AOC Better Watch Her 6

It doesn't bother any of you crazy asses that what trump asked bibi to do is refuse entrance to congresspersons to Isriel. A congressperson that has ever right to go and check if our money we give to Bibi is being properly spent. I say that if they ever try that shit again we stop all finical support till thy figure out if they want our money then when an elected official wants to go to Israel they have that right.

Not a chance....Israel is an extremely important ally and has been for a balancing factor in the ME, an avowed enemy of islamic extremism, and less well-known, a listening post into Russia. Tlaib is a lunatic, an anti-semite, and a dog's ass ugly woman full of rage......One thing is certain, she'll never be allowed into Israel after this back and forth crap.

You must be an incel conservative.
Not walking lockstep with Trump, is not anti-American, despite that's what Trump has brainwashed you geniuses with.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees free speech.
Being a critic of Israel's policies toward Palestinians is not being an enemy, of Israel, considering a large percent of the world community frown on Israel's apartheid approach, including a majority of moderate Jews.

Why would she want to go to a country she admittedly hates?
Not walking lockstep with Trump, is not anti-American, despite that's what Trump has brainwashed you geniuses with.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees free speech.
Being a critic of Israel's policies toward Palestinians is not being an enemy, of Israel, considering a large percent of the world community frown on Israel's apartheid approach, including a majority of moderate Jews.

Why would she wan t to go to a country she admittedly hates?

Would you mind finding any quote (with link) where either Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib have said they hate Israel, Israelis or Jews.
They have voted favor a boycott of the Israeli state over its treatment of the Palestinians, they have criticized Netanyahu's government,and AIPAC's control over Washington's Israeli policy.
But saying they hate Israel or Jews? I can't find any quotes.
Last edited:
Her bodyguard is making her move...squad-member Rashida Tlaib grabbing all the headlines today by going to Israel, not going, may go, definitely not going. Israel is PISSED after she begged to go to the West Bank to see a supposed grandmother...then deciding the old bag wasn't worth compromising her hatred of Jews. Oh, and she's waxed her moustache and begun wearing bright red lipstick...AOC's trademark.... :shok:


She must have lost her mind. No hijab. Red lipstick? She'd be beheaded in Riyadh at noon in a public square.

So how do we ger her flight diverted to Riyadh?
Not walking lockstep with Trump, is not anti-American, despite that's what Trump has brainwashed you geniuses with.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees free speech.
Being a critic of Israel's policies toward Palestinians is not being an enemy, of Israel, considering a large percent of the world community frown on Israel's apartheid approach, including a majority of moderate Jews.

Why would she wan t to go to a country she admittedly hates?

Would mind finding any quote (with link) where either Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib have said they hate Israel, Israelis or Jews.
They have n favor a boycott of the Israeli state over its treatment of the Palestinians, they have criticized Netanyahu's government,and AIPAC's control over Washington's Israeli policy.
But saying they hate Israel or Jews? I can't find any quotes.

Dont let the obvious pass you by.
It doesn't bother any of you crazy asses that what trump asked bibi to do is refuse entrance to congresspersons to Isriel. A congressperson that has ever right to go and check if our money we give to Bibi is being properly spent. I say that if they ever try that shit again we stop all finical support till thy figure out if they want our money then when an elected official wants to go to Israel they have that right.

No kidding, apparently you're making up some BS line. NO WHERE has this "congressperson" even suggested she was going to check if "our" money was being spent properly. You need to sit down and STFU.
Not walking lockstep with Trump, is not anti-American, despite that's what Trump has brainwashed you geniuses with.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees free speech.
Being a critic of Israel's policies toward Palestinians is not being an enemy, of Israel, considering a large percent of the world community frown on Israel's apartheid approach, including a majority of moderate Jews.

Why would she wan t to go to a country she admittedly hates?

