AOC Better Watch Her 6

Not walking lockstep with Trump, is not anti-American, despite that's what Trump has brainwashed you geniuses with.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees free speech.
Being a critic of Israel's policies toward Palestinians is not being an enemy, of Israel, considering a large percent of the world community frown on Israel's apartheid approach, including a majority of moderate Jews.

Who is saying that these women can't say stupid tripe? Those who disagree with their stupid tripe are also using their free speech. You are free to post your stupid tripe and I am allowed to respond to your crap as well.

Hey, I asked a question with my first post on this thread and the question could not be answered. It was just another Trump line of bullshit, word-for-word.

Where the stupid tripe? I am asking you, show the stupid tripe. All I get out of asking a legitimate question, is a bunch of in denial of reality goose-steppers in the attack mode..


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Not walking lockstep with Trump, is not anti-American, despite that's what Trump has brainwashed you geniuses with.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees free speech.
Being a critic of Israel's policies toward Palestinians is not being an enemy, of Israel, considering a large percent of the world community frown on Israel's apartheid approach, including a majority of moderate Jews.

Why would she wan t to go to a country she admittedly hates?

Would mind finding any quote (with link) where either Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib have said they hate Israel, Israelis or Jews.
They have n favor a boycott of the Israeli state over its treatment of the Palestinians, they have criticized Netanyahu's government,and AIPAC's control over Washington's Israeli policy.
But saying they hate Israel or Jews? I can't find any quotes.

Dont let the obvious pass you by.

The obvious is, because Trump said it, it must be true. Just like when Trump said they hated America. He said that because they criticized Trump and because his skin is so very thin, he cried that the "Squad"were anti-American! In the history of America, no president has called his critics "anti-American. Just infantile Trump.
And his Little Trumpsters suck it up.
FYI, I don't support much what the "Squad" is all about, but I think Trump is too thin skinned and incompetent to be president. And no I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump for that matter. I don't vote for scum, I love America enough to to want much more honest leadership..

So much typing to support a lie.....
They both hate Israel and thats a fact.
Why would she wan t to go to a country she admittedly hates?

Would mind finding any quote (with link) where either Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib have said they hate Israel, Israelis or Jews.
They have n favor a boycott of the Israeli state over its treatment of the Palestinians, they have criticized Netanyahu's government,and AIPAC's control over Washington's Israeli policy.
But saying they hate Israel or Jews? I can't find any quotes.

Dont let the obvious pass you by.

The obvious is, because Trump said it, it must be true. Just like when Trump said they hated America. He said that because they criticized Trump and because his skin is so very thin, he cried that the "Squad"were anti-American! In the history of America, no president has called his critics "anti-American. Just infantile Trump.
And his Little Trumpsters suck it up.
FYI, I don't support much what the "Squad" is all about, but I think Trump is too thin skinned and incompetent to be president. And no I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump for that matter. I don't vote for scum, I love America enough to to want much more honest leadership..

What about your global community?
What you want is another sell-out America globalist.
You're a charlatan.

A right out of the "playbook" comment, seen multiple times.
Get original, will you?

Original like free shit for everybody?
Why would she wan t to go to a country she admittedly hates?

Would mind finding any quote (with link) where either Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib have said they hate Israel, Israelis or Jews.
They have n favor a boycott of the Israeli state over its treatment of the Palestinians, they have criticized Netanyahu's government,and AIPAC's control over Washington's Israeli policy.
But saying they hate Israel or Jews? I can't find any quotes.

Dont let the obvious pass you by.

The obvious is, because Trump said it, it must be true. Just like when Trump said they hated America. He said that because they criticized Trump and because his skin is so very thin, he cried that the "Squad"were anti-American! In the history of America, no president has called his critics "anti-American. Just infantile Trump.
And his Little Trumpsters suck it up.
FYI, I don't support much what the "Squad" is all about, but I think Trump is too thin skinned and incompetent to be president. And no I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump for that matter. I don't vote for scum, I love America enough to to want much more honest leadership..

You love America so much you intentionally had no say in who's running it.
I'd rather vote for someone who has lived an honorable and moral life, over scum like Trump or Clinton.
Would honestly, buy a used car from wither one of them?

