anyone see that live video at the border the other day? Owen Shroyer?

What the US used to do to traitors.

Well had he STFU they likely would not have moved to block.

Meh, I guess it's because I have "insider" info with the BP so the whole thing is absolutely no surprise to me.....In reality it's a lot worse than that.

To put things into perspective just three years ago BP was going to places like bus/train stations and arresting illegals in transport hub sweeps.
The border invasion is proof that America's number one enemy is the current Executive branch, coupled with her military “leadership” (and you can toss Congress into the mix). Biden sent the military to the border to protect the invaders from the American people. Not the other way around. This is a hostile invasion planned and orchestrated by a hostile regime.

Any state Governor that's either welcoming these aliens into their state or who are helping to distribute them to other areas of the nation are also culpable and guilty.
The border invasion is proof that America's number one enemy is the current Executive branch, coupled with her military “leadership.” Biden sent the military to the border to protect the invaders from the American people. Not the other way around. This is a hostile invasion planned and orchestrated by a hostile regime.
That's true but that guy is not helping.

20+ Thought-Provoking Illegal Immigration Statistics for 2023​

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Mar 30, 2023 — 75% of U.S. citizens affirmed that illegal immigrants can stay in the country legally if they meet certain requirements. 45% of illegal migrants ...

Illegal Immigration Statistics & Facts (Editor’s Pick)​

  • An almost 50% decline in alien apprehensions was reported in August 2020.
  • 75% of U.S. citizens affirmed that illegal immigrants can stay in the country legally if they meet certain requirements.
  • 45% of illegal migrants enter with a valid visa and overstay.
  • The number of unauthorized migrants living in the U.S. has declined by 14% and reached 2004 levels.
  • The countries unauthorized migrants originate from are much more diverse than in previous years — 5.5 million migrants are not from Mexico.
  • 40% of illegal migrant households have incomes above the poverty line.
  • Illegal immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East have the highest rates of English proficiency — 73% and 61% respectively.
If you're speaking of Shroyer, I'd say that he's documenting and revealing the actual truth for America to see. He may not be helping to end the invasion, but I'd say that he's providing an important, journalistic service.
Negative....All he was doing is running his yap like a fuckin' nut-job. He would have been a lot more effective filming and speaking truth to the matter in a much more measured tone.

Sure it's bad but when you come-off like a loon it does not help matters at all.
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Negative....All he was doing is running yap like a fuckin' nut-job. He would have been a lot more effective filming and speaking truth to the matter in a much more measured tone.

Sure it's bad but when you come-off like a loon it does not help matters at all.
True that there's room for improvement on the delivery, but what other news source was there revealing the facts in real time? I was never a fan of Alex Jones' crazy rantings, but I did learn a lot of things from him that I was previously unaware of. Shroyer seems to be taking after his boss, which is disappointing, but I've also learned some facts from him that were otherwise swept under the rug by the mainstream liars.
So now it's getting real.

An improvised bomb was intercepted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) on Friday at U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona

CBP found one but difficult to believe that's the only one.

Two thoughts - The cartels may have chosen to send a message to Biden that his promotion of human smuggling and drug trafficking is far too lucrative for them to allow interference with.


The Iranians, Russians have a score to settle and they're going 'get even',
Nothing to see here.

My guess is that Biden is going to let lots and lots of Americans die.

True that there's room for improvement on the delivery, but what other news source was there revealing the facts in real time? I was never a fan of Alex Jones' crazy rantings, but I did learn a lot of things from him that I was previously unaware of. Shroyer seems to be taking after his boss, which is disappointing, but I've also learned some facts from him that were otherwise swept under the rug by the mainstream liars.
Obviously you can get cheap laughs from the boneheads if you mention Alex in serious discussion .
But if you go back 20 years or more, the guy has got things right every time, though Sheeple would not accept that for Sandy Hook .

We know that his court loss over that matter was a sham from start to fnish and of course he wil never spend a day inside or make one dollar financial reparation .
But the point is , what did the CIA actually pin on him that forced him to become an asset and controlled opposition?
We know why the CIA ran the show trial -- to stop any othe False Flags ever being exposed .
But what did Alex do that made him their roll over victim ? I cannot even sensibly guess .

Obviously the whole saga was of the utmost importance with most expert commentators reporting that Alex was a very key factor in getting The Trump elected and therfore had to be rubbed out -- but without him suddenly having a heart attack or falling off a high building etc
Fascinating material and Owen should be watched carefully and I trust he has not also been nobbled by the Langley Goons .
Obviously you can get cheap laughs from the boneheads if you mention Alex in serious discussion .
But if you go back 20 years or more, the guy has got things right every time, though Sheeple would not accept that for Sandy Hook .

We know that his court loss over that matter was a sham from start to fnish and of course he wil never spend a day inside or make one dollar financial reparation .
But the point is , what did the CIA actually pin on him that forced him to become an asset and controlled opposition?
We know why the CIA ran the show trial -- to stop any othe False Flags ever being exposed .
But what did Alex do that made him their roll over victim ? I cannot even sensibly guess .

Obviously the whole saga was of the utmost importance with most expert commentators reporting that Alex was a very key factor in getting The Trump elected and therfore had to be rubbed out -- but without him suddenly having a heart attack or falling off a high building etc
Fascinating material and Owen should be watched carefully and I trust he has not also been nobbled by the Langley Goons .
Addressing mass shootings: I do believe there are more behind-the-scene facts that haven't been brought to the surface. Having read “Trance Formation of America,” I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that the CIA literally programs people to do things they wouldn't naturally do on their own. But the book explains it better than I can.

I was an avid listener of Jones way, way back in his early days, and I learned a ton from him. He was more rational and believable back then. But as time went on, I saw some of his uncontrollable outbursts that made him look like a madman. I stopped watching or listening to him because I suspected that he may very well be a plant, as some suggested. Who knows for sure.
The border invasion is proof that America's number one enemy is the current Executive branch, coupled with her military “leadership” (and you can toss Congress into the mix). Biden sent the military to the border to protect the invaders from the American people. Not the other way around. This is a hostile invasion planned and orchestrated by a hostile regime.

Any state Governor that's either welcoming these aliens into their state or who are helping to distribute them to other areas of the nation are also culpable and guilty.
Negative....All he was doing is running his yap like a fuckin' nut-job. He would have been a lot more effective filming and speaking truth to the matter in a much more measured tone.

Sure it's bad but when you come-off like a loon it does not help matters at all.

We're running out of measured tones.

Addressing mass shootings: I do believe there are more behind-the-scene facts that haven't been brought to the surface. Having read “Trance Formation of America,” I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that the CIA literally programs people to do things they wouldn't naturally do on their own. But the book explains it better than I can.

I was an avid listener of Jones way, way back in his early days, and I learned a ton from him. He was more rational and believable back then. But as time went on, I saw some of his uncontrollable outbursts that made him look like a madman. I stopped watching or listening to him because I suspected that he may very well be a plant, as some suggested. Who knows for sure.

I like what someone once said of Jones. He's a good alarm clock.


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