AOC goes BERSERK on Clarence Thomas: RESIGN or face IMPEACHMENT

To pretend that those on the Supreme Court are not biased politically is beyond absurd.

Naturally, only when a judge is conservative, which is a rare event, do they encounter such criticism.

Many Left wing judges in the past on SCOTUS should have recused themselves in the past but didn't.
Ginsburg should have recused herself after she publicly spoke out against Trump, but that's okay in the hypocritical double standard world of leftist politics.
Everyone knows why democrats want Thomas to resign. Biden and his whore should resign.
Yup, they know they can't pack the court. Make up shit to try and baffle the weak minded to
believe it's a legit reason.
They would never get 2/3 of the Senate to go along with this sham. But, it's an election year
and they know that their time is short.
Nominated by the President. Confirmed by the Senate. Not “appointed” by anyone.

I’m not in need of any help. You appear to be.

If I were in need of help, I’d certainly not seek the assistance of someone like you who is so utterly clueless — and wrong.
For sure Mr. OCD.
Ohhhh I get it, I’m being trolled
Not at all. Being responded to isn’t trolling. Words have meaning even when you don’t like that fact.

On 1/6, there was no “insurrection.” Even the folks at the Capitol who did commit some crimes didn’t commit any “insurrection.” So, no insurrectionists.

I see your fellow idiot, okwhine, suffers from the same delusions as you. “Replies” are “trolling?” Damn, but you are a lightweight.
Nice of you to fall off about Thomas and the argument. I could care less about about Schiff. He can be voted out. As for a justice ethically, he should recuse himself. That solves any notion of the issue.
He should recuse from anything having to do with the election, but we know he will not.

Perhaps one could argue they are all intellectually corrupt, but I think Roberts actually consistently follows his judicial philosophy, not that I agree with his votes all the time.

But Abe Fortas had to resign or be impeached because he accepted money from a former client who was under criminal investigation for financial hijinks. I'm hardpressed to find a logical distinction between what Fortas did and Thomas. Thomas DID RECIEVE the FINANCIAL BENEFIT of payments to his wife from three orgainizations that funded "stop the steal"

But gini's been paid by the kochs for years, despite they're being funding by entities appearing before the Court. So, I guess we just have a different "rule" for Clarence.

It's not that his wife, or he, is friends or gives speeches to organizations that might make one think he is biased. Honestly, most of the justices do that. But getting paid directly by by people funding stop the steal .... that used to be "not ok."

Clarence Thomas should resign. If not, his failure to disclose income from right-wing organizations, recuse himself from matters involving his wife, and his vote to block the Jan 6th commission from key information must be investigated and could serve as grounds for impeachment.

What are your thoughts? Should Clarence Thomas resign in shame, or should he protect his traitor wife?
I think AOC isn't fit to even make Justice Thomas a cup of coffee. He's forgetten more about the law and ethics then she ever knew or will know.
Okwhine ^ just can’t stop from demonstrating that he’s a pussy. Clue: replies, rebuttals, rejoinders and corrections do not equal “trolling.”

You’re welcome.
The Flame Zone is where you should hang. Go there and spew at your hearts content.
I don't hold people accountable for what others say but one has to admit that a Supreme Court justices wife sent messages to the White House to overturn an election is a really, really bad look. It's something you might hear coming from some third world country.

Not reporting his wife's income is another matter completely. He decided he would simply ignore reporting requirements.

Let's say we get some solid info that a president did get money from a source that he never reported. How could Thomas actually sit in judgement here? I have a real problem when those who rule on laws decide that certain ones simply are not going to apply to them.

Alas, that is not what happened.
The Flame Zone is where you should hang. Go there and spew at your hearts content.
Maybe you didn’t realize that YOU are still entirely off topic?

Quick recap:

you’ve said a lot of false and ignorant shit. I corrected you. In my efforts to correct you, I have tried to steer you back to discussing the actual topic and I have tried to refute your numerous errors with facts and logic. (I can’t make you intelligent.)

Back on topic, yet again. Justice Thomas has no conflict which requires that he recuse himself merely because his wife happens to have expressed political opinions which she is perfectly well allowed to express.

As the brilliant Mark Levin has said:

“thank me.”
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