You have way more faith in politicians than I do.
Not walking lockstep with Trump, is not anti-American, despite that's what Trump has brainwashed you geniuses with.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees free speech.
Being a critic of Israel's policies toward Palestinians is not being an enemy, of Israel, considering a large percent of the world community frown on Israel's apartheid approach, including a majority of moderate Jews.

Who is saying that these women can't say stupid tripe? Those who disagree

I am addressing to Trump's crybaby incendiary bullshit.
Of that's right, you are one of Trump's "us" or "we"!

I disagree with them and I don’t care what they say, they have the freedom to say it. Trump has a right to say his tripe, it’s all good in my book, it’s called free speech Sparky.

I’m one of what? That makes absolutely zero sense, just like your other poorly thought out post, but post away, you have the freedom to look stupid.
Why would she wan t to go to a country she admittedly hates?

Would mind finding any quote (with link) where either Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib have said they hate Israel, Israelis or Jews.
They have n favor a boycott of the Israeli state over its treatment of the Palestinians, they have criticized Netanyahu's government,and AIPAC's control over Washington's Israeli policy.
But saying they hate Israel or Jews? I can't find any quotes.

Dont let the obvious pass you by.

The obvious is, because Trump said it, it must be true. Just like when Trump said they hated America. He said that because they criticized Trump and because his skin is so very thin, he cried that the "Squad"were anti-American! In the history of America, no president has called his critics "anti-American. Just infantile Trump.
And his Little Trumpsters suck it up.
FYI, I don't support much what the "Squad" is all about, but I think Trump is too thin skinned and incompetent to be president. And no I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump for that matter. I don't vote for scum, I love America enough to to want much more honest leadership..

You love America so much you intentionally had no say in who's running it.
I'd rather vote for someone who has lived an honorable and moral life, over scum like Trump or Clinton.
Would honestly, buy a used car from wither one of them?

I wouldn’t trust either of them, nor would I vote for them. In fact this next election doesn’t have one good candidate running.
Not walking lockstep with Trump, is not anti-American, despite that's what Trump has brainwashed you geniuses with.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees free speech.
Being a critic of Israel's policies toward Palestinians is not being an enemy, of Israel, considering a large percent of the world community frown on Israel's apartheid approach, including a majority of moderate Jews.

Who is saying that these women can't say stupid tripe? Those who disagree with their stupid tripe are also using their free speech. You are free to post your stupid tripe and I am allowed to respond to your crap as well.

Hey, I asked a question with my first post on this thread and the question could not be answered. It was just another Trump line of bullshit, word-for-word.

Where the stupid tripe? I am asking you, show the stupid tripe. All I get out of asking a legitimate question, is a bunch of in denial of reality goose-steppers in the attack mode..

I don’t read every post of every thread. Omar wanting to boycott Israel was just dumb. I think boycotts in general are. My personal opinion, it’s tripe as far as I’m concerned. The rest is just Trump, Omar, and AOC stirring up BS all the time. They all need to zip their lips and think of America and who they represent. I realize you just want one side to shut up.
Not walking lockstep with Trump, is not anti-American, despite that's what Trump has brainwashed you geniuses with.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees free speech.
Being a critic of Israel's policies toward Palestinians is not being an enemy, of Israel, considering a large percent of the world community frown on Israel's apartheid approach, including a majority of moderate Jews.

Who is saying that these women can't say stupid tripe? Those who disagree with their stupid tripe are also using their free speech. You are free to post your stupid tripe and I am allowed to respond to your crap as well.

Hey, I asked a question with my first post on this thread and the question could not be answered. It was just another Trump line of bullshit, word-for-word.

Where the stupid tripe? I am asking you, show the stupid tripe. All I get out of asking a legitimate question, is a bunch of in denial of reality goose-steppers in the attack mode..

I don’t read every post of every thread. Omar wanting to boycott Israel was just dumb. I think boycotts in general are. My personal opinion, it’s tripe as far as I’m concerned. The rest is just Trump, Omar, and AOC stirring up BS all the time. They all need to zip their lips and think of America and who they represent. I realize you just want one side to shut up.

