AOC goes BERSERK on Clarence Thomas: RESIGN or face IMPEACHMENT

You want the last word so have at it. Whatever it takes to quell that OCD of yours.
Then stop saying stupid shit and try being honest. I realize that you believe you always deserve the last word and that if I respond to your imbecility it deprives you of that. Oh well. You’re not the first moron to try to silence me with that irrationality. (It didn’t work for her, either.)

Back on topic: thank God Justice Thomas has no conflict warranting any recusal.
If you say so, unfortunately you saying so changes nothing. Besides, that isn't what I even have the biggest problem with.
well the text messages are public so we know that’s not what happened

we know your biggest problem…the same all the demafascist have with Thonas…he’s not a plantation black man….he’s one of those uppity ones that thinks for himself
well the text messages are public so we know that’s not what happened

If you say so, but that changes nothing.

we know your biggest problem…the same all the demafascist have with Thonas…he’s not a plantation black man….he’s one of those uppity ones that thinks for himself

I have never once said a word about Thomas anywhere. (besides where I noted he was qualified). Go ahead, find one.

I have consistently condemned those who enforce laws believing those same laws and regulations do not apply to them.
he's forgotten more ethics than she'll ever know. Great stuff.
If the things in law that could be “known” [“n”] were quantifiable, we could analyze your misconception. Let’s say “n” = 1,000,000. Let’s say Justice Thomas knew all of “n.” But sadly he forgot one of those things. But now we have AOC. What she knows = 0. Therefore, since 1 is greater than zero, Justice Thomas has forgotten more of that “law” stuff than AOC ever knew !

The stuff he recalls and the stuff he is smart enough to conduct legal research upon and his powerful intellect and honest jurisprudence combined make him a superior Justice.
If you say so, but that changes nothing.

I have never once said a word about Thomas anywhere. (besides where I noted he was qualified). Go ahead, find one.

I have consistently condemned those who enforce laws believing those same laws and regulations do not apply to them.
Sure it changes changes the entire narrative.

What law does Thomas say doesn't apply to him that he is "enforcing" - he's a judge by the way...part of the Judicial branch...not the executive law enforcement branch
Sure it changes changes the entire narrative.

What law does Thomas say doesn't apply to him that he is "enforcing" - he's a judge by the way...part of the Judicial branch...not the executive law enforcement branch

You understand the answer to your question.
It's been covered. You have read it. I'm not interested in your spin and deflection.
I have read nowhere where Justice Thomas claimed a law doesn't apply to him. Can you please provide this quote for us?
Maybe you didn’t realize that YOU who are still entirely off topic?

Quick recap:

you’ve said a lot of false and ignorant shit. I corrected you. In my efforts to correct you, I have tried to steer you back to discussing the actual topic and I have tried to refute your numerous errors with facts and logic. (I can’t make you intelligent.)

Back on topic, yet again. Justice Thomas has no conflict which requires that he recuse himself merely because his wife happens to have expressed political opinions which she is perfectly well allowed to express.

As the brilliant Mark Levin has said:

“thank me.”
Opinions are like assholes...
I have read nowhere where Justice Thomas claimed a law doesn't apply to him. Can you please provide this quote for us?
Pk won’t answer. Why not? Because you’re right and he knows it.
You do realize that it does take 2/3 of the Senate to remove a Supreme Court justice, right?
What do think the odds are that any republican senator would fall for this sham from the communists in the democrat party?
If the senate were 100 percent democrats they could not get such done.

This is the extreme fringe bitching and a few politicians picking up the charge for brownie points.

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