Would mind finding any quote (with link) where either Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib have said they hate Israel, Israelis or Jews.
They have n favor a boycott of the Israeli state over its treatment of the Palestinians, they have criticized Netanyahu's government,and AIPAC's control over Washington's Israeli policy.
But saying they hate Israel or Jews? I can't find any quotes.

Dont let the obvious pass you by.

The obvious is, because Trump said it, it must be true. Just like when Trump said they hated America. He said that because they criticized Trump and because his skin is so very thin, he cried that the "Squad"were anti-American! In the history of America, no president has called his critics "anti-American. Just infantile Trump.
And his Little Trumpsters suck it up.
FYI, I don't support much what the "Squad" is all about, but I think Trump is too thin skinned and incompetent to be president. And no I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump for that matter. I don't vote for scum, I love America enough to to want much more honest leadership..
Not walking lockstep with Trump, is not anti-American, despite that's what Trump has brainwashed you geniuses with.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees free speech.
Being a critic of Israel's policies toward Palestinians is not being an enemy, of Israel, considering a large percent of the world community frown on Israel's apartheid approach, including a majority of moderate Jews.

Why would she wan t to go to a country she admittedly hates?

Would mind finding any quote (with link) where either Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib have said they hate Israel, Israelis or Jews.
They have n favor a boycott of the Israeli state over its treatment of the Palestinians, they have criticized Netanyahu's government,and AIPAC's control over Washington's Israeli policy.
But saying they hate Israel or Jews? I can't find any quotes.

Dont let the obvious pass you by.

The obvious is, because Trump said it, it must be true. Just like when Trump said they hated America. He said that because they criticized Trump and because his skin is so very thin, he cried that the "Squad"were anti-American! In the history of America, no president has called his critics "anti-American. Just infantile Trump.
And his Little Trumpsters suck it up.
FYI, I don't support much what the "Squad" is all about, but I think Trump is too thin skinned and incompetent to be president. And no I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump for that matter. I don't vote for scum, I love America enough to to want much more honest leadership..

What about your global community?
What you want is another sell-out America globalist.
You're a charlatan.
FYI, I don't support much what the "Squad" is all about, but I think Trump is too thin skinned and incompetent to be president. And no I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump for that matter. I don't vote for scum, I love America enough to to want much more honest leadership..

The President has been called a Nazi, insane, a child-molester, rapist, a traitor, russian asset, thug, liar, failure, and tax cheat....and that was just last week. "thin-skinned"? compared to who????
Not walking lockstep with Trump, is not anti-American, despite that's what Trump has brainwashed you geniuses with.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees free speech.
Being a critic of Israel's policies toward Palestinians is not being an enemy, of Israel, considering a large percent of the world community frown on Israel's apartheid approach, including a majority of moderate Jews.

Why would she wan t to go to a country she admittedly hates?

Would mind finding any quote (with link) where either Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib have said they hate Israel, Israelis or Jews.
They have n favor a boycott of the Israeli state over its treatment of the Palestinians, they have criticized Netanyahu's government,and AIPAC's control over Washington's Israeli policy.
But saying they hate Israel or Jews? I can't find any quotes.

Dont let the obvious pass you by.

The obvious is, because Trump said it, it must be true. Just like when Trump said they hated America. He said that because they criticized Trump and because his skin is so very thin, he cried that the "Squad"were anti-American! In the history of America, no president has called his critics "anti-American. Just infantile Trump.
And his Little Trumpsters suck it up.
FYI, I don't support much what the "Squad" is all about, but I think Trump is too thin skinned and incompetent to be president. And no I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump for that matter. I don't vote for scum, I love America enough to to want much more honest leadership..
I want Sharia Law like you....Talk about karma for the Prog party.
It doesn't bother any of you crazy asses that what trump asked bibi to do is refuse entrance to congresspersons to Isriel. A congressperson that has ever right to go and check if our money we give to Bibi is being properly spent. I say that if they ever try that shit again we stop all finical support till thy figure out if they want our money then when an elected official wants to go to Israel they have that right.

That's not what happened
Not walking lockstep with Trump, is not anti-American, despite that's what Trump has brainwashed you geniuses with.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees free speech.
Being a critic of Israel's policies toward Palestinians is not being an enemy, of Israel, considering a large percent of the world community frown on Israel's apartheid approach, including a majority of moderate Jews.

Why would she wan t to go to a country she admittedly hates?

Would mind finding any quote (with link) where either Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib have said they hate Israel, Israelis or Jews.
They have n favor a boycott of the Israeli state over its treatment of the Palestinians, they have criticized Netanyahu's government,and AIPAC's control over Washington's Israeli policy.
But saying they hate Israel or Jews? I can't find any quotes.

Dont let the obvious pass you by.

The obvious is, because Trump said it, it must be true. Just like when Trump said they hated America. He said that because they criticized Trump and because his skin is so very thin, he cried that the "Squad"were anti-American! In the history of America, no president has called his critics "anti-American. Just infantile Trump.
And his Little Trumpsters suck it up.
FYI, I don't support much what the "Squad" is all about, but I think Trump is too thin skinned and incompetent to be president. And no I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump for that matter. I don't vote for scum, I love America enough to to want much more honest leadership..

You love America so much you intentionally had no say in who's running it.
Not walking lockstep with Trump, is not anti-American, despite that's what Trump has brainwashed you geniuses with.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees free speech.
Being a critic of Israel's policies toward Palestinians is not being an enemy, of Israel, considering a large percent of the world community frown on Israel's apartheid approach, including a majority of moderate Jews.

Who is saying that these women can't say stupid tripe? Those who disagree with their stupid tripe are also using their free speech. You are free to post your stupid tripe and I am allowed to respond to your crap as well.
Not walking lockstep with Trump, is not anti-American, despite that's what Trump has brainwashed you geniuses with.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees free speech.
Being a critic of Israel's policies toward Palestinians is not being an enemy, of Israel, considering a large percent of the world community frown on Israel's apartheid approach, including a majority of moderate Jews.

Why would she wan t to go to a country she admittedly hates?

Would mind finding any quote (with link) where either Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib have said they hate Israel, Israelis or Jews.
They have n favor a boycott of the Israeli state over its treatment of the Palestinians, they have criticized Netanyahu's government,and AIPAC's control over Washington's Israeli policy.
But saying they hate Israel or Jews? I can't find any quotes.

Dont let the obvious pass you by.

The obvious is, because Trump said it, it must be true. Just like when Trump said they hated America. He said that because they criticized Trump and because his skin is so very thin, he cried that the "Squad"were anti-American! In the history of America, no president has called his critics "anti-American. Just infantile Trump.
And his Little Trumpsters suck it up.
FYI, I don't support much what the "Squad" is all about, but I think Trump is too thin skinned and incompetent to be president. And no I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump for that matter. I don't vote for scum, I love America enough to to want much more honest leadership..

What about your global community?
What you want is another sell-out America globalist.
You're a charlatan.

A right out of the "playbook" comment, seen multiple times.
Get original, will you?
Not walking lockstep with Trump, is not anti-American, despite that's what Trump has brainwashed you geniuses with.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees free speech.
Being a critic of Israel's policies toward Palestinians is not being an enemy, of Israel, considering a large percent of the world community frown on Israel's apartheid approach, including a majority of moderate Jews.

Who is saying that these women can't say stupid tripe? Those who disagree

I am addressing to Trump's crybaby incendiary bullshit.
Of that's right, you are one of Trump's "us" or "we"!
Not walking lockstep with Trump, is not anti-American, despite that's what Trump has brainwashed you geniuses with.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees free speech.
Being a critic of Israel's policies toward Palestinians is not being an enemy, of Israel, considering a large percent of the world community frown on Israel's apartheid approach, including a majority of moderate Jews.

Why would she wan t to go to a country she admittedly hates?

Would mind finding any quote (with link) where either Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib have said they hate Israel, Israelis or Jews.
They have n favor a boycott of the Israeli state over its treatment of the Palestinians, they have criticized Netanyahu's government,and AIPAC's control over Washington's Israeli policy.
But saying they hate Israel or Jews? I can't find any quotes.

Dont let the obvious pass you by.

The obvious is, because Trump said it, it must be true. Just like when Trump said they hated America. He said that because they criticized Trump and because his skin is so very thin, he cried that the "Squad"were anti-American! In the history of America, no president has called his critics "anti-American. Just infantile Trump.
And his Little Trumpsters suck it up.
FYI, I don't support much what the "Squad" is all about, but I think Trump is too thin skinned and incompetent to be president. And no I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump for that matter. I don't vote for scum, I love America enough to to want much more honest leadership..
I want Sharia Law like you....Talk about karma for the Prog party.

Oh and another original statement! Why can't Trump's little goose-steppers ever come up with something new?
AOC doesn't have to watch her six. Ed Markey is doing a good job of that. As in " I can't stop staring at this girls ass"
Not walking lockstep with Trump, is not anti-American, despite that's what Trump has brainwashed you geniuses with.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees free speech.
Being a critic of Israel's policies toward Palestinians is not being an enemy, of Israel, considering a large percent of the world community frown on Israel's apartheid approach, including a majority of moderate Jews.

Why would she wan t to go to a country she admittedly hates?

Would mind finding any quote (with link) where either Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib have said they hate Israel, Israelis or Jews.
They have n favor a boycott of the Israeli state over its treatment of the Palestinians, they have criticized Netanyahu's government,and AIPAC's control over Washington's Israeli policy.
But saying they hate Israel or Jews? I can't find any quotes.

Dont let the obvious pass you by.

The obvious is, because Trump said it, it must be true. Just like when Trump said they hated America. He said that because they criticized Trump and because his skin is so very thin, he cried that the "Squad"were anti-American! In the history of America, no president has called his critics "anti-American. Just infantile Trump.
And his Little Trumpsters suck it up.
FYI, I don't support much what the "Squad" is all about, but I think Trump is too thin skinned and incompetent to be president. And no I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump for that matter. I don't vote for scum, I love America enough to to want much more honest leadership..

You love America so much you intentionally had no say in who's running it.
I'd rather vote for someone who has lived an honorable and moral life, over scum like Trump or Clinton.
Would honestly, buy a used car from wither one of them?
Why would she wan t to go to a country she admittedly hates?

Would mind finding any quote (with link) where either Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib have said they hate Israel, Israelis or Jews.
They have n favor a boycott of the Israeli state over its treatment of the Palestinians, they have criticized Netanyahu's government,and AIPAC's control over Washington's Israeli policy.
But saying they hate Israel or Jews? I can't find any quotes.

Dont let the obvious pass you by.

The obvious is, because Trump said it, it must be true. Just like when Trump said they hated America. He said that because they criticized Trump and because his skin is so very thin, he cried that the "Squad"were anti-American! In the history of America, no president has called his critics "anti-American. Just infantile Trump.
And his Little Trumpsters suck it up.
FYI, I don't support much what the "Squad" is all about, but I think Trump is too thin skinned and incompetent to be president. And no I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump for that matter. I don't vote for scum, I love America enough to to want much more honest leadership..

What about your global community?
What you want is another sell-out America globalist.
You're a charlatan.

A right out of the "playbook" comment, seen multiple times.
Get original, will you?

You didn't fool me. In your own words, "...I love America enough to....".
True Americans love the Country and there is no enough qualifier!

You globalist sell out America but-I-love-America charlatan!!
It doesn't bother any of you crazy asses that what trump asked bibi to do is refuse entrance to congresspersons to Isriel. A congressperson that has ever right to go and check if our money we give to Bibi is being properly spent. I say that if they ever try that shit again we stop all finical support till thy figure out if they want our money then when an elected official wants to go to Israel they have that right.

Did you keep the receipt for your English lessons?

You may be entitled to a refund.

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