade about bombing white churches and killing white babies.

Samir Shabazz
If Blacks want to be free, Shabazz explained, “you’re going to have to kill some of these babies, just born three seconds ago. You’re going to have to go into the God damn nursery and just throw a damn bomb in the damn nursery and just kill everything white in sight that ain’t right.”
Later in his rant, Shabazz describes how white churches are also a legitimate target: “We gonna need preachers going into the cracker churches throwing hand grenades on early Sunday morning when the cracker got his hands up, ‘please white Jesus!’ Well we gonna throw a bomb in that God damn church, burn up the cracker, burn up the cracker Jesus, and burn up some cracker white supremacy.”
In typical Shabazz fashion, he also described in detail how he would like to go into New Jersey and Pennsylvania suburbs to “drag some of these god damn rusty dusty ass crackers out of their homes, skin their asses alive, hang their asses up by some damn rope in some trees, drag them up and down the streets by God damn trucks, sick the pit bulls on them, pour acid on their asses, dump them in a God damn river, bring them back up, bust them in the head with a rock.”
Shabazz also discussed the need for AK-47s, M16s, grenade launchers, and other weapons for a NBPP military.

IM2 and MarcATL could be members

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