Actually, I would like to see all bullshit to stop.
Sorry to disappoint you, but I did comment i’m Not exactly a fan of “the Squad”.
My point is, Trump calling the “Squad” anti-American because the criticize Trump. Is being thin skinned.
As Harry Truman said, “if you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen”.
Not walking lockstep with Trump, is not anti-American, despite that's what Trump has brainwashed you geniuses with.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees free speech.
Being a critic of Israel's policies toward Palestinians is not being an enemy, of Israel, considering a large percent of the world community frown on Israel's apartheid approach, including a majority of moderate Jews.

Who is saying that these women can't say stupid tripe? Those who disagree with their stupid tripe are also using their free speech. You are free to post your stupid tripe and I am allowed to respond to your crap as well.

Hey, I asked a question with my first post on this thread and the question could not be answered. It was just another Trump line of bullshit, word-for-word.

Where the stupid tripe? I am asking you, show the stupid tripe. All I get out of asking a legitimate question, is a bunch of in denial of reality goose-steppers in the attack mode..

I don’t read every post of every thread. Omar wanting to boycott Israel was just dumb. I think boycotts in general are. My personal opinion, it’s tripe as far as I’m concerned. The rest is just Trump, Omar, and AOC stirring up BS all the time. They all need to zip their lips and think of America and who they represent. I realize you just want one side to shut up.

Actually, I would like to see all bullshit to stop.
Sorry to disappoint you, but I did comment i’m Not exactly a fan of “the Squad”.
My point is, Trump calling the “Squad” anti-American because the criticize Trump. Is being thin skinned.
As Harry Truman said, “if you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen”.

They're antisemites.
Fuck what they think.
Not walking lockstep with Trump, is not anti-American, despite that's what Trump has brainwashed you geniuses with.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees free speech.
Being a critic of Israel's policies toward Palestinians is not being an enemy, of Israel, considering a large percent of the world community frown on Israel's apartheid approach, including a majority of moderate Jews.

Why would she wan t to go to a country she admittedly hates?

Would you mind finding any quote (with link) where either Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib have said they hate Israel, Israelis or Jews.
They have voted favor a boycott of the Israeli state over its treatment of the Palestinians, they have criticized Netanyahu's government,and AIPAC's control over Washington's Israeli policy.
But saying they hate Israel or Jews? I can't find any quotes.

Tliab and Omar are Muslim. They have hate and annihilation of Jews and Israel bred into their sorry asses. AOC is a hog stupid Puerto Rican who goes along with them. Pressley is another brainless idiot that rounds out the "squad." Four brainless socialist twats who will lose their seats next year. An experiment that failed.
Not walking lockstep with Trump, is not anti-American, despite that's what Trump has brainwashed you geniuses with.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees free speech.
Being a critic of Israel's policies toward Palestinians is not being an enemy, of Israel, considering a large percent of the world community frown on Israel's apartheid approach, including a majority of moderate Jews.

Why would she wan t to go to a country she admittedly hates?

Would you mind finding any quote (with link) where either Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib have said they hate Israel, Israelis or Jews.
They have voted favor a boycott of the Israeli state over its treatment of the Palestinians, they have criticized Netanyahu's government,and AIPAC's control over Washington's Israeli policy.
But saying they hate Israel or Jews? I can't find any quotes.

Tliab and Omar are Muslim. They have hate and annihilation of Jews and Israel bred into their sorry asses. AOC is a hog stupid Puerto Rican who goes along with them. Pressley is another brainless idiot that rounds out the "squad." Four brainless socialist twats who will lose their seats next year. An experiment that failed.

AOC hasn't commented at all. She's been very low key, since her meeting with Pelosi. Her Muslim Chief of Staff has resigned amid reports he was
hiding a lot of money. (I bet Pelosi helped expose that).

Tlaib is a bull shit artist. She wrote the letter to Israel about her Grandma and suggested that she wouldn't be talking about boycotts or the whatnot, if they would let
her come to Israel. Israel granted her request. THEN BDS tweeted that her giving into Israel would make her look weak. (Reading between the lines
they were telling Tlaib, we ain't gonna foot the cost of your trip to just visit your Grandma). Tlaib then refused to go. She no more gives a shit about
her grandmother than I do.

Trump needs to slow down a bit with them. He needs them shooting off their mouths to continue his campaign of linking the entire democratic
party to them.

AOC lost her recreational director and she's dead in the water on her own. Omar is fixin' to have all sorts of immigration problems, and Tlaib
has zero credibility. Pressley will probably survive but she is trapped by her 60's rhetoric and worthless on her own. The only thing
Pressley is doing is giving Stacey Abrams a run at who has the fattest ass in the democratic party.
Not walking lockstep with Trump, is not anti-American, despite that's what Trump has brainwashed you geniuses with.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees free speech.
Being a critic of Israel's policies toward Palestinians is not being an enemy, of Israel, considering a large percent of the world community frown on Israel's apartheid approach, including a majority of moderate Jews.

Why would she wan t to go to a country she admittedly hates?

Would you mind finding any quote (with link) where either Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib have said they hate Israel, Israelis or Jews.
They have voted favor a boycott of the Israeli state over its treatment of the Palestinians, they have criticized Netanyahu's government,and AIPAC's control over Washington's Israeli policy.
But saying they hate Israel or Jews? I can't find any quotes.

Tliab and Omar are Muslim. They have hate and annihilation of Jews and Israel bred into their sorry asses. AOC is a hog stupid Puerto Rican who goes along with them. Pressley is another brainless idiot that rounds out the "squad." Four brainless socialist twats who will lose their seats next year. An experiment that failed.

AOC hasn't commented at all. She's been very low key, since her meeting with Pelosi. Her Muslim Chief of Staff has resigned amid reports he was
hiding a lot of money. (I bet Pelosi helped expose that).

Tlaib is a bull shit artist. She wrote the letter to Israel about her Grandma and suggested that she wouldn't be talking about boycotts or the whatnot, if they would let
her come to Israel. Israel granted her request. THEN BDS tweeted that her giving into Israel would make her look weak. (Reading between the lines
they were telling Tlaib, we ain't gonna foot the cost of your trip to just visit your Grandma). Tlaib then refused to go. She no more gives a shit about
her grandmother than I do.

Trump needs to slow down a bit with them. He needs them shooting off their mouths to continue his campaign of linking the entire democratic
party to them.

AOC lost her recreational director and she's dead in the water on her own. Omar is fixin' to have all sorts of immigration problems, and Tlaib
has zero credibility. Pressley will probably survive but she is trapped by her 60's rhetoric and worthless on her own. The only thing
Pressley is doing is giving Stacey Abrams a run at who has the fattest ass in the democratic party.

I noticed AOC has gone quiet. I also think Trump needs to quiet down and let the Democrats talk, the more they talk the dumber they sound. He needs to let them sink themselves. Those Presidential candidates almost sunk themselves in the debates.
It doesn't bother any of you crazy asses that what trump asked bibi to do is refuse entrance to congresspersons to Isriel. A congressperson that has ever right to go and check if our money we give to Bibi is being properly spent. I say that if they ever try that shit again we stop all finical support till thy figure out if they want our money then when an elected official wants to go to Israel they have that right.

No kidding, apparently you're making up some BS line. NO WHERE has this "congressperson" even suggested she was going to check if "our" money was being spent properly. You need to sit down and STFU.
I guess "our" money is better properly spent sending her on a visit to he beloved aged grammah. I would be interested in knowing how often she's visited granny up until the US taxpayer took up paying her airfare, ground transportation, and hotel while she's over in the homeland?
It doesn't bother any of you crazy asses that what trump asked bibi to do is refuse entrance to congresspersons to Isriel. A congressperson that has ever right to go and check if our money we give to Bibi is being properly spent. I say that if they ever try that shit again we stop all finical support till thy figure out if they want our money then when an elected official wants to go to Israel they have that right.
/---/ I'm just curious if you'd invite someone into your home who publically denounced you and worked towards you and your family's demise. If that person said you didn't have a right to exist, and they wanted to take over your home with the help of others in the neighborhood. I'm just wondering how you would react.
Not walking lockstep with Trump, is not anti-American, despite that's what Trump has brainwashed you geniuses with.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees free speech.
Being a critic of Israel's policies toward Palestinians is not being an enemy, of Israel, considering a large percent of the world community frown on Israel's apartheid approach, including a majority of moderate Jews.
/----/ All strawman arguments.

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