Anyone want to make a bet, that the suspects are white men?

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I just got paid today and I am willing to give my 1279.56 paycheck to anyone who's willing to bet me that the suspect were not black, but white men, trying to start a race war.

Here's why, they were snipers, thats a white man's dormain. Did it from a distance and once caught committed suicide...screams whitey all day!!
You would be wrong, as usual. What is surprising is black men that can shoot that good.
He was a training in the world...US Army!!
I just got paid today and I am willing to give my 1279.56 paycheck to anyone who's willing to bet me that the suspect were not black, but white men, trying to start a race war.

Here's why, they were snipers, thats a white man's dormain. Did it from a distance and once caught committed suicide...screams whitey all day!!

YOu must forget the D.C. snipers....twit.....can I still take your bet?
I just got paid today and I am willing to give my 1279.56 paycheck to anyone who's willing to bet me that the suspect were not black, but white men, trying to start a race war.

Here's why, they were snipers, thats a white man's dormain. Did it from a distance and once caught committed suicide...screams whitey all day!!

"This is one of our suspects. Please help us find him!" the police department captioned the pic.

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Dallas Police Depart


This is one of our suspects. Please help us find him!

11:52 PM - 7 Jul 2016

Yeah that guy turned out to not be a suspect, though they haven't taken down the tweet.

Our militarized police and corrupt government are using these incidents to create racial tensions so nobody will notice that they are targeting and killing people for carrying arms legally.
The tigger was wrong...the fact the guy was dead, should have been a wake up call...white terrorist live to see another to all that took on my bet, List your address here, complete with all details and I'll see that you get my check.

Place of Employment:

Wow, just when I thought you were going to show a little class !

In other words, the only reason you believe the shooter was black is because he's dead. Wow, I'm just about at a loss of words.
And by the way, you must have forgotten about this one:

An ex-Marine goes on a killing spree at the University of Texas

Charles Whitman takes a stockpile of guns and ammunition to the observatory platform atop a 300-foot tower at the University of Texas and proceeds to shoot 46 people, killing 14 people and wounding 31. A fifteenth died in 2001 because of his injuries. Whitman, who had killed both his wife and mother the night before, was eventually shot to death after courageous Austin police officers, including Ramiro Martinez, charged up the stairs of the tower to subdue the attacker.
I just got paid today and I am willing to give my 1279.56 paycheck to anyone who's willing to bet me that the suspect were not black, but white men, trying to start a race war.

Here's why, they were snipers, thats a white man's dormain. Did it from a distance and once caught committed suicide...screams whitey all day!!
Hey, nigga, feeling a bit stupid yet? I'd have taken that bet for your meager check if I'd seen it earlier. In fact, I still will if you're that fuckin' stupid.
So much for your judgment, hoss. You don't work for the weather channel, per chance....nevermind.
One thing is certain, this ain't the 60's....when cops and white people killed mf's and got nothing in return but a Dr. King and some passive negro's...them days are over. Law enforcement had best understand, killing blacks for sports is wrong, bad cops need to be held accountable and this country is CRAWLING WITH RACIST, RETURNING VETS WHO ARE MENTAL AND CANDIDATES WHO SPARK FIRES OF HATRED.....we all know had this been a white man, we'd be discussing mental health and vet issues.
I just got paid today and I am willing to give my 1279.56 paycheck to anyone who's willing to bet me that the suspect were not black, but white men, trying to start a race war.

Here's why, they were snipers, thats a white man's dormain. Did it from a distance and once caught committed suicide...screams whitey all day!!
That's all you make in a month?
One thing is certain, this ain't the 60's....when cops and white people killed mf's and got nothing in return but a Dr. King and some passive negro's...them days are over. Law enforcement had best understand, killing blacks for sports is wrong, bad cops need to be held accountable and this country is CRAWLING WITH RACIST, RETURNING VETS WHO ARE MENTAL AND CANDIDATES WHO SPARK FIRES OF HATRED.....we all know had this been a white man, we'd be discussing mental health and vet issues.
Hey you racist asshole, you were wrong then and you are wrong now. You don't know shit, that has been proven.
Obamamerica is hateful racist corrupt and thank God is almost over...
I just got paid today and I am willing to give my 1279.56 paycheck to anyone who's willing to bet me that the suspect were not black, but white men, trying to start a race war.

Here's why, they were snipers, thats a white man's dormain. Did it from a distance and once caught committed suicide...screams whitey all day!!

You lose....

Lone Gunman Laughed, Sang During Standoff: Sources
I made a bad call, should have known better if the guy was dead....he was black, like what the fuck was I thinking? So, it was Bush war nut, eh? Another GW causualty dead, ie VET!!!

Of course you idiots will try to blame Bush just because he was in the army. Only he served during the Hussein administration and only did one tour in Afghanistan.

You lose again, sh*t-for-brains